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I believe that earns him some points for humor (whether intentional or not).
So, why exactly did she quit?
TRWTF is storing it on your hard drive for later.
Jane is also a derivation of John via English to French back to English Jean -> Jeanne -> Jane or possibly Jean -> Jeanne -> Jeannette -> Janet -> Jane. Since the 16th Century it has been the more popular English feminine form.
Not at all. The submitter's full name is Katie Jane Moreover.
trwtf is that he got semen in his scroll wheel.
You know what they say, Spare the Rod...
The missing ending is that after Katie was fired, she met up with Jennifer and they started filming lesbian porn together.
Eh - I really don't see why the files arranged by likeness to employees is a big deal?
Assuming the guy is over 18 and people in the images are over 18; I don't see a problem with it.
Katie was supposed to be fixing the computer. Snooping around in a private directory isn't part of that. Run the appropriate scanners, check the register, whatever. You aren't supposed to look for 'interesting' stuff like a 'Taxes.xls' or 'My Spring Break 2007' folder. The files she found was clearly in a sub-folder indicating it was private.
\Employees\Rod <-- Rod's stuff goes in there. Why are you looking at Rod's personal files?
The xxx content was even labeled xxx. There is nothing wrong with an adult having xxx content. If you dig through a machine searching for xxx content and then open it; isn't that your fault?
I have personal stuff on my work PC. Nothing xxx, but certainly personal things that are, by definition, personal. Non-work related. Certainly some of my personal things will offend at least one of my co-workers.
The mature, responsible thing to do here is perform the task you are supposed to (fix the PC). Stay out of clearly marked, personal files.
I've no doubt any HR policy in the land would consider that sexual harassment if it became known.
Again, any corporate policy anywhere would prohibit employees from having such at work.
Is it your fault if you open his desk drawer and find a gun, or is it a violation of the company's weapons policy (assume with me for the sake of argument that weapons are prohibited at the workplace) on his part?
Your work PC, that's owned by your employer. And so your employer or their agents (another employee) can do whatever they want with it, including look at your personal files. So if you have anything on there that violates company rules, you shouldn't be surprised or indignant if it gets you disciplined.
If she were fixing his personal PC as a personal favor, sure. In this scenario, I don't see anything immature or irresponsible about her actions.
Of course, when Rod walked off with the loot, we went to Cuidad Juarez to meet up with his buddy.
So Rod is supposed to discipline himself?
Rod owned the company. Or at least that is what we were told at the beginning of the store.
As their some sexual harassment going on? Not really. he made some off color remarks, but Katie was used to it, or didn't mind. Perhaps Rod knew she wouldn't mind. Did he say or do other harrassing things? Perhaps but we don't know.
Was it sexual harassment that he kept some porn on his computer, that he kept hidden? I would say no, but I'm not a lawyer. Katie didn't feel harrassed until she went snooping.
Why was Rod ejected from the company? I don't know, but if the investors showed up, its probably embezzlement or something, not because Katie found some porn on the computer.
Back to the story, what is the WTF? What is the curious perversion of IT?
Okay, this really ought to be cleared up, if only to save you a lot of trouble in the future. Who knows, you might be in a position of authority at some point.
Rod was the "owner" of the company the way most Americans "own" their houses: yeah, he gets to run the thing, as long as the real owners are getting their money back. He works for them.
If you're working on a machine that's provided for you as a work machine, it always comes with conditions. You usually sign some piece of paper or click some "I agree" sometime in the hiring process, and forget about it, because it's pretty much all stuff that you know: don't embarrass us and don't endanger our internal systems is most of it, and also, please do some work now and then. Rod violated the first two for sure, and seems to have not been very good about the last. Doesn't help him much to be the titular owner, if the stockholders start worrying about whether they're getting their money back.
So, Rod is supposed to exercise some self-discipline. Yes, he's supposed to discipline himself. That's what you do when you're a grownup.
"Katie didn't mind". Uh, where do you get that? And what does it matter if she did? If this is a company big enough to have investors, it's big enough that someone's figured out about sexual harrassment policies, which generally prohibit much tamer language than the one example we got.
Why was Rod ejected? Well, let's see: he's in a position which on the face of it demands someone who can exercise good judgement and work with other people. Okay, you don't need anything more than what we have in the story to know that he's not suited to his position. Maybe he was embezzling too, but what you have here should be enough for anyone.
(Hm. Looking your post over, it's almost too good - maybe it's some sort of subtle troll. Oh, well, you're an idiot either way. Maybe some answers will help, maybe they won't.)
I'm an idiot?
Lets review the story. "the owner of Ace Software Solutions" A LOT of small companies have owners. Sure we may have a bank loan, but like the fact that the bank owns my house, the bank doesn't really have a lot of say in what I do in my house. We do learn at the end of the story that the company had some investors. But we don't know how much they invested, how much control over the company they had. Perhaps they were 49% investors. So Rod invested some self discipline. Sure he had some porn on his work computer. But it was HIS company, so he owned the computer. Perhaps he only viewed the porn after work. He didn't show anyone, he didn't leave it out in the open.
