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Cheeses H. The story was written by an American so he used the temperature units he was most familiar with. If I read a story about a university in Buckinghamshire, I would not expect there to be parenthetical Fahrenheit temperatures included. People here always seem to need something to complain about.
That would be the British..... genius.
Granted Canada was a colony of Britain the time, but I don't think any "Canadian" troops were among the ones that ventured up the Potomac. And Ironically enough America managed to do pretty well with it's second encounter with Britain, despite all of the things Britain had going for it.
Sometimes I really wish we had listened to Washington, and minded our own business in the early 20th centuary.
At least put the word "sweater" in brackets so that the rest of the world, which has moved on from your archaic language can understand.
"Canadian" troops were mostly militias used in the defensive. It was profesional British soldiers who burned Washington.
That war was pretty much a wash as far as battles go. We each seemed to attack each other where the lines were weakest, winning there, losing somewhere else.
However, the Americans should have done better, as Britain was tied up fighting Napoleon in Europe. Fighting two wars at the same time is not easy.
Marginal victory goes to the Brits as the Americans set out to annex The Canadas, got tired, and went home.
Hold an umbrella and a blow dryer???? Sound like you were close to being published in the Darwin awards!
I enjoyed this one. I can't wait until the next one comes out! Hopefully if there ever is a Part III it won't be as bad as Back to the Future Part III...
Let's see, Times US whooped Finland's ass: 0 Times US bailed Finland out of some mess: 0
And we use the SI units instead of archaic and arbitrary ones.
Well this sounds like the perfect job for the OMGWTF calculator. I think that there even was one that did do a Google search and returned the result.
Well this sounds like the perfect job for the OMGWTF calculator. I think that there even was one that did do a Google search and returned the result. And I think that I need to learn how to use the quote buttons.
<the_rest_of_America> We don't know that guy. </the_rest_of_America>
Perkele Suomalainen...
It's hard to bail out a country with such as pacifist history.
Also, the US hasn't whooped your ass true... but you have no oil and already kicked out the Russions and Germans. :P
He was refering to Washington the man, not Washington the seat of government, dumbass.
The Google ads were for Schlage locks, and similar ads. Probably due to the "Securing the server room" title. Interesting!
Ignorance is bliss
Check http://www.jamesoberg.com/mars/loss.html scroll down to "Mars's two measurement systems"have fun
You've made my day!!
Except you never know if it will be 80F in April or June. Most years, May is warm, but sometimes we get snow then, too.
You know what you are doing, huh?
40 (rods / hogshead) = 0.00198412698 miles per gallon
Sucks to be driving your car
IIRC, the idea to annex Canada came after the British started the war by pressing American sailors. And, as soon as we found out they put gravy on their Freedom Fries, we turned around and went home.
Ah yes... I must've forgot about all us Canadians that rallied around to help out after the disaster of 9/11... that was the US bailing us out, wasn't it?
I'm so glad most Americans aren't like you sir. You might want to shut your trap... you're giving them a bad name and I like my American friends to not get a worse reputation because of wankers like you.
-- Seejay
True, but the US did the same to them, so it's a wash.
He didn't say anything in the early 20th Century, having been dead for some time. But he did say things in the late 18th Century which could have made useful advice in the early 20th. Mainly about keeping to our own business.
We actually have this same problem, where our outside condensers fill with cottonwood fluff and leaves. After the first time it happened, we scheduled a bimonthly (biweekly? Every two weeks? Fortnightly, that's it.) cleaning during the summer months.
how are the SI units not arbitrary? and how are used imperial measurements archaic when they continue to be widely used?
congradulations on feeding the troll though, you really showed him!
Or you could take the time to memorize a few key points in both scales (0C = 32F, 37C = 98.6F, 100C = 212F) and interpolate/extrapolate as needed.
By the way, breaking in to the server room, even if the goal is to get the computers back up and get the business functioning, is not ok and is a very foolish move. This guy who used a pen to get past the door lock could have found himself criminally prosecuted for that. I know a lot of sysadmin types reading this forum and I implore you, don't expose yourself to criminal liability even if you are doing it to save the company. I guarantee you that there are places where that kind of thing would result in a long and painful legal process, no matter what the guy's intentions were.
Same thing goes for defeating any type of electronic access control. Don't do it without a written authorization from a company officer. And even then, better to let someone else have that job.
Let's see what we can figure out about GRG....
The man can't seem to hold a job for very long. He has all these stories from a very wide range of companies and industries, and never two stories from the same place. Even if he's a contractor, he doesn't seem to be able to hold a contract for very long either.
No matter where he goes, he's always the smart one, and the client/employer is the dumb one.
Crap always seems to happen whereever he goes, but its always the client/employer's fault.
I've worked with people with these characteristics in the past. People who fuck up all the time and can't hold a job/contract, but manages to always twist it so that its everyone ELSE who is the REAL incompetent one.
