• qoo3h (unregistered)

    Is anyone reading this far?

    In Perl, implementing the algorithm as described, showing working:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w

    use strict;

    my $a = shift or die( "need arg 1" ); my $b = shift or die( "need arg 2" ); my $neg = ($a < 0 xor $b < 0) ? -1 : 1; my @nums; for ($a = abs $a, $b = abs $b; $a > 0; push(@nums,{'a'=>$a, 'b'=>$b}), $a >>= 1, $b <<= 1) {} map {print "$->{'a'} + $->{'b'}\n" } @nums; print( "###\n" ); @nums = grep {$->{'a'} % 2} @nums; map {print "$->{'a'} + $->{'b'}\n" ;$a += $->{'b'} } @nums; print( 'sum: ', $a * $neg, "\n" );

  • Lee Crabtree (unregistered)

    A Python solution. It could definitely be done in less code, but I'd rather be able to understand it.

    import math
    def russian_multiply(x, y):
        cols = [(x, y)]
        while True:
            x = int(math.floor(x / 2))
            y = int(math.floor(y * 2))
            cols.append((x, y))
            if x <= 1:
        col_sum = sum([c[1] for c in cols if c[0] % 2 != 0])
        return col_sum
    print russian_multiply(18, 23)
  • J.I. (unregistered) in reply to Larry H.

    Pretty similar in C;

    int l(int l1, int ll) { return l1&-2?l1%2ll+l(l1/2,ll2):ll; }

    Looks kind of like a traffic accident, doesn't it?

  • (cs)

    I didn't check to see if there was an F# one done yet or not. But here is my attempt.

    F# Version, compiling for .NET Framework Version v4.0.20506
    let isOdd x = 
      (x%2) = 1
    let rec mult x y = 
      match x with
      | 1 -> y
      | _ when isOdd x -> y + mult (x/2) (y*2)
      | _ -> mult (x/2) (y*2)
  • Andrew Rodland (unregistered)

    I was disturbed by the fact that the Perl uses the multiplication operator when it doesn't need to, so I offer:

    sub rp_mult {
      my ($i, $j) = @_;
      my $r = 0;
      do {
        $r += ($j & 1) && $i;
        $i <<= 1;
        $j >>= 1;
       } while ($i);

    Or, moderately golfed:

    sub rpmul{($r,$i,$j)=(0,@_);$r+=$j&1&&$i,$i<<=1,$j>>=1while$i;$r;}

    Or, from a slightly different angle:

    use List::Util 'sum';
    sub rp_mult {
      my ($i, $j) = @_;
      sum map $j >> $_ & 1 && $i << $_,
        0 .. log $j / log 2;
  • sdeek (unregistered)

    python. Gratuitous use of list comprehensions and generators. Doesn't work for negative numbers. Patches welcome ;-)

    import math
    def half():
        while aa >=1:      
            yield aa
            aa= aa/2 
    print sum([y for (x,y) in zip([x for x in half()],[b*(2**(x)) for x in range(0,len([x for x in half()])+1)]) if x%2==1])
  • Michael Clark (mjac.co.uk) (unregistered)

    fun pmulti 1 r t = t + r | pmulti l r t = pmulti (l div 2) (r * 2) (t + r * (l mod 2))

    pmulti 3 4 0 will give you 3 * 4, t is just an accumulator

  • opussf (unregistered)

    In Python:

    a,b = 190, 232 if a<0: a=-a; b=-b print sum([b<<s for s in xrange(0,int(math.log(a,2)+1)) if ((a>>s>0) and ((a>>s)%2)) ])

  • KukkerMan (unregistered)
    def rpmult(a, b):
       rows = []
       while a > 1:
          rows.append( (a, b) )
          a, b = a >> 1, b << 1
       rows.append( (a, b) )
       return reduce(lambda (_, b1), (__, b2): b1 + b2, filter(lambda (a, _): a & 1, rows))
  • Jimmy Selgen (unregistered)

    (Readable) Ruby version Handles negative numbers (and unlike some of the examples i read, returns correct signs)

    class Rpm
      def self.multiply(x1,x2)
        ret = 0
        is_neg = false
        if x1 < 0
          is_neg = true
          x1 = -x1
        if x2 < 0
          is_neg = !is_neg
          x2 = -x2
        return 0 if x1 == 0
          ret += x2 if x1 % 2 != 0
          x1 = (x1 / 2).floor
          x2 = x2 * 2
        end while( x1 >= 1)
        ret = -ret if is_neg
  • Tiogshi (unregistered)

