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Furthermore, what is the development community's obsession with AJAX? Does everyone realize what it stands for? Have you actually used it?
Every forum I visit there's a bunch of knuckleheads claiming AJAX is the next-best-thing. I think all of this hype is coming from very junior developers who have been coached by their recruiters to use the latest corporate buzzwords.
It's aggravating because people are hyping up this technology (and I use that term very loosely) and they're making it out to be something a thousand times greater than it is.
compression would not be required if the application was developed correctly.
Also, most internet traffic gets compressed when moves past various gateways, routers, modems, etc. So even if it is not compressed with software it gets compressed at hardware level.
It sounds like this web app requests a page and then requests a number of xml documents using javascript. I'll bet these xml documents are stuffed to the max with data. Using javascript to request XML documents for the purpose the UI and Grid data is just stupid. The web page should only return to the client what is needed and nothing more. There also shouldn't be may requests to the web server for each page.
AJAX - is some sort of cleanser to scrub things clean (all sorts of puns intended), no?
I agree. AJAX is just a fancy term for what us old school web developers did with hidden frames and .reload(). AJAX is nothing new.
I just had an interesting thought, mostly brought on by the discussions about compressing lots of repeated text due to the use of communicating with structure that are essentially just meta-information (XML tags in this case):
I wonder if anyone has performed any work in the field of looking not only at bandwidth of various communications mechanisms or data formats, but also the efficiency of various communications and data formats. By efficiency I mean it in the sense of answering the question "how much information do I need to send to obtain the desired result?" If my desired result is to show the string "Hello World" then I would want a communications mechanism that does that with the least communications possible. If I don't care how that message is displayed, my requirements are low. However, if I want to make sure that message is displayed in a certain typeface, with a certain letter size, in a certain position on the imaging device, more information is required - but the question is am I using the minimum communications possible to convey that extra information?
It is my opinion that, from that standpoint, things like XML are extremely inefficient because the amount of meta-information that is desired could be conveyed with far less communication than is typical. Hence the ability to use compression algorithms effectively on those types of communication. I would posit that a necessary (but not likely sufficient) condition on "most efficient communication" is that it will not be able to be compressed.
You shouldn't be allowed to even say AJAX unless you live in Ajax (just outside of toronto)
You forgot about dictating to a speech-to-text utility.
Actually a quick search of my cities database ...
Ajax Louisiana
Ajax Virginia
Ajax Ontario
Ajax Pennsylvania
Ajax South Dakota
Ajax West Virginia
Whoopi, is that you?
I feel the same about perl, php, and linux.
A can of worms (and probably woop-ass) has just been opened!
<Butt-head>You said "hand-rolled"...</Butt-head>
I wonder what these younger candidate resumes look like:
- AJAX guru - I've done it all!
- Have 5 years development experience with AJAX
- Generated 100 million is sales using AJAX technologies
300 to 600kb you say? Is this MSDN2?
A time warp just opened to six months from now. So I obviously used it to read thedailywtf.com. Here's the entry for six months from now:
Dudes, I just got hired into this company. The company has a CMS system. And guess what: our Elbonian branch actually uses friggin' server remoting to access the CMS system! How lame is that?!?!!!!11!!eleventyone!!!1!!!
AJAX and Jills went up the hill with a dollar and a quarter....
absolutely nothing wrong with PHP - other than the occasional bug in the interpreter (all interpreted languages have bugs like that)
we use Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP every day in production environments (and discounting a few legacy applications in coldfusion shudder that we haven't ported yet it's our SOLE programming paradigm)
one of our php applications has made over $8 million in transactions thus far this year - and another application does a lot more (more zeros!) than that
(most of what is processed doesn't wind up in our coffers, just transaction fees)
CAPTCHA: clueless
appropriate :D
Jills came down with $2.50 Oh!
I'll add mysql to that list.
--captcha == whiskey, just what I need
I concur... AJAX is by no means hardcore.
Hardcore was doing AJAX-like work that had to support IE 4 and Netscape 4. [Did I mention I had to walk 50 miles through the snow to build my web app using punch cards and instead of a network we only had IP over carrier pigeon?]
If perl, php, linux and mysql were getting half the hype that AJAX gets you guys might have a point, but sadly this is just another version of the "trash languages I don't like" troll post.
yes there is nothing wrong with php. Just make sure you don't install all those xmlrpc routines because they are filled with security holes. I should post a dump of my server logs that show al the php files and libs the web site hackers look for.
Except that little thing we like to call "absolutely lacking namespaces in every way." That's a little annoying. Most people that succeed with PHP succeed in spite of it, not because of it.
oh, right. wtfs like today's. Now that the horror's worn off, imagine the security implications of content on the client side being dictated by javascript-generated xml on the client side...
Time for some fun:
I feel the same about Windows, .NET, COM, Aero
Do I REALLY feel the same about those things? no. I just stated that to put things into perspective. AJAX is useful for creating web-based applications. Most websites are NOT applications. An example of a web application would be google spreadsheets.