You are right perhaps Katie did mind Rod's off color hardwood comment, but she was used to it. This is the ONLY thing in the story that is questionable. Rod own's the company, he should show a little restraint. Is that what this story is about, that Rod sometimes makes some comments that aren't work worthy?
Why was Rod ejected? We still don't know. It is HIS company, it has to be pretty bad to get ejected. Some soft ribald comments won't do it. Having some porn on the computer of the company he owns won't do it (besides we have 0 evidence that anyone but Katie knows) In fact we don't know why. It could be anything. It could be that we had a DUI hit and run over the weekend, who knows.
The point is... I don't get the WTF.
And apparently not understanding why this story is a WTF makes me an idiot.
What a rip-off! First you expect us to believe that the head of a small software dev company is a sex-starved creep who objectifies women. Then you go all-out and suggest that his habit of jerking off on the job is somehow relevant whether he can manage the company for a return?
Bleargh. I suppose I'll have to buy a few latex gloves for the next future. Just in case...
Please feature this!
What's wrong with being sexy?
What's wrong with being sexy?
Once more, how does that have to do with 'Curious Perversions in Information Technology'? What next? Mock the lady working support desk for her overcalorific diet, and... portly figure?
I've come to expect better, on-topic fun from this website - and this is just demeaning for the submitter and editorial team.
Maybe rename the site to "THE DAILY WTF - Mocking Gross Guys Just Cause We Have That Mean Streak".
Best regards
Are those Maxcedrin any good?
Because I picked up a giant bottle of Maxcebo at Mall*Mart? 1000 tablets for $2.29?
And now my teeth hurt worse than ever.
I am not surprised, I made pretty much the same discovery on one computer at an earlier employment at a small company, where I, in addition to being a developer, also was the sysadmin. No fake tan, though.
Rod reminds me of someone...
Oh, I know! Douglas Reynholm!
But he's a caricature, or so I thought... Perhaps the writers of The IT Crowd (where Douglas is the owner of the company the show takes place in, from season two, episode two and up anyway. This show is superb btw) knew Rod and wrote him in.
Depends on the company policy. Where I work, the personal content of one's computer is strictly limited - and monitored.
Keep your sexuality to yourself. It's obvious they wanted him for copyright violation. Porn makers have rights too. P2P porn is not cool, people.
True; the bank doesn't have much to say about what you do in 'your' house. However; they do have the ability to kick you out under certain conditions defined by the bank itself. The same thing counts for the 'owner of ASS' with respect to investors.
Whatever the reason was is obviously considered irrelevant to the story; otherwise it would have been included.
.. and our sexist comments to up to 11.
"More WTF" would be the comma explosion that is the article text. I didn't know they made shotgun shells loaded with commas.
The worst offender is a single guy who lives alone and (I am told) spends many weekends here in the office by himself "checking on his investments". His keyboard is the stickiest, to the point where I just won't even touch it anymore. Now I wonder if it's all from tar...
Killed a hooker, obviously
What a sickening attitude. I hope your HR department doesn't read that.
And, since the investors "removed" Rod, it's quite clear that Rod isn't the whole owner of the enterprise.
Arbitrary text to prove this isn't spam
it's not spam, I tells ya
Would that the cost of supplying you with new peripherals ended at the cost of the peripheral itself. Ultra-large organisations can go in the opposite direction to ridiculous amounts. Eg, the UK NHS. Price of a new mouse? £3. Total cost of getting a new mouse to a users desk, taking into account the paperwork involved in raising and approving the PO, getting someone organised to collect said mouse, then installing it? Circa £125.
I think we have all worked for Rod at some point.
Because it's really, really creepy.
Creepy because it's his organized by likeness to his co-workers. Really creepy, considering that it's his work computer in his office at work. Really, really creepy considering the state of his mouse scroll wheel (that's not tanning cream!).
Yes, thankfully the disgusting rationalization "she was used to it" won't get anyone out of a sexual harassment charge. And in some cases the behavior could be not just against company policy but illegal:
"In 1980 the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued regulations defining sexual harassment and stating it was a form of sex discrimination prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In the 1986 case of Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson, the Supreme Court first recognized "sexual harassment" as a violation of Title VII, established the standards for analyzing whether the conduct was welcome and levels of employer liability, and that speech or conduct in itself can create a "hostile environment". The Civil Rights Act of 1991 added provisions to Title VII protections including expanding the rights of women to sue and collect compensatory and punitive damages for sexual discrimination or harassment, and the case of Ellison v. Brady resulted in rejecting the reasonable person standard in favor of the "reasonable woman standard" which allowed for cases to be analyzed from the perspective of the complainant and not the defendant. "
From WP
...and stuffed her into a mattress to be found on New Years Eve by two kids and a slightly effeminate porter.
I've had to listen to co-workers talk about 'trying' for a baby.....it's no more or less inappropriate than a folder name.
And a folder name is all she would have seen had she not intentionally poked around in what was clearly personal files.