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I mean this move: http://bit.ly/aggHw7
Want to try refuting my supposition that "Bloody hell, C++ can go fuck itself" is plain and entirely un-mathematical bigotry?
(The last incidence of "Pascal" was meant to be "Python," btw.)
Oh noes, we can't have programmers using a language without 100% certifiable understanding. That would be naughty! And don't ever, ever, mention libraries, because them's an entirely different kettle of squid.
Fuck it. I use C++ and it works. I'm probably at the 95% level. I also use Perl and Python, and I'm somewhere around the 85% level (which is possibly above the median).
Just goddamn test the stuff, for Christ's sake. Failing that, employ an infallible genius.
Conjunction Junction, why won't you work with this function?
CAPTCHA: minim -- I'd rather have a dram, at least; preferably a gill or even a pint...
Wake me up when October ends. (I have to turn right.)
Well this is some of the worst validation code ever. The biggest WTF is that the month array is broken into four lines! Why? It should fit on one or two.
Normally I wouldn't be so picky, but 1) I see this mistake so often I want to bash my head in the wall, and 2) none of you guys seemed to even notice in over 100 comments, even though some of you have picked apart the same sentence.
Here's a table, because I'm convinced that soon the world is going to need one:
Speaking of careless substitutions, there is a Lane Street close to where I live; I've seen it rendered on a map as "Ln. St."
S = set of languages that can go fuck themselves, according to Buddy
A = C++, a member of S
whether |S| > |{A}| has no impact on A being a member of S.
or if it breaks, this links to the same:
Leave it to the reader to make the appropriate analogy.
I'd prefer to see it ported into PL/2.
Or Fivetran.
I think they're importing data from a flat text file (CSV) and they check if the fields are in the correct column.
It's true. In the UK there are 8 different ways to pronounce "ough". A prize for whoever gets em all! ;o)
I suggest you learn x86 assembler then - that has a much smaller set of operations (which doesn't change very often), which you can use to do ANYTHING that C++ (any variant) (or C#, PHP, Lisp, Java, Prolog or any other programming language ) can do. That should be much easier...
That is incorrect, you let your expectations interfere with your perception.
There are some interesting psychological experiments about this phenomenon… asked to read grammatically incorrect sentences like "The early bird catches the the worm." aloud, most people will correct the mistake without even consciously noticing.
Obviously just what it says, in pseudo predicate logical form: For each s in the set of all strings holds: s.Contains("")
[code] Spelling | Pronunciation | Meaning ---------|---------------|-------- Reading | reeding | Present participle of verb "to read" Reading | redding | Town in southern England
Anything? What about "run on multiple platforms, regardless of CPU"? ;)
Now if we were talk about, say, Parrot assembly language...
Nope. Definitely May in Czech.
Well sed.
More features = more ease of use, not less. If you don't need a feature, don't use it. No need to feel threatened.
Regarding more features:
or if it breaks, this links to the same:
[In summary, you're wrong.]
Remember maintenance is where most of the time and cost of software eventually ends.
If it takes more effort to debug than to write, then by definition no one can debug his cleverest code.
Does anyone know who will be maintaining their stuff? Likely someone not as smart as you.
If you use a feature that's not within one sigma of your community, it will get removed. The farther it is away from the mean the more aggressively it will be brought in line.
Your efficient overloaded and polymorphic class structure? Commented out and replaced by static functions. Your amazingly compact and efficient STL code? Commented out and replaced by char, int and void *.
In short - K.I.S.S.
You're right. C++ was a huge failure.
Yeah, right.
I don't think this means what you think it does. A hand-made list using void * etc. is hardly easier to write, leave alone to debug (think memory leaks, stray pointers, ...) than just using an STL list. Just because the STL containers are internally more complex doesn't mean they're harder to use -- quite the opposite in fact.Admin
Think outside the box.
The Oxford dictionary has a good few more, too...
"... instead, they&rsqou;re painted orange .” Please learn how to use apostrophe's when putting 'text' on a a 'website'. Also, please learn how to use apostrophe's when putting 'text' on a a 'website'.
If you had bothered to quote the comment(s) that you think made mine superfluous then we would have something concrete to talk about. However, I'm not in the mood for trying to read your mind and, besides, there are comments which indicate that the meaning of string containment was still misunderstood, e.g.
With respect to this comment: If it's trivially true, the function should return true, not false. Also, as a programmer, I like to rely on invariants, e.g. (a + b).Contains(b) should always be true. With b="", it follows that for any string a, a.Contains("") should be true. Fortunately, the programming platforms I know of behave in this way.
The other remark was, admittedly, mostly for sharing the anecdote about the reading experiments which I hoped someone might appreciate.
I live in the Jan Steenstraat!
I have friends in Mayfield Road.
Czech: Leden | Únor | Březen | Duben | Květen | Červen | Červenec | Srpen | Září | Říjen | Listopad | Prosinec
Polish: styczeń • luty • marzec • kwiecień • maj • czerwiec • lipiec • sierpień • wrzesień • październik • listopad • grudzień
As both the names (probably) refer to flowers, hmm... maybe they get full-blown Spring a bit latter in the South? (Sounds unlikely.)
Gah, the interlaguage absurdity, it burnssss... dies
See what happens when people post their Captchas.
Nor drinking milk from a saucer!
Re rsquo: which raises the question as to why a simple ASCII apostrophe was not sufficient.
Stupid smart quotes. Bah.
But that's what makes it work, since it means this code will only fire if someone has filled in the street address but left the first line blank!
I actually happen to own a rental property on May street. (Actually June street comes off that street also) Man are our tennants screwed or what.
you have to pretend to be a linker and do something like this:
There are assemblers out there that will accept code from the first snippet and silently produce invalid object code, whereas the second snippet produces correct object code as expected.
Admittedly, some micro designer (Zilog, cough, cough) was hard pressed to save a whopping 4 bits in a register somewhere, but well -- this just proves the point that assemblers are not all that almighty at all.
You can generate arbitrary machine code with an assembler only if you hand-assemble it using db statements. The more you depend on the assembler and linker, the less flexible it gets. There are plenty of embedded systems where you pretty much have to pre-generate constant tables (bunches of lines with EQUs) using a separate script, since the macro assembler may be too dumb to do something that is commonplace in a higher level language such as LISP!
So it's not generally true that assembler gives you more power than a higher level language would. Or one could argue that LISP is, at a certain level, lower level than assembly. Well, it certainly exposes more of the underlying language machinery should you need it.
What other languages, besides LISP, provide for useful, imperative-style compile-time computation? By "imperative style" I mean no hacks like C++ metaprogramming, please. I know of D's compile-time computation, but that's the only thing that comes to my mind so far.
What you propose is bastardization and reducing to the least common denominator. If other developers can't keep up with good practices, they have no place in the company IMHO. We're not talking about doing template metaprogramming here. What you describe is pretty much everyday stuff that noone thinks about too much. Take a look at LyX code base -- just off the top of my head. Noone uses char, int and void* there just because they are too stupid to do the right thing.
I do understand that many companies have developer staff that just isn't up to par with their tools, and plays pretend C++ game. That's no excuse. Yes, it does happen, perhaps too commonly for anyone's liking, but that cannot and should not be called "keeping it simple". What you describe is "keeping it stupid". Stupid people should be fired.
There are 56,463 people in the US and Canada who live on streets named after months. There are 24 people who live on a street named October Road. For each month:
January: 1242 February: 392 March: 4519 April: 6620 May: 24944 June: 9745 July: 958 August: 3839 September: 1780 October: 1309 November: 714 December: 401