    For maximum speed, I pre-allocate the tables I use for storage, and avoid all floating-point multiplies and divides. A complete executable program in Lua; run with an argument (any argument) for the peasant-product, without to use the baseline-for-testing "Gold" function.

    function Gold(a, b)
    	return a * b

    function DivideByTwo(n) local m = n while m + m > n do m = m - 1 end return m end

    function AllocateTable(a) local t = {} while a >= 1 do a = DivideByTwo(a) t[#t + 1] = {} end return t end

    function AllocateColumnTable(t) for i = 1, #t do t[i].aColumn = 0 t[i].bColumn = 0 end end

    function AllocateValidTable(t) for i = 1, #t do t[i].truth = false end end

    function TestIsOdd(n) n = math.abs(n)

    while n > 1 do
    	n = n - 2
    if n == 0 then
    	return false
    elseif n == 1 then
    	return true
    	print("unknown failure")


    function PopulateTable(t, a, b) for i = 1, #t do local j = i - 1 local aC, bC = a, b while j > 0 do if TestIsOdd(aC) then aC = DivideByTwo(aC - 1) else aC = DivideByTwo(aC) end

    		bC = bC + bC
    		j = math.floor(j - 1)
    	t[i].aColumn = aC
    	t[i].bColumn = bC


    function CollectValidRows(t, v) local n = math.min(#t, #v) for i = 1, n do if TestIsOdd(t[i].aColumn) then v[i].truth = true end end end

    function SumValidRows(t, v) local n = math.min(#t, #v) local sum = 0 for i = 1, n do if v[i].truth == true then sum = sum + t[i].bColumn end end return sum end

    function PeasantProduct(a, b) local columTable = AllocateTable(a) local validTable = AllocateTable(a)

    PopulateTable(columTable, a, b)
    CollectValidRows(columTable, validTable)
    return SumValidRows(columTable, validTable)


    function DoTest(f) -- Generated by fair dice roll. Guaranteed to be random. math.randomseed(4)

    for n = 1, 1000 do
    	local a = math.random(1, 200)
    	local b = math.random(1, 200)
    	print( string.format("%d * %d = %d", a, b, f(a,b)))


    local args = {...}

    if args[1] then print("Peasant") DoTest(PeasantProduct) else print("Baseline") DoTest(Gold) end

  • (cs)

    As a circuit diagram


    (Handles 4-bit unsigned integers)

    The selection of input wires for AND gates perform the right shifts. The AND gates perform the oddness test. The selection of input wires for the adders perform the left shifts.

    Addendum (2009-07-22 23:27): I forgot to mention this was done in MS Paint

  • Eric (unregistered)

    Take your pick:

    (defun multiply (x y)
        with result = 0
        for first = x then (floor first 2)
        for second = y then (* second 2)
        if (oddp first)
        do (incf result second)
        if (= first 1)
        do (return result)))
    (defun trmultiply (x y)
           (x y acc)
           (if (> x 0)
         (inner (floor x 2)
                (* y 2)
                (if (oddp x) (+ y acc) acc))
        (inner x y 0)))
  • Yorick (unregistered)

    Speccy basic, recursive:

      10 DEF FN m(a,b)=VAL ((("FN m(
    "+STR$ a+"*2,INT ("+STR$ b+"/2))
    +("+STR$ b+"-2*INT ("+STR$ b+"/2
    ))*"+STR$ a) AND b<>1)+(STR$ a A
    ND b=1))
  • (cs)

    Originally I thought about sending 1235th boring C# version or 436th Python version but then I realized that there is no GUI version (except for few PHP or JS versions with HTML WUI [Web User Interface :-) ]). So I created one using my all-time favourite library: Turbo Vision (so it's really TUI and not GUI). Tested with BP7 and recent FreePascal.

