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Oh, I enjoyed this.
And it's error'd. It's not supposed to be WTF code, you bunch of nappy-headed printers.
The REAL WTF is this site.
Right it is an error'd entry, but there was no error, it did exactly what it was supposed to. It displayed the text with no trouble at all. Now if it attempted to fix the typo and got it completely wrong like this form does on any url with ss in it, then I would say this is valid.
Thanks... </sarcasm>
Honestly, the people on this site complaining about ridiculous stuff never ceases to amaze me...
I like it! =)
I won't say my captcha but the captchas on this site truly are most excellent!
Well, I'm impressed. A walking talking jive filter.
Geekiness is a virtue here, right?
I thought so :)
You laugh out louded?
The Real WTF (tm) is of course the sidebar advertisement ("Sponsored [btw, what kind a word is that?!] by") on worsethanfailure. Seriously, it's hilarious.
Two words: Godwin's Law.
Yes indeed.
Pathetic, a simple typo. Not a programming error. WTF, you can do better!!!!
remind me to stop checking this site.
since when is a typo in any way interesting. what a waste of time.
Variation of Godwin's Law for this site...
As the number of comments to a given article increases, the probability of reference to the naming change from "The Daily WTF" to "Worse Than Failure" approaches 1.
Since dat ol' debil Imagination possessed the submitter of the post.
thats scary
as i see it, the commenters so far have expressed some mixed feelings about this wtf :
I vote 1.
Parodies are okay, but single character typos are lame.
This really is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Since when did such puerile humour become passable on this site? There used to be a time you could laugh at every entry, now you have to go find the good ones.
Hey! Cool! A printer with USB that's scaled to fit my model train set. I've been looking for one of those.
Me: Where's the Chorus Me: I got a print job on the COM Me: Press my Epson ON Me: And I got the best prints Me: Cause I got it going on!! Me: Sppoooooooooooooooooooooooooolllled!
Yeah, this WTF just blows so much, we should demand our money back.
Oh... wait a minute... this site is free? Shee-it, I'd better stop whining about the content as if I was owed something.
//TODO: insert sarcasm tags for the slow witted.
FWIW, not great, but I got a small chuckle from it.
We are owed something. The site makes a lot of money from advertising. The site owes the advertisers interested eye balls. The only way the site is going to get that is if they give us interesting content.
The true real genuine WTF is that the song refers to a laser printer and the ad refers to an inkjet printer. ;)
True, it's not really "worse than failure"... but I laughed none the less.
Now to find a ho-speed USB port on my puter...
I don't have a captcha... The time I took to register I can now save on not entering captchas... :P
Worst wtf ever. This site is becoming just what the new name suggests.. worse than failure.
captcha: tastey .. i don't think so.
So, somebody typing the ad description accidently pressed the 'o' instead of the 'i' that's next to it, creating a different word... wow, that really is worthy of the front-page.
The camera advertised as having an onboard Asus motherboard that I posted in Sidebar was better than this...
holarious?? </doh>
lol is verb
Although I wouldn't use the word nigger in a normal conversation, surely in a parody of a rap song it's ok? Silly over-the-top PC Americans..
It'd be great if you took your own advice.
Really? You know how much money this site makes from advertising? Pray tell - where did you get that information?
This site costs you nothing, and you are owed nothing. If you don't like what's posted here, stop coming by.
When will you idiots get it through your heads that this isn't supposed to be a WTF. It's an Error'd entry. Not a WTF.
Repeat after me: This is not a WTF entry. This is not a WTF entry. This is not a WTF entry. This is not a WTF entry.
Is it sinking in yet that this is not a WTF entry? No? Repeat after me: This is not a WTF entry. This is not a WTF entry. This is not a WTF entry. This is not a WTF entry.
That's exactly what I intend to do.
OK, I get it. It finally sunk in. It is not a WTF entry. NOW WHY IS IT ON THIS SITE?
Nothing's more embarrasing than nerds speaking ebonics. SO STOP IT!!! Anybody else sick of the amazon.com wtf's? I mean it's a fucking typo... whatevers.
Same as making wooden table jokes three times a day. It's just a TDWTF meme ... a stupid meme, but a meme neverless.
This is very true. Everything submitted to a site for WTFs should be a WTF. The fact that it's in "Error'd" does not mean that it's not a WTF: "Error'd" is the type of WTF.
If it's not a WTF entry, it shouldn't be on the site.
This is very lame. Bring back the Pop-up Potpourri and let us have some good WTFs.
Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. You won't be missed! Ta ta!
Love it, hate it, it don't matter. The site's free, for your entertainment purposes only. I've run a humour website in the past, and it's not always easy to come up with new and entertaining posts. Sometimes you flop. Deal with it and move on.
-- Seejay
There was a Coca-Cola packaging typo where the phrase "red disk" was misprinted. The "s" was inadvertently replaced with a "c." They printed up something like 10 million of those cartons before they discovered the typo.
I think I still have that cardboard carton somewhere.
wow, kinda weird eh?