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And I thought "military intelligence" being an oxymoron was just a joke...
As some others have pointed out though, if the randomisation is initiated by the controller hitting a button while the simulation is running, it will always be random because the point at which the randomness is initiated - at which the scenario branches from its strictly-defined rules - is occuring at a random point in time. (ie a submarine veering to the left at one moment will result in a different scenario from the submarine veering to the left one second later.)
Just seeding the random number generator doesn't cut it for reproducing these scenarios, it sounds like what's really needed is the ability to record the random events and replay them later.
But this would only be any good if none of the agents in the simulation had changed. If there's human actors in there, for example, or if the simulation of the enemy rickshaw has been tweaked, it could lead the entire simulation to take a different route... argh nightmare.
This is why things like this have to be chiselled in stone in the spec before you even start. (Or alternatively, you do what we do in our office, and just wing it and hope it all works out somehow, lol.)
That you're 100% retarded?
You are out of your depth here. Leaving aside computer games for a second, any serious simulation software must involve some randomization if it is going to be useful at all. Further, if the purpose of the simulation is training, then every sequence of random inputs must be replayable.
That is why the pseudo in pseudo-random number generator is a feature, not a bug.
Scene: A foxhole somewhere in a future war
.... 90 minutes later, same foxhole, but with half the platoon dead and the enemy closing in ... And the moral of the story: "best" at anything does not equal "best at anything".Admin
Lightstyx's "common customer behaviour" comment makes it pretty clear he's the incompetent-and-blame-everyone-else kind of developer. Before you can be any good at your job, you have to learn that it is about more than just writing code; that's only the start of it.
Of course there is the unstated assumption here that the enemy forces in the simulation respond to the players. Maybe they just continue to march in a staight line, shooting straight ahead, no matter what the player does. The "March of the Wooden Soldiers" scenario.
I think "Randomizaion" button is much cooler than Entropy button...
It's actually really hard. What needs to be done is for the PRNG to determine the behaviour/characteristics of the actors in advance.
So, at the start of the simulation it decides that the destroyer will turn 10 degrees to the left after 5 miles or whatever. Then, if the destroyer gets destroyed before that point, it doesn't mean that the PRNG is one step out for other actors.
However, this doesn't take into account that you may have:
Now, if the destroyer gets destroyed, what does the A/C carrier do? Does it still follow the ex-destroyer, or does it carry on in a straight line (or does it retreat). Do other nearby ships come to assist, or what? What if those other ships had had random actions predetermined? Do they still do those, or not?
Basically all you can do to be 'realistic' is let the whole scenario be repeatable identically as long as all the input actions are also repeated identically. If any input actions are different, then the whole scenario should not repeat identically at all.
So, the PRNG should set things like 'trigger-happiness of commander', 'reliability of engines/weaponry', 'accuracy of helmsman' etc, and that's it - not precisely setting things that are going to happen, but the way things behave in general.
Or you have humans controlling it (which is actually probably the cheapest and best way of doing it).
A randomizaion is the stone portico of a corinthian greek temple, used for votive offerings. Presumably the Navy wanted a facility for lobbing these at the enemy as some sort of offensive measure.
War has very few random elements. Just some basic logic would do... #
IF MyWeapons > ENEMY then
Seriously any random element in a sim like this sucks, I mean you'd have to be an idiot to think God plays dice :-)
That's why you repeat the test several times for each trainee. It'll play out slightly differently every time and for different people, but, if it's well designed and the starting conditions were the same everybody (but slightly different for each repetition), it should, on average, give you a pretty good idea of the abilities of each trainee. So maybe a trainee got lucky the first time through, it's doubtful that they'll be so lucky the next 9 times. And if they are, well, it's better to be lucky than good.
Don't forget the picture of a lolcat.
They definitely should have called it the "Crazy Ivan" button.
"Crazy Ivan! Crazy Ivan!"
Sounds like that movie the 'Pentagon Wars'.
Yep, you nailed it. This is a common request. Simulations must be reproducible with predictable behaviour, just like the rest of your code. It is a common newbie mistake to use "random(clock())" or similar instead of using a fixed/user controlled random seed.