    program RussianMultiplicationTV;
    uses App, Dialogs, Drivers, Menus, MsgBox, Objects, Validate, Views;
      cmCalculate = 1001;
      TRussMultApp = object(TApplication)
        procedure InitMenuBar; virtual;
        procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
        procedure ExecuteMainDlg;
      PMainDlg = ^TMainDlg;
      TMainDlg = object(TDialog)
        ResultListBox: PListBox;
        FirstInputLine: PInputLine;
        SecondInputLine: PInputLine;
        constructor Init;
        procedure HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
    function Calculate(x, y: longint): PCollection;
      TFormatRec = record
        Line, X, Y, Extra: longint;
      List: PStringCollection;
      TempStr: String;
      FormatRec: TFormatRec;
      New(List, Init(10, 10));
      List^.Insert(NewStr(#0 + 'Step    First   Second    Extra'));
      FormatRec.Line := 1;
      FormatRec.Extra := 0;
      while (x > 0) do begin
        FormatRec.X := x;
        FormatRec.Y := y;
        Inc(FormatRec.Extra, (x mod 2) * y);
        FormatStr(TempStr, '%5d %8d %8d %8d', FormatRec);
        x := x shr 1;
        y := y shl 1;
      List^.Insert(NewStr(' ------'));
      Str(FormatRec.Extra, TempStr);
      List^.Insert(NewStr(' Result = ' +  TempStr));
      Calculate := List;
    procedure TRussMultApp.ExecuteMainDlg;
      Dlg: PMainDlg;
      New(Dlg, Init);
      ExecuteDialog(Dlg, nil);
    procedure TMainDlg.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent);
      x, y: longint;
      code: integer;
      inherited HandleEvent(Event);
      if (Event.What = evCommand) and (Event.Command = cmCalculate) then begin
        Val(FirstInputLine^.Data^, x, code);
        if code <> 0 then begin
          MessageBox('Please put valid number into the first input field.', nil,
            mfError or mfOKButton);
        Val(SecondInputLine^.Data^, y, code);
        if code <> 0 then begin
          MessageBox('Please put valid number into the second input field.', nil,
            mfError or mfOKButton);
        ResultListBox^.NewList(Calculate(x, y));
    procedure TRussMultApp.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent);
      inherited HandleEvent(Event);
      if ((Event.What = evCommand) and (Event.Command = cmNew)) then begin
    procedure TRussMultApp.InitMenuBar;
      R: TRect;
      R.B.Y := R.A.Y + 1;
      MenuBar := New(PMenuBar, Init(R, NewMenu(
        NewItem('~C~alculator', '', kbNoKey, cmNew, 0,
        NewItem('E~x~it', 'Alt+X', kbAltX, cmQuit, hcExit,
    constructor TMainDlg.Init;
      R: TRect;
      ScrollBar: PScrollBar;
      S: String[8];
      R.Assign(0, 0, 60, 20);
      inherited Init(R, 'Russian Multiplication');
      Options := Options or ofCentered;
      R.Assign(2, 2, 12, 3);
      New(FirstInputLine, Init(R, 8));
      FirstInputLine^.SetValidator(New(PRangeValidator, Init(1, 1000)));
      Str(Random(9999) + 1, S);
      R.Assign(14, 2, 26, 3);
      New(SecondInputLine, Init(R, 8));
      SecondInputLine^.SetValidator(New(PRangeValidator, Init(1, 1000)));
      Str(Random(999) + 1, S);
      R.Assign(27, 2, 45, 4);
      Insert(New(PButton, Init(R, 'Calculate!', cmCalculate, bfDefault)));
      R.Assign(57, 4, 58, 19);
      New(ScrollBar, Init(R));
      R.Assign(2, 4, 57, 19);
      New(ResultListBox, Init(R, 1, ScrollBar));
      { Selects first input box }
      RussMultApp: TRussMultApp;

    Addendum (2009-07-22 21:05): Download (Source+binaries for DOS and Windows)

  • Edinburgh Mike (unregistered)

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    def rus_mult(A, B): if A == 1: return B else: return rus_mult(A / 2, B * 2) + (A % 2) * B

    def run_tests(): tests = [(18, 23), (12, 3), (1, 1), (15, 2), (8, 22), (7, 13), (9, 20)]

        for (A, B) in tests:
                print "Test", A, "*", B, "Result:", rus_mult(A, B) == A * B

    if name == "main": run_tests()

  • Lernin ur codez (unregistered)

    C#, handles negative numbers 0, 1.

