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bool confirm = true;
aww, i was only kidding when i called that method! this way i have a backup!
its also nice how AccountNum is of type string....
What about that cast to an integer of the confirm boolean? I really tried to figure out what they were thinking when they coded this, but I just can't put myself in an 1d10ts mind. Please someone help me understand why in the fu*k you would do this.
They forgot to utilize isTrue methods from previous WTFs.
DeleteAccount("123", isTrue(true))
It's more consice, 100% certainty that serius method can be executed.
Hell, why not add an authetication scheme into your own program? Pseudo code:
function Add( a, b, user, password ) { if user=='programmer' and password=='initech' return a + b else return 0 // unauthorized programmer, will get bad result } }
They were probably confused because in SQL you cannot write "true" or "false" as you would in a lower level language
i.e WHERE Confirmed = 1 instead of WHERE Confirmed = true
hence, converting the boolean to an integer
This may their way of testing code coverage. When the test is run, False is passed. Still stupid though.
Or better yet:
DeleteAccount("123", isSerious(true))
Private Function isSerious(confirm as Boolean) as Boolean
if confirm = true then
isSerious = true
isSerious = false
end if
End Function
Well, this approach is useless unless you carry it all the way up to the GUI level. You know, Javascript and such.
They also pass the confirmed status to the stored proc... so that makes me assume the proc will also check for confirmation... this soulds like code bureaucracy
No way, this is completely useful if you want to call a method but have it do nothing.
I'm not a VB expert, but short of quiting or while resume is under review elsewhere, can our poor friend extricate himself by
or evenPublic Shadows Sub DeleteAccount(AccountNum As String)
Public Sub ReallyDeleteAccount(AccountNum As String)
The key question to me is why would you ever pass false for the "confirm" parameter? Especially when the methods appear to return right away so you aren't even calling everything that will get called with confirm set to true.
But the wouldn't make any sense, (not that it does now anyway). If confirm is false, stored procedure would never get executed anyway, since
If Confirm <> True Then Exit Sub
So SP never gets false confirm, what's the point of passing it in then?
I'm just waiting for people to post about how today's WTF is so bad because of its performance impact rather than the sheer idiocy behind thinking up such a concoction. Then there will be the "premature optimization is the root of all evil" acolytes putting in their 0010 cents with interest.
This gives me an idea: could we change the label on the "troll" button to say "Troll / related to performance". It would be really nice to read the daily WTF without comments about performance.
Come on people, how many times have you called a method by accident and then thought, man I wish there were a way to make the code double check whether I really meant to call it? This way, when you accidentally call the method, it'll know because you will set confirm to false when you don't really mean to call it. I mean who would call a method by accident and set confirm to true? That would be silly.
What would be even more shocking is of at some point this method had ever been called with a false parameter.
What I'm sure we can all agree on though is that whoever mandated this 'security' feature needs to have the 2nd half of his brain removed to put in the jar with the 1st half.
I don't know what's the point of passing confirm around. But it could be one truely big WTF, if what they do is get the value of "confirm" checkbox, and pass it to the method. So, that if a user didn't check off confirm, that method does nothing. That would be brillant!
Why, I just realised -- it's not safe at all! That sub could actually run and delete the player's account completely in the background, just by setting Confirm to True!
Here's the safe version:
It's more like: some anonymous coward will post about how the WTF isn't a WTF because it's faster. Then someone will post about how it's not faster and it is in fact slower. Then you'll have the people saying that not using the WTF for performance reasons is a micro-optimization.
...and here and I was more concerned that he didn't use:
if not(Confirm) then
This method of structuring is proven to be faster because if confirm is false it does nothing... hence instance performance boost!
</anonymous coward performance post>
Out of plain curiosity - why exactly the topic is called "Foreign Methodologies" ?
But in fact it's slower since confirm value has to be evaluated.
</ANOTHER post performance coward benefits no anonymous>
'Cause this wold never be done in Alex's home country!
Come on! We all know if you use today's example, you are really doing optimization before it's really necessary, therefore it's a micro-optimization.
