• whatever (unregistered)

    private static int[] moves = new int[] { { 1, 3 }, { 0, 2, 4 }, { 1, 5 }, { 0, 4, 6 }, { 1, 3, 5, 7 }, { 2, 4, 8}, { 3, 7 }, { 4, 6, 8 }, { 5, 7 } };

    private static int[] solve(int[] board) {
    Random rand=new Random();

    // Find the Empty Square and number of correct squares
    int emptyIx=0, correct=0;
    for (int i=0; i<board.length; i++) {
      if (board[i]==0) emptyIx=i;
      else if (board[i]==(i+1)) correct++;
    while (correct!=8) {
      // Pick one Move at random
      int sourceIx=moves[emptyIx][rand.nextInt(moves[emptyIx].length)];
      // Make The Move
      // correct->wrong, // wrong->correct , // wrong->wrong
      if (board[emptyIx]==(emptyIx+1)) correct++;
      else if (board[sourceIx]==(sourceIx+1)) correct--;
    return board;


  • Buddy (unregistered)

    In pseudocode:

    // run this for a long time - eventually it will find all optimal solutions
    		set to solved puzzle
    		empty move-list
    		move a piece semi-randomly and prepend to move-list
    		query DB for state and return move-list
    		is the state represented in the DB?
    			is it a worse solution (i.e. longer) than what is there?
    				break out of inner do loop
    				is it a better solution (i.e. shorter) than what is there?
    					update DB with better solution (state, move-list)
    			insert new solution into DB (state, move-list)
    	while true
    while true
    // to solve a puzzle
    query DB for state and return move-list!
  • (cs) in reply to Hatterson
    Even in computer science an algorithm is called 'efficient' when it performs reasonably well in comparison with other options, regardless of its actual running time.
    This isn't universally true; in the more theoretical branches of CS, "efficient" is often a synonym for "polynomial time".

    Thus many problems have no efficient solution.

  • (cs) in reply to Oxyd

    I have to wonder why this kind of programming "problem" is still included in computer programming courses. I looked through the course descriptions for a local university (University of Hawaii) recently and it mentions that students will learn sorting and linked-list algorithms. What the hell ? At what job would you ever have to do that? How about using real-world, practical examples in class so students get a feel for what programming is really like? Aaarrrggghh!

  • KL (unregistered)

    Dr. Ian Parberry assigned this to a LARC student back in the 1993-1995 timeframe, he wrote the DOS program "GifPuz" which solved an NxN version of this on-screen. Dr. Parberry claimed that the algorithm was provably within 7x of the optimal solution.

    It worked by solving first for the upper-left corner, then the 2nd from left on the top row, then the 3rd from left, etc., until it solved the top row. Then the rows and column indices were switched and the solver solved the left-most column. Now it had a (N-1)x(N-1) square to solve. It continued this way until it was 2x2 and then rotated the last few squares into place.

    It was deterministic and always worked.

  • Edward Ocampo-Gooding (unregistered)

    Here’s a solution in Scheme:

    ;; Contract: terminal? : list -> boolean
    ;; Purpose: Returns whether the given puzzle state is terminal or not.  termLst is a helper definition definint the terminal state.
    ;; Example: (terminal? '(1 2 3 4 0 6 7 8 9) )
    ;; #t
    ;; Example: (terminal? '(1 2 3 0 4 6 7 8 9) )
    ;; #f
    ;; Definition:
    (define termLst
      '(1 2 3 4 0 6 7 8 9))
    (define terminal? 
      (lambda (state)
        (let loop ((state state) (termLst termLst))
          ((null? state) #t)
          ((= (car state) (car termLst)) (loop (cdr state) (cdr termLst)))
          (else #f)
    (define list-ref
      (lambda (n ls)
        (let loop ((x 1) (ls ls))
            ((null? ls) -1)
            ((= x n) (car ls))
            (else (loop (+ x 1) (cdr ls)))))))
    ;; Contract: list-index : atom list -> atom
    ;; Purpose: Returns the 1-based index position of an atom in a list
    ;; Example: (list-index  3 '(1 2 3 4 0 6 7 8 9) )
    ;; 3
    ;; Definition:
    (define list-index
      (lambda (a ls)  ;;There's got to be a better, cleaner way, but this will do
        (let loop ((x 1) (ls ls))
            ((null? ls) -1)
            ((equal? a (car ls)) x)
            (else (loop (+ x 1) (cdr ls)))))
    ;; Contract: swap : atom atom list -> list
    ;; Purpose: Returns a puzzle state with the given 1-based index positions in 
    ;; the puzzle-state list exchanged.
    ;; Example: (swap  3 2 '(1 2 3 4 0 6 7 8 9) )
    ;; (1 3 2 4 0 6 7 8 9)
    ;; Definition:
    (define swap
      (lambda (p1 p2 state)
        (if (> p1 p2) (swap p2 p1 state)
        (let loop ((p1 p1) (p2 p2) (stateLst state) (n 1))
            ((= n p1) (cons (list-ref p2 state) (loop p1 p2 (cdr stateLst) (+ 1 n))))
            ((= n p2) (cons (list-ref p1 state) (cdr stateLst)))
             (cons (car stateLst) (loop p1 p2 (cdr stateLst) (+ 1 n)))))))))
    ;; Contract: blankpos : list -> atom
    ;; Purpose: Returns the 1-based index position of the blank (the '0) position in the
    ;; puzzle-state list.
    ;; Example: (blankpos '(1 2 3 4 0 6 7 8 9) )
    ;; 5
    ;; Definition:
    (define blankpos
      (lambda (state)
          (list-index '0 state))
    ;; Contract: move : atom list -> list
    ;; Purpose: Returns the puzzle-state list after the given movement has been applied.
    ;; Example: (move 'U '(1 2 3 4 0 6 7 8 9) )
    ;; (1 0 3 4 2 6 7 8 9)
    ;; Definition:
    (define move 
      (lambda (pos state)
          ((equal? pos 'U) (swap (- (blankpos state) 3) (blankpos state) state))
          ((equal? pos 'R) (swap (blankpos state) (+ (blankpos state) 1) state))
          ((equal? pos 'D) (swap (blankpos state) (+ (blankpos state) 3) state))
          ((equal? pos 'L) (swap (- (blankpos state) 1) (blankpos state) state))
    ;; Contract: possMoves : list -> list
    ;; Purpose: Returns a list of possible moves based upon the given puzzle-state list
    ;; Example: (possMoves '(1 2 3 4 0 6 7 8 9) )
    ;; (u r d l)
    ;; Definition:
    (define possMoves
      (lambda (state)
        (list-ref (blankpos state) '(  (R D) (  R D L) (  D L)
                                     (U R D) (U R D L) (U D L) 
                                     (U R  ) (U R   L) (U   L)))
    ;; Contract: expand : list list -> list
    ;; Purpose: Applies a list of moves to a tuple, returning a list of tuples, 
    ;; where each tuple contains a puzzle-state list and a list of the moves
    ;; made to get there.
    ;; Example: (expand '(u l) '( (1 2 3 4 0 6 7 8 9) () ) )
    ;; (((1 0 3 4 2 6 7 8 9) (u)) ((1 2 3 0 4 6 7 8 9) (l)))
    ;; Definition:
    (define expand
      (lambda (moves tuple)
        (let loop ((moves moves) (tuple tuple) (result '() ))
          ((null? moves) result)
              (cdr moves) 
               (list (list (move (car moves) (car tuple)) (append (cadr tuple) (list (car moves))) ) 
    ;; Contract: contains : list atom -> boolean
    ;; Purpose: Returns whether an atom is within a list or not.
    ;; Example: (contains '(a b c) 'b)
    ;; #t
    ;; Definition:
    ;; Checks to see if atmB is in lstA
    (define contains
      (lambda (lstA atmB)
          ((null? lstA) #f)
          ((equal? (car lstA) atmB) #t )
               (contains (cdr lstA) atmB)))))
    ;; Contract: solve : list list list -> list
    ;; Purpose: Takes a list of processed (used) states, a tuple to begin with,
    ;; and a queue of tuples.  It returns a list of moves to bring the puzzle-state
    ;; list to the terminal state.  (Or, at least, tries to do so.)
    ;; Notes:
    ;;  "used" is a list of processed states
    ;;  "current" is the currently being process tuple
    ;;  "queue" is a queue of tuples to process
    ;; Example: (solve '() '((1 2 3 0 4 6 7 8 9) ()) '(((1 0 3 4 2 6 7 8 9) (u)) ((1 2 3 0 4 6 7 8 9) (l))) )
    ;; (u d)
    ;; Definition:
    (define solve
      (lambda (used current queue)
          ;; Is the current state the terminal one?  If so, return its movelist
          ((terminal? (car current)) (cadr current)) 
          ((contains used (car current))
           (solve used (car queue) (append (cdr queue) (expand (possMoves (caar queue)) (car queue))  ) ))
            (append current used) 
            (car queue) 
            (append (cdr queue) (expand (possMoves (caar queue)) (car queue)) ) ))
    ;; Contract: contains : list list -> list
    ;; Purpose: Takes a puzzle-list state and returns a list of moves to bring a 
    ;; puzzle-state list to terminal state.
    ;; (Acts as a bootstrapping mechanism for "solve".)
    ;; Example: (solver '(1 2 3 0 4 6 7 8 9))
    ;; (r)
    ;; Definition:
    (define solver
      (lambda (startState)
         (list startState '()) 
         (append (expand (possMoves startState) (list startState '() )) '() ) 
    (define thing  '(1 2 3 
                     4 0 6 
                     7 8 9))
    (define thing2 '(1 2 3 0 4 6 7 8 9))
    (define thing3 '(0 1 3
                     4 2 6
                     7 8 9))
    (define thing4 '(1 3 6
                     4 0 2
                     7 8 9))
    (solver thing2)
    (solver thing3)
    (solver thing4)
  • (cs)

    Ugly, slow, Python 3k solution:

    def swap(s, i, j):
        return s[:i] + s[j] + s[i+1:j] + s[i] + s[j+1:]  
    def solve(start):
        old_states = []
        target_state = '123456780'
        to_go = [(start,[])]
        while len(to_go) > 0:
            start, way = to_go.pop(0)
            if start == target_state:
                return way
            if start in old_states:
            i = start.find('0')
            way = way[:] # copy
            if i not in (0, 3, 6):
                to_go.append((swap(start, i-1, i), way))
            if i not in (2, 5, 8):
                to_go.append((swap(start, i, i+1), way))
            if i > 2:
                to_go.append((swap(start, i-3, i), way))
            if i < 6:
                to_go.append((swap(start, i, i+3), way))
        print ("Solution not found!")
        return []
    for i in (solve('132546780')):
        print ("{}\n{}\n{}\n".format(i[:3], i[3:6], i[6:]))
  • Alex Elsayed (unregistered)

    You know, in looking at this I had an interesting idea for the hardest one:

    Why not use a variant of Dijkstra's Algorithm, by representing moves as edges and states as vertices?