    And, as usual, the most elegant solution is the recursive one.

    private int RussianPeasant(int a, int b)
        int c;
        if (a < 0)
            a = -a;
            b = -b;
        for (c = (a & 1) * b; (a > 1); c += ((a >>= 1) & 1) * (b <<= 1)) ;
        return c;
    private int RecursiveRussianPeasant(int a, int b)
        if (a < 0)
            return RecursiveRussianPeasant(-a, -b);
        return (a == 0) ? 0 : ((a & 1) * b) + RecursiveRussianPeasant(a >> 1, b << 1);
  • Redredredredredred (unregistered)

    theres some ruby code for you

    def rmul(a,b)
      ret = 0
        ret = (a<0) ? ret-b : ret+b if a%2==1 or a%2==-1
        a = (a<0) ? a/2 + a%2 : a/2
        b = b*2
      end while a != 1 and a != -1 and a != 0 
      ret = (a<0) ? ret-b : ret+b if a%2==1 or a%2==-1
    puts rmul(-10,20)
    puts rmul(10,20)
    puts rmul(-3,500)
    puts rmul(1002,343)
  • Kevin Kofler (unregistered)

    Here's one in Motorola 68000 assembly:

    .xdef __mulsi3
    move.l 4(%a7),%d1
    move.l 8(%a7),%d2
    moveq.l #0,%d0
    lsr.l #1,%d1
    bcc.s 1f
    add.l %d2,%d0
    add.l %d2,%d2
    tst.l %d1
    bne.s 0b

    Note that this one is actually useful, it can be used if you don't have a working libgcc for your target. :-) Though that one is faster. ;-)

    That said, on CPUs like the Z80 which don't have a native multiplication instruction, Russian Peasant is actually extremely useful.

  • Rasmus (unregistered)

    def Mul(a,b): return DirectionsFromLeaders( "mul", a, b )


    Mul(3,56) : Illegal Question, Caller terminated

  • H2 (unregistered)

    My Perl-solution with optimization, a bit of math and several tests. It also handles negative numbers.

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    if ((@ARGV != 2) || ($ARGV[0]!~m/\d/) || ($ARGV[1]!~m/\d/)) {
    	print "Missing or wrong arguments! Need two integers\n";
    my ($left,$right)=@ARGV;
    if ($right lt $left) {
    	my $temp=$right;
    my $negative=1;
    if ($left==1) {
    	print $right."\n";
    elsif ($left==0) {
    	print "0\n";
    elsif (($left lt 0) && ($right lt 0)) {
    elsif (($left lt 0) || ($right lt 0)) {
    my $result=0;
    for (my $iteration=int(log($left)/log(2));$iteration>=0;$iteration--) {
    	if ($left%2!=0) {
    print $negative*$result."\n";
  • Ben (unregistered) in reply to ath
    Same thing in python:
    def is_odd(n):
        return (n % 2) != 0

    def rmul(x, y): s = 0 while(x != 1): if is_odd(x): s += y x /= 2 y *= 2 return y + s

    Funnily enough, I did the same thing... then realized that is_odd() can be superseded by the simple statement "if (num%2)". Mine prints output, but it's basically the same. I wasn't aware that Python supported +=, though.
  • Sam (unregistered)
    #include <libgen.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
        int lhs, rhs;
        int res;
        if (argc != 3) {
            printf("usage: %s <lhs> <rhs>\n", basename(argv[0]));
            return (1);
        lhs = atoi(argv[1]);
        rhs = atoi(argv[2]);
        res = 0;
        while (lhs > 1) {
            if (lhs % 2 == 1) {
                res += rhs;
            lhs /= 2;
            rhs *= 2;
        res += rhs;
        printf("result: %d\n", res);
        return (0);
  • (cs)

    In c#

        public static int RussianMultiplication(int x, int y)
            if ((y >> 31 | 1) * y < (x >> 31 | 1) * x)
                y = (x + y) - (x = y);
            int result = 0;
            for (result = 0; x != 0; x /= 2, y >>= 1)
                result += ((x >> 31) | 1) * ((0 - (x & 1)) & y);
            return result;

    Handles 0, negatives, and optimizes which digits to place in which column.

    And. Fast.