It shuld be:
Else you use a second connection object. Because the code assigne the string value from and to the default property of the connection object. The ConnectionString property.
I think it's VB.NET, "set" keyword is obsolete.
Anyone see Jungle to Jungle?
"You didn't say confirm!"
This is clearly the We-use-our-production-database-for-development-and-QA-so-we-can't-actually-run-some-sql-statements durring-development-and-QA design pattern.
What I don't get is all these people suggesting that you should get the current value of true from another function. That's something you should be looking up in a database. Gotta keep the hard-coded values out of the system, you know.
I guess I would be stating the obvious when I would say confirmation is a concept of a UI and not functionality.
Should the user (or in the case of an account delete, the admin) be asked to confirm a delete operation, definetly!
Should the code, hell no. And obviously no confirmation is actually going on here, we're just requiring the coder to send an extra variable for no good reason.
So technically their own methods aren't confirming if they should execute because they don't exit/pause and request a seperate confirmation. Instead they bundle the request and confirmation together, which technically isn't a confirmation.
I think the previous post said it best about sending a user & pass with the method, now you can really prevent people from executing methods unless they look up the user/pass in the code. And imagine the coding hell it will create when you need to change the user/pass oneday! My evil mind is in bliss as we speak!
You could do that, but you would still have to run that value through isTrue function. Plus, if confirm value in your database is stored as NULL, you need to be able to randomise true/false values, because there shouldn't be any bias.
Actually, I think this would be safer
hmm, what a piece. I bet the programmer of this shit proudly proclaims to management "It's not just secure, it's code safe, and not just code safe, it's fail safe!", then brimming with excitement, he stands up, erases some stuff off the white board to help explain how brillant he is. He adds " I've added many layers of protection, each function will ensure confirmation and even the stored procedure will check to make sure that yes the user is really sure!" Management will in turn say "Wow, what we could do without you?"
but I digress
Hilarious, this forum needs a Humor button, and then query all the humor posts by # of votes for a "best of humor" page!
In many of the WTFs that have been posted here, I have been able to come up with satisfactory (to myself) explanations as to why the person may have coded something a particular way (the most common of which is 'this person did not really know how to program'.) But this one stumps me. I cannot fathom any situation where this code would ever be useful for anything other than Confirm == True.
DeleteAccount (AccountNum, "sike")
I would vote for you for President. Adding that functionality would reduce the 150 posts on every WTF down to 10-20 funny, un-uber-techie geek posts.
Hmm... what happens when DeleteAccount (AccountNum, "not sure") is called
I can think of one semi-plausible reason for doing this. Ever heard the term, "fandango on core?" Though even then, whether this would actually prevent a catastrophe depends entirely on what's on the stack at the time... not to mention that accidentally jumping to the precise address of the DropAllTables_CrashTheProgram_AndSendANastyLetterToYourBoss (bool bConfirm) function is probably really really unlikely in practice, assuming that you don't abuse C++ function pointers while high on paint fumes.
I thought of this myself. But do you really wait until you are in production and a user is trying to do something with your system before you make calls to the database? Do they really think the confirm flag is a substitute for testing the actual calls?
You can't determine whether the aggregate is faster or slower without profiling, because you don't know what proportion of calls to this function have confirm set to true, what proportion have it set to false, and what proportion have it set to SchrodingerSCat. This is only a WTF if the programmer didn't profile properly before and after adding this optimization.
No and I've been programming for 23 years now.
Actually, I think this code is really cute. . .
How about:
DeleteAccount("%", true)
Because you just *know* the stored procedure looks like this:
<FONT face="Courier New">CREATE PROCEDURE DeleteAccount
@AccountName varchar(50),
@Confirm int
IF @Confirm = 1
EXEC('DELETE FROM AccountTable WHERE AccountName LIKE ''%' + @AccountName + '%''')
This might not be soooooo bad if it's called with something like:
DeleteAccount(GetAccountNum("username"), GetConfirmation())
You can wrap it up on one line...though I don't honestly know the benefit (or possible pitfalls) from doing it this way.