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kind of like all you can eat buffet really means until the manager calls you a fatass and tells you to leave.
When I was an insatiably voracious teenager, a friend and I went to an Italian restaurant that was offering "all you can eat" spaghetti. Eventually, the manager came to our table and offered us free dessert if we would stop eating pasta. We wangled free coffee out of it too.
I'm a little disturbed that the first two comments are related to people getting bumped from all-you-can-eat buffets.
Oh, it's just the old market speak.
"Unlimited" "Free" "New, better"
I don't know what kind of retards still buy into this shit.
I like to call bullshit on these and piss marketoids off. "I'd like the free peanuts. No, no beer please."
And the third is from someone who ate too much fat and his brain melted.
Is #2 scanned from a newspaper ad or something? Or can you order pizza over the Internet now? (For when talking on the phone is just too much personal interaction.)
Please tell me you're joking.
I think #2 is Pizza Hut.
□Ò¾¿e orRè□(È□□(, by the famous director Ååno ¶¡ñ|E§s, is one of my all-time favorite late-night films. I also recommend his very moving ØΔn~\mðý πəlčĄ* although it isn't shown as often for some Ç+pāнĦ□й reason.
Nope, that's from Papa John's web site. I saw a similar deal a while back. I thought it'd be perfect for Error'd but I was too lazy to submit it.
The font thing is actually quite common in apps that don't acknowlege the possibility that they will be run in a locale other than then one the programmer lives in.
That information box looks like nothing more than a prototype. Was the application not finished?
You actually took the time to charmap that all out correctly? I'm both awestruck and repulsed by that use of time. I salute you!
Most pizza places will let you order a 1-Topping Pizza that is 1/2 pepperoni and 1/2 sausage. As long as there is only 1 topping per side, you are ok.
That image appears to be from Papa John's. It is saying you can only have 3 toppings on each side of the pizza using 5 total.
For example: 1/2: sausage, Pepperoni, Canadian Bacon 1/2: hamburger, Pepperoni, Bell Pepper
You guys don't get the pizza deal? You can have as many toppings as you want, but the pizzas only hold 5 each. The rest are delivered in separate containers.
Reminds me of a couple of rather large friends of mine that went to a Chinese restaurant and ordered the dinner for 4 to split amongst themselves. The waiter was aghast and said "But sir....you are only two!" Needless to say they had no problem polishing off the meal.
I noticed the Russian at the end. Does the rest mean anything?
I am a Canadian. Would someone please tell me WTF "Canadian Bacon" is?!? I know of side bacon, which is common even in the USA. I know of back bacon, usually coated with some kind of "meal" so it is sometimes called peameal bacon.
MacDonald's serves a slice of ham and calls it Canadian Bacon.
I guess it's like "French Fries" - nothing to do with France at all.
It's less about personal interaction and more about the plethora of available coupons and ability to place an accurate order every time.
The second one makes sense to me, but that may be because the pizza place I used to order from originally had a "this many toppings of your choice" deal, but with the restriction that you couldn't choose "expensive" toppings like shrimp. So, it's only five toppings, but you're no longer limited in your selection.
So, just a case of "this word can mean two different things, and you've parsed it badly."
For those late night development tasks, you simply pick "same order as last time" > Done.
and in 30min you've got hot fresh pizza delivered to your home/office.
(been ordering Za online now for 3-4 years)
Damn Captcha almost got me! its not slashdot, but slashbot!
So-called "Canadian Bacon" is supposed to be back bacon, but often ends up being poor quality ham (ex: McDonald).
The second string could be "Aano Piniess" or "Aano Priniess", which certainly sounds like it should be a Swedish filmmaker. And the last part of the third string is obviously the common Estonian surname "Pelchak". Did you ever get into an argument with your own pre-conscious mind? Every time I changed a string to make it less like a real word, I got some other word.
At the end I just gave up and based the last string on a mangling of the Russian word for "strange" -- Russian, because of the Cyrillic alphabet, of course.
But sorry, there is no hidden joke here. Just some random ŠкΛτ I pulled out of my^Wthin air.
That "Unlimited Toppings" item reminds me of a fight I had with a Little Caeser's pizza manager. I had a coupon for 2 large 8 topping pizzas that I tried to use. Since my wife was a vegetarian, obviously only one of the pies would have any meat. But they only had 5 vegetable toppings - so he told me that the veggie pizza didn't qualify for the coupon - there had to be 8 toppings. And no double toppings. After about 10 minutes on the phone with the moron, I informed him that he just permanently lost a customer for the entire chain. It has now been 15 years since I bought anything from them.