  • ysth (unregistered) in reply to SR
    These coding challenge things produce herds* of WTFs.
    • what is the collective noun for WTFs? I'll open the bidding with a PHB of WTFs.
    Playing on "herd", a horrid of WTFs?
  • ysth (unregistered) in reply to EngleBart
    Bonus 1: What IS the maximum number/depth of scrambles? Bonus 2: How many different starting positions exist at this depth?
    28 and 18.
    Go Figure:
    I should send the requirements to our Indian outsourcing team... Those fuckers write ( read cut 'n paste ) beautiful solutions and get it right first time!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Another racist pig scared for his pathetic job
    To be fair, s/he was not speaking of generic Indians, but specifically of an Indian outsourcing team s/he has experience with. So you can't necessarily conclude racism.
  • ysth (unregistered)

    Weighing in at .5Kb, in non-golfed, idiomatic Perl:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -wl
    use strict;
    my @new = '12345678_';
    my %seen = ( $new[0] => '' );
    while (my @curr = splice @new) {
    	for my $board (@curr) {
    		for my $xfrm ( qr/(.)(..)(_)/, qr/(_)(..)(.)/, qr/(_)()(.)/, qr/(.)()(_)/ ) {
    			( my $b = $board ) =~ s/$xfrm/$3$2$1/;
    			$seen{$b} = $board, push @new, $b if ! exists $seen{$b};
    while ( print('Starting position (e.g. 8765_4321):'), my $board=<> ) {
    	chomp $board;
    	print 'Not solvable' unless $seen{$board};
    	print $board while $board = $seen{$board};
  • Proteolysis (unregistered) in reply to ysth

    [quote user="ysth"][quote user="EngleBart"] [quote user="Go Figure"][quote user="Buzzard"]I should send the requirements to our Indian outsourcing team... Those fuckers write ( read cut 'n paste ) beautiful solutions and get it right first time!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] Another racist pig scared for his pathetic job[/quote]To be fair, s/he was not speaking of generic Indians, but specifically of an Indian outsourcing team s/he has experience with. So you can't necessarily conclude racism.[/quote]

    If there hadn't been racism, there wouldn't have been any need to mention that the team was Indian.

  • (cs) in reply to RogerInHawaii

    Eh, I'm missing some subtle sarcasm here. Yes? Please?

    Aside from the fact that there are plenty of jobs where you might have to understand and even implement that sort of code -- not everyone has enough space to have libraries to fall back on.

    And ignoring that fact that questions like that form the backbone of many technical interviews.

    The basic fact is that software engineers should understand how all the basics work even if they never need to use them.

    Next you'll be saying that people shouldn't worry about memory allocation and cleaning up afterwards because it can all be done for you ...

  • Anonymousse (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    I just to annoy my older brother by removing and swapping two tiles from my 15 puzzle and watching him struggle...

    You accidentally a word here.

    No, he thought 'used' is written 'just', used as some people think 'should've' is written 'should of'.

  • Anonymusse (unregistered)

    I have found an elegant solution which solves this problem in less than polynomial time but this box is too small to write it down.

  • j0e (unregistered) in reply to Anonymusse

    An dirty, yet surprisingly fast VBScript implementation

    input="1,X,2,5,6,3,4,7,8" Dim board(3,3)

    init() print()

    tries=0 done=False

    While Not done 'Find Empty Square - 'X' For i=1 To 3 For j=1 To 3 If board(i,j)="X" Then open=i&","&j WScript.Echo "Open Spot= "& open End If Next Next

    'Find a place to move (e.g. neighbors)

    mover=getNeighbor() WScript.Echo "Move Spot= " & mover

    swap() print()

    If board(1,1)="1" And board(1,2)="2" And board(1,3)="3" And board(2,1)="4" And board(2,2)="5" And board(2,3)="6" And board(3,1)="7" And board(3,2)="8" Then WScript.Echo "Solution Found in " &tries+1& " moves" done=True print() End If

    tries=tries+1 If tries >= 1000 Then WScript.Echo "No Solution Found, Exiting" done=True End If Wend

    Function swap() a1=Left(open,1) a2=Right(open,1) b1=Left(mover,1) b2=Right(mover,1) 'WScript.Echo a1,a2,b1,b2 temp1=board(a1,a2) temp2=board(b1,b2) board(a1,a2)=temp2 board(b1,b2)=temp1 End Function

    Function init() count=1 For i=1 To 3 For j=1 To 3 temp=Mid(input,count,1) board(i,j)=temp count=count+2 Next Next End Function

    Function print() WScript.Echo "======" WScript.Echo board(1,1) &"|"& board(1,2) &"|"& board(1,3) WScript.Echo "======" WScript.Echo board(2,1) &"|"& board(2,2) &"|"& board(2,3) WScript.Echo "======" WScript.Echo board(3,1) &"|"& board(3,2) &"|"& board(3,3) WScript.Echo "======" end Function

    Function getNeighbor() Randomize n=Rnd() * 1000 Select Case open Case "1,1" If board(1,2) <> "2" then getNeighbor="1,2" Else getNeighbor="2,1" End If

     Case "1,2"
      If board(1,1) <> "1" Then	
      ElseIf board(1,3) <> "3" Then
      End If
     Case "1,3"
      If board(1,2) <> "2" Then	 
      End If
     Case "2,1"
      If board(1,1) <> "1" Then	
      ElseIf n Mod 2 = 0 Then	
      End If
     Case "2,2"
      If board(1,2) <> "2" then
      ElseIf board(2,1) <> "4" Then
      ElseIf board(2,3) <> "6" Then
      End If	    
     Case "2,3"
      If board(1,3) <> "3" Then
      ElseIf n Mod 2 = 0 Then
      End If	 
     Case "3,1"
      If board(2,1) <> "4" Then	  
      End If		 
     Case "3,2"
      If board(2,2) <> "5" Then	
      ElseIf n Mod 2 = 0 Then	
      End If	 
     Case "3,3"
      If board(2,3) <> "6" Then
      End If

    End Select End Function

  • (cs) in reply to C=64 is best
    C=64 is best:
    10 CLS
    30 IF A$="12345678" THEN GOTO 60
    50 GOTO 20
    60 PRINT "CORRECT!!"
    70 END

    One would expect that with such name you would use C64 BASIC. So no CLS, but PRINT "shift+home" to clear screen and semicolon instead of comma in the INPUT line.

  • JRiddy (unregistered)

    Hey, could someone post a solution to this problem in Ada? I'm working on a special project to write games for legacy systems. Oh, and it needs to be thread-safe and multi-user because the specs call for collaborative games. Is there an Erlang mod for Ada?


  • (cs)

    A compact Python solution below. Input is a list of 8 integers and a '_'. The program will go into an infinite loop if the solution is unsolvable for any reason (e.g. being in an unsolvable configuration or having an invalid set of components in the input)

    import random def s(b): def w(m):b[m[0]],b[m[1]]=b[m[1]],b[m[0]] while b!=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,'_']:w([[0,1],[1,2],[3,4],[4,5],[6,7],[7,8],[0,3],[1,4],[2,5],[3,6],[4,7],[5,8]][random.randint(0,11)]) return b

    The above solution takes up 219 bytes. (Bytes of Python source code, not binary)

    Addendum (2009-09-04 14:02): Also, to visualize the above (although this will probably cause the script to take forever to converge), use:

    import random def s(b): def w(m):b[m[0]],b[m[1]]=b[m[1]],b[m[0]] while b!=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,'_']: print('',b[0:3],'\n',b[3:6],'\n',b[6:9],'\n') w([[0,1],[1,2],[3,4],[4,5],[6,7],[7,8],[0,3],[1,4],[2,5],[3,6],[4,7],[5,8]][random.randint(0,11)]) return b

    Addendum (2009-09-04 14:04): Now, with whitespace!

    import random
    def s(b):
        def w(m):b[m[0]],b[m[1]]=b[m[1]],b[m[0]]
        while b!=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,'_']:w([[0,1],[1,2],[3,4],[4,5],[6,7],[7,8],[0,3],[1,4],[2,5],[3,6],[4,7],[5,8]][random.randint(0,11)])
        return b

    Addendum (2009-09-04 14:27): Whee, under 200 bytes (194):

    import random
    def s(b):
     def w(m):b[a[m]],b[a[m+1]]=b[a[m+1]],b[a[m]]
     while b!=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,'_']:w(random.randint(0,11)*2)
     return b
  • bzzle (unregistered) in reply to ullamcorper

    It's not NP-complete, since it's not a decision problem. Maybe you mean NP-hard.

