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Compare their names? I don't think there is a "perfect" solution for this dillema.
From your code example, that looks to be .NETish...and that may be how it works in .NET (don't remember, it's been so long).
In Java, you'll get an InvocationTargetException which will contain the original exception that was thrown (getTargetException()). So it's still a WTF because you could have just as easily done...
try {
return method.invoke(this, null);
} catch(InvocationTargetException itex) {
throw new MyApplicationBusinessException(itex.getTargetException()));
which is much cleaner than returning the exception.
I'm assuming sarcasm. When are you going to get the sarcasm tag added to this forum? ;O)
From scanning through some of the topics I know we're miles apart on data architecture which is alright. Our experiences have led us to different conclusions is all.
May I just say that in C++, initialising variables to NULL (or any other sane value) is a GOOD THING (Tm).
The reason is that variables aren't initialised in C++ (unless it's a class with a default constructor, in which case the default constructor gets called.)
If you don't initialise your C++ variables (take pointers for example), you get some very strange errors. However if you initialise them you might still get errors, but this time you'll know that you didn't set the variable somewhere (accessing a NULL pointer will cause a GPF and you should then be able to see your pointer is null, whereas if you didn't initialise it, it might look like a valid pointer. There is a programming idiom called Resource Acquisition is Initialisation. In C++ you have to implement this yourself where in Java, C#, VB (.NOT or otherwise) this is done for you.
Just to make clear: it isn't a code that I wrote. Someone asked me to do some corrections and patches to a web app that was written for them by some student, I think, and they cannot contact him :-)
Seeing mess like that I instantly declined, but they were kind enough to let me copy this gem :-)
>Rev. First Speaker Schol-R-LEA;2 ELF JAM LCF BiWM MGT GS
So, what happened to your first clone? ;-)
I'm not a java bod, but it appears that it is a framework function.
Ok, so, do you say TLA as a word or as T-L-A.
If the latter, then TLA is not an acronym. An acronym is some abbreviation which is pronounched as a word...
RADAR, SCUBA, LOC, FUD all acronyms
T.L.A, R.P.M not.
So, while TLA refers to Acronyms it is not one itself.
Is it now? How about ACRONYM?
As in Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning
Using StringBuffer would not change anything at all in this context.
From the Java Documentation:
b) The JVM throws a ClassNotFoundException, this function returns it. That's a difference!
That'd be a "backronym"... :D
Since a lot of you found some WTFs, I'll give it a try myself... (Note: due to the way of naming, I assume it's a Java snipplet.)
And yes: LOC is a real TLA. The language with the highest LOC level is COBOL.
The two letter post office abbreviation, or the full name spelled correctly.
Do not use a number! States were signed into being in order. It may seem like trivia, but to some this order is important. Someone will assume meaning of your numbers when it doesn't exist. Calling Alaska anything other than the 50th state (49th? I wasn't born then and can't remember) would be wrong.
You cannot use this number as any key. There is no 40th state, both North Dakota and South Dakota claim 39. (The president covered their names before he signed them into being, and then shuffeled the papers before revealing the names)
This is always the problem wish assigning something meaningless as a primary key - someone may assume meaning you did not intend.
Why on earth would you expose an identity key to the user? Identities are not generally meant for the user to see, it is to make it easier for relationships, joins, etc.
While this is correct in the context of this thread, it's a bit of a WTF that the StringBuffer documentation gives an example of code that will not be runtime concatenated with a StringBuffer, don't you?
How much better would StringBuffer instead of string concatination "+" do?
"select * from "+ table + " where id = " + i
compiles to
new StringBuffer().append("select * from").append(table).append("where id =").append(i).toString()
how would you improve that using StringBuffer explicitely?Do you really think one or two temporary string obects matter when you run a query against a database? executeQuery will probably create hundreds of temporary objects along it's way to the database and back!
First of all, the Strings are not 'static', they are 'literal'. And no, it will not create four Objects everytime the String is concatenated. It creates one StringBuffer and one String, just like it would if you did it yourself.
This is my biggest pet peeve in the Java world. This advice is so wrong and given so often.
Well, you are right that in the given example the compliler will most likely do the concatenation and no StringBuffer at all is used at runtime.
Another great point. Not only that, any DB communication is going to about 1000 times slower than creating a temporary Object or two.
Also, creating and removing temporary Objects in newer versions of Java is very cheap because of generational GC and other features.
