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I think Malbolge is a better guess. Demented programs should be written in an equally demented language. :)
(CAPTCHA: batman)
Dammit, I mean't to include a quote. Let's try this again. (Second CAPTCHA: error. How appropriate.)
I think Malbolge is a better guess. Demented programs should be written in an equally demented language. :)
(CAPTCHA: batman)
about as sturdy as a house of cards
Long ago (before Windows) I did UI work in C. I would put my cat on the keyboard and have it walk around for a while. He found a lot of key combinations that would cause errors.
He was also a great help with C. If I asked ask him a "yes/no" question, his answer was usually correct. But when I switched to Windows, he gave up on me and now refuses to help me at all, won't even come in to the room now. See, I told you he was smart.
I totally agree. Just because it told you to read the instructions, doesn't mean that you aren't supposed to follow them in order. Just because you know that step 25 will tell you to not do other steps doesn't mean that step is executed first.
10 string programBuffer = Application.Line.ToString();
20 println("John Doe");
30 int a := 5 + 3;
40 System.Crash();
50 println("Line 40");
60 Application.Line(40) := "int b := 6 + 4";
Sure, it's kinda different, but kinda the same ya know?
The test measures your ability to following instructions. Instruction number one is to read all of the instructions. You have made the assumption that all of the questions need to be answered, and answered in a particular order.
Q: Why was the computer programmer found starved to death in his shower?
A: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
(I would also accept "A computer programmer wouldn't be found dead in a shower")
Ha ha ha, you've gotta love cats. They always seem to choose the worst possible moment to jump on your desk, and they have an unnatural talent for finding the most damaging keystrokes possible. (Computer: "Delete really important data? [y/N]". Cat: "Y")
But step 1 was "get a pen and paper".
<FONT face=Tahoma>What about this?
Read all instructions before doing anything but don't follow any of them...
1. get a pen and paper
2. write your name at the top of the paper
3. solve this expression : 512 * 342 * 423 * 423 and write the answer below your name
What would you do?
Rational spotted this guy's work and put him in chargeof UI design for their entire suite of products. That's where he really hit his stride.
Maybe that's the key to getting promoted ... just randomly clicking things and entering keystrokes. It worked for Richard Pryor in Superman III.
I thank a higher power that Wind River moved away from using Tornado to a system based on Eclipse. This example is only the tip of the iceburg when it comes to problems developing software for an older version of vxWorks. At least Wind River has admitted that Tornado pretty much sucks, then threw it away, and started using a better IDE.
If a tree falls in the woods and no one can re-create it, will another one fall?
Who knows, but it ain't worth my time as a developer troubleshooting something that has no remenants and can't be recreated.
Instructions provide knowledge in a methodical manner. If instruction #1 is to READ all of the instructions, I would READ all of the instructions... if instruction number 2 was to answer all of the questions in order, I would answer all of the questions in order.
The original test had 2 parts: Instructions and Questions, people failed the test because they skipped the instructions and answered the questions.
Actually this IDE has been thrown away. Wind River got rid of the Tornado IDE.
And people wonder why so many kids drop out of school. I would just drink a beer.
Nearly everyone follows directions by reading a step or two, performing them, looking back, reading a few more. In real life trick instructions and head games are less useful for solving problems than roadkill at a construction site. Cleverness is useful in solving problems with vague or no instructions, not in following detailed but contradictory instructions. (It might train you to deal with certain bosses though...)
Besides, if #25 says ignore everything after #2, do you ignore 25? Conundrum!
<FONT face=Tahoma>What about the instructions for reading the instructions:</FONT>
<FONT face=Tahoma>Anyway, questions like these really doesn't do any good but test your reading comprehension (and your insanity sometimes)... :)
you missed the point... having to read all questions first doesn't indicate whether you should process them in order or not
Sinc when does a computer programmer RTFM?
Simply write this on your piece of paper:
<font size="2"><font face="Courier New"><font color="#ff0000">java.lang.StackOverflowError: Out of stack space.
at Test.followStep(Test.java:1)</font></font></font><font size="2"><font face="Courier New"><font color="#ff0000">
at Test.followStep(Test.java:2)</font></font></font><font size="2"><font face="Courier New"><font color="#ff0000">
at Test.followStep(Test.java:1)</font></font></font><font size="2"><font face="Courier New"><font color="#ff0000">
at Test.followStep(Test.java:2)</font></font></font><font size="2"><font face="Courier New"><font color="#ff0000">
at Test.followStep(Test.java:1)</font></font></font><font size="2"><font face="Courier New"><font color="#ff0000">
at Test.followStep(Test.java:2)
<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">[snip]
<font size="2"><font face="Courier New"><font color="#ff0000"><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">Captcha = whiskey
You may jest...
Yrs ago when I did tech support for a brand name university I used to have a regular caller. She was a nice enough woman - friendly, calm, polite - even when things were going very bad on the technology front. She only had three small problems that made tech support difficult:
- Had very very poor hearing
- Had very very very poor vision
- Had Altzheimers
What do you give a person with that combination of problems? That's right - a computer with a tiny screen that they've never used before.So.. tech support calls generally involved me SHOUTING into the phone because she kept saying "i can't hear you", with me asking her to tell me exactly what she saw on her screen, and her saying "I'm not sure, my sight isn't as good as it used to be...", and answering exactly the same question as last week. 'But I've already helped you with that.." "I've got Altzheimers', my memory is pretty bad." "Well, grab a pen and write down the steps..." etc etc etc.
Even when I didn't feel otherwise stressed, just having to spend 20 minutes shouting made me feel very stressed.
