• TRL_Boss (unregistered)

    TRWTF is that it was running Java.

  • uuang (unregistered) in reply to Bob
    1. Write software that hangs. 2. Sell company. 5. Profit! 3. Tell users to touch the side of the computer to detect if it is frozen. 4. ???
  • Hack (unregistered) in reply to Skilldrick
    Oh Mark, you've Bowytz'd another article. That's what you get for editing HTML in Word. We're supposed to be IT professionals, we don't edit HTML in Word!

    As for today's WTF... meh, it was a cute story.

    Right, I edit all of my HTML pages in ed.

    Come on, real content writers use M-x butterfly.

    No, no, REAL programmers scratch 1s and 0s into the silicon chips with a rusty nail...

  • Kyle Z. (unregistered)

    Ze heaters! Zey do nothing!

  • ... (unregistered)

    So, how long before Alex changes the name to The Daily Bert Glanstron?

  • User (unregistered)

    I bet she must be really hot

  • Bingo McJun (unregistered)

    Uhm...I got a little lost somewhere near the 'great sincerely' (sic)....Is there a line or two missing, or am I just not the brightest at this hour?

  • by (unregistered) in reply to Bingo McJun
    Bingo McJun:
    Uhm...I got a little lost somewhere near the 'great sincerely' (sic)....Is there a line or two missing, or am I just not the brightest at this hour?

    You mean 16:00? Just stick it out for another hour, bruthuh.

  • Bingo McJun (unregistered) in reply to by
    Bingo McJun:
    Uhm...I got a little lost somewhere near the 'great sincerely' (sic)....Is there a line or two missing, or am I just not the brightest at this hour?

    You mean 16:00? Just stick it out for another hour, bruthuh.

    Didn't realise it was 16:00 everywhere in the world....clearly were still waiting for the standardisation....

  • the iceman (unregistered) in reply to dkf
    Summary fail.
    Paragraph usage fail. And there's confusion between “Bob” and “I”. In short, total editor fail.
    That seems to be a daily occurrence here.

    CAPTCHA "conventio" - all the DailyWTF writers missed the editors' conventio, which explains a lot about the articles.

  • Mike (unregistered)

    Serious question: What is "eff you" money? I assume it means "fuck you" really, but I still don't know who's getting fucked in the transaction.

  • Bill's kid (unregistered) in reply to Mike
    Serious question: What is "eff you" money? I assume it means "fuck you" really, but I still don't know who's getting fucked in the transaction.

    as in, I have enough money to say "FU, boss. I'm outa here"

  • Ton (unregistered) in reply to Someone You Know

    My inlaws had a computer where the temperature check by the fan wasn't working, so the fan wasn't running. However the computer wasn't starting if the fan wasn't running. You can imagine the look on my face when they pulled the hair-dryer to start the computer...

  • (cs) in reply to the iceman
    the iceman:
    Summary fail.
    Paragraph usage fail. And there's confusion between “Bob” and “I”. In short, total editor fail.
    That seems to be a daily occurrence here.
    Unusually bad today (especially the
    s; they made things much more obviously sucky).

    At least there's the Amaretto, even if it is of the unicorn-free variety.

  • asdfghjkl (unregistered) in reply to by
    Mark Bowytz:
    Oh Mark, you've Bowytz'd another article. That's what you get for editing HTML in Word. We're supposed to be IT professionals, we don't edit HTML in Word!

    As for today's WTF... meh, it was a cute story.

    +1 for spelling my name right! Behind the scenes dropping in an article is more like copy-paste from Word (typos come from niggling on a story at 2am, FWIW).

    Personally, I blame the 2007's ribbon.

    You're doing it wrong:

    1. Edit story in Word.
    2. Print out the document and place it on a clean, preferably wooden table.
    3. Take a digital picture of the story.
    4. Load the photo into your computer.
    5. Add story as an image link.
    +1, Wooden Table FTW!
  • Im a PC (unregistered) in reply to Someone You Know

    I'm having fucking Windows 7 freezing everytime the screen goes off!!! WTF

  • Herby (unregistered)

    Stories like this are ones that propagate the stories about the CD-Rom Coffee cup holder.

    Yes, there are users "dumber than cheese".

  • sallywhacker (unregistered)

    I'd do'er...

  • laoreet (unregistered) in reply to Someone You Know
    Someone You Know:
    Mark Bowytz:
    Behind the scenes dropping in an article is more like copy-paste from Word...

    Mark, if you're going to do something that mind-numbingly idiotic, for the love of all that is holy, don't admit to it on a forum full of snobby tech people.