According the JLS, it will be compile time concatenated but I guess there may be non-compliant compilers out there.
Another point on this. In JDK 1.5 the compiler uses StringBuilder for runtime concatenations. So if you are one of these people who has insisted on using StringBuilder manually, you won't get that benefit when you upgrade but people who used + will.
Not Assembly Language??!!??!!
Believe me, I wrote programs in both languages, and COBOL programs tend to bloat. They need an excessive header (most of it is obsolete, but the compiler whines, if you don't do it), global variables which you need to redefine in order to access parts of it, limited sizes of variables (131,072 bytes, which can kill you, if you need a big array, because you have to adjust every element of the array to 2^n bytes, so you can attach several of those array to build 1 big array, because COBOL doesn't do bounds checking), they don't have a stack (which leads to 'interesting' conding, when you'd really need it), the length of lines are limited (IIRC from the 7th to the 79th column, which really bloats everything, so you need to continue some of your statements in the next line because of the talkative syntax), max. 1 statement per line (IIRC), and a few other things. I really prefer assembler, if I have to choose. Believe me, I regret, that I stopped assembler programming, but I'm still relieved I gave up COBOL.
Sure, java.sql.Statement.executeQuery() throws java.sql.SQLException. But I doubt the code in this submission is using that method-- it's using some method executeQuery() in the same class or up its inheritance graph. (The exception to this would be if the class where they WTF code resides implements the java.sql.Statement interface...)
That's not a WTF, come on. There's no reason not to use and un-prepared Statement if that gets the job done. Using a PreparedStatement is more verbose and involved, doesn't necessarily get you a performance gain, and you might not care about the performance gain you get the times when it does.
Assuming the code compiles, the executeMethod called in this WTF cannot be a Statement.executeQuery implementation precisely because that method throws a checked exception. This method doesn't throw or catch an exception.
I'm not so sure about Java either, but in languages like C it is very advisable to initialize any and all pointer variables to NULL for roughly the same reasons why you should not do that in Java, as far as I have gathered from this thread.
If you don't initialize a pointer in C, it just might contain any old bit pattern, which just might point to something. So using a non-initialized pointer can appear to work correctly while insidiously destroying some completely unrelated part of memory. If you use a pointer that has been set to NULL, it will blow up in your face. At least it will not corrupt anything or read random data out.
You should reconsider that position. PrepareStatement isn't just for performance, it will also protect you from SQL injection techniques and unescaped apostrophes and a lot of other problems that can come from running raw SQL created by code.
That's not a WTF. There's no good reason not to concatenate Strings that way in a method that's not an actual performance bottleneck, demonstrated by profiling the execution of the program. And this method, after all, is executing a database query; guess which is more likely to dominate execution time for this method, the string concatenation, or the database query.
This is why you use Stored Procedures in the first place. The problem with putting SQL into your code is that you've technically hardcoded the structure of system A (the database) into system B (the app) and these are 2 entirely endependant things that might/will change in the future.
And I don't even need to bring up the issue of SQL Injection, you can google for that.
But if you want to nit lick, technically, listing your columns is faster than saying * as far as I've heard but I haven't explicitly benchmarked this myself but would love to hear the results of somebody testing it if they do it properly.
Not the end user. The next programmer who has to maintain this thing.
Many identity keys are exposed to the end user though. SSN for example, is an identity key required because names are not unique, and addresses change. (though of course they screwed up issued the same key to several people a few times)
'Nit lick' is a new phrase to me. I think I like it.
I played around with this once when comparing drivers. I found that for JDBC-ODBC, selecting a sigle column took just as long as select *. For an native driver, selecting specific columns was significantly faster. I don't know if it was the ODBC or the JDBC but that driver blows.
So when the company goes international and this table is extended to provide administrative regions for all countries instead of just states, you have to redo your key architecture. No, for this examlpe you should use a meaningless key which is not exposed to the user. A developer mistaking a sequence column with any external meaning is a WTF in itself.
Well I'd have to say that a programmer who doesn't understand the concept of an identity field has bigger problems than worrying about code maintenance.
As for SSN, it should never be used as a primary key in a table because it at some point in time, the entry of SSN has to be made by a user, and users are the most incompetent people on earth.
And let me restate what I said earlier, in general, identity fields do not need to be seen by the user. There are of course going to be cases where it might be useful to them.
No, this would not.
