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Bafoons, pure and simple.
For the first one, it's less than half price because in 3 years it will be 9.99. So if you can wait three years for this product you will save big bucks!
Addendum (2009-09-11 09:12): For the first one, it's less than half price because in 3 years it will be 9.99. So if you can wait three years for this product you will save big bucks!
I don't know about Noel Vargas, but I wouldn't mind a couple of Ujena M234T's.
On the first one, you save 20 pounds (or whatever) by not buying the damned thing.
Not Comment! *
The Paypal one says "Shipping and Handling". The shipping is free, you still have to pay the handling.
SetPoint is garbage. Google around for 3rd party alternatives and/or add-ons; there are several out there that have many more features, smaller footprints, and allow mapping of all buttons (even the application button) on their higher end mice.
It tells you to replace your batteries. Don't touch the mouse.
...stupid users. Never actually read messages.
What's the big deal? The wire minder is rack equipment....
Peter Kempert wins one internet for the naughty mailman reference.
I find the Comcast one amusing because they are a never-ending source of WTFs. My latest is being charged $160 for not returning their equipment after I moved recently. That's true, but the reason I didn't return it is because I had my service moved to my new house, and THEIR OWN WEB SITE told me to take my equipment with me because I was still in the same service area!
I know it's possible you were fishing for a "whoosh", but I don't care because I got to type "rack equipment".
You must replace the batteries. They are full, if you don't replace them, they will overflow!
Just imagine, there's one poor intern at ClearChannel Industries whose sole job it is to move a mouse every 15 minutes, to prevent the Windows screensaver from kicking in at the Times Square megadisplay. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. It's like Desmond from LOST, only instead of saving the world, you save your minimum-wage job (no extra pay for working overtime).
You can't deny it - that is definitely not support.
Team Slow Cooker takes a long time to reduce their prices.
Overtime? Which overtime? He is requested to work at most a couple of seconds every 15 minutes: that's less than ten seconds an hour, which means less than four minutes a day. What should he complain about?
Yeah, you gotta replace the batteries whenever they get full. You know like film?
If you don't want to replace them you could always cut them open and let all the built up acid out of them. Just be careful, don't get the acid on you.
Handling: n. Money charged because the supplier is a d-bag and thinks you should pay more since they had to do something to send it to you.
See also: scam
A close relative of the baboon:
I guess the batteries are full of electron-holes. You need to tip these out and then refill the batteries with electrons to make them work again.
"Ties at the neck and back, or both."
Wait, what?
The racks look fairly well supported.
What was that? He asked, as he stood and stared. It certainly was not a song Sung by a drunk bafoon. However, it did set them free, Those demons that lurked inside of me. So I will thank, with thoughtful loon, That sick dum bastard, Joe Cartoon.
And the lingering threat of being replaced by a Walgreens $10 oscillating desk fan and a paperclip over the mouse cord. (Worked very well back in the day of paid to surf of the dot com era)
You know when my boss came by? Right at the bikini girl.
Geeze...thanks Alex.
The screen saver is a nice change from blue screens.
What does it say about the testing? How does one test for this?
Look closer ... the other item for $51 is a TWO rack set and comes with 12/24 screws. How can you not take advantage of that deal?
It is a bikini ...
More WTF experiences with bikini girls, please.
Does 2 girls 1 cup count?
Yes please I'd like to purchase the $42.35 item!!!! What do you mean it's illegal?!?
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How would you like to mount those racks? Oh yeah, alright! Giggity! Heh heh heh, I said racks.
Surely not, and quit calling me Shirley
Gooooooooo Team Slow Cooker!!! You can do it, given enough time, heat, and pressure!
Should you replace the battery? If the mouse works, you don't have to (unless the battery is low).
How can you click the mouse button if the battery is dead, you might as well put the keyboard access key written on the screen too, so you know how to do it.
Sometimes you just need to feel pretty while you're stringing cat5, ok?
The "last name" one actually makes perfect sense. Think of women who have recently married and changed their name, but are still registered in some places under their maiden name. Or Germans who would prefer to write their name with a ü but sometimes have to use 'ue' because primitive (usually American-written) software can't cope with ü. Or people with Russian, Chinese or Indian names that get mangled by company admin in 50 different ways. It's useful to tell employees that it's specifically the version of their name in Peoplesoft that is needed.
Yes, but losing that extra 150 pounds before putting on the bikini would go a long way toward that. So would having two X chromosomes and zero Y chromosomes .. but we digress.
Can't wait to mount that rack-mounted server!
How does the presence of a Y chromosome have anything to do with feeling pretty?
That's not as bad as when they charged me for not returning a cable modem that I purchased myself. Why should I return a modem that I wasn't leasing from them in the first place? TRWTF is Comcast!
I'd have to agree the less expensive model on the lower right has a much higher TCO. There are a lot of hidden fees if you want continuing access to that model's rack equipment.
(Yea, I got to say rack equipment, too. I should logout before submitting....)
The "Not Support" reminds me of the PHB periodically coming around saying to "just use the web" to translate a technical manual and error messages into Hungarian.
I keep pointing out how terrible Chinese pigeon engrish looks. But since he doesn't understand technical terms anyway, he keeps insisting it be done: without allotted time nor funding for a translator.
I have enough pride to avoid making my country look bad for the sake of capitalism.
Plus, it's almost certainly not Paypal's fault that the vendor supplied a price along with the words "Free Shipping" for the S&H line item.
Team is an anagram of meat, which is probably something that you'll put in your slow cooker... I don't know what he's talking about.