    Addendum (2009-07-23 13:39): Whoops, that should have been:

        public static int RussianMultiplication(int x, int y)
            if ((y >> 31 | 1) * y < (x >> 31 | 1) * x)
                y = (x + y) - (x = y);
            int result = 0;
            for (result = 0; x != 0; x /= 2, y += y)
                result += ((x >> 31) | 1) * ((0 - (x & 1)) & y);
            return result;
  • (cs)

    Bah, one-liners. I figured I'd write my code in true WTF style.

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    def mult(a, b):
       d = {a: b}
       if d.keys() == [0] or d.values() == [0]:
           return 0
       if d.keys() < [0]:
           return mult(*(increment(~d.keys()[0]), increment(~d.values()[0])))
       [d.__delitem__(k) for k in d.keys() if not k&1]
       return sum(d.values())
    def extend(d):
       d[min(d.keys())>>1] = (d[min(d.keys())])<<1
       if min(d.keys()) != 1 and min(d.keys()) != 0:
    def increment(x, p=0):
       if x & (1<<p):
           return increment(x^(1<<p), increment(p))
       return x | (1<<p)</pre>

    Note that I only used arithmetic-related stuff on the lists. Everything else is done bit-wise. See if you can spot the weird abuses and seemingly-random edge cases! (Hint: if there's code that doesn't seem to serve much of a purpose, especially in an if-statement, it's probably deflecting execution around an infinite loop. Either that or I thought it would be funny.)

    Addendum (2011-01-30 17:48): Looking back on this, it turns out I could have made parts of it even worse. The if-statement in extend, for example, could use instead "min(d.keys())&-2" (or ~1, if you like. The values are equivalent)

    I think the lesson to take away from this is, if any potential employers decided to see if Google knew about my python experience, this is all a joke.

  • (cs)

    Two PHP functions in there: the first one does the maths, the second one displays a (very) barren page detailing the steps.

    <span style="color:blue;">function motherland($a,$b)
      $r=0 ;
        ($a%2) && $r+=$b ;
        $a>>=1 ;
        $b<<=1 ;
      return $r ;
    function motherland2($a,$b)
      $r = 0 ;
      $o = "";
        $t = " text-decoration: line-through" ;
        $o .= "";
        $a >>= 1 ;   
        $b <<= 1 ;
      $o .= "
    "; return $o ; } echo motherland2(167, 24); echo motherland(167, 24); ?>

    Fun :-) Syntax highlighting was just ... too much free time ;)

  • AshG (unregistered) in reply to ikegami
    As a circuit diagram [image]

    (Handles 4-bit unsigned integers)

    The selection of input wires for AND gates perform the right shifts. The AND gates perform the oddness test. The selection of input wires for the adders perform the left shifts.

    This one rocks! But you need to expand adders as well, either on a separate sheet or the same one. Also show the transistor logic for each AND gate and adders.
  • Florent (unregistered)

    $ perl -E'($i,$j)=@ARGV;while($i){($i!=int($i/2)2||!int($i/2))&&($k+=$j);$j=2;$i=int($i/2)}say$k' 18 23 414 $

  • Adrian (unregistered)

    Here's my code in python:

    def mul(a,b):
     		m.append((m[-1][0]/2, m[-1][1]*2))
     	return sum([x[1] for x in m if x[0]%2==1])
  • (cs)

    I'm a little disappointed that I haven't seen any submissions in the language actually used to perform Important tasks involving numbers: COBOL.

           PROGRAM-ID.  RussianPeasantMultiplication.
           DATA DIVISION.
           01 FirstNumber    PIC S9(18).
           01 SecondNumber   PIC S9(18).
           01 Result         PIC S9(18) VALUE 0.
           01 ResultFormat   PIC ------------------9.
               STOP RUN.
               DISPLAY "First number: " WITH NO ADVANCING.
               ACCEPT FirstNumber.
               DISPLAY "Second number: " WITH NO ADVANCING.
               ACCEPT SecondNumber.
               IF FirstNumber IS NEGATIVE THEN
                   COMPUTE FirstNumber = - FirstNumber
                   COMPUTE SecondNumber = - SecondNumber
               PERFORM UNTIL FirstNumber IS ZERO 
                   IF FUNCTION MOD(FirstNumber 2) = 1 THEN
                       ADD SecondNumber TO Result
                   DIVIDE FirstNumber BY 2 GIVING FirstNumber
                   ADD SecondNumber TO SecondNumber GIVING SecondNumber
               MOVE Result TO ResultFormat.
               DISPLAY 'Result: ' ResultFormat.

