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Yeah totally. I mean, any joe user can just whip out his compiler and config the web server to integrate these suckers on his web site. And if something breaks, that cute secretary will pop open her copy of Visual Studio and debug the problem. And Barney the security guard does all the customization. Even if your average office worker isn't this skilled, every IT help desk worker is skilled in every language, and they all have plenty of time with which to make any necessary modifications.
Sorry if I come off as patronizing. Your just sound so funny that I couldn't help but respond in kind.
Maybe he needed more precision than the intrinsic types would allow. I wrote some JavaScript code that needed to do arithmetic with 641 bit numbers, so I wrote my own VPA functions using an array of numbers, which are all doubles in JS, for each number. I read the numbers in from hex strings because it was easier than reading decimal strings. I didn't examine the code carefully (I don't do VB), but it seems likely that this code could be used with arbitrary precision numbers.
P.S. To the left of the CAPTCHA, is says, "Take That Spam". What spam? And why do you want me to take it? Oh, you meant, "Take that, spam". (Note the strategically placed comma and proper capitalization.)
P.P.S. The forum software on this site is a major WTF in itself. I'd like to think that most of the people who post here know enough about HTML or UBB code to format their own posts. Why do we need this buggy, over-engineered software that takes forever to load? And the emoticons constantly fidgiting on the left is very distracting and annoying. Like ten times more annoying than Clippy(TM).
Open source != free. Just because you get the source when you buy software, that doesn't mean you can distribute it to anyone you want any more than you can distribute the binaries of commercial software. I don't know if this applies here, though.
P.S. The CAPTCHAs are broken. As in "don't work". I have to try two or three times to post successfully. Alex, please look into this.
You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of broken code and broken forum. You've just crossed over into... the The Daily WTF....
Been posted. Use search tool. Stop whining. Never had any problems. Must just be you.
Actually, when you are given the source for internal use only, that's NOT open-source. See http://www.opensource.org/ about this and the payment matter.
I have an amazing new concept - if you sign up you can actually post without having to do the captcha dance.
That's all about open source and its benefits to world computing. Any man who can write a couple of lines of code can make it open source. That doesn't mean that the quality of the code is higher, it means that other programmers can see what actually is in and either improve it or completly discard it. So if you need an a good open source application, search one being supported by a community or at least one having a lot of commiters.
Just think of the nightmare where this application is purchased as closed source.
Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToInt32("A", 16));
44 characters. Same as your Java line.
Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToInt32("A", 16))
43 characters. Clearly this proves something.
Oh per-lease... Troll, troll, troll, troll. troll. Sigh. What the hell: you can't see what's duff in closed source, and no-one, but no-one, has ever claimed what you say about oss. I had to say it, troll.
I'm getting the idea from this code that in VB(S), you can't just add hex numbers.
Even Javascript knows how to do it:
alerts "b2".
Alerting without the toString(16) auto-converts result to (10) and displays 178. I'm not sure if that's a feature or bug.
Those damned semi-colons!!
It's neither a feature nor a bug. It's how a language should behave when asked to print out an integer.
Whether you used hex, decimal or binary when you initiated a variable is, and should be, irrelevant.
Not so. Code very similar to that will work in VBScript. Just replace "0x" with "&H"
The thing is, what you're doing is specifying numeric values in code using hex notation. The interpreter evaluates them as an internal numeric type before even executing the code. That's not the same as dynamically interpreting a string containing a numeric value expressed in hex at run-time.
I hate to say it, but your post has exposed a pretty fundamental flaw in your understanding of the way the Javascript language actually works.
err where'd the blockquote go? :<
Heh, didn't anyone but me notice that the "pad the second" part is screwed? :-) if Len(h1)>Len(h2), it adds Len(h1)+1 zeroes :-)
Yeah, I know. But it's no fun that way!
Besides, Console.WriteLine and Convert.ToInt32 both work with the default Using statements, as supplied by the C# IDE.
print hex('A');
15 characters...
And to change it back:
printf "%x", 'A';
Oh, don't be too harsh. Your points are just as valid without the last comment.
Seeing this makes me sick. Junk code - but then ... ahhh this is done in VB .... what else can you expect
You're right. Apologies.
WTF are you guys thinking by using WriteLine()? You can save 4 for chars by using Write() instead. Geez, the wasters are out in force today. ;-)
WTF are you guys thinking by using WriteLine()? You can save 4 for chars by using Write() instead. Geez, the wasters are out in force today. ;-)
Computer programmers are from Mars, VB programmers from venus...
And the forum software still won't work properly.
Ah, true, but then someone would bash Perl for being so unreadable.
Oops! missed that :)
Hum... to get to the other side?
"On a completely unrelated note, why do people say perl programmers write such unreadable code?"
(note: I have been doing the vast majority of my coding in perl, for the last 10ish years)
Because, when you take all of the shortcuts, use all of the built-in variables, it IS unreadable code. It's just like all of the complaints about early, pre-structured, basic coding in the early/mid 80's. Just without the line numbers.
That said ... if you take the time to use explicit, well named, variables, and use decent formatting ... perl is no less readable than just about any other language.
Who made that site the authority on the definition of open-source?
The difference is that Perl programmers often brag about all the shortcuts that allows them to write code that much faster...
Just be very, very sure you never EVER confuse scalar and list context. Nowadays that could get you branded a terrorist and shot accidentally in no time.