When running stress-tests, simulations or whatever, you often find unexpected bugs/features after the 1001st test run. If some idiot used a "random(clock())" construct, you can not reproduce it. I'd even go as far as calling it an antipattern.
Of course the general wants to reproduce and reuse those random scenarios that turned out interesting.
Perhaps you should read the article before posting? I'm fully aware of how PRNG's work, but the pressing or not pressing of a button and when exactly that button gets pressed isn't determined by a PRNG, it's controlled by a person who adds a element of randomness that is not reproducible.
"...the paradoxical request..."
What? Why paradoxical?
This is a core feature for any kind of training system and would have been implemented much better by some sort of "scenario editor" where one can create a scenario, add the desired randomness if required, save the scenario and replay it whenever one wishes in order to track the trainee's progress.
No WTF here. Except in the requirement analysis...
Dumbass... von Moltke was a prussian field marshal who lived from 1800 to 1891.
You do know when the nazis ruled Germany, do you? Well, apparently not. You read a german name and think "nazi"...
Even though 42 is even...
Google: "Did you mean: randomization" "Results 1 - 10 of about 324 for randomizaion."
Au contraire!
A battlefield is most likely not "random" - it's "chaotic"!
CAPTCHA: validus - yes. yes it is.
What rock have you been hiding under all these years? You do realize this is possibly the most pedantic site on the Internet aside from Slashdot, right?
Note: I have inserted at least one intentional mistake to keep the grammar nazis interested in this thread.
heh, good one. no, seriously, nice comeback, way to get all serious. a) i think it was quite clear that my comment was in jest, b) i think my further comments made it even clearer, c) i can put things in bold to, d) the Nazis have ruled germany since the country was found in 1972, e) if i actually thought someone was a nazi, I wouldn't let on that I know, in case they tried to convert me, f) I didn't read a german name and think nazi, i read a sentence that said "im going to side with the german", and everyone knows those were the last words of the fuhrer, g) no one uses the word "dork" any more (except you).
i think i've made my point. and now, back to the "real" world
It seems like there was a strong overreaction on both sides here. The admirals wanted unpredictability so they could test how the people they were training could think on their feet. They also wanted reproducibility so they could test how different people react under the same scenario. The simple solution would be to add a little box next to the entropy button that would allow the instructor to enter a random seed. This way they could have unpredictability, but could also save seeds so they could test the same scenarios on different people. If the developers in this WTF didn't have such a smug attitude about it, they would've seen that and just put that option in.
... err...
... I mean right! ...
... no, wait a minute, wrong!
.. no, hang on, right! ... wrong! right ! Wrong! RIGHT! WRO- OH SHI-
<explodes in a puff of logic>Admin
This is another of those WTFs that only seemed like a WTF to someone who didn't understand everything that was going around.
Writing up the story from first person perspective just feels like a trick designed to encourage confirmation bias in the reader, so that we will perceive the same WTF.
I will call these "Only WTF when Reality Not Comprehended" or OWTFRNC.
This story is OWTFRNC because prima failed to understand user requirements. Is it a wtf that military trainers want to surprise trainees without surprising the instructor? Of course not.
But the point is that you can't give two people the same scenario if it is interactive. If the PRNG causes an enemy to do something unexpected for one trainee, but the next trainee blows up that enemy before that event happens, then they don't get the same scenario. The idea of having strict repeatability in an interactive simulation is impossible. You can only set up everything at the beginning (including seeding PRNGs) and let things play out as they will. If you are going to rely on the results of a single test to assess your trainees then you really aren't being fair to those trainees. And as for trainee #1 in your argument, it's unlikely that they are going to get 3 easy scenarios by pure luck. And if that's a concern, give them 4 scenarios instead, or 5, or 6. You do know how averages work right? I think ultimately, TRWTF is that the admirals (and many other educators), what an easy and objective way to measure somebodies performance that doesn't require them (the educator) to spend time and really think about their trainees. This is why multiple choice exams are so popular, but despite what students think, they really aren't fair on the students.
This comment is random, but exactly the same every time you read it.
Random comment is not random.
TRWTF is the admirals did not request for an "I WIN!" button.
I'm sure others have quoted this....but...random is random.
Ask for what you want and you'll get it. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
I think it's more a customer requirements/spec issues.