    He didn't.... he admitted it here, we're not snobby just immature. (Well okay maybe the embedded programmers are a little snobby, but the rest of us aren't.)

  • doghorn (unregistered) in reply to Rob
    When I saw the title, and read in the first few sentences that Bob was selling is company, I thought I was about to read one of the most depressing "no backups" stories ever written.

    Reading about a woman feeling up her computers was somehow both a relief and a letdown.

    Not to mention quite titillating......

  • by (unregistered)

    Sally is really quite handy with computers.

  • admin (unregistered) in reply to sallywhacker
    I'd do'er...
    But what if she doesn't let you? Guess then you'd have to SUDO'er.
  • (cs) in reply to laoreet
    Someone You Know:
    Mark Bowytz:
    Behind the scenes dropping in an article is more like copy-paste from Word...

    Mark, if you're going to do something that mind-numbingly idiotic, for the love of all that is holy, don't admit to it on a forum full of snobby tech people.

    He didn't.... he admitted it here, we're not snobby just immature. (Well okay maybe the embedded programmers are a little snobby, but the rest of us aren't.)

    You're amusingly close to being snobby about not being snobby.

    At least I admit that I'm a snob...

  • yername (unregistered) in reply to by
    Will my PC stop freezing if I install a heater?
    No, but it will stop heating if you install a freezer.
    Thou, sir, art incorrect. If one installs an efficient enough a heater, the computer will no longer freeze. In fact, it will no longer even start!
  • Hellooooo Nurse (unregistered) in reply to Wilson.
    Poorly Anonymized. We all know it's Lisa Cuddy at Princeton-Plainsboro, and I think House blew her Sarcasm Detector.
    It can't be Cuddy, she's so hot her computer could never freeze.
  • (cs) in reply to Anonymous
    I can't argue with that, I've been blaming that stupid ribbon interface for lost productivity for the last 3 years!
    Then try this:
    1. Use Ctrl+F1 to minimise the ribbon (or right-click the ribbon and click Minimize the Ribbon).

    2. Download the free version of RibbonCustomiser from http://pschmid.net/office2007/ribboncustomizer/starter.php, or any of the other freewares which restore the 'classic' Office menus, albeit as a ribbon (!).

    I mean, finding this stuff out took me < 5 mins. Not exactly rocket science, guys …

  • Ike (unregistered) in reply to Larry

    Right, I edit all of my HTML pages in ed.

    Is it a WTF that you felt the need to cite Wikipedia when you mentioned ed - on a tech site?

    Considering how ignorant everyone here is of Linux, yes. Out of compassion, I linked so the clueless wouldn't go off searching for erectile dysfunction medication.

    TRWTF is that use of Linux has been proven to CAUSE ed.

    Actually, it's the other way around.

  • umphy (unregistered)

    "I sit on the board for Plainston-Princeboro Teaching Hospital."

    Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital is the hospital that House works at.

  • wtf (unregistered) in reply to Cad Delworth
    Cad Delworth:
    I can't argue with that, I've been blaming that stupid ribbon interface for lost productivity for the last 3 years!
    Then try this:
    1. Use Ctrl+F1 to minimise the ribbon (or right-click the ribbon and click Minimize the Ribbon).

    2. Download the free version of RibbonCustomiser from http://pschmid.net/office2007/ribboncustomizer/starter.php, or any of the other freewares which restore the 'classic' Office menus, albeit as a ribbon (!).

    I mean, finding this stuff out took me < 5 mins. Not exactly rocket science, guys …

    Yeah but that's 5 minutes you could've spent reading more DailyWTF articles, and witty comments from Bert Glandstorm, Darth Lamer, and the ever-brillant Paula!

  • lumphy (unregistered) in reply to umphy
    "I sit on the board for Plainston-Princeboro Teaching Hospital."

    Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital is the hospital that House works at.

    Why is he sitting on a board anyway, wouldn't he be more comfortable in a nice leather chair? Is it a wooden board? How does it compare against a wooden table? These are very important questions and we should demand answers.

  • keith (unregistered)

    Does Plainston-Princeboro ("House" fan, eh?) have a case of the MUMPS? http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/A_Case_of_the_MUMPS.aspx

  • wtf (unregistered) in reply to Mike
    Serious question: What is "eff you" money? I assume it means "fuck you" really, but I still don't know who's getting fucked in the transaction.