  • Alex Elsayed (unregistered)

    C++ solution to the 'Difficult' problem using Dijkstra's Algorithm

    #include <queue>
    #include <map>
    #include <vector>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <sstream>
    struct path {
    		long long unsigned int len;
    		std::map< long long unsigned int, std::vector<std::vector<char>[3][3]> > route;
    		friend bool operator<( const path& x, const path& y) {
    				if(x.len > y.len ) 
    						return true;
    				if(x.len == y.len)
    						return false;
    std::string crunchPath( const path& input ) {
    		std::string output = "";
    		for ( std::map< long long unsigned int, std::vector<std::vector<char>[3]>[3] >::const_iterator i = input.route.begin(); i != input.route.end(); ++i ) {
    				if ( i == input.route.begin() ) {
    						output += crunchBoard( i->second );
    				} else {
    						output += "to:\n\n";
    						output += crunchBoard( i->second );
    		return( output );
    std::string crunchBoard( std::vector<std::vector<char>[3]>[3] board ) {
    		std::string output = "";
    		for ( int i = 0; i <= 2; ++i ) {
    				for ( int j = 0; j <= 2; ++j ) {
    						output += board[i][j];
    				output += '\n';
    		output += "\n\n";
    		return( output );
    std::vector<std::vector<char>[3] swapify( std::vector<std::vector<char>[3] orig, int h1, int h2; int t1, int t2 ) {
    		orig[h1][h2] = orig[t1][t2];
    		orig[t1][t2] = '0';
    		return( orig );
    std::list<std::vector<std::vector<char>[3]>[3]> getNextMoves( std::vector<std::vector<char>[3]>[3] state ) {
    		std::list<std::vector<std::vector<char>[3]>[3]> output;
    		if ( state[0][0] == '0' ) {
    				output.push( swapify( state, 0, 0, 0, 1) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 0, 0, 1, 0) );
    		} else if ( state[0][1] == '0' ) {
    				output.push( swapify( state, 0, 1, 0, 0) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 0, 1, 1, 1) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 0, 1, 0, 2) );
    		} else if ( state[0][2] == '0' ) {
    				output.push( swapify( state, 0, 2, 0, 1) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 0, 2, 1, 2) );
    		} else if ( state[1][0] == '0' ) {
    				output.push( swapify( state, 1, 0, 0, 0) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 1, 0, 1, 1) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 1, 0, 2, 0) );
    		} else if ( state[1][1] == '0' ) {
    				output.push( swapify( state, 1, 1, 0, 1) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 1, 1, 1, 0) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 1, 1, 1, 2) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 1, 1, 2, 1) );
    		} else if ( state[1][2] == '0' ) {
    				output.push( swapify( state, 1, 2, 0, 2) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 1, 2, 1, 1) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 1, 2, 2, 2) );
    		} else if ( state[2][0] == '0' ) {
    				output.push( swapify( state, 0, 2, 1, 0) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 0, 2, 2, 1) );
    		} else if ( state[2][1] == '0' ) {
    				output.push( swapify( state, 2, 1, 2, 0) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 2, 1, 1, 1) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 2, 1, 2, 2) );
    		} else if ( state[2][2] == '0' ) {
    				output.push( swapify( state, 2, 2, 1, 2) );
    				output.push( swapify( state, 2, 2, 2, 1) );
    		return( output );
    path dijkstra( std::vector<std::vector<char>[3]>[3] first, std::vector<std::vector<char>[3] last ) {
    		std::priority_queue< path > paths;
    		path initial;
    		initial.route[0] = first;
    		initial.len = 0;
    		paths.push( initial );
    PATH:		while ( ! paths.empty() ) {
    				path current = paths.top();
    				if ( current.route[current.len] == last ) {
    						return( current );
    				for( std::map< long long unsigned int, std::vector<std::vector<char>[3]>[3] >::iterator i = current.route.begin(); i != current.route.end(); ++i ) {
    						if ( ( current.route[current.len] == i->second ) && ( i->first < current.len ) ) {
    //								std::cout << "Looped on path " << crunchPath( current ) << std::endl;
    								goto PATH;
    				std::list<std::vector<std::vector<char>[3]>[3]> options = getNextMoves( current.route[current.len] );
    				for ( std::list<std::vector<std::vector<char>[3]>[3]>::iterator i = options.begin(); i != options.end(); ++i ) {
    						path tmp_current = current;
    						tmp_current.route[++(tmp_current.len)] = *i;
    						paths.push( tmp_current );
    		path error;
    		error.len = 0;
    		return( error );
    int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
    		std::vector<std::vector<char>[3]>[3] start;
    		std::cout << "Please enter a 3x3 board state, with tiles" << std::endl
    				<< "separated by spaces and newlines. Use 0" << std::endl
    				<< "to represent the hole." << std::endl;
    		std::cin >> start[0][0] >> start[0][1] >> start[0][2]
    				>> start[1][0] >> start[1][1] >> start[1][2]
    				>> start[2][0] >> start[2][1] >> start[2][2];
    		std::cout << "Now again for the desired end state..." << std::endl;
    		std::vector<std::vector<char>[3]>[3] end;
    		std::cout << "Please enter a 3x3 board state, with tiles" << std::endl
    				<< "separated by spaces and newlines. Use 0" << std::endl
    				<< "to represent the hole." << std::endl;
    		std::cin >> end[0][0] >> end[0][1] >> end[0][2]
    				>> end[1][0] >> end[1][1] >> end[1][2]
    				>> end[2][0] >> end[2][1] >> end[2][2];
    		path result = dijkstra( start, end, graph );
    		if ( result.len = 0 ) {
    				std::cout << "No solution!" << std::endl;
    				return( 1 );
    		std::cout << "Found shortest route (cost " << result.len << ") from\n\n" << start << "\n\nto\n\n" << end << "\nvia path\n\n" << crunchPath( result ) << std::endl;
    		return( 0 );
  • Alex Elsayed (unregistered)

    Whoops, my solution will claim that there's no solution if the start and end states are the same since path.len would be 0. Insert a check to compare them in main() where appropriate. Also, remove the parameters to main() - they're an accidental leftover from the original use of this code (finding paths on graphs of weighted edges between string vertices).

  • Gary B (unregistered)

    I was pretty sure you were wrong about all starting solutions being OK. So I checked with Wikipedia: "A simple parity argument shows that half of the starting positions for the n-puzzle are impossible to resolve, no matter how many moves are made. This is done by considering a function of the tile configuration that is invariant under any valid move, and then using this to partition the space of all possible labeled states into two equivalence classes of reachable and unreachable states." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifteen_puzzle)

    However, if you allow the final order to be either the normal left-to-right or right to left, I think the other starting positions all go that way.

  • st0le (unregistered)


    Programming Challenge 16 was to solve 1000 Puzzles (4x4) You'll find 2 solutions at the bottom of the page...

    My A* Program didn't do much for me, so i skipped it...

  • Landei (unregistered)

    Scala. You can specify an arbitrary end position, too. Finds a shortest path.

    object slide {
      case class Pos(pos:String) {
        lazy val neighbors = {
          val p = pos.indexOf('0');  val x = p % 3;  val y = p / 3
          def swap(xn:Int, yn:Int):Option[Pos] =
          if((xn+1) % 4 == 0 || (yn+1) %4 == 0) None
          else {
            val tiles = pos.toArray
            val temp = tiles(p); tiles(p) = tiles(xn+3*yn); tiles(xn+3*yn) = temp
            Some(Pos(new String(tiles)))
          List(swap(x-1,y), swap(x+1,y), swap(x,y-1),swap(x,y+1)).flatMap(s => s)
      def solve(p1:Pos, p2:Pos):List[Pos] = {
        def hull(list:List[Set[Pos]]):List[Set[Pos]] = {
          val second = if (list.tail.isEmpty) Set[Pos]() else list.tail.head
          list.head.foldLeft(Set[Pos]())((s,p) => s ++ p.neighbors.filter{
              n => ! list.head.contains(n) && ! second.contains(n)}) :: list
        def reconstructPath(path:List[Pos], hulls:List[Set[Pos]]):List[Pos] =
          hulls match {
             case Nil => path
             case head :: tail =>
               reconstructPath(head.find(path.head.neighbors.contains(_)).get :: path, tail)
        def solve(list1:List[Set[Pos]], list2:List[Set[Pos]]):List[Pos] =
        list1.head.find(list2.head.contains(_)) match {
          case None =>  val lenIsEqual = list1.length == list2.length
            solve(if (lenIsEqual) hull(list1) else list1,
                  if (lenIsEqual) list2 else hull(list2))
          case Some(link) =>  
            reconstructPath(List(link),list1.tail) :::
      def main(args:Array[String]) {
        val time = System.currentTimeMillis
        solve(Pos("738046512"), Pos("123456780")).foreach(println)
        println("" + (System.currentTimeMillis-time) + "ms")
  • Bim Job (unregistered) in reply to Alex Elsayed
    Alex Elsayed:
    You know, in looking at this I had an interesting idea for the hardest one:

    Why not use a variant of Dijkstra's Algorithm, by representing moves as edges and states as vertices?

    Well, yes ... at which point you get a variant of A*, which is the great thing about this sort of problem. (It still doesn't prevent the hardest one from being NP-complete or NP-hard, whichever.)

    Frankly, I'd far rather hire somebody who thinks this way (algorithms, Dijkstra, representation) than somebody who churns out an insta-solution in lingo-of-choice.

    Sadly, that's not the way the powers that be hire, these days. If indeed it ever was.

  • Bim Job (unregistered) in reply to RogerInHawaii
    I have to wonder why this kind of programming "problem" is still included in computer programming courses. I looked through the course descriptions for a local university (University of Hawaii) recently and it mentions that students will learn sorting and linked-list algorithms. What the hell ? At what job would you ever have to do that? How about using real-world, practical examples in class so students get a feel for what programming is really like? Aaarrrggghh!
    Good question, although you have the wrong, er, lemma.

    This sort of crap is designed for supercilious interviewers who already know the two or three best answers, and get warm fuzzy feelings when you (the interviewer) get them slightly wrong. Many college professors also fall into this category.

    Your mistaken lemma, however, is to assume, simply because a college student will never need to write their own sort or linked-list algorithm, that the exercise will not help them learn what programming is "really like."

    Whatever that is.

    I'd posit that, if you've not gone through the pain of writing your own quicksort in language of choice (and the particular algorithm in question is irrelevant and amenable to substitution), then you're gonna be a thoroughly useless pain in the ass when you program "as it is really like."

    Think of it (loosely) as Civil Engineering. Nobody who builds a bridge really needs to know what a catenary is, because there are tools to solve that problem for you.

    On the other hand, it would be quite nice to know when the program gets it wrong.

  • Matt.C (unregistered) in reply to Kris
    How many almost-identical versions of the "12345678" "solution" are we going to see before people realise it's not that funny?
    Twelve million, three hundred and forty five thousand, six hundred and seventy eight.
  • Derek (unregistered)

    Actually, half of all the combinations are impossible to solve. Here's a short "proof" of why (we learnt this is undegrad Algebra course):

    Start with your random configuration, and move the empty box, "9", to the bottom right - it's original location. This is always possible, and it just simplifies the proof.

    First note that every move you make is a "transpose" - where you swap the position of "9" and some other number. So a possible configuration is simply a sequence of transpositions.

