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Negative Frist!
"// either the same (90%), +1 (10%), or 42 (1%)"
That is ... interesting.
Also, underscores in package names? Don't.
Actually, this works for none of the primitive types. It does work for the auto-boxing conversion, though, which still makes it nasty.
But it would cause much too frequent and obvious (though hard to debug) errors.
Actually, in your code, 42 will occur more than 1% of the case. That's because the two calls to Random are independent from each other.
What's 10% of 10%????
Thank you for the code, I will make sure that this gets into production later this week.
Of course it works, it's 10% of 100% - 90%. However, i + 1 applies in 9%, or this code magically makes Java run 101%.
Note: could also be 46 (= 42 + (3+1))
Renaming this to, say, CatastropheTesting might get you off the hook for being fired or prosecuted.
Randy - goodluckwiththat
"primative types" you say? You really should consult Primate Programming(tm) Inc about those (http://www.newtechusa.com/ppi/main.asp)
someone set us up the bomb
BigInteger is not a primitive (or even 'primative' - get yourself a spell checker) type. The others aren't primitive types either, although they are the object equivalents of the primitive types in Java.
The munging happens way too frequently. The value should stay the same a higher percentage of the time so that problems are more subtle take much longer to show up, making debugging even more infuriating.
Unless of course the application(s) your victims care about are already so buggy that the effects could go unnoticed for a while...
I'll be using this for my new random number generator.
Thank you
My internal parser didn't switch from German to English fast enough, making me wonder why
"negative deadline"
ended up as first comment ...
I just had an epiphany.
Do you think, that maybe, almost all the WTFs we have seen over the years are created by not undeniably stupid people, but people who are in fact VICTIMS of these evil bombs!!
I mean, have you ever considered the thinking behind creations like absolutely redundant conditional statements?
Could that .NET technique (replacing string.Empty with a space) be used to swap the parameter order of integer minus or divide? That would be brutal.
I'm starting with the Int in the Mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways, No message could have been any clearer, If you want to make the world a bitter place
Okay. I swear over my Snoopy blanket that I will never, never, never use this one.
A question: these people saying that it will be easily discovered due to high error rate, haven't noted that you can change the relative frecuency just typing other numbers? Or are they just plain too lazy to edit whatever code they copy&paste?
At least he got the 1% percentage right. That's way more than I expect from most people I've worked with.
WOW - this is really something. Put this inside some most basic library that doesn't update frequently yet used consistently (say, log4j) and in a large enough application this can screw up the system for years. And after checking the code on bug complaint, you can easily say its faulty CPU and probably get off with that. Never liked this autoboxing crap, is it REALLY that much of a hurdle to write new Long(1)???? Really?
Well, new Long(1) would allocate a new object in memory, autoboxing or Long.valueOf(1) would pull the object from the cache. I must say I'm quite keen on autoboxing, the code is a bit more easier to read without being littered with valueOf each time we convert a primitive in its wrapper object. (a bit less on the auto-unboxing to do potential NullPointerException if the developer doesn't know what he's doing)
The sum of its parts is greater than the whole. Or is it the whole is greater than the sum of the parts? Or is it whole sum is greater than its parts?
No argument on readability. It mostly has to do with developers who don't care, want to care, or know what they are doing. Excuse from last Friday - "Oops, I forgot to remove capital L" - how's that for WTF?
I love this code. :)
It's entirely possible to put this sort of thing really deeply squirreled away too. For example, by starting the thread in a static initializer of another class that's got some miscellaneous almost-constants that are used all over. Or worse, it could be so that it only bites when you dynamically load a class. Brrr!
Has nobody realised that the munger itself will not work after the first run?
for (int ......)
Perhaps that just makes it even worse - the changing of the values is based on probability - so it will change different portions of the value spectrum each time the program is run.
Where's the problem? it just has to be run once to set up the bomb...
Captcha: abigo. Indeed a big one.
This will not affect primitives, which the for() loop uses.
Here's a PHP random error generator I wrote a while back after one of the earlier posts.
TRWTF is primative obsession.
Liking the marillion reference
Wow, that is awesome. That would be like putting the following in a random header file #define == =
Most primates do not program in Java, but prefer Ook instead.
Not actually java, but I've got one hell of a killer for anything trying to be *NIX like on Windows.
Put that buried somewhere in your installer, and change ipconfig to some executable related to your system.
Next time the system restarts, Null doesn't come up. In other words, the bit-bucket doesn't exist.
Most Windows services don't rely upon \Devices\Null. Things like cygwin are dependent upon it. This "bug" survived for 7 years in my company's code. Took me several weeks to find what was causing it.
There was an in joke based on a variant of this on the Java Developer Connection Forums back in the day (2002 or 2003 IIRC).
For a bunch more ideas about how a malicious Java developer might abuse their role, please check out the following paper from Jeff Williams (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/User:Jeff_Williams) from the BlackHat conference. He uses a crazy combination of obfuscation, classloading, instrumentation, java compiler api, timing channels, and a bunch more techniques.
Where's the WTF? We've all had to do something like this.
Thank god you fixed this misinformation! what would we have done without you?
Don't have the time or patience to check this at the moment (busy writing a thesis about indiscrete spaces) - is Ook Turing complete? If so, has anyone told pterry about it?
The third paragraph on the Ook website:
[For those who may not know, T. Pratchett is suffering quite badly from Alzheimer since a relatively young age; he's quite involved in lobbying for more research money. Whenever he remembers, that is.]