    Tested with OpenCobol 1.0.

  • Florent (unregistered) in reply to Florent

    Or shorter : $ perl -E'($i,$j)=@ARGV;while($i){($i%2||!$i/2)&&($k+=$j);$j*=2;$i=int($i/2)}say$k' 18 23 414 $

  • valderman (unregistered)

    IMO, the peasants aren't actually multiplying and dividing by two, rather, they're doubling and halving numbers, a less generic but far simpler operation, that's why using * and / is cheating.

    Anyway, some more Haskell. This one handles negative numbers (don't think any Haskell entry so far does that,) is tail recursive AND uses type classes!

    import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, Bits)
    rmult :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> a -> a
    rmult a b | a < 0     = - (rmult (-a) b)
              | a < 0     = - (rmult a (-b))
              | otherwise = go 0 a b where
                    go acc 0 b = acc
                    go acc a b = go (acc + if odd a then b else 0)
                                    (a `shiftR` 1)
                                    (b `shiftL` 1)
  • valderman (unregistered) in reply to valderman

    Oops, that second | a < 0 ... should be | b < 0 ...!

  • (cs)

    Updated from earlier post that I never bothered to updeate correctly.

    done in wonderful VBA, and just like in the article, shows full manual working out table in the debug window. Works with negatives, zeros, hopefully everything really. I stuck to the principle and process of the manual process instead of taking shortcuts.

    Public Function RussianMultiply(x As Long, y As Long) As Long
        Dim vals() As Long
        ReDim vals(1 To Round(Sqr(Abs(x)), 0) + 1, 1 To 2) As Long
        Dim i As Long, j As Long, c As Long, Msg As String, s As Long
        s = Sgn(x) * Sgn(y)
        i = 1
        Do Until x = 0
            vals(i, 1) = x
            vals(i, 2) = y
            i = i + 1
            x = x \ 2
            y = y * 2
        For j = 1 To i - 1
            If vals(j, 1) / 2 = vals(j, 1) \ 2 Then
                Msg = " X"
                c = c + (s * Abs(vals(j, 2)))
                Msg = s * Abs(vals(j, 2))
            End If
            Debug.Print vals(j, 1) & vbTab & vals(j, 2) & vbTab & Msg
        Debug.Print vbCrLf & "=" & vbTab & c
        RussianMultiply = c
    End Function

    Sample output

    >RussianMultiply 18,23
    18  23   X
    9   46  46
    4   92   X
    2   184  X
    1   368 368
    =   414
  • Fred Dagg (unregistered)

    package test;

    import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List;

    public class RussianMultiplication {

    public RussianMultiplication() {}
    public long multiply(long parameter1, long parameter2) {
    	if (parameter2 < parameter1) {
    		return handleMultiplication(parameter2, parameter1);
    	} else {
    		return handleMultiplication(parameter1, parameter2);
    private long handleMultiplication(long lhs, long rhs) {
    	List<RussianNumber> numberList = new ArrayList<RussianNumber>();
    	numberList.add(new RussianNumber(lhs, rhs));
    	while (lhs > 1) {
    		lhs = lhs / 2;
    		rhs = rhs * 2;
    		numberList.add(new RussianNumber(lhs, rhs));
    	long result = 0;
    	for (RussianNumber number : numberList) {
    		if (number.getLhs() % 2 != 0) {
    			result = result + number.getRhs();
    	return result;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    	RussianMultiplication rm = new RussianMultiplication();
    	long result = rm.multiply(23, 18);
    	System.out.println("Result: " + result);
    private class RussianNumber {
    	private long lhs;
    	private long rhs;
    	public RussianNumber(long lhs, long rhs) {
    		this.lhs = lhs;
    		this.rhs = rhs;
    	public long getLhs() {
    		return lhs;
    	public void setLhs(long lhs) {
    		this.lhs = lhs;
    	public long getRhs() {
    		return rhs;
    	public void setRhs(long rhs) {
    		this.rhs = rhs;
    	public String toString() {
    		return lhs + "::" + rhs;


  • (cs)

    Another Oracle SQL Example:

    SQL> VARIABLE right_num NUMBER
       :left_num := 18;
       :right_num := 23;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.06
    SQL> SELECT     SUM (DECODE (MOD (TRUNC (:left_num / POWER (2, ROWNUM - 1), 0), 2),
                            1, :right_num * POWER (2, ROWNUM - 1)
                   ) AS RESULT
          FROM DUAL
    CONNECT BY TRUNC (:left_num / POWER (2, ROWNUM - 1), 0) > 0
    1 row selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.06
  • Jukka (unregistered)

    In Python, aiming for readability.

    def russian_peasant(x,y):
        while x>1 or x<-1:
        return sum([y for x,y in steps if x % 2 == 1]) * x # * x is there to give the correct sign for the result
    # Test it    
    print russian_peasant(18,23), 18*23 
    print russian_peasant(18,0), 18*0
    print russian_peasant(-2,400), -2*400
    print russian_peasant(40,-30), 40*-30
    print russian_peasant(40,30), 40*30
  • (cs)

    How about a good dose of OOM?

    The code's too long to post here, but beyond this link you can enjoy it in fully highlighted PHP syntax: http://justas.ggcmedia.com/MultiplicationFramework.html (usage example at the end of the file)

    Sample output:

    Multiplying 18 by 23 Russian peasant style:
    Numeric result: 414
    Full result:
    18 x  23 |   0 +
     9 x  46 |  46 +
     4 x  92 |   0 +
     2 x 184 |   0 +
     1 x 368 | 368 =
        Total: 414

    ...hmm, I need to go clean my hands now.

  • spiderlama (unregistered)

    int mul_rus(int a, int b) { int c = 0;

    while (a != 1)
        if (a & 1)
            c += b;
        a >>= 1;
        b <<= 1;
    return b + c;


  • unit3 (unregistered)

    Here's a fairly straightforward implementation in common lisp:

    (defun mult (x y)
      (if (= x 1)
        (+ (if (= (rem x 2) 0) 0 y) (mult (floor (/ x 2)) (* y 2)) )

    It could be all on one line, but that'd be harder to read. If someone has suggestions on how to simplify it, that'd be great. :)

  • Gumpy Guss (unregistered) in reply to spiderlama

    In PDP-8 assembly language. Untested

    X, 0 Y, 0 Z, 0

    RUSMUL, 0 // entry point CLA DCA Z / clear total


    DCA	X
    SZL  CLA
    TAD	Y
    TAD	Z
    DCA	Z
    TAD	Y
    DCA	Y
    JMP	LP


  • Crindigo (unregistered)

    Sloppy JS version with animated step-by-step output: http://crindigo.com/stuff/praxis.html

  • Warr (unregistered)

    Uses NO math operations, only regex and string operations. Almost all major work is kept in the global $_ variable. Numbers are represented internally using a base-30-like system, then converted directly back to decimal at the end of each operation. Some assumptions about collating sequence were made (e.g. \d == [0-9]).

    $_ = join(' ', @ARGV);
    m#^\s*-?\d+\s*x\s*-?\d+\s*# or die('Input should be in "#### x ####" format.');
    $sign = '+'; while(s#-##) { $sign =~ tr#+-#-+#; }
    			my($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f);
    			$a = $1; $b = $2; $c = $3; $d = $4; $e = $5; $f = $6;
    			while($e =~ m#[^a0]#)
    				$e =~ tr#1-9#a1-8#;
    				$b =~ tr#0-9a-jA-I#b-jAb-jA-J#;
    			$e =~ tr#0#a#; $b =~ tr#0-9#a-j#;
    			$c =~ m#[A-J]# and $b =~ tr#0-9a-jA-J#b-jAb-jA-J#;
    			$_ = $a . $b . $c . $d . $e . $f;
    			$x = $2;
    			$x =~ tr#0-9#b-jA#;
    			$_ = $1 . 0 . $x . $3;
    		$x = $1;
    		$x =~ tr#0-9#aAbBcCdDeE#;
    		$_ = $x . $2;
    		my($a, $b, $c, $d);
    		$a = $1; $b = $2; $c = $3; $d = $4;
    		$b =~ m#[a-j]# and $c =~ tr#0-9#aAbBcCdDeE#
    			or $c =~ tr#0-9#fFgGhHiIjJ#;
    		$_ = $a . $b . $c . $d;
    		$x = $2;
    		$x =~ tr#0-9#acegiACEGI#;
    		$_ = $1 . $x . $3;
    		my($a, $b, $c, $d);
    		$a = $1; $b = $2; $c = $3; $d = $4;
    		$c =~ m#[a-j]# and $b =~ tr#0-9#acegiACEGI#
    			or $b =~ tr#0-9#bdfhjBDFHJ#;
    		$_ = $a . $b . $c . $d;
  • Paul N (unregistered)