Then I got a real job :-)
I had a boss exactly like that. Though, his trick was to call me up, ask me how to do something, and pretty much narrate everything that he was doing - which, of course, bore no resemblance at all to what I was suggesting. Eventually - like a million monkeys typing will eventually compose an existentialist suicide note - he would stumble across what I'd suggested in the first place and be very pleased with himself and unhappy that I'd not suggested it sooner.
I soon learned that there was an upside to this. I could just put him on speakerphone, tie up my line, and get on with work without any more disturbing phonecalls ;-)
btw, there is a cure... lead, heated and fast moving. it tends to be a bit messy, and is frowned upon in polite society though
Um... we all know that you start counting from 0. The doesn't have a step zero, so obviously was not meant to be executed.
simple :-)
(captcha - null - kinda cute considering :-))
The first instruction is not numbered, and therefore should be referred to as instruction zero. And since zero is nothing, it should be ignored! :-)
On a more serious note, the abovementioned "basic rule" is not one that I'm familiar with. The first part, sure - isn't that what we expect when we write code? But the second part? That's a big fat WTF!!
Compare a test like that to a program - if you put all sorts of weird ass crap in a comment, or in a function that isn't executed, or in a block of code that is never invoked, the computer will (okay - should) ignore it. It WILL NOT perform the steps in order - it will perform them as dictated by the steps themselves!
Obligatorily: captcha == captcha
GoatCheez -- Wow, I took the same test --- In third grade!!!! So, you from California?
I also did the same test, in Sydney, Australia.
In Soviet Russia! (Oops, sorry. Wrong forum.)
In Soviet Russia, POS IDE owns YOU!!!!
Then you fail for using Java.
I would LOVE to field support calls on this.
"Hello, my program doesn't work."
"Did you follow the steps exactly?"
"Liar! The steps are wrong in the documentation!"
"But there is no documentation..."
That's amazing, I've been using VxWorks for years now and never managed to get certain things running, usually ending in some files being garbled. Now at least I know how to set up the Project-Macros :-) I should probably read the WTFs more than TFMs (the f** manuals).
I know this one.. Three Dead Trolls In A Baggie - <a href="http://www.deadtroll.com/index2.html?/video/helldeskcable.html~content">Internet Hell Desk</a>, right? :-)
I remember doing one of those in school (like 30 years ago ...) but it also included instructions like "Shout out the name of your favourite colour". I thought it was a pretty entertaining alternative to the usual lessons.
goggles :: (MonadPlus m, SightOrgan e) => WTF -> e -> m e
goggles "brilliant" = return
goggles _ = const mzero
With all these instructions and buttons you have to push in the right order, unexpected behaviour etcetera, a name for this application popped into my mind:
*LOL* so true, so true... I guess this application is very expensive, too
Well, if you're not supposed to read the instructions, you'd have to try your very best to follow them (except instruction #0, or the un-numbered meta-instruction) by writing down random answers not necessarily related to the instructions...
Oh wait, if I'm not supposed to follow the "don't follow any of them" instruction, then I'd be supposed to read the instructions after all?
What everyone seems to be missing is that instruction 25 instructs you to ignore all instructions but instructions 1 and 2.
25 is not a member of [1, 2]. So instruction 25 states that you should not follow instruction 25.
So... uh... do I follow it or not?
This is absurd, and a typical example of a test written by a teacher who had vaguely heard of these things, did not understand their purpose, and did not know how to write something logically consistent. Tests like these, with their arbitrary answers, are the most frustrating thing you can give to a smart child. The fact that so many people seem to think there is a straightforward correct answer merely demonstrates that many TDWTF readers are not smart.
UI design is a fine art but if a programmer doesn't even realise that users have better things to do than memorise specific steps to accomplish a task, then he'll simply never get it. He should put back on batch processing. Not sure I'd trust him with event driven processing.
Ignoring the logical problems some people have pointed out, this would be a great way of implementing (un)natural selection...
Read all instructions:
1. Get a gun
2. Point the gun at your head
3. Pull the trigger
4. Do not follow steps 1, 2 or 3
It has the benefit that it will also catch out any borgs that are hiding among us.
I agree with the "one user" bit, we were lucky enough in a previous company that this "one user" was also our QA resource! However, this has to be the worst example of that idea, even if the developer is that "one user". This is just a badly designed, written application.
I don't think the programmer was unaware of the idiocy of the design. His problem probably was: He was totally incompetent and lucky to get it to work at all, sometimes.
Yanks eh?
So I'm not the only one...
At least they got it to display a user interface...reminds me of MS Office and its infinite tabs with options...they still have a lot of work to do to catch up with Office...
They should implement "The program has performed illegal operation....send | don't send email...." dialog box...maybe they'd get better feedback from the users of that app...
Oh, and the color scheme used...hmm... reminds me of windows 95 OSR/2, or win 98
PS : I wonder if you click Help button, what instructions are displayed...pleeease post a screenshot with Help...:)
This reminds me of my days working for a hardware company - we'd always need to perform test/demos before the thing worked, so we had a bunch wires (jumping various sections of the hardware) leading to a control panel in another room. Someone in there would be listening, and throw the right switch at just the right moment to dis/engage the right jumper to make the thing appear to work. The only catch was making sure they had an unobstructed view of what the person at the keyboard and mouse was doing so they'd know when to throw which switch.
Really good.
Who can remember the DataEnvironment 1.0 used in VB 6 IDE had some issues like these in the first release, to not mention ASP older versions.
Marcelo - Brazil