I REALLY doubt any junior developer would be hyping perl simply because a recruiter cited it off in a list of buzzwords. Perl is hardly a buzzword. Also, no junior developer is a Perl guru. Have you ever truely explored what you can do with strings in perl?
The only thing in the list that I can even partly agree on is PHP. PHP gets more hype than it deserves, but it is definitely not to be ignored. PHP's popularity partly falls in with the next point...
Linux and MySQL are so often used because of cost. If it weren't for Linux and MySQL, ok, well... no... maybe not MySQL since there are so many others... but If it weren't for Linux.... well... actually, since there's BSD that argument doesn't work either really.... well... put it this way:
Windows costs money. Not everyone who has or wants web presence has money so spend on it.
If it weren't for free alternatives, the web would be a much smaller place.
I wouldn't like to call it that. Not very pithy.
African or European?
Well, the Africans are non-migratory.
I used AJAX/SOAP to get longitude / latitude geocodes for street addresses from a web service a couple years back. It was fun to break out of the monotony of database work (did I really just say that?).
I really wish we could put this thread in a digital time capsule and look at it again in ten years. ('Oh my God, they thought .Net and Java was the shit!'. Or 'They used to actually type some their code, BY HAND!')
Well, then...
...eyeballs explode violently splashing blood all over the PC.
but I can't fit the entire VSS archive from this company in an email :)
Ok, I get it. In Elbonia, it took three times as long to complete the page because of slow response times but that was ok because the Elbonians worked for 25 cents on the dollar.
two words:
Http Compression
Most servers don't use it, it's a real lifesaver. If the solution is .Net-based, it's just a matter of copying some dlls to the bin directory and updating the web.config.
Hint: google blowery.
Still Web 2.0 is a sad excuse for the 2nd gen bubble. I wish the 2nd gen bubble were based around Intel Macs ;)
Sure, there is a place for COTS software, but for that kind of money they could have hired a small team of developers, written it and kept them on the payroll for maintenance for several years and still been cheaper.
There is a continuous stream of WTFs from big companies who let themselves get ripped off by every shyster with something shiny out there, esp. when those shysters have business cards that say IBM, EDS, SAP, PeopleSoft, Cisco, etc.
The real WTF here is the number of TDWTF readers who are so bold as to offer corrections on the meaning of AJAX when they themselves don't know the definition.
AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML. The idea being that you use Javascript to pull XML data from the server without having to reload the entire page. Generally this results in, among other things, improved performance in that data is only transferred across the wire if the client requests it. It is also obvious for those who are familiar with XML to say that compression would improve performance even further.
AJAX is one of a number of technologies that make up what is currently being referred to as Web 2.0. So no, Web 2.0 does not necessarily mean AJAX (ie it could mean RSS) but Web 2.0 + Javascript + XML + dynamic content on a web page does.
To touch on the coolness factor--yes AJAX is cool. It allows for significant improvements in useability and performance. Unfortunately, it's not so hot for developer productivity. Fortunately, Microsoft and others are adding more 'bloat' that will allow us to have our cake and eat it too. The costs associated with layers of abstraction can be readily assuaged by the ever falling price of faster hardware. It always boggles me how technologists can be so whiny about progress. Nobody's forcing you to use a GUI with all the latest apps. If you want, you can still do everything on the command line in Linux but one is wise to consider the TOTAL cost of ownership and not just the upfront costs.
CAPTCHA=truthiness (but not attributed to Steven Colbert--hopefully TDWTF won't get put on notice).
Given all the replies you managed to generate with just this, I bow to your trolling abilities, sir. It may be time for you to join the GNAA [gnaa.us]
Depends on what QoS you implement from RFC 2549 for your RFC 1149 connection.
Captcha is creative.
I worked on several projects in an AJAX framework in 2001, even though the term wasn't coined til '03. We used hidden iframes instead of xmlhttprequest, and JSON instead of XML, but it was the same basic idea.
Point being, "5 years development experience with AJAX" is entirely possible, more or less.
Dude, whoever uses wikipedia (and random Google searches) to make their arguments is a clown.
Can you say unreliable information?
Just to add some fuel to the fire: Obviously, those that suggest HTTP compression, etc as a possible solution, don't have to work with such a CMS. I do, and it's a REAL WTF. If you think that a CMS that requires several MBs of traffic in a single 2 minute session, really only has inflated traffic as its only drawback, think again. It's a symptom of BAD design, permeated through every layer of obfuscated functionality & code.
I go WTF everyday designing something simple as a template.
Hmmmm...seems that in your infinite wisdom and knowing of all things enterprisey you forgot that AJAX doesn't have to use XML. Any textual data will suffice as long as it fits your purposes.
You know, sometimes I just miss Fortran. It was a simpler time, a happier time . . .
BTW, sounds like BackBase... ;-)
Good point indeed. I formally recant my prior statement about AJAX never using text other than XML.