    Now, since in the final and starting configuration, "9" is in the same place, this means we must have an EVEN number of "transposition". Because every time we move "9" up, we must eventually move "9" down again and vice verse.

    Now for the maths. With out starting configuration, we calculate the "permutation" that generates this configuration from the original one. This basically means we look at the function which maps the original numbers to the new numbers.

    And a permutation can be either odd or even. An even permutation basically can be decomposed to an even number of tranpositions. Hence, we have the requirement that the permutation of the random configuration must be even for the 9 box to be possible.

    Hope that made sense :)

    something like that...

  • Mike5 (unregistered) in reply to Bim Job
    Bim Job:
    Alex Elsayed:
    You know, in looking at this I had an interesting idea for the hardest one:

    Why not use a variant of Dijkstra's Algorithm, by representing moves as edges and states as vertices?

    Well, yes ... at which point you get a variant of A*, which is the great thing about this sort of problem. (It still doesn't prevent the hardest one from being NP-complete or NP-hard, whichever.)

    Frankly, I'd far rather hire somebody who thinks this way (algorithms, Dijkstra, representation) than somebody who churns out an insta-solution in lingo-of-choice.

    Sadly, that's not the way the powers that be hire, these days. If indeed it ever was.

    On the other hand, that might give you "inventive" solutions to well known problems.

  • Mark Steward (unregistered)

    Since Hertzfeld's program probably won't run on modern Macs, and certainly touch anything Microsoft, I decided to spend some of my weekend writing a Windows version of his game.

    I went for 4x4, as the original did, but I don't have a 128k to find out what happens when you win. Also, the PE file format is sadly limiting, so the result is an enormous 1184 bytes, but it's 753 compressed!


    Have fun!

  • Reader (unregistered)

    FYI: The original story about the Puzzle desk accessory is found here:


    About desk accessories in general: http://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?project=Macintosh&story=Desk_Ornaments.txt&topic=User%20Interface

    The history about that is quite fun to read.

  • Peekee (unregistered)

    I used perl to hack the code for generating all possible solutions. Basically work backwards from the solution:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    my $moves_at_index = {
        0 => [1,3],
        1 => [0,2,4],
        2 => [1,5],
        3 => [0,4,6],
        4 => [1,3,5,7],
        5 => [2,4,8],
        6 => [3,7],
        7 => [4,6,8],
        8 => [5,7],
    my $start = "12345678-";
    my $solutions = {};
    my $counter = 0;
    use Data::Dumper;
    sub do_moves{
        my ($numbers,$path) = @_;
        if(length($path) > 31){
        if(!defined $solutions->{$numbers}){
            $solutions->{$numbers} = $path;
        elsif(defined $solutions->{$numbers} && length($solutions->{$numbers}) > length($path)){
            $solutions->{$numbers} = $path;
            #if we are not the shortest path to this number then don't bother continuing.
        my $i = index($numbers,'-');
        my @moves = @{$moves_at_index->{$i}};
        foreach my $move (@moves){
            my $alter =$numbers;
            my $digit = substr($alter,$move,1);
  • Peekee (unregistered) in reply to Peekee

    Hmmm it did not like my second half of the solution (I kept getting spam messages)... Basically make a html page with all of the solutions cached. Then the javascript just looks up the solution and draws it on the page. It was especially wtf'ed as :

    1. It would be quicker to solve than to get it from the cache.
    2. The hash in javascript seems to have a limit of on the number of keys as such I put all the solutions in divs and looked them up by id.
  • Jim (unregistered)

    It's look that's it couldn't be solved as random, in a short period of time, somebody have a similar behaviour ? Or perhaps I WTF ^^, see code in C#:

    using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text;

    namespace Sliding { class Slider { public delegate void MoveDelegate();

        const byte SIZE = 3;
        const byte EMPTY_CELL = 0;
        byte[] slide = new byte[SIZE * SIZE];
        byte empty;
        MoveDelegate[] possibleMove; 
        public Slider()
            this.possibleMove = new MoveDelegate[] { this.moveFromLeft, this.moveFromRight, this.moveFromUp, this.moveFromDown };
            for (byte i = 0; i < SIZE * SIZE - 1; i++)
                this.slide[i] = Convert.ToByte(i + 1);
            this.slide[SIZE * SIZE - 1] = EMPTY_CELL;
            this.empty = SIZE * SIZE - 1;
        public void moveFromLeft()
            if ((empty % SIZE)==0) throw new Exception("Unallowed move.");
            slide[empty] = slide[empty - 1];
            slide[empty] = EMPTY_CELL; 
        public void moveFromRight()
            if (((empty+1) % SIZE)==0) throw new Exception("Unallowed move.");
            slide[empty] = slide[empty + 1];
            slide[empty] = EMPTY_CELL;
        public void moveFromDown()
            if (empty / SIZE > SIZE - 1) throw new Exception("Unallowed move.");
            slide[empty] = slide[empty + SIZE];
            empty += SIZE;
            slide[empty] = EMPTY_CELL;
        public void moveFromUp()
            if (empty / SIZE < 1) throw new Exception("Unnallowed move.");
            slide[empty] = slide[empty - SIZE];
            empty -= SIZE;
            slide[empty] = EMPTY_CELL;
        public void mix()
            Random rand = new Random();
            int maxRand = rand.Next(1, 10); 
            for (int i = 0; i < 100*maxRand; i++)
                int move2do = rand.Next(0, possibleMove.Length - 1);
                catch { }
        public String write()
            StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder("") ; 
            int place = (SIZE*SIZE-1).ToString().Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE*SIZE; i++)
                if(i%SIZE == 0) ret.Append("\r\n");
                ret.Append(slide[i].ToString().PadLeft(place, ' ') + " ");  
            return ret.ToString(); 
        public bool isOrdered() 
            for(int i = 0; i < SIZE*SIZE-1; i++)
                if(this.slide[i] != i+1)
                    return false ; 
            return true ; 
        public void solveByRand() 
            Random rand = new Random();
            while(! this.isOrdered()) {
                int move2do = rand.Next(0, possibleMove.Length - 1);
                catch { }


  • Utunga (unregistered)

    A bruteforce solution in JavaScript. I know it doesn't meet the specification - it doesn't exactly accept input, instead it randomizes the puzzle itself... I just wanted to make certain that the input is solveable.

  • (cs)

    Wait a minute. Everyone knows the puzzle application that shipped with the mac had fifteen pieces on a 4x4 grid. What gives? I mean, anonymization is one thing, but it's not like this is exactly a detail you can change. I can see the point of changing it for the problem (since the 4x4 version has unsolvable starting positions), but you also changed it in the description of the real puzzle desk accessory.

  • (cs) in reply to SR
    * what is the collective noun for WTFs? I'll open the bidding with a PHB of WTFs.

    Would you say that is a plethora of WTFs?

    Three Amigos dance

  • Tom Lynn (unregistered)

    175 bytes of Python. I expect it's a one-liner in APL variants. Usage example:

    python puzzle.py 1234_5786

    import sys,random
    while b!=sorted(b):
     if'%d%d'%(p,q)in'543012587410367'and'_'in b[p]+b[q]:b[p],b[q]=b[q],b[p]
    print b
  • David (unregistered)

    Pope, you will die like dogs... :) I vote for a lurch or a stun... but then have we agreed on what the plural actually is? WTFs or WsTF?

  • Tom Lynn (unregistered) in reply to Tom Lynn

    Down to 164 bytes.

    import sys,random
    while b!=sorted(b):
     if'_'in b[p]+b[q]:b[p],b[q]=b[q],b[p]
    print b
  • Nick B (unregistered) in reply to ajw

    As far as I'm aware, there are no impossible starting configurations and your function should be able to process any series of nine numbers.

    If I remember correctly, half of the possible configurations are unsolvable.

    You remember correctly, in a way. I'd have to dig it out but this is a basic, classic CIS-101 type of problem (where did YOU go to school?) in Topology, and it's easily demonstrated that any configuration shows a kind of "handedness" -- "even or odd" at any point, and it is impossible by simple movement to change the handedness of a configuration. Any even handed config cannot become an odd handed config (and vice-versa) without removing a piece from the system to change the config's handedness directly. Simple sliding movements won't transpose that.

  • Nick B (unregistered) in reply to Kris

    How many almost-identical versions of the "12345678" "solution" are we going to see before people realise it's not that funny?



    No fair corrupting the data pool!!

    You can't ASK the question and then get a valid answer. Observational interaction kicks in and skews the result.

    And, as proof that computers don't have AI yet ("Skynet")... here is what would be a proper solution to the puzzle, were the computer to have true AI:

    /* Solves the puzzle in the fastest possible time *

    • Its even written in C to make it fasterestimente */

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <stdlib.h>

    int main(char argc, char**argv){

    printf("Go away and stop wasting my time with a dumbass puzzle like this. You want it solved, go solve it yourself, lazy human kaaaniggit!\n";
    return 0;


  • Qanar (unregistered)

    Java Solution (depth first)


  • A realist (unregistered) in reply to Go Figure

    How do you know he's not racially Indian himself?

    He should be scared, everyday we are getting undercut and outsourced, maybe you would have the same opinion if it happened to you?

    Marxist twat.

  • steve (unregistered)

    HTML/Javascript. Firefox only. Zoom in to 10x for a larger puzzle.