Java is pedantic about local objects; if it's not been initialized and you try to check the value, the compiler will yell at you. For example:
String foo;
if(bar) { foo = "bar"; }
else { foo = "foo"; }
This code will cause a compiler error; foo may not have been initialized. Lets take your examples.
In the catch, why are you setting obj to null? Lets say that obj contains a critical resource that has to specifically be unlocked before it can be used again. If obj is not null, then you MUST unlock it with doReleaseStuff(obj).
In your second example, if someFunctionOrAnother(...) throws an exception, it's not in the try block. And if you put the object declaration in the try block, then outside of the try/catch/finally, it will be out of scope. This could be awkward if you're going to do something else with it.
Suffice to say, the fact that he's setting the object to null isn't a bad practice in and of itself; it's that he's setting it to null for no reason since the object will always be initialized in a way that the compiler will recognize, and that furthermore he's checking to see if it's null later on.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the way I've programmed java includes declaring objects initialized to null if their real initialization occurs in a further if, try, or other such scope.
OK, forums screwed that one up. Lets try again.
No, this would not.
Java is pedantic about local objects; if it's not been initialized and you try to check the value, the compiler will yell at you. For example:
String foo; if(bar) { foo = "bar"; } else { foo = "foo"; } System.out.println(foo);
This code will cause a compiler error; foo may not have been initialized. Lets take your examples.
In the catch, why are you setting obj to null? Lets say that obj contains a critical resource that has to specifically be unlocked before it can be used again. If obj is not null, then you MUST unlock it with doReleaseStuff(obj).In your second example, if someFunctionOrAnother(...) throws an exception, it's not in the try block. And if you put the object declaration in the try block, then outside of the try/catch/finally, it will be out of scope. This could be awkward if you're going to do something else with it.
Suffice to say, the fact that he's setting the object to null isn't a bad practice in and of itself; it's that he's setting it to null for no reason since the object will always be initialized in a way that the compiler will recognize, and that furthermore he's checking to see if it's null later on.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the way I've programmed java includes declaring objects initialized to null if their real initialization occurs in a further if, try, or other such scope.
Ah, heck, I give up :(
If you can get avoid initializing to null, then you are better off not doing it, even if the initialization is much later in the method. Actually, it especially true in that case. The reason being that if you messed up and there is a path that will not initialize the variable, the code will not compile. You should try not to set the variable to null on declaration if possible.
Is a victim of identity thieft able to get a new SSN ? I think I've read that it is possible.
I'm curious what you suggest then.
String foo;
try { foo = null; foo = thisThrowsAnException(); ..... } catch { if(foo == null) ..... }
Something to that extent? It seems somewhat messy to declare the variable, then set it equal to null, then assign it a value (or not), rather than just declaring it as null and assigning it a value (or not) later. Or would you prefer
try { foo = blah(); ... } catch (SpecificException e) { foo = null }
which seems fraught with its own problems, particularly if blah isn't the only method called that will throw a SpecificException.
Besides, I usually don't assign null to variables unless the compiler complains about me, and if I do assign them to null I'm pretty good about making sure they actually get real values (or not) later.
I don't have any idea why you would do the first thing. It make no sense at all.
If you can, you should declare foo inside the try block. That makes a lot of that uneccesary.
The one glaring case that has no good work around is when you need to cleanup in the finally block People have suggested different syntax rules that might resolve that but I'm not aware of anything that is widely accepted or addresses the root issue.
That's all I am suggesting. Well, that and considering resolving the compilation in other ways than assigning null.
I believe this is the WTF with the highest response per line of code ratio. And Alex, how did those two guys post comments weeks or months before you did? That's pretty impressive.
It's actually not the only post with comments prior to Alex's.. I think there's a couple more like that too.
What's also impressive, since i can't edit the post, is that the two prior replies happened one and six months prior.
If we want to be really anal about it, "FBI" is an initialism. An acronym can be pronounced as a word, while an initialism is pronounced as discrete letters. "LED" should be an acronym, since "ledd" is perfectly pronounceable, but for some odd reason people pronounced it "ell-ee-dee". Compare that to a true acronym like "fubar" or "snafu".
I noticed the clock on the server was four minutes off, so I went to update it. I accidently changed the month to January, so I changed it to the correct month (June). Then I realized that it is, in fact, July.
fubar and snafu are by far the two best acronyms ever.
Here's a fairly comprehensive Wiki of other acronyms and initialisms.