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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sampo Sampo, in Finnish mythology and in some of it's many forms, could be compared to alchemist's stone as some mystic thing that can produce gold or other goods from almost nothing.
So you're saying there's no point in having more than one person on the project team? Thanks for volunteering!
Just like development shops everywhere, the managers here routinely ask if adding more resources would help get a project done faster. The DBA always responds "Can 9 women have a baby in 1 month?"
You're obviously not upper-management material. Not with that kind of thinking...
Hmmm... not so sure I'd use that one during a meeting...
I've been through several technology/business acquisitions. What is best for the business or the customers often takes a back seat to the requirements of political forces within the merged companies.
Project Manager: we need to make a baby in one month Worker: But we only have one woman PM: Then hire eight more women!
Addendum (2008-08-05 13:23): Rats, someone beat me to the 9-women analogy....
"One disgruntled customer took an axe to a wooden desk"
That was so typically Finnish behavior. :)
It's nice to finally see an article about this fiasco on The Daily WTF, although I must say that it doesn't really do justice to the actual events. This was big news here in Finland for quite a while.
The way Sampo Pankki handled the situation was a disaster on all fronts, and their stunts had me laughing for a straight week. The customers weren't amused at all, though.
Every day new XSS vulnerabilities were discovered and taken advantage of by hackers out to humiliate the corporation for its childish PR games. The single most ridiculed statement came from Director of Group Communications, Hannu Vuola when the first reports of an XSS vulnerability hit the news: "It's not a hole before we can confirm it's a hole."
Here are a few screenshots from that time:
http://www.cs.uta.fi/~a445063/sampopankki_20080327-1142.png The quoted text is the famous statement by Hannu Vuola.
http://www.cs.uta.fi/~a445063/sampopankki_20080326-2257.png] WinCapita was an online Ponzi scam which was under police investigation at the time. The text reads: "WinCapita has implemented a new security solution!1!"
http://www.cs.uta.fi/~a445063/sampopankki_20080326-2255.png Rick Astley promoting Sampo Pankki.
Ah, the fun times I had grabbing those. :)
An axe in a desk? Meh.
Sure, gun is worse, but my comment still stands. Shooting someone is American behavior... Axe is the Finnish way!
They couldn't accept embedded images with their copy of Lotus???
We were using Lotus Notes for our e-mail here when I was hired ten years ago. It supported inline images just fine. How freakin' old was their copy of Lotus???
What I find amazing is when managers decide that they know more about technological realities than the very highly educated and highly paid employees that they oversee.
When you have an entire TEAM of developers that you are paying 6 figures a year telling you "There is no possible way that this can be done in 6 months" why do you still think that they can? Are you a programmer? Do you WORK on the programming team?
I blame it on computers becoming more user friendly. When only the super ultra mega nerds had or understood them, people listened, but now any jackass that listens to Kim Commando! on AM talk radio thinks that they're fit to make decisions about things that they know nothing about.
I hate it, people need to understand that you cannot treat mental work in the same way that you can treat physical work. For example: if i have a giant pile of dogshit that I need moved from one end of my dog shit storage facility to the other end of my dog shit storage facility, it makes sense that if I need it done in a day, i can just hire a few hundred laborers, maybe buy some heavy equipment, and get the job finished in the time required. Dumbasses with a bachelors in Computer information systems don't get this. You cannot just yell at your developers louder and louder and make bigger and bigger threats until they get it done. It doesn't work like that.
Same thing goes for creative people. Its not a goddamned faucet that you can just turn on and have brilliant designs and ideas spill forth onto your desk. Its something that you might get in the middle of the night, or when you're watching a movie, or walking the dog.
That's awesome! I've never heard that one before.
No, that's not what he's saying. There is a common misconception that time and resources are mathematically divisible. So if you tell a manager that a project will take 9 months, they assume that means 9 people can do it in a month, or 18 people in 2 weeks. But in reality, it might take 9 people 10 or 12 months to do. (Note: These numbers are a bit arbitrary just to make a point.) So it takes longer having more resources. Why? Because the communication and coordination work increases. As a simple example, think about how much more communications is involved in planning a weekend getaway with two friends than is needed to do the same with one friend.