I just love screenshots actually made by shooting the screen! :-)
CAPTCHA: riaa... you'd better not steal my copyrighted comment.
I'm sure they're crying about their lost profits!
But seriously, that's awesome. I can't even count the number of restaurants/stores I won't go to because they pissed me off (usually with an annoying commercial).
Why in the world are people defending the pizza ad? It very clearly contradicts itself.
Hey you can get unlimited toppings!
*Note: We redefined "unlimited" to be equal to 5.
There's no logical way to interpret it differently.
The first time I tried to call Pizza Hut (toll-free number) for a delivery it automatically routed my call to a LOCAL store based on the area code of my phone. Their system made a "decision" about the closest location. Needless to say, they would not deliver a pizza from DC to Orlando (and still guarantee 30 minutes!)
I'm from Buffalo NY so I speak both Canadian and American. What Americans call "Canadian Bacon" Canadians call "Back Bacon".
As a former Little Caesar's employee:
Pineapple, onions, green pepper, black olives, mushrooms, pepper rings, and tomatoes would surely be at their disposal. Green olives and feta cheese should also have been available. I put everything in our salad bar on pizzas (beets, provolone, and lettuce). I'm sure there are other things I'm forgetting about... it's been a decade.
That reminded me of this one lady that called up. I don't remember the toppings, but she started out with:
I want three pizzas. On two of them I want pepperoni. Then I want a pizza with half mushrooms and no sauce on the other half. I want one of those with half tomatoes and the other half black olives. Then put bacon on two of the pizzas...
At that point I cut her off and told her that if this was a brainteaser, she won.
No, not at all actually. We have no "double a" words, and see them as strange - might even be less common here than in USA. We also don't end many words with "o", "ss" in the end is uncommon and "Pini" sounds as strange as "Ulzh" to you. (Note that that's not a word either ;-)
Swedish is like german, but less "c", "w" and "z" - we don't even have "w". Our languages are both Germanic, you see. I'd guess that this sounds more Portugese, but then again, when I've posted this a Portugese person will surely correct me.
True Swedish names are usually just a word for something you'd find in a forest. First names:
The most common, though, is a last name consisting of a first name with the prefix "sson" like so:
Please also notice that altough the first names listed above are "true" Swedish names, they are still uncommon. We have the same names as most europeans - e.g. roman and similar: Eva, Linda, Magnus, Maria, Edvard, etc. Remember the Roman empire from history class? They had their impact on Europe, along with christianity.
Yes, this message is overkill and most people might not care or even read, but I am seriously bored, and also bugged to death by the common misnomer that Sweden is the same as Switzerland and that we have German/Romanian/Russian names like Ulrich, Inga, Sonja and so on.
Now you guys might have learned something about Sweden. Wasn't out to bash anyone, just have something to do this evening. :-D
// Magnus Bergmark (that's "Mountain Ground" if you're interested)
PS. We have no polar bears either. And we don't have snow all year - sometimes, we don't even have snow during winter. It's dark, though. Northern hemisphere...
But we do have moses and reindeer.
I like iDrive, but this WTF reminds me of their own WTF. Read down to the subsection titled, "A note on the concept of 'unlimited storage' for IDrive-E-Pro."
They must mean you can choose up to five different toppings, but an unlimited amount of each.
So unlimited storage = 150 GB of storage. Then this PC right here has more than unlimited storage capacity. As a mathematician, that bothers me. :/
I wasn't aware that Moses ever went to Sweden, but maybe it was the baltic sea he parted ;) .
Sure. I am earning my money that way, coding webpages and stuff so other people can order their pizza by internet. Even better, order you pizza by text messages on your mobile. It
Still, people use this service! Why? I don't know...
You are thinking of Finnish. They have names like Laamanen, Maakipa, Ruusu, and Wiippola.
At least thier "unlimited" is not as bad as Orange who define "unlimited internet access" as 30Mb per month!
Another, bigger, WTF about Papa John's is that most of their validation is only in client-side javascript.
That means that when a special is for something like "Free breadsticks with order of a meat lovers pizza" and you're a vegan, you can click on it, execute some javascript of your own, and replace all of the meat with onions and mushrooms.
I believe it still shows up in their system as the official name of the pizza (since that's what is on the 'receipt'), but the full ingredient list of the pizza that the pizza-makers are supposed to make is there as well. I never had a problem with it and I've ordered 10+ pizzas that way.