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rodnts, rabbits, frists, whatvr...
The laptop battery issue is a very logical conclusion, if you assume it works like any other battery, not realizing it is a rechargable battery.
I don't know about that last one. My keyboard doesn't have an "OK" button or an "Any" key.
I'll have to remember that 'E' one - I think it could be useful when dealing with my family.
"Our rabbit died."
Well, congratulations! What do you want, a boy or a girl?
Ummm....yeah...I'm having trouble with the rabbit attached to my reckoning thingie; and I can't twiddle the marker on the glowy pictury thing that has all the appliance thingies I use to do my tally stabs. Can you renovate it?
well, after all you had to call it battery and not accumulator. He was quite right in suspecting that he couldn't charge it. GET YOUR FRIGGIN' LABELS RIGHT!
Can't help but think that Jim is a doppleganger for Jim from The Office.
Rabbits are devices using by female population of America.
Oak and Ok common words for much confusion in English language.
This is true, but how would a fellow from India know this? Maybe your mom has one ?
rabbits are not rodents
And if rechargable it should be called an accumulator, not battery. As you say batteries are not to be recharged
My keyboard has only one "e". How am I supposed to type a word like "meet" when there's only one "e" on this silly keyboard?
I'm sorry sir but the oak buttons are only made from Chinese Oak, which of course comes from China. There should have been one attached to your owner's manual. Do you still have the boxes from when you unpacked your computer? No? Well then let me order you one. It should arrive in about two weeks.
Where do you get the idea that the definition of "battery" includes the idea that it cannot be re-charged? Manufacturers have been producing "rechargeable batteries" for as long as I can remember. I own lots of devices that have rechargeable batteries. If there's some technical definition somewhere that defines a battery as not being able to be recharged, well, that's just not the definition used in casual conversation nor by the people who actually make batteries.
I love that he didn't spoil the practical joke of the keyboard that was out of "E"
Gerbils are better than rabbits.
People don't know the names of things. Aren't they funny.
I inherited just such a customer long ago in the days of COBOL and 9-track tape reels. She would call up rather often and demand that I come with a tape and give her a fresh software load, because her old software was wearing out and causing problems. Turns out the guy before me had come up with this lazy way to get her to stop complaining for a couple weeks at a time, instead of actually looking into the errors and fixing his code.
Sounds like a pretty good definition of a rabbit to me
Captcha: erat - virtual rodent
As I am very bored right now... since rabbits are not members of the order Rodentia, you have just given the explanation for why they aren't rodents.
"Rabbits and hares were formerly classified in the order Rodentia (rodent) until 1912, when they were moved into a new order Lagomorpha. This order also includes pikas."
Captcha: populus. Rabbits are very populus...
Is Akismet broken? I think Akismet is broken.
Nope, not broken. Been trying to post this for 10 minutes. Fuck it, I'll post the first half.
Wrong. Let Me Evi That For You: http://evi.com/q/are_rabbits_rodents.(Also note: I think the word "rodents" in the article was referring to the mouse, not the rabbit)
Note 2: Akismet sucks. I passed your fucking captcha didn't I? I pasted a Lorem Ipsum paragraph here but still not letting me. I wrote some filler text. Nope. More filler text. Still nope. Gonna try to use an URL shortener because it's probably that link. Still nope. Let's see if it likes goo.gl better. Nah. I'll make the link more visible? I'll fucking take out the url tags. Happy now?
I guess I'll have to actually write filler text? I really hope that is enough. Nope, still not. Does it not like the URL? Fuck that shit. AKISMET NO FALSE-POSITIVING! AKISMET NO FALSE-POSITIVING! AKISMET NO FALSE-POSITIVING! Aww man... Still not working
Press any key to continue, any other to quit.
Nobody calls them accumulators in the states. Here they are called rechargeable batteries. We also call petrol gas and a boot a trunk, etc....
So in 1912, rabbits magically became kosher.
Possibly he was looking for the A-OK button.
Here's one: http://goo.gl/Igzx9
Charging it can be fatal.
I don't understand the one with the E's....had the E on her keyboard stopped working anyways, or had it been sabotaged some way? Even the Stooooopidest people I know would try to prove there was still plenty of E left if I told them they'd run out....\
How do you spell Shennanigans?
(NB: I also remember someone telling me there's no 'P' in pigin - odd.).
Finally: THere's no P in our ool. Be sure to leave it that way.
Also, I hate akismet too, even though he had no issue with this post.
these stories sound pretty contrived to be honest
Who cares about his Chinese oak buttons, I need one made of sapient pearwood, and pretty damn quickly, the weasels are getting jumpy.
Always mount a scratch rabbit
People, you guys are ruining this site by sending in such obvious fakes.
Someone who doesn't know a battery can be recharged, but has no trouble figuring out how to remove it from her laptop? I guess it's as plausible as any women-are-stupid-when-it-comes-to-technology anecdote, right?
An Oak button? You know, I can imagine a beginning computer user not geting the metaphor right away, and looking for the Ok or Cancel button on the keyboard instead of the screen, but looking for a wooden key, yeah sure. Still trying to top the cup holder or the any key anecdotes I guess...
I don't know about ancient laptops (as in the story) but on many newer ones it's a lot easier to remove the battery than, say, on a battery-operated radio or something. There's one or two thingies that you slide and it just pops out, often with text or an icon next to them telling you what they release.
Um, read the story again. The woman was the one who got it right.
I thought pikas were electrical mice? (Sorry, I had to.)
I don't believe any of these. What a load of drivel. Not even entertaining.
The funny thing is, though, that in Dutch you would 'accu' for a car battery, and 'accuboormachine' for an electric drill with a rechargeable battery, but 'oplaadbare batterij' (you guessed it, rechargeable battery) for the AA/AAA kind of rechargeable batteries that you would put into consumer electronics or toys. Which proves yet again that English isn't the only f-upped language out there.
As for wooden keyboards, they do exist, although not necessarily made of oak, and not necessarily affordable. Made by a Japanese who's been meditating in a cave for the last 50 years kind of thing.
Hehe.:-) I thought "Rabbit" was going to turn out to be some kind of specialist software, like RabbitMQ.
The user who had a dead rabbit seems not to be up to date with the newly established distinction between Lagomorpha and Rodentia (being myself a bit picky)
I was expecting it to be a Rabbit microcontroller.
You know, we do have (some) Rabbits in IT.