<FONT face="Courier New" size=2>#!/usr/bin/perl -wi@_=(Listen,5,LocalPort,shift||9999,Proto,"tcp",Reuse,1);$w=z
no IO'Socket'INET;no IO'Select;use Fcntl;use Time'HiRes"time";$SIG{PIPE}=IGNORE
;$_="* commands:N'sayS;emoteS.rsay <user>S,remote <user>SwwhoN quitN?help\r\n";
s/S/ <stuff>N/g;s/N(.)/\r\n $1 /g;$h=$_;sub e{$2?"$n says '$4'":"$n $4"}sub r
{@p=grep{$_ ne$p}@p;$s->close}sub z{new IO'Select}sub p{$$p[3].="@_\xff\xf9";$w
->add($s)}eval$^I;eval{require IO'Socket'INET6}and$m=new IO'Socket'INET6@_;$l=(
new IO'Socket'INET@_)||$m||die;sub b{for(@p){$$_[3].="@_\r\n\xff\xf9",$w->add($
$_[0])if$$_[1]}}sub g{b"* $n leaves"if$n;$n=$$p[1]=$$p[2]=0;$r->remove($s);$$p[
3]||r}sub f{($p)=grep{$$_[0]==$s}@p}($r=z)->add($l);$r->add($m);for($m||=0;;){(
$$p[3],0,$e,""),$$p[3]&&next):g;$w->remove($s);0 eq$n&&r}for$s(@$R){if($s==$l||
s,$"="","",""];p"enter a username: ";next}f||next;$n=$$p[1];$e=$s->sysread($$p[
2],9,length$$p[2])or g;defined$e or$w->remove($s),r;for($$p[2]=~s/\xff((\xff)|[
\0-\xfa]|[\xfb-\xfe].)/$2?"\0":""/segx;$$p[2]=~s/\A *(.*?) *\r?\n//;$$p[4]=$t){
$_=$1;$t=time;$n?/^(('|"|say )|:|;|emote )() *([!-~][ -~]*)$/i?b e:/^quit$/i?g:
/^(\?|help)$/i?p$h:/^((\.|>|rsay )|,|<|remote ) *([a-z]+) +([!-~][ -~]*)$/i?do{
$e="> ".e."\r\n";($f)=grep{$$_[1]=~/^$3$/i}@p;$f?do{p">$$f[1]$e";local($p,$s)=(
$f,$$f[0]);p$e}:p"* no such user\r\n"}:/^w(ho)?$/i?p"* users (idle times):\r\n"
,sort{lc$a cmp lc$b}map{$e=$t-$$_[4];$e=sprintf"%dh%02dm%02d.%ds",$e/3600,$e/60
%60,$e%60,$e*10%10;$e=~s/^[0hm]{1,6}//;$$_[1]?" $$_[1] ($e)\r\n":""}@p:p""eq$_
?"":"* bad command\r\n":/^([a-z]+)$/i?(grep{$$_[1]=~/^$1$/i}@p)?p"already tak".
"en; try again: ":($n=$$p[1]=$1,b"* $n enters"):p"bad username; try again: "}}}</FONT>
I assume all variables in this language are always initialized implicitly, since otherwise "c" is being tested without being set.
As an aside, I'm probably being an egoist but I don't think I need to go read Quantum Computering to understand hex/decimal conversion.
Laziness and ignorance are fertile breeding grounds for inductive fallacies. It also helps to have a healthy dose of stupidity.
They came up with the term and trademarked it. Terms like free software have been around for years, but it doesn't tell you anything about <slashdot>free as in beer os speech</slashdor> they wanted to capture a specific concept, so they found a term that wasn't in use before, trademarked it, and then made it popular.
You may not agree with their goals, but they are the authority them.
Maybe not in the general case, but in this specific case you do need to read _Quantum Computering_ to understand it. Make sure you look at the link provided, NOT a google search or other such.
int decAgain = int.Parse(hexValue, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
I don't claim to understand how any language works at the core. :)
I'm one of those self-taught idiots. I'm not formally schooled in anything related to computer science and/or programming.
Who doesn't love to open a ASP/JSP/PHP/etc. page and see this? The architecture likely consists of 50 include files.
Coming from a Java devleoper, open source usually means it's not worth taking for free, let alone at any price. "We're an open source company" usually means "We throw a bunch of poop at the wall. Some of it will stick."
We all know that longer names make the filesize longer and thus makes the final code base very long. Imagine how much smaller the final product will be by replacing every call of System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine with S.D.D.W - the savings would be so immense as to actually best Paula's own effort.
In fact, we can go one step further and require a maximum of 3 characters for any variable and 4 characters for any class. Anything beyond that becomes a lot longer and thus unnecessary.
That would allow us to claim our specs are l337 since kids have been trying to reduce the number of characters in their language since authors stopped being paid by the word.
Verily thou shalt say it again! Can I get an Amen to the crap that is OSS! Apache, Tomcat, Xerces, Ant - its all the crap of Satan himself. In fact it is such a big pile of steaming poop that it cannot even stick to the wall.
Only the righteous 100% purity of closed-source Java code can set you free from the crap that is Eclipse!
The heavenly light IE will expose the excrement that is Firefox!
Give me another Amen for those that toil daily to produce closed-source code so that they may lift up their unwashed breathen from the toliet of OSS and into the embrace of the righteous Saints McNealy and Gates!
Brothers and Sisters, don't get me started on the doody that steams mightly in the bowels of the GNU tools!
You forgot to remove the breakpoint before the sense of humor function in your neural network.
Ummmmm....uhhhhh.......yeah...what he said...I guess.
Actually, it usually means "we see no reasonable justification for paying lots of money on server OSes, RDBMSes and programming languages when there are a bunch of free ones out there that work well enough". Or replace "we see no reasonable justification for paying" with "we can't afford to pay".
no, this is .NET