    <a rel="nofollow" href="data:text/html,<title>Sliders</title><style>%23r{border:inset 2px;height:108;width:108;float:left;padding:1;position:relative;cursor:inherit}.s{border:outset 2px;background:buttonface;text-align:center;line-height:30px;height:30;width:30;float:left;margin:1}</style><body onload="with(m=String.prototype){m.b=substring;m.i=indexOf;m.M=match;m.r=replace;m.s=split}with(m=Array.prototype){m.c=concat;m.j=join;m.p=push}(m=Event.prototype).p=m.preventDefault;D=document;B=D.body;E=function(e){return D.getElementById(e)};M=Math;Ma=M.abs;Mf=M.floor;Mr=M.random;MR=M.round;W=window;pI=parseInt;T=true;F=!T;sT=setTimeout;u=typeof a;ab='absolute';im='image/png';na='not-allowed';co='cover';=function(e){return D.createElement(e)};J=function(){try{l=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,i=0%5D;while(T)l[MR(((s=E('s'+i)).offsetTop3+s.offsetLeft)/36)%5D=++i}catch(e){}};K=function(s){if(typeof d!=u)return F;if(s instanceof Event)s=this;if(typeof s!='object'||!(s instanceof HTMLDivElement))s=E('s'+s);J();l=l.j('');j=l.i(0);k=l.i(s.id.b(1)1+1);x=k%253;y=Mf(k/3);X=j%253;Y=Mf(j/3);if(Ma(X-x)+Ma(Y-y)>1){s.style.cursor=na;return F}m=U%3Fna:(X-x>0%3F'e':X-x<0%3F'w':Y-y>0%3F's':'n')+'-resize';if((s=s.style).cursor!=m)s.cursor=m;return T};A=function(){B.onmousemove=B.onmouseup=B.style.cursor='';if(typeof d==u)return;if(Ma(d.offsetLeft-X)+Ma(d.offsetTop-Y)!=36){s.left=X-1;s.top=Y-1}else O.value+=(O.value.i('\n')<0%3F'\n':' ')+(d.id.b(1)1+1);d=void(0);G()};G=function(){J();for(j=x=0;j<l.length-1;++j)if(l[j%5D!=j+1){++x;for(k=j+1;k<l.length;++k)if(l[k%5D==j+1){m=l[j%5D;l[j%5D=l[k%5D;l[k%5D=m;k=l.length}}J();j=l.j('').i(0);y=j%253+(j-j%253)/3;n=x==0%3F'green':((x+y)%252>0)%3F'red':'yellow';if((s=b.style).borderColor!=n)s.borderColor=n;return n!='red'};Q=function(j){if(typeof j=='string')j=j.s(/[ ,%5D+/);if(typeof j!=u&&j.length==1)j=j[0%5D.s('');for(k=0;typeof j==u||k<j.length;++k){s=E('s'+(typeof j==u%3Fk:j[k%5D-1));if(s!=null){(s=s.style).left=k%25336+1;s.top=(k-k%253)12+1}else if(typeof j==u)j=[%5D}J();O.value=l.j('')+(G()%3F'':'\nUnsolveable')};S=function(){a=arguments;J();if(typeof U==u||!U){O.value=l.j('');U=T;z=[%5D;o=[%5D;for(n=D.forms[j=0%5D.elements;j<n.length;++j)n[j%5D.disabled=n[j%5D.type.i('x')<0}m=T;for(j=0;j<l.length;m=!l[++j%5D||l[j%5D==j+1);if(m)O.value+=(O.value.M(/[\n%5D$/)==null%3F'\n':'')+'Done in '+z.length+' moves';if(m||a.length&&a[0%5D==F){U=F;for(n=D.forms[j=0%5D.elements;j<n.length;n[j++%5D.disabled='');G();return}if(o.length+z.length==0)if(a.length)o=a[0%5D;else return H(l.j(''),S);if(o.length){z.p(n=o.shift());O.value+=(O.value.M(/[\n %5D$/)==null%3F' ':'')+n;I(n-1,S)}else G()};H=function(){a=arguments;if(a.length==2){L=a[N=0%5D;V=[[[%5D,a[0%5D%5D%5D;P={};C=a[1%5D}f=new Date();while(V.length&&(new Date())-f<100){m=V.shift();if(typeof P[m[1%5D%5D==u){++N;P[m[1%5D%5D=T;j=m[1%5D.i(n=0);l=m[1%5D.s('');for(k=T;n<l.lengthk;++n)k=l[n%5D==0||l[n%5D==n+1;if(k){O.value=L+'\n';V=[%5D;C(m[0%5D);return}else{if(j>2)V.p([m[0%5D.c(l[j-3%5D),m[1%5D.r(l[j%5D,l[j-3%5D).r(l[j-3%5D,l[j%5D)%5D);if(j<6)V.p([m[0%5D.c(l[j+3%5D),m[1%5D.r(l[j+3%5D,l[j%5D).r(l[j%5D,l[j+3%5D)%5D);if(j%253>0)V.p([m[0%5D.c(l[j-1%5D),m[1%5D.r(l[j%5D,l[j-1%5D).r(l[j-1%5D,l[j%5D)%5D);if(j%253<2)V.p([m[0%5D.c(l[j+1%5D),m[1%5D.r(l[j+1%5D,l[j%5D).r(l[j%5D,l[j+1%5D)%5D)}}}O.value=L+((V.length>0&&sT(H,1)||C(F))%3F'\nTrying solutions of '+V[0%5D[0%5D.length+' moves':'\nNo solution exists.')+'\nPermutations: '+N};I=function(n,k){if(typeof d==u||!d){K(n);d=E('s'+n);C=k;p=X-x;q=Y-y;r=pI((Z=d.style).left)+36p;t=pI(Z.top)+36q}if(pI(Z.left)!=r||pI(Z.top)!=t){Z.left=pI(Z.left)+p;Z.top=pI(Z.top)+q;sT(I,10)}else{d=void(0);sT(C,10)}};O=D.forms[j=0%5D.output;U=F;b=E('r');for(s=D.getElementsByClassName('s');j<s.length;++j){s[j%5D.onmousemove=K;s[j%5D.onmousedown=function(e){if(typeof d!=u||K(this)==F)return F;d=this;B.style.cursor=d.style.cursor='none';x=e.clientX(X-x);X=d.offsetLeft;y=e.clientY(Y-y);Y=d.offsetTop;B.onmousemove=function(e){if(e.buttons<1||typeof d==u)return A();j=x!=0%3Fe.clientX-Ma(x):0;k=y!=0%3Fe.clientY-Ma(y):0;if(Ma(j=jx>0)>36)j=Ma(j)/j36;if(Ma(k=ky>0)>36)k=Ma(k)/k36;(s=d.style).left=X+j-1;s.top=Y+k-1;if(Ma(j)+Ma(k)>=36)A()};B.onmouseup=A;J();if(O.value.i('D')>0)O.value=l.j('');return false};s[j%5D.style.position=ab;s[j%5D.id='s'+j}Q()"ondragover="if((e=event).dataTransfer.types.contains('Files'))e.p()"ondrop="if(!((j=(f=(e=event).dataTransfer).types).contains('application/x-moz-file')||j.contains('text/uri-list')))return;i=('img');if((k=f.files).length){g=k[0%5D;if(!g.type.M(/image./))return;e.p();R=new FileReader();R.onload=(function(i){return function(e){i.src=e.target.result;i.onload=function(e){i=e.target;if(i.height<i.width)i.width=i.naturalWidth/i.naturalHeight(i.height=440);else 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    <textarea name=output rows=7 style=width:100%25 readonly>" target="blank" title="data:text/html,<title>Sliders</title><style>%23r{border:inset 2px;height:108;width:108;float:left;padding:1;position:relative;cursor:inherit}.s{border:outset 2px;background:buttonface;text-align:center;line-height:30px;height:30;width:30;float:left;margin:1}</style><body onload="with(m=String.prototype){m.b=substring;m.i=indexOf;m.M=match;m.r=replace;m.s=split}with(m=Array.prototype){m.c=concat;m.j=join;m.p=push}(m=Event.prototype).p=m.preventDefault;D=document;B=D.body;E=function(e){return D.getElementById(e)};M=Math;Ma=M.abs;Mf=M.floor;Mr=M.random;MR=M.round;W=window;pI=parseInt;T=true;F=!T;sT=setTimeout;u=typeof a;ab='absolute';im='image/png';na='not-allowed';co='cover';=function(e){return D.createElement(e)};J=function(){try{l=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,i=0%5D;while(T)l[MR(((s=E('s'+i)).offsetTop
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j!=u&&j.length==1)j=j[0%5D.s('');for(k=0;typeof j==u||k<j.length;++k){s=E('s'+(typeof j==u%3Fk:j[k%5D-1));if(s!=null){(s=s.style).left=k%25336+1;s.top=(k-k%253)12+1}else if(typeof j==u)j=[%5D}J();O.value=l.j('')+(G()%3F'':'\nUnsolveable')};S=function(){a=arguments;J();if(typeof U==u||!U){O.value=l.j('');U=T;z=[%5D;o=[%5D;for(n=D.forms[j=0%5D.elements;j<n.length;++j)n[j%5D.disabled=n[j%5D.type.i('x')<0}m=T;for(j=0;j<l.length;m=!l[++j%5D||l[j%5D==j+1);if(m)O.value+=(O.value.M(/[\n%5D$/)==null%3F'\n':'')+'Done in '+z.length+' moves';if(m||a.length&&a[0%5D==F){U=F;for(n=D.forms[j=0%5D.elements;j<n.length;n[j++%5D.disabled='');G();return}if(o.length+z.length==0)if(a.length)o=a[0%5D;else return H(l.j(''),S);if(o.length){z.p(n=o.shift());O.value+=(O.value.M(/[\n %5D$/)==null%3F' ':'')+n;I(n-1,S)}else G()};H=function(){a=arguments;if(a.length==2){L=a[N=0%5D;V=[[[%5D,a[0%5D%5D%5D;P={};C=a[1%5D}f=new Date();while(V.length&&(new Date())-f<100){m=V.shift();if(typeof P[m[1%5D%5D==u){++N;P[m[1%5D%5D=T;j=m[1%5D.i(n=0);l=m[1%5D.s('');for(k=T;n<l.lengthk;++n)k=l[n%5D==0||l[n%5D==n+1;if(k){O.value=L+'\n';V=[%5D;C(m[0%5D);return}else{if(j>2)V.p([m[0%5D.c(l[j-3%5D),m[1%5D.r(l[j%5D,l[j-3%5D).r(l[j-3%5D,l[j%5D)%5D);if(j<6)V.p([m[0%5D.c(l[j+3%5D),m[1%5D.r(l[j+3%5D,l[j%5D).r(l[j%5D,l[j+3%5D)%5D);if(j%253>0)V.p([m[0%5D.c(l[j-1%5D),m[1%5D.r(l[j%5D,l[j-1%5D).r(l[j-1%5D,l[j%5D)%5D);if(j%253<2)V.p([m[0%5D.c(l[j+1%5D),m[1%5D.r(l[j+1%5D,l[j%5D).r(l[j%5D,l[j+1%5D)%5D)}}}O.value=L+((V.length>0&&sT(H,1)||C(F))%3F'\nTrying solutions of '+V[0%5D[0%5D.length+' moves':'\nNo solution exists.')+'\nPermutations: '+N};I=function(n,k){if(typeof d==u||!d){K(n);d=E('s'+n);C=k;p=X-x;q=Y-y;r=pI((Z=d.style).left)+36p;t=pI(Z.top)+36q}if(pI(Z.left)!=r||pI(Z.top)!=t){Z.left=pI(Z.left)+p;Z.top=pI(Z.top)+q;sT(I,10)}else{d=void(0);sT(C,10)}};O=D.forms[j=0%5D.output;U=F;b=E('r');for(s=D.getElementsByClassName('s');j<s.length;++j){s[j%5D.onmousemove=K;s[j%5D.onmousedown=function(e){if(typeof d!=u||K(this)==F)return F;d=this;B.style.cursor=d.style.cursor='none';x=e.clientX(X-x);X=d.offsetLeft;y=e.clientY(Y-y);Y=d.offsetTop;B.onmousemove=function(e){if(e.buttons<1||typeof d==u)return A();j=x!=0%3Fe.clientX-Ma(x):0;k=y!=0%3Fe.clientY-Ma(y):0;if(Ma(j=jx>0)>36)j=Ma(j)/j36;if(Ma(k=ky>0)>36)k=Ma(k)/k36;(s=d.style).left=X+j-1;s.top=Y+k-1;if(Ma(j)+Ma(k)>=36)A()};B.onmouseup=A;J();if(O.value.i('D')>0)O.value=l.j('');return false};s[j%5D.style.position=ab;s[j%5D.id='s'+j}Q()"ondragover="if((e=event).dataTransfer.types.contains('Files'))e.p()"ondrop="if(!((j=(f=(e=event).dataTransfer).types).contains('application/x-moz-file')||j.contains('text/uri-list')))return;i=_('img');if((k=f.files).length){g=k[0%5D;if(!g.type.M(/image./))return;e.p();R=new FileReader();R.onload=(function(i){return function(e){i.src=e.target.result;i.onload=function(e){i=e.target;if(i.height<i.width)i.width=i.naturalWidth/i.naturalHeight(i.height=440);else i.height=i.naturalHeight/i.naturalWidth(i.width=440);c=('canvas');c.width=M.min(w=i.width,h=i.height);c.height=M.min(w,h);x=c.getContext('2d');x.drawImage(i,w>h%3F(h-w)/2:0,h>w%3F(w-h)/2:0,w,h);n=('canvas');n.width=n.height=120;for(j=0;j<8;++j){n.getContext('2d').putImageData(x.getImageData(16+j%253144,16+(j-j%253)48,120,120),0,0);x.clearRect(8+j%253144,8+(j-j%253)48,136,136);s=E('s'+j);(k=s.style).backgroundImage='url('+n.toDataURL(im)+')';k.backgroundSize=co;k.backgroundPosition=s.innerHTML=''}(k=b.style).backgroundImage='url('+c.toDataURL(im)+')';k.backgroundSize=co;k.backgroundPosition='';sT(G,1)}}})(i);R.readAsDataURL(g)}else{e.p();i.src=f.getData('text/uri-list');i.onload=function(e){i=e.target;(s=b.style).backgroundImage='url('+i.src+')';s.backgroundSize=co;v=w=j=0;if(i.width>i.height){v=MR(55-55/i.heighti.width);i.width=(i.height=110)/i.naturalHeighti.naturalWidth}else{w=MR(55-55/i.widthi.height);i.height=(i.width=110)/i.naturalWidthi.naturalHeight}for(console.log(s.backgroundPosition=v+'px '+w+'px');j<8;++j){s=E('s'+j);(k=s.style).backgroundImage='url('+i.src+')';console.log(k.backgroundSize=i.width+'px '+i.height+'px');console.log(k.backgroundPosition=v-4-j%253*36+'px '+(w-4-(j-j%253)12)+'px');s.innerHTML='';if(E('h'+j)==null){m=_('div');(k=m.style).background='white';k.position=ab;k.display='block';k.height=k.width=34;k.left=2+j%25336;k.top=2+(j-j%253)*12;k.zIndex=0;m.id='h'+j;(n=s.parentNode).insertBefore(m,n.firstChild)}}};if(i.complete){i.onload({target:i});i.onload=null}}">