This is the main point of Fred Brooks' The Mythical Man-Month essay. In it, he sites actual case studies and research to back up the point.
And this doesn't even deal with the the idea of dependencies... you need to pour the foundation before you do the framing; and you need to frame before you run the plumbing... etc. It amazes me that otherwise very intelligent people can so easily overlook this point. For some reason, it is thought that in software development, every thing can be done concurrently.
IMHO, The Mythical Man-Month should be required reading for anyone involved in a software project; developer or project manager.
Am I amazed? Yes. Surprised? Not so much.
There are some good managers out there, and I happen to work for one. Example:
We were preparing to upgrade our campus management software (we run several for-profit 2 year colleges). EVERYONE uses this app. If it is down for even a few minutes there is hell to pay. So, long story short our providers gave us incomplete specs as to the requirements (hardware and OS) that we didn't figure out until 2 weeks before go-live (we were woefully short in some areas) and several components were as yet untested because there was so much added to the app. Our manager listened to what our main software person said, what I said (I run the citrix farm that serves the app) which was basically "we are headed for disaster". His response? Move the go-live out 30 days, berate the provider for better specs and testing in our virtual environment, and HE explained (apparently successfully) to Exec management why we were going to take an extra 30 days. End result? Go-live went off without a hitch. My only disappointment was to be denied my possible WTF story :)
I think a Sampo is a strapless evening gown.
Most stuff are still slightly broken, especially cards. It's a running joke in finland, and I personally pity anyone who cannot switch banks (or hasn't done so, which is worse).
But think of this. Modern bank is in the service industry, and practically all they do is providing IT service. They screwed up their only real core business.
I'm a customer of Fokus Bank, a norwegian bank also bought up by Danske Bank. We are forced to use the same online banking system, and it truly sucks. :(
I'm on a Mac, and there are NO browsers on the Mac platform that actually works. They claim to support Safari, but it refuses to even log me in. I have to start VMWare every time I need to pay my bills.
Unfortunately, I have a loan in the bank, and one of the terms for said loan is that I use Fokus Bank for my daily banking needs. The minute that loan is down to zero, I'm switching bank...
I'd say that TRWTF is having a Finnish bank that doesn't support Linux. I men, its part of their national pride!
Nokia should've given 'em the "roll back or I'll dump you" stance. Whatever they rolled out, it seems to deserve it.
I guarentee someone very high in management got a BONUS for making the Easter deadline...
Are you kidding? We learned why software projects fail in the 60s.
The people telling them that it wouldn't work, and then the people that "caused" it not to work, are probably the one[s] who got fired.
Amen to that. I was actually going to make that point myself. Also one should point out that there is a limit to how much you can parallelize tasks; past this point, throwing more resources is just going to slow down the project, because you just increase the overhead of communication without actually increasing the throughput.
Loved the comparison with the 9 women and the baby.
It's not quite as simple as that for any business of any appreciable size. Nokia would need to deal with any systems which interact with their bank accounts (which therefore implies setting up new accounts with other banks and testing everything works as intended), advise all their customers, pay back any debt (just because a business is making a profit doesn't mean it doesn't have debt) - dumping the bank would probably be a several-month project, not a quick & easy "Right, we're off, see you!".
E-mail is text only, and the only 100% reliable way to make sure something non-text gets through is to attach it via MIME encoding. Any other way is at the mercy of the MUAs at each end to agree on how to do it.
If you send me an e-mail using standard MIME with some rich format like HTML, my text-only MUA has no problem with it as long as your MUA correctly included a plain-text format and included images as attachments and referenced them from the HTML. Otherwise, I'll have no way to see the images you sent, as it's not worth my time to figure out what proprietary way your MUA included them in the e-mail.
Looks like we have a couple of people on the wrong side of the sarchasm. How do you get stuck across the rift on something as obvious as that?
Oh, so that's why in the bank I currently develop for Sampo's money transfers are explicitly monitored. Shame on me missing such a story. But, on the other hand, we've been busy rolling out a new system! =D
Is it time for a WTF detailing how Danske Bank managed to be offline (as in "no transactions in any part of the bank, not even for traders") for a week due to bad decision making when a power supply needed to be changed...?
