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It was very good practice to trace back to the origin of these data files.
It would also be very good practice to trace forward to see where this report goes once a year. In many cases such as this, the person(s) receiving the report are not looking at it, or perhaps they don't even exist in the organization any longer. Or in some cases, are actually dead.
Which would all be good, because under the circumstances, there's zero probability that the data in the report are valid.
I'd suggest you not run the report one year and wait to see if anyone shows up asking, "Where's my report?"
Finland is the Wales of Scandinavia.
Filed under: references are funny, Akismet always ruins the best posts
TRWTF is Salmiak?
That's what Views are for. Only expose what you want for that particular user/group.
Strange story, though: Finland doesn't strike me as a country that is particularly keen on bureaucracy. Had it been Italy, it would have been a different story. Then, programming guidelines would have probably been drafted during the Mussolini government.
Many years ago I used to work on a Government run workers insurance mainframe. Once a table was added to the database (some 400 tables if I remember correctly), management was too scared to perform proper maintenance on the data as the requirements of the system changed over time.
So when the reporting systems I worked on were reading data from various tables, they had to change the way they interpreted field contents depending on the date the data was entered. In some tables, various fields would have a range of "magic dates" devining their contents, often different to other fields in the same table.
Needless to say, non of this was documented and it was only through trial, error and common sense that we worked most of the dates out.
I think "an application which was older than Sampo" must be really really old.
I served my own Starship Troopers time doing IT for the Finnish Army. I'd share all the brilliant WTFery, but I'd have to kill you if I did.
Did nobody realize that this is backwards? Has anyone read Starship Troopers or even seen the movie?
Citizens aren't required to serve in the military. You have to serve in the military to become a citizen. Until then, you're just a resident.
Captcha: jumentum - not clear on what you meant - You meant ummmm?
I am sure there is a rule against that
Wind and fire come from the gods of the sky. But Crom is your god. And he lives in the Earth. One day, the giants stole the secret of flat files from Crom. The gods were angered, and the earth shook. But in their rage, they left the secret of flat files on the battlefield. And we who found it are just men. Not gods or giants. Just men. And you, Conan, must unravel the enigma of flat files. For in this world, you can not trust men, nor women, nor beasts. But these (points to flat files) you can trust.
And so the search for the elusive case where XML is actually the best solution continues ...
Wait. They weren't allowed to use databases, so they dumped the data from a database to a flat file? If they weren't allowed to use databases, how did they have the data in a database to begin with?
I used to work for the military. The Pentagon (top military leadership in the U.S.) would put out rules that were generally reasonable, but by the time they got to our base they would be interpreted to be totally wacky. Like, the Pentagon put out a rule saying, "Avoid doing development work on production systems." I'm pretty sure that what they meant was, don't be messing with the live code while the users are trying to run it; have a separate development region. But our base interpreted that to mean, No development work can be done on any computers connected to a network that also has production systems connected to it. They also had a rule that there could be only one network on base and all computers must be connected to the base network. So, I asked, where are we supposed to do development? We literally circled around this question for years.
Nominee for 2012 Best New Word
Yup, it was ICL. They had a facility next door to my company, actually part of the same massive industrial unit in Bracknell. ICL shut that facility down when they started to move everything to Ireland in order to take advantage of the lower business taxes there. Some of the equipment that was removed by the scrappers must have been museum pieces - bizarre mainframes and minicomputers I'd never heard of before.
Specially when military service wasn't required just.
Still, I'm not entirely sure if this was better option to a half year of walking in forest...
I dropped in to catch up on my daily WTF deficit and read this.
Then I went to look at Dilbert.
Today, Dilbert gets to play Sampo....
Captcha: letatio Isn't that a 'potatoe' in french???
The little pony is really a part of that report system??? I want this to be a cute comment to!
The Finnish film "Sampo" was dubbed into English and released in the US as "The Day the Earth Froze." It was later lampooned on the popular TV series Mystery Science Theater 3000. So a lot of us in the USA are aware of that bit of Finnish folklore, including, I'm sure, Remy.