    <form><input type="button" value="Scramble" onclick="l=[%5D;n=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8%5D;while(n.length>0)l.p(n.splice(Mf(Mr()*n.length),1)[0%5D);Q(l);while(!G()){j=Mf(Mr()*9);k=Mf(Mr()*8);m=l[j%5D;l[j%5D=l[k+=k>j%5D;l[k%5D=m;Q(l)}"/> <input type="button" value="Set..." onclick="J();Q(prompt('Enter %23s (the solved state is 123456780)',l.j('')))"/> <input type="button" value="Solve" onclick="S()"/><br/><textarea name="output" rows="7" style="width:100%25" readonly="">">data:...</a></p> <pre><span style="color:blue;"><html> <head> <meta</span> <span style="color:red;">http-equiv</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"Content-Type"</span> <span style="color:red;">content</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"text/html; charset=utf-8"</span><span style="color:blue;">> <title></span>Sliders<span style="color:blue;"></title> <style</span> <span style="color:red;">type</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"text/css"</span><span style="color:blue;">></span> div#rect { border: inset 2px; height: 108px; width: 108px; float: left; padding: 1px; position: relative; cursor: inherit; } span#move { cursor: move; } div.sq { border: outset 2px; background: buttonface; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; height: 30px; width: 30px; float: left; margin: 1px; } <span style="color:blue;"></style> <p><script</span> <span style="color:red;">type</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"text/javascript"</span><span style="color:blue;">></span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> setup() { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> divs = document.getElementsByClassName(<span style="color:#808080;">"sq"</span>); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> loc = []; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> d = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; d < divs.length; ++ d) { divs[d].onmousemove = canMove; divs[d].onmousedown = beginMove; divs[d].style.position = <span style="color:#808080;">"absolute"</span>; divs[d].id = <span style="color:#808080;">"sq"</span> + (d + <span style="color:red;">1</span>); }</p> <pre><code>moveAll(); </code></pre> <p>}</p> <p><span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> getList() { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> num = document.getElementsByClassName(<span style="color:#808080;">"sq"</span>).length; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> list = [<span style="color:red;">0</span>, <span style="color:red;">0</span>, <span style="color:red;">0</span>, <span style="color:red;">0</span>, <span style="color:red;">0</span>, <span style="color:red;">0</span>, <span style="color:red;">0</span>, <span style="color:red;">0</span>, <span style="color:red;">0</span>]; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> i = <span style="color:red;">1</span>; i <= num; ++ i) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> x = Math.round((document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"sq"</span> + i).offsetLeft - <span style="color:red;">2</span>) / <span style="color:red;">36</span>); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> y = Math.round((document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"sq"</span> + i).offsetTop - <span style="color:red;">2</span>) / <span style="color:red;">36</span>); list[y * <span style="color:red;">3</span> + x] = i; } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return</i></span> list; }</p> <p><span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> canMove(div) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>typeof</i></span> window[<span style="color:#808080;">"moving"</span>] != <span style="color:#808080;">"undefined"</span>) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return false</i></span>;</p> <pre><code><span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (div <span style="color:#000080;"><i>instanceof</i></span> Event) div = <span style="color:#000080;"><i>this</i></span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>typeof</i></span> div != <span style="color:#808080;">"object"</span> || !(div <span style="color:#000080;"><i>instanceof</i></span> HTMLDivElement)) div = document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"sq"</span> + div); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> list = getList(), n = Number(div.id.split(<span style="color:#808080;">"sq"</span>)[<span style="color:red;">1</span>]); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> w = Math.sqrt(list.length); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> i = <span style="color:red;">0</span>, blank, click; i < list.length; ++ i) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (list[<i></i>i] == <span style="color:red;">0</span>) blank = i; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>else if</i></span> (list[<i></i>i] == n) click = i; } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> x = click % w, y = Math.floor(click / w); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> x2 = blank % w, y2 = Math.floor(blank / w); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (Math.abs(x2 - x) + Math.abs(y2 - y) != <span style="color:red;">1</span>) { div.style.cursor = <span style="color:#808080;">"not-allowed"</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return false</i></span>; <span style="color:#008000;">//not next to the blank space</span> } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> cur = solve.underway ? <span style="color:#808080;">"not-allowed"</span> : ((x2 - x) > <span style="color:red;">0</span> ? <span style="color:#808080;">"e"</span> : (x2 - x) < <span style="color:red;">0</span> ? <span style="color:#808080;">"w"</span> : (y2 - y) > <span style="color:red;">0</span> ? <span style="color:#808080;">"s"</span> : <span style="color:#808080;">"n"</span>) + <span style="color:#808080;">"-resize"</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (div.style.cursor != cur) div.style.cursor = cur; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return</i></span> [x, y, x2, y2]; </code></pre> <p>}</p> <p><span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> beginMove(e) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (solve.underway) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return false</i></span>;</p> <pre><code><span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> x, y, x2, y2; [x, y, x2, y2] = canMove(<span style="color:#000080;"><i>this</i></span>); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>typeof</i></span> x == <span style="color:#808080;">"undefined"</span>) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return false</i></span>; document.body.style.cursor = <span style="color:#808080;">"none"</span>; document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"move"</span>).style.cursor = <span style="color:#808080;">"none"</span>; this.style.cursor = <span style="color:#808080;">"none"</span>; window[<span style="color:#808080;">"moving"</span>] = this.id; window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startX"</span>] = e.clientX * (x2 - x); window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startXo"</span>] = this.offsetLeft; window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startY"</span>] = e.clientY * (y2 - y); window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startYo"</span>] = this.offsetTop; document.body.onmousemove = midMove; document.body.onmouseup = endMove; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (document.forms[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].output.value.indexOf(<span style="color:#808080;">"Done"</span>) > <span style="color:red;">0</span>) document.forms[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].output.value = getList().join(<span style="color:#808080;">""</span>); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return false</i></span>; </code></pre> <p>}</p> <p><span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> midMove(e) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (e.buttons == <span style="color:red;">0</span> || <span style="color:#000080;"><i>typeof</i></span> window[<span style="color:#808080;">"moving"</span>] == <span style="color:#808080;">"undefined"</span>) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return</i></span> endMove();</p> <pre><code><span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> Xo = <span style="color:red;">0</span>, Yo = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startX"</span>] != <span style="color:red;">0</span>) Xo = e.clientX - Math.abs(window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startX"</span>]); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startY"</span>] != <span style="color:red;">0</span>) Yo = e.clientY - Math.abs(window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startY"</span>]); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (Xo * window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startX"</span>] < <span style="color:red;">0</span>) Xo = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (Yo * window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startY"</span>] < <span style="color:red;">0</span>) Yo = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> div = document.getElementById(window[<span style="color:#808080;">"moving"</span>]); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (Math.abs(Xo) > <span style="color:red;">36</span>) Xo = Math.abs(Xo) / Xo * <span style="color:red;">36</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (Math.abs(Yo) > <span style="color:red;">36</span>) Yo = Math.abs(Yo) / Yo * <span style="color:red;">36</span>; div.style.left = window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startXo"</span>] + Xo - <span style="color:red;">1</span> + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; div.style.top = window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startYo"</span>] + Yo - <span style="color:red;">1</span> + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (Math.abs(Xo) + Math.abs(Yo) >= <span style="color:red;">36</span>) endMove(); </code></pre> <p>}</p> <p><span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> endMove() { document.body.onmousemove = void(<span style="color:red;">0</span>); document.body.onmouseup = void(<span style="color:red;">0</span>); document.body.style.cursor = <span style="color:#808080;">""</span>; document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"move"</span>).style.cursor = <span style="color:#808080;">""</span>;</p> <pre><code><span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>typeof</i></span> window[<span style="color:#808080;">"moving"</span>] == <span style="color:#808080;">"undefined"</span>) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return</i></span>; <span style="color:#008000;">//check move for validity</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> div = document.getElementById(window[<span style="color:#808080;">"moving"</span>]); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> Xo = div.offsetLeft - window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startXo"</span>]; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> Yo = div.offsetTop - window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startYo"</span>]; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (Math.abs(Xo) + Math.abs(Yo) != <span style="color:red;">36</span>) { div.style.left = window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startXo"</span>] - <span style="color:red;">1</span> + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; div.style.top = window[<span style="color:#808080;">"startYo"</span>] - <span style="color:red;">1</span> + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>else</i></span> { document.forms[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].output.value += (document.forms[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].output.value.indexOf("\n") < <span style="color:red;">0</span> ? "\r\n" : " ") + window[<span style="color:#808080;">"moving"</span>].substring(<span style="color:red;">2</span>); } window[<span style="color:#808080;">"moving"</span>] = void(<span