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Uh, why exactly was he fired? And why were the authorities looking for him? Nothing in the story indicates that they found his porn stash, and even if they did, that would answer the first question but not the second. This started decently enough, but really went nowhere.er
Sounds like Rod's rod got him shafted.
Yes, I agree with the first post. The story unfolded nicely, was waiting for some kind of confrontation between Katie and Rod, some kind of sweet vengeance, the actual ending felt a little like a cold shower.
Resignation semesignation, how about a lawsuit. That should cover the 6 months of unemployment.
With Rod gone, why wouldn't she mind?
Ok, those two lines don't make sense. I assume the intention in the second sentence was that Katie didn't have direct interaction with Rod, but it reads like Jennifer (who, we are told reports directly to Rod) had no direct interaction with Rod. If you have no direct interaction with the person you are reporting to, that would indeed be a WTF.
Also, I agree with the first post. This one just kinda petered out without any conclusion.
Seriously, some HR lawyer would have a field day with this.
What is Maxcedrin? Google never even heard of it.
Great anonymisation there, making the lead tech a girl is straight out of leftfield but I know you need to protect the guilty parties so fair enough.
Personally I don't see the problem with the CEO's porn stash, he's the CEO FFS. He pays your wage, keep out of his business.
Absolutely, lawsuit city. She should have grabbed the folder off Rod's computer and on to a flash drive for evidence.
It's the annoymized version of Excedrin. Or maybe it's the maximum industrial strength version.
Maybe Rod's hanging out with Darren in Mexico.
As I understand, most of these stories are at least based on reality.
And in reality, things don't always unfold cleanly, coincidents happen, and plot lines dangle.
I've seen sexist comments approved before but this one takes the cake.
Can we agree to not have any more unconvincing and probably fake "smarmy boss forced to go on the run leaving heroic employees in limbo" stories? They're rather boring, and have nothing to do with code/computers at all. This story was just a few thousand words to say "a woman's boss got fired for reasons unexplained. The End."
TRWTF is why this was ever considered for TDWTF.
If my experience is any indication, "Rod" probably ran off with a big chunk of company money. I had a very similar conversation once- one day, evil creepy boss is there, the next day, he doesn't show up, and on the third, a new owner comes in and says, "Hey, the old owner drained the account and was going to let the company go under, even though there are other stakeholders that were backing him. So, if you hear from him, let us know immediately- we want our money back."
So Katie worked for a sleazy, porn obsessed boss with a fake tan who could barely turn on a computer. Sounds like half the managers in the country. I had hoped for more WTF.
Based on the ending, it leads you to believe she was fired because her name was in that porn stash... sounds like a MAJOR lawsuit to me.
Maxcedrin? Is that like Metamucil?
So am I the only one who noticed the deplorable grammar in this post? The story itself had promise, although it relied a little too heavily on the cliche of the sleazy disgusting boss, but the grammar made it nigh unreadable in several places.
Actually, TRWTF is that Darren was able to elude capture for so long by changing his name to Rod and daubing himself with cheap fake tan (to match his new fake Mexican identity).
I suppose we could have just had another typical post with some VB code so everyone could argue over whether C# is better than VB again. Those discussions are always so productive.
Considering Rod's interest in his co-workers, I was wondering if maybe his real name is Dave and if he used to be a programmer.
I imagine Rod sounds a lot like Jackie the Jokeman.
“OR is this some sort of HARD WOOD for those COUGAR women I've been hearing about lately? Get IT?! Hee Hee! Oooh Oooh! What!? That's good shit."
It was a crappy support job and she might have gotten a new boss that could have been worse (could also have been Rodolfo calling in from Mexico).
The Real WTF is that Rod emphasizes the word "it" in the phrase, "get it?"
I reckon organising his stash according to resemblance to female employees puts him a huge creepy cut above your average pr0n loving boss. And I agree with those saying he swiped a load of money and fecked off (and that TRWTF is VB)
Yes, I felt the ending was quite abrupt and didn't make sense. Perhaps Jennifer found the stash, resigned over the phone, then contacted shareholders and/or police. They built up evidence, Rod caught wind of it on the same day that Katie coincidentally found the stash.
They let her go... she could then collect unemployment. But certainly a lawsuit is in order against the company and Rod personally (once they catch him) based on harassment. She probably does not have a case for wrongful termination... maybe. (IANAL)
Absolutely. Sounds like the subject of said story has no clue about the world. Taking that folder straight to HR and calling a lawyer immediately would be the appropriate course of action. Shame, missed out on a huge amount of money with the way sexual harassment cases go.
In rod we trust
If I may do some extrapolation, what probably happened is that there was an encounter between Jennifer and Rod that caused Jennifer to quit. On her way out she took note of the porn (I would be surprised, considering how much she had to work on Rod's computer, if she hadn't discovered them) - probably on a removable drive - and ratted to the police. The police took their time in investigating him (probably finding charges other than just having porn on his HD), and arrested him about the time that Katie discovered his collection.
I don't see the "Curious Perversion in Information Technology", though. The closest thing is a pervert CEO of a software company. I for one would like to see less articles about perverts and more about perversions in information technology.
Of course not. This site suffers from trying to straddle both sides of the "Norman Rule", to wit: for a successful daily web site, either you must have access to an otherwise scarce information source, or your content must be supplied by the readers themselves. (Don't Google it; I just made it up. I have no idea who Norman is.)
Readers do supply the comments and the stories. But the editors [feel they] must massage the message so to speak, and doing this well consistently is beyond their time/talent constraints. So the grammar and re-writing suffer. Think of it as a bonus game in which you get to propose your own edits. Just keep 'em to yourself -- unless they are really funny -- because most of us are tired of hearing about the weird grammar and bad rewriting.
FTFY. HR are not on your side, they work for the company, not for you. If you really think you might have a case, get your lawyer on-board first.
How do you expect Mark Bowytz, the author, to know? Katie's story was that Jeff came in and said it was confidential. If Mark had made something up to finish the story, others would be criticizing him in the exact opposite manner: saying he made it up, its not conceivable, etc.
To me, the story wasn't particularly surprising -- can think of exactly the sort of CEO -- but I enjoyed reading it. Not every story has to have the same effect.
Judging by the "hard wood" comment, Rod seems like 1 or 2 drinks (or 1 good cleavage shot) away from a grab, or even 'sleep with me, or you're fired'. I'd start in his stash for the folder name with the current employee name that has the most pictures.
Your extrapolation makes no sense. Why would she go to the police? Owning porn isn't a crime (unless you live in Saudi Arabia or something), even if it's organized by resemblance to other people. The harassment is not a criminal matter, it's a civil matter. IANAL, but I'm pretty sure the police would just advise you to hire a lawyer and fill a lawsuit.
Except winning a judgement and collecting it are two very different things.
Except winning a judgement and collecting it are two very different things.
Umm, except it seemed that she LIKED her job except for the interaction with Rod, and Rod was now gone. She would rather work only 6 months out of the last 12, subsiding on ramen noodles, than working at a job she didn't mind for a new boss that could have been worse?
I second that.
You don't know Rod.
(captcha: genitus - ewww)
Your all a bit lawsuit happy. Also, VB is the real WTF.
You said dangle... heh heh
ITYM "Jill of all trades". The correspondence of generic first names is John <=> Jane, Jack <=> Jill.