    And why is this pathetically juvenile abbreviation used? "eff you" is the language of a small child trying not to swear without getting caught - what does it mean when you use it after puberty? I can only imagine it means that you're too immature to resist using bad words, and still scared that mommy will hear you. Maybe there's another explanation - anyone?

  • the beholder (unregistered) in reply to Mark Bowytz
    Mark Bowytz:
    the beholder:
    It's ironic to read this when you remember that Bowitz even got be a verb for some time here. "The article has been Bowitz'ed" meant that it was stripped of all fun and chopped to uncomprehensionness.

    And don't forget that the first couple of articles by Remy have been praised for being well-written.

    Actually, TDWTF writing style is trying to emulate the late, great Kilgore Trout.

    Based on the agression building in these comments, I'd say it's working.

    You're telling me. I actually enjoy when the article contains a couple typos and the grammar/syntax/whatchacallit nazis jump on it, proudly ripping it apart. In fact I believe TDWTF's user base would be considerably smaller without them nitpickers.

    Sorry if it seemed I was kicking the dog, but I was only stating a funny fact.

  • Marcos (unregistered) in reply to ThomsonsPier

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

  • POUZZLER (unregistered) in reply to The Nerve

    Once more, sadly, I see twtf mocking people out of the field. Why should taking "production" html from random people's websites be frowned upon, and mocking this Sally be a good thing?

    Now, these kind of articles do no one any credit.

  • wtf (unregistered) in reply to Marcos
    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


  • (cs) in reply to wtf
    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


    That comment is actually pretty funny if you follow the link it's in reply to.

  • Bob (unregistered)

    Oh, my God - have I actually told this story enough to have people quoting me?

    I STILL have this image of this woman going through her department, feeling the sides of PC's and announcing, "Yes, this one is frozen," and "No, this one isn't."

  • derfy (unregistered) in reply to wtf
    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? was part of a post made on 4chan's /v/ some time ago. Every subsequent post was either an attempt to decipher the phrase or some idiot reposting the question with a witty picture.

    From ED.

  • (cs) in reply to derfy
    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? was part of a post made on 4chan's /v/ some time ago. Every subsequent post was either an attempt to decipher the phrase or some idiot reposting the question with a witty picture.

    From ED.

    Reminds me of a bit of spam I got a few years back. The subject line read:

    *** heyy, I got a new email address, everyone add it. *** wow mecca goat can't is was? cow mecca them cow

    Since then, I've always tried to live by that advice.

  • Yeah (unregistered)

    There are so many goddamn typos in this piece that I don't know where to start ridiculing it.

  • Ernie Glans (unregistered) in reply to Yeah
    There are so many goddamn typos in this piece that I don't know where to start ridiculing it.
    I don't know how they do it on space ships, but where I come from, we start at the top...

    unpins hair

    ... and work our way to the bottom.

  • Greg House (unregistered)

    Isn't Princeton-Plainesboro Teaching Hospital the hospital where I work?

  • ldm314 (unregistered)

    She must work with Dr. House.

  • derfy (unregistered) in reply to Greg House
    Greg House:
    Isn't Princeton-Plainesboro Teaching Hospital the hospital where I work?

    If you could call it work.

  • (cs) in reply to Generic name
    Generic name:
    smb1985. Assuming that's a birthdate, as years in usernames tend to be, the HR director is 25 years old. Hooray for nepotism.

    No big deal. HR is a standard non-job you put all the arrogant feebs who sweet-talk their way past the HR director once the s/w eng team leader has seen through their hopeless incompetence. It takes a matter of months for HR people to cycle through and before you know it, said feeb is now HR director themselves.

    Always keep on good terms with HR, BTW, as they talk to each other cross-company and a bad word from one can crease your career prospects for ever.

  • Steve Urkel (unregistered)

    I know a much easier way: Look for icicles!

  • Anonymous (unregistered) in reply to Cad Delworth
    Cad Delworth:
    I can't argue with that, I've been blaming that stupid ribbon interface for lost productivity for the last 3 years!
    Then try this:
    1. Use Ctrl+F1 to minimise the ribbon (or right-click the ribbon and click Minimize the Ribbon).

    2. Download the free version of RibbonCustomiser from http://pschmid.net/office2007/ribboncustomizer/starter.php, or any of the other freewares which restore the 'classic' Office menus, albeit as a ribbon (!).

    I mean, finding this stuff out took me < 5 mins. Not exactly rocket science, guys …

    But what am I going to blame my lost productivity on if not the ribbon?

  • by (unregistered)

    I found this article a little too touchy-feely for my tastes.

  • CAPTCHA: facilisis (unregistered)


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