Sorry, in regards to the comment:
"So you're saying there's no point in having more than one person on the project team? Thanks for volunteering!"
I just saw the sarcasm in the comment more as a wise guy rebuttal (for the lack of a better term) rather than a simple general sarcastic comment in order to make a joke. The dangers of forum comments I guess. No harm, no foul. :)
What moltonel failed to provide was why those images were in the e-mails in the first place...
hmm ...
from http://www.itcportal.com/newsroom/press_releases_13nov06.htm
I just quit working for American Express. They Still use IBM Lotus 5.0 and Sametime Instant Messenger 2.0.1.
I cant fault them much, they are currently upgrading to Lotus 6 and the new sametimeIM, but knowing that company the way I do. I would be surprised if they ever finish the upgrade.
Check out the commercials during something like, say, the Super Bowl.
50% of credit-card/electronic banking is Marketing. I've been there. It's unpalatable, but it's the truth.
Anybody who is anybody knows that a wooden desk is where you place your credit/ATM card, take a photo, print the photo, scan the photo next to the receipt for your purchase, and email the scan to your local Sampo branch.
Anybody who has ever used Sampo's services since that Easter has probably found this to be the most effective way of banking with them.
Axes are best saved for winnowing out middle management and VPs, of whom there are far too many in the wanking borld.
On a different note, does anybody know where this interesting little meme of "encrypting" something in Base64, and then "re-encrypting" it using the same "technology," comes from? It's not quite the silliest goddamn piece of crap that the Internet has foisted on us, but it's getting pretty close.
Unfortunately, the only people you can let manage a company without it turning them into managers are politicians.
This is exactly the case. I used Sampo's web service for over ten years and already at the very beginning it was easily better, more stable, compatible and user friendly than this "new" one. This is not because the old system was anything special (there are much better alternatives available), but the Danske's system is absolutely the most amateurish piece of code I have ever seen.
The backend system runs on z/OS + CISC + DB2 and stuff, and the notorious error message 404 multifail has become a meme here.
TFA says why; they used a bunch of JNI (Java Native Interface) calls which effectively destroys the platform agnosticism of Java.
Tom, you think everything is a strapless evening gown.
This is in fact the practice for which Sun originally sued Microsoft, as Microsoft was claiming J++ produced "Java" but the result was not compliant with the Java specification.
This old article has some details.
Sampo is a "thing" in a finnish lore that will make you a fortune of all a kind. Please refer a Kalevala.
The good old Australian Tax Office did a similar trick. To allow for easy cross platform use (at the time they meant Win9x, WinNT and MacOS Classic) they chose to use Java. Unfortunately the reason behind using Java was lost and they chose to forge ahead with Microsoft Nearly-Java, thus losing the ability to run it on anything but a Windows box.
They broke this little problem when MS was forced to stop distributing their not-java stuff. Now the tools really are cross platform... Well, as long as you use Windows 98-XP or MacOSX. Anything else you have to get the Windows installer, install on Windows, and pull the 4 or so custom files from the Java install they provide.
That's the nice about working at a bank, as opposed to say, an online Sudoku site. You don't need to do any rigorous testing or a have a back-out plan. Just put it what you got on the deadline and work out the issues over time. Years, if needed.
yay! Finally a wtf 50% from my country! I even know one or two people who i remember said they worked on a new system for Danske Bank a couple of months ago. Maybe i can dig up some dirt...
This little comment caught my attention and I think there's a reasonable explanation:
If you're familiar with how many leading operating system handle entropy this isn't so strange:In Linux it's usually /dev/random and in Windows it's HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\RNG\Seed which are used to provide truly random numbers. These random streams are kept filled from input sources that the operating system considers random(e.g. keyboard, microphone, network traffic).
If you have a program that is a voracious eater of random values it can actually use up all the values stored on the computer. Hence you can have not enough random numbers. I've witnessed a Java Tomcat server hang until someone randomly typed on the server keyboard because there was not enough random numbers.
You tell me if /dev/random and it's ilk are wtfs but they are the current way of doing truly random