    --SQL Server using Common Table Expression

    DECLARE @number1 int; DECLARE @number2 int;

    SET @number1 = 18; SET @number2 = 23;

    WITH Multiplication (Row, Factor1, Factor2) AS ( SELECT 1, @number1, @number2 UNION ALL SELECT Row + 1, Factor1 / 2, Factor2 * 2 FROM Multiplication WHERE Factor1 > 1 ) SELECT SUM(Factor2) FROM Multiplication WHERE Factor1 % 2 = 1;

  • Wheaties (unregistered)

    func(a, b): if(a == 1) return b if(a%2 == 1) return b2 + func(a/2, b2) else return func(a/2, b*2)

    Had to do it with recursion. I can't think of a reason why not to do it that way. I also haven't looked at the comments. Someone probably came up with this solution or it has already been shown to be wrong. I could also shrink it to be a single line but then it wouldn't be nearly as readable.

  • Paul N (unregistered)

    --It works better as a stored procedure

    SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: Paul N -- Create date: 7/22/2009 -- Description: multiplies two numbers using -- Russian Peasant Multiplication -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[Russian Peasant Multiplication] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @number1 int, @number2 int AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;

    -- Insert statements for procedure here
    	WITH Multiplication (Row, Factor1, Factor2) AS 
    		SELECT 1, @number1, @number2
    		SELECT Row + 1, Factor1 / 2, Factor2 * 2
    		FROM Multiplication
    		WHERE Factor1 > 1
    	SELECT SUM(Factor2) FROM Multiplication
    	WHERE Factor1 % 2 = 1;

    END GO

  • yowzer (unregistered)

    open List

    let oddcar (n, _) = (n land 1) = 1 let sum = fold_left (+) 0

    let rec do_mul = function | (x,_) :: _ as lst when x == 1 -> sum (map snd (filter oddcar lst)) | (x,y) :: _ as lst -> do_mul ((x / 2, y * 2) :: lst)

    let mul x y = do_mul [x,y]

  • (cs)

    C# + LINQ

    int Multiply(int x, int y)
    	return Enumerable.Range(0, (int)(1.0 + Math.Log(x)/Math.Log(2)))
    		.Select(i => new {x = x >> i, y = y << i})
    		.Where(p => p.x > 0 && p.x % 2 == 1)
    		.Sum(p => p.y);	

    Addendum (2009-07-23 01:23): More LINQ-ish:

    int Multiply(int x, int y)
    	return (
    		from i in Enumerable.Range(0, (int)(1.0 + Math.Log(x)/Math.Log(2)))	
    		where (x >> i) % 2 == 1
    		select y << i
  • Mike McNally (unregistered)

    simple erlang:

    rmult(M1, M2) -> rmult(M1, M2, [{M1, M2}]).
    rmult(1, _, P) -> rsum(P, 0); 
    rmult(M1, M2, P) ->
      M1n = M1 div 2, M2n = M2 * 2,
      rmult(M1n, M2n, [{M1n, M2n} | P]).
    rsum([], S) -> S;
    rsum([{M, _} | P], S) ->
      rsum(P, S + case M rem 2 of 0 -> 0; 1 -> M end).
  • bd_ (unregistered)
    ; Rabbit 2000 assembler
    ; Inputs in A, B
    ; Result in HL
        	ld d, 0
        	ld e, b 		;; DE = second operand
        	ld hl, 0		;; accum = 0
        	or a
        	;; For the first iteration, we need to just test whether the second
        	;; operand is even, rather than using a side effect of the rotate
        	bit 0, a
        	jr nc, ..odd
        	add hl, de
        	or a			;; CF = 0
        	jr z, ..done	;; A = 0?
        	rl de			;; DE *= 2
        	rr a			;; A /= 2. CF can't be nonzero as that would imply overflow
        	jr ..mul_loop	;; CF from A is used on next iteration
        	;; result in HL

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