Either that, or GRG is just making all this crap up. In either case, I'm pretty sure there's a WTF in GRG himself.
(Speaking as someone who uses Celcius, but would still expect conversions to be provided to Fahrenheit for the benefit of USians if someone from a modern country submitted a WTF.)
34 years, three employers. 11.333 yrs/job average.
The employers are usually smart in their area of expertise, I'm more than adequate in mine. What's so unusual about that?
I goof up every day, but it's more fun to relate other's boo-boos.
but manages to always twist it so that its everyone ELSE who is the REAL incompetent one.
Please explain how it can be my fault the servers down the hall and behind locked doors are my responsibility and I dump the leaves in the cooling tower.
I concur!
That last comment was to a much earlier post... can someone explain what the reply button is "suppose" to do than?
What is with people and proclaiming what is 'modern'? It's terrible insulting to me as I've never seen 'Celcius' used or mentioned in any of the books we used when I was growing up. I can only assume it's closely related to the 'Celsius' system. What country are you from anyway? I assume your scale is just as arbitrary as the rest of them, but I'm curious why it was developed and which two arbitrary points where used and why.
Americans == Imperial system !Americans == Metric system Special case: Canadians == Generally familiar with both (what's -15 C in F? Who cares, it's cold, eh?)
0 Celcius is the freezing point of water. 100 C is the boiling point of water. Explain the arbitrary points used in Fahrenheit please.
Distilled water anyway, at one atmosphere (sea level).
The ends of the Fahrenheit scale are most definitely not arbitrary. Fahrenheit chose them for a reason. Since you can find Wikipedia just as easily as I can, I won't bother to copy it here.
And it's not like the US doesn't use SI units. They're taught in schools. Some places that work internationally or where precision is important use them.
Ok, so the decisions of the end points aren't (but that is probably not what he meant anyway), but the reason for the decisions almost are:
Q: So what is 0 F? A: Oh, that defined by the coldest temperature a polish 17th century scientist could measure on an inaccurate thermometer.
Q: So what is 96 F? A: Oh, thats the body temperature of a polish 17th century scientist.
Q: But normal human body temperature isn't 96 F? A: No, as I said, his thermometer was inaccurate.
Q: But why wasn't that set to 100 F? A: Ah, but it makes it easier to divide in your head, since the difference is 180.
Q: But what is the point of that? A: ?
woo hoo - apr 6 is my birthday!
So true.. I've been here for 3 months. Not once have I before seen a bright sunny 24 degree celsius day turn into blustery thunderstorm and amazing rain like I have so many times in this short time period.. I look forward to my first Ol' English Winter.
Quote Wikipedia: "In the United States the Fahrenheit system continues to be the accepted standard for non-scientific use. All other countries have adopted Celsius as the primary scale in use. Fahrenheit is sometimes used by older generations in English speaking countries, especially for measurement of higher temperatures."
I've no doubt its in common use in many places around the globe, but the fantastically pro-american who posted his tripe would certainly be wrong in suggestings its the standard..
To tell you the truth, I can't believe there are countries (like England/UK) which use half imperial/half metric. I'd rather it's all or nothing. Especially considering the fact I see road signs expressing brige height in feet, and max speed in mph, yet commonly see KM/CM/M measures in day to day life. Thank god fruit&veg isn't sold pound/pound, as that would just be too confusing :P
CAPTCHA GYGAX because thats my middle name
I think it's worth noting that neither of these statements is actually correct.
Not all Americans use the Imperial system. For most scientific and medical applications we use SI. Almost every food product has its volume listed in both systems' units.
Not all non-Americans use the metric system. Contrary to popular belief, there are actually three countries that have not adopted the metric system as a standard; Imperial units are also used for specific applications in several countries (e.g., the UK, where distances between cities are in miles, and glasses of beer are in pints).
[quote user="Someone You Know"][quote user="moo"] Imperial units are also used for specific applications in several countries (e.g., the UK, where distances between cities are in miles, and glasses of beer are in pints). [/quote]
This is another interesting point though.. I come from a completely metric country (Australia), yet there are certain things which are always expressed in imperial units. For intance, its always a pint of beer, I've never ordered 568ml of beer, nor do I plan too, though I'll complain loudly when you order a pint and are given a full beer in a 500, 530 or 540ml glass, thats just cheating. This seems to happen an awful lot in Australian pubs (I'm not sure about elsewhere), but we need to shake this notion that a pint, the standard unit of beer, is still a real unit of measure, and not just a big glass that beer goes into.
I'm also always six-foot-two, 188cm just doesn't sound right, and I've noticed it doesn't matter if your in a metric speaking country, quantities of contraband is almost always measured in ounces, pounds etc, not that I care at all though.
You don't read very well. I assure you that within the United States, it is indeed the standard for non-scientific use, though many weather forecasts give both, and many thermometers (especially digital ones) can give results in either.