style="color:red;">0</span>); compute(); </code></pre> <p>}</p> <p><span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> compute() { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> list = getList(), parity = <span style="color:red;">0</span>, temp; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> i = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; i < list.length - <span style="color:red;">1</span>; ++ i) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (list[<i></i>i] != i + <span style="color:red;">1</span>) { ++ parity; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> j = i + <span style="color:red;">1</span>; j < list.length; ++ j) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (list[j] == i + <span style="color:red;">1</span>) { temp = list[<i></i>i]; list[<i></i>i] = list[j]; list[j] = temp; j = list.length; } } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> list = getList(), dist = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> i = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; i < list.length; ++ i) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (list[<i></i>i] == <span style="color:red;">0</span>) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> x = i % <span style="color:red;">3</span>, y = (i - x) / <span style="color:red;">3</span>; dist = x + y - <span style="color:red;">4</span>; i = list.length; }</p> <pre><code><span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> res = <span style="color:#808080;">"yellow"</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (parity == <span style="color:red;">0</span>) res = <span style="color:#808080;">"green"</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>else if</i></span> ((parity + dist) % <span style="color:red;">2</span> != <span style="color:red;">0</span>) res = <span style="color:#808080;">"red"</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"rect"</span>).style.borderColor != res) document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"rect"</span>).style.borderColor = res; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return</i></span> res != <span style="color:#808080;">"red"</span>; </code></pre> <p>}</p> <p><span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> moveAll(list) { <span style="color:#008000;">//list may be an arrays of numbers or a string (with or without commas) //does not check for validity (numbers 0-8 should be found exactly once)</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>typeof</i></span> list == <span style="color:#808080;">"string"</span>) list = list.split(<span style="color:#8000ff;">/[ ,]+/</span>); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>typeof</i></span> list != <span style="color:#808080;">"undefined"</span> && list.length == <span style="color:red;">1</span>) list = list[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].split(<span style="color:#808080;">""</span>);</p> <pre><code><span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> i = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>typeof</i></span> list == <span style="color:#808080;">"undefined"</span> || i < list.length; ++ i) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> sq = document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"sq"</span> + (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>typeof</i></span> list == <span style="color:#808080;">"undefined"</span> ? i + <span style="color:red;">1</span> : list[<i></i>i])); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (sq != null) { sq.style.left = i % 3 * <span style="color:red;">36</span> + <span style="color:red;">1</span> + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; sq.style.top = (i - i % 3) * 12 + <span style="color:red;">1</span> + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>else if</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>typeof</i></span> list == <span style="color:#808080;">"undefined"</span>) list = []; } document.forms[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].output.value = getList().join(<span style="color:#808080;">""</span>) + (compute() ? <span style="color:#808080;">""</span> : <span style="color:#808080;">"\r\nUnsolveable"</span>); </code></pre> <p>} <span style="color:blue;"></script> <script</span> <span style="color:red;">type</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"text/javascript"</span><span style="color:blue;">></span> <span style="color:#008000;">//automatic scramble & solve</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> scramble() { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> list = [], l2 = [<span style="color:red;">0</span>, <span style="color:red;">1</span>, <span style="color:red;">2</span>, <span style="color:red;">3</span>, <span style="color:red;">4</span>, <span style="color:red;">5</span>, <span style="color:red;">6</span>, <span style="color:red;">7</span>, <span style="color:red;">8</span>]; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>while</i></span> (l2.length > <span style="color:red;">0</span>) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> i = Math.floor(Math.random() * l2.length); list.push(l2.splice(i, <span style="color:red;">1</span>)[<span style="color:red;">0</span>]); } moveAll(list);</p> <pre><code><span style="color:#000080;"><i>while</i></span> (!compute()) { <span style="color:#008000;">//unsolveable, switch 2 tiles to fix it</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> i = Math.floor(Math.random() * <span style="color:red;">9</span>); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> j = Math.floor(Math.random() * <span style="color:red;">8</span>); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (j >= i) ++ j; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> temp = list[<i></i>i]; list[<i></i>i] = list[j]; list[j] = temp; moveAll(list); } </code></pre> <p>}</p> <p><span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> solve() { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> output = document.forms[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].output;</p> <pre><code><span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> list = getList(); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (typeof solve.underway == <span style="color:#808080;">"undefined"</span> || !solve.underway) { output.value = list.join(<span style="color:#808080;">""</span>) + <span style="color:#808080;">"\r\n"</span>; solve.underway = <span style="color:#000080;"><i>true</i></span>; solve.solution = []; solve.moves = []; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> e = document.forms[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].elements, i = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; i < e.length; ++ i) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (e[<i></i>i].type == <span style="color:#808080;">"button"</span>) e[<i></i>i].disabled = <span style="color:#000080;"><i>true</i></span>; } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> i = <span style="color:red;">0</span>, solved = <span style="color:#000080;"><i>true</i></span>, moveable = []; i < list.length; ++ i) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (list[<i></i>i] != <span style="color:red;">0</span>) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (canMove(list[<i></i>i]) != <span style="color:#000080;"><i>false</i></span>) moveable.push(list[<i></i>i]); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (list[<i></i>i] != i + <span style="color:red;">1</span>) solved = <span style="color:#000080;"><i>false</i></span>; } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (solved) document.forms[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].output.value += (output.value.match(<span style="color:#8000ff;">/[\r\n]$/</span>) == null ? <span style="color:#808080;">"\r\n"</span> : <span style="color:#808080;">""</span>) + <span style="color:#808080;">"Done in "</span> + solve.solution.length + <span style="color:#808080;">" moves"</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (solved || arguments.length > <span style="color:red;">0</span> && arguments[<span style="color:red;">0</span>] == <span style="color:#000080;"><i>false</i></span>) { solve.underway = <span style="color:#000080;"><i>false</i></span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> e = document.forms[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].elements, i = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; i < e.length; ++ i) e[<i></i>i].disabled = <span style="color:#808080;">""</span>; compute(); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return</i></span>; } <span style="color:#008000;">//enumerates every possible series of moves, beginning with 1 move and growing progressively longer, //until the shortest solution is found. reject moves which return the puzzle to a previous state, as //the first path to any state is guaranteed to be the shortest sequence of moves to reach that state. //note that this finds the ideal solution, but probably does so with less-than-ideal efficiency.</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (solve.moves.length + solve.solution.length == <span style="color:red;">0</span>) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (arguments.length > <span style="color:red;">0</span>) solve.moves = arguments[<span style="color:red;">0</span>]; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>else return</i></span> pleaseSolve(list.join(<span style="color:#808080;">""</span>), solve); } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (solve.moves.length > <span style="color:red;">0</span>) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> n = solve.moves.shift(); solve.solution.push(n); output.value += (output.value.match(<span style="color:#8000ff;">/[\r\n ]$/</span>) == null ? <span style="color:#808080;">" "</span> : <span style="color:#808080;">""</span>) + n; move(n, solve); } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>else</i></span> compute(); </code></pre> <p>}</p> <p><span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> pleaseSolve(<span style="color:#008000;">/<em>list, callback</em>/</span>) { <span style="color:#008000;">//attempts to solve a given list. runs iteratively rather than recursively and displays //status, politely exiting now and then to give the user interface a chance to update. //when a solution is found, callback is called with the list of moves.</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> i, l, m, n, solved, count = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (arguments.length == <span style="color:red;">2</span>) { pleaseSolve.list = arguments[<span style="color:red;">0</span>]; pleaseSolve.moves = [[[], arguments[<span style="color:red;">0</span>]]]; pleaseSolve.prev = {}; pleaseSolve.c = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; pleaseSolve.callback = arguments[<span style="color:red;">1</span>]; }</p> <pre><code><span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> t = <span style="color:#000080;"><i>new</i></span> Date(); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>while</i></span> (pleaseSolve.moves.length > <span style="color:red;">0</span> && (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>new</i></span> Date()) - t < <span style="color:red;">100</span>) { m = pleaseSolve.moves.shift(); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (typeof pleaseSolve.prev[m[<span style="color:red;">1</span>]] == <span style="color:#808080;">"undefined"</span>) { ++ pleaseSolve.c; pleaseSolve.prev[m[<span style="color:red;">1</span>]] = <span style="color:#000080;"><i>true</i></span>; i = m[<span style="color:red;">1</span>].indexOf(<span style="color:red;">0</span>); l = m[<span style="color:red;">1</span>].split(<span style="color:#808080;">""</span>); solved = <span style="color:#000080;"><i>true</i></span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (n = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; n < l.length; ++ n) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (l[n] != <span style="color:red;">0</span> && l[n] != n + <span style="color:red;">1</span>) { solved = <span style="color:#000080;"><i>false</i></span>; n = l.length; } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (solved) { document.forms[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].output.value = pleaseSolve.list + <span style="color:#808080;">"\r\n"</span>; pleaseSolve.moves = []; pleaseSolve.callback(m[<span style="color:red;">0</span>]); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return</i></span>; } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>else</i></span> { <span style="color:#008000;">//pleaseSolve.moves contains the queue of possible moves, each being [moves[], newlist] //where moves[] is the list of moves to get to that point and newlist is the list after //that move. array.concat and string.replace are used to add the new move and swap two //items in the list without modifying either of the originals.</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> move; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (i > <span style="color:red;">2</span>) pleaseSolve.moves.push([m[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].concat(l[i - <span style="color:red;">3</span>]), m[<span style="color:red;">1</span>].replace(l[<i></i>i], l[i - <span style="color:red;">3</span>]).replace(l[i - <span style="color:red;">3</span>], l[<i></i>i])]); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (i < <span style="color:red;">6</span>) pleaseSolve.moves.push([m[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].concat(l[i + <span style="color:red;">3</span>]), m[<span style="color:red;">1</span>].replace(l[i + <span style="color:red;">3</span>], l[<i></i>i]).replace(l[<i></i>i], l[i + <span style="color:red;">3</span>])]); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (i % <span style="color:red;">3</span> > <span style="color:red;">0</span>) pleaseSolve.moves.push([m[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].concat(l[i - <span style="color:red;">1</span>]), m[<span style="color:red;">1</span>].replace(l[<i></i>i], l[i - <span style="color:red;">1</span>]).replace(l[i - <span style="color:red;">1</span>], l[<i></i>i])]); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (i % <span style="color:red;">3</span> < <span style="color:red;">2</span>) pleaseSolve.moves.push([m[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].concat(l[i + <span style="color:red;">1</span>]), m[<span style="color:red;">1</span>].replace(l[i + <span style="color:red;">1</span>], l[<i></i>i]).replace(l[<i></i>i], l[i + <span style="color:red;">1</span>])]); } } } <span style="color:#008000;">//not done searching yet: print a status update and set a timeout to resume //searching where we left off after the user interface has a chance to update.</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (pleaseSolve.moves.length > <span style="color:red;">0</span>) { document.forms[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].output.value = pleaseSolve.list + <span style="color:#808080;">"\r\nTrying solutions of "</span> + pleaseSolve.moves[<span style="color:red;">0</span>][<span style="color:red;">0</span>].length + <span style="color:#808080;">" moves\r\nPermutations: "</span> + pleaseSolve.c; setTimeout(pleaseSolve, <span style="color:red;">1</span>); <span style="color:#008000;">//we'll be back</span> } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>else</i></span> { document.forms[<span style="color:red;">0</span>].output.value = pleaseSolve.list + <span style="color:#808080;">"\r\nNo solution exists.\r\nPermutations: "</span> + pleaseSolve.c; pleaseSolve.callback(<span style="color:#000080;"><i>false</i></span>); } </code></pre> <p>}</p> <p><span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> move(n, callback) { <span style="color:#008000;">//animates moving a piece of the puzzle and calls callback when finished</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (typeof move.moving == <span style="color:#808080;">"undefined"</span> || !move.moving) { move.moving = document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"sq"</span> + n); move.callback = callback; [move.x, move.y, move.x2, move.y2] = canMove(n); move.xo = move.x2 - move.x; move.yo = move.y2 - move.y; <span style="color:#008000;">//parseInt stops when it reaches "px" at the end of each value</span> move.destX = parseInt(move.moving.style.left, <span style="color:red;">10</span>) + <span style="color:red;">36</span> * move.xo + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; move.destY = parseInt(move.moving.style.top, <span style="color:red;">10</span>) + <span style="color:red;">36</span> * move.yo + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; }</p> <pre><code><span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (move.moving.style.left != move.destX || move.moving.style.top != move.destY) { move.moving.style.left = parseInt(move.moving.style.left, <span style="color:red;">10</span>) + move.xo + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; move.moving.style.top = parseInt(move.moving.style.top, <span style="color:red;">10</span>) + move.yo + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; setTimeout(move, <span style="color:red;">10</span>); //we must exit to let the browser repaint } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>else</i></span> { move.moving = undefined; setTimeout(move.callback, <span style="color:red;">10</span>); //finished - call callback to tell it we're done } </code></pre> <p>} <span style="color:blue;"></script> <script</span> <span style="color:red;">type</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"text/javascript"</span><span style="color:blue;">></span> <span style="color:#008000;">/* drag & drop */</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> allowDrop(e) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (!e.dataTransfer.types.contains(<span style="color:#808080;">"Files"</span>)) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return</i></span>; e.preventDefault(); }</p> <p><span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> drop(e) { <span style="color:#008000;">//accepts a local image file or an image dragged from the web</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (!(e.dataTransfer.types.contains(<span style="color:#808080;">"application/x-moz-file"</span>) || e.dataTransfer.types.contains(<span style="color:#808080;">"text/uri-list"</span>))) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return</i></span>;</p> <pre><code><span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> img = document.createElement(<span style="color:#808080;">"img"</span>); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (e.dataTransfer.files.length > <span style="color:red;">0</span>) { <span style="color:#008000;">//local file - load onto canvas and chop</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> file = e.dataTransfer.files[<span style="color:red;">0</span>]; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (!file.type.match(<span style="color:#8000ff;">/image.*/</span>)) <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return</i></span>; e.preventDefault(); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> reader = <span style="color:#000080;"><i>new</i></span> FileReader(); reader.onload = (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> (img) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>return function</i></span> (e) { img.src = e.target.result; img.onload = process; }; })(img); reader.readAsDataURL(file); } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>else</i></span> { <span style="color:#008000;">//remote image files can't be loaded into a canvas due to cross-domain safety //restrictions. instead, set backgroundImage and use backgroundPosition to crop</span> e.preventDefault(); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> uriList = e.dataTransfer.getData(<span style="color:#808080;">"text/uri-list"</span>); img.src = uriList; img.onload = <span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> (e) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> img = e.target; document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"rect"</span>).style.backgroundImage = <span style="color:#808080;">"url(\""</span> + img.src + <span style="color:#808080;">"\")"</span>; document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"rect"</span>).style.backgroundSize = <span style="color:#808080;">"cover"</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> x = <span style="color:red;">0</span>, y = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (img.width > img.height) { x = Math.round((<span style="color:red;">110</span> - <span style="color:red;">110</span> / img.height * img.width) / <span style="color:red;">2</span>); img.height = <span style="color:red;">110</span>; img.width = <span style="color:red;">110</span> / img.naturalHeight * img.naturalWidth; } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>else if</i></span> (img.height > img.width) { y = Math.round((<span style="color:red;">110</span> - <span style="color:red;">110</span> / img.width * img.height) / <span style="color:red;">2</span>); img.height = <span style="color:red;">110</span> / img.naturalWidth * img.naturalHeight; img.width = <span style="color:red;">110</span>; } document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"rect"</span>).style.backgroundPosition = x + <span style="color:#808080;">"px "</span> + y + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> i = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; i < <span style="color:red;">8</span>; ++ i) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> sq = document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"sq"</span> + (i + <span style="color:red;">1</span>)); sq.style.backgroundImage = <span style="color:#808080;">"url(\""</span> + img.src + <span style="color:#808080;">"\")"</span>; sq.style.backgroundSize = img.width + <span style="color:#808080;">"px "</span> + img.height + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; sq.style.backgroundPosition = x - <span style="color:red;">4</span> - i % <span style="color:red;">3</span> * <span style="color:red;">36</span> + <span style="color:#808080;">"px "</span> + (y - <span style="color:red;">4</span> - (i - i % <span style="color:red;">3</span>) * <span style="color:red;">12</span>) + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; sq.innerHTML = <span style="color:#808080;">""</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"h"</span> + (i + <span style="color:red;">1</span>)) == null) { <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> div = document.createElement(<span style="color:#808080;">"div"</span>); div.style.background = <span style="color:#808080;">"white"</span>; div.style.position = <span style="color:#808080;">"absolute"</span>; div.style.display = <span style="color:#808080;">"block"</span>; div.style.height = <span style="color:#808080;">"34px"</span>; div.style.width = <span style="color:#808080;">"34px"</span>; div.style.left = <span style="color:red;">2</span> + i % <span style="color:red;">3</span> * <span style="color:red;">36</span> + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; div.style.top = <span style="color:red;">2</span> + (i - i % <span style="color:red;">3</span>) * <span style="color:red;">12</span> + <span style="color:#808080;">"px"</span>; div.style.zIndex = <span style="color:#808080;">"0"</span>; div.id = <span style="color:#808080;">"h"</span> + (i + <span style="color:red;">1</span>); sq.parentNode.insertBefore(div, sq.parentNode.firstChild); } } }; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (img.complete) { img.onload({target: img}); <span style="color:#008000;">//cached image won't fire the onload event</span> img.onload = null; } } </code></pre> <p>}</p> <p><span style="color:#000080;"><i>function</i></span> process(e) { <span style="color:#008000;">//process a local file - load onto canvas, chop, and use as backgroundImage</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> img = e.target; <span style="color:#008000;">//drawImage uses nearest-neighbor to resize, and it looks bad. make size 4x larger than necessary to compensate. //it will be scaled back down to the correct size with backgroundSize, yielding a much better-looking result.</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> size = <span style="color:red;">440</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>if</i></span> (img.height < img.width) { <span style="color:#008000;">//scale smallest dimension to size</span> img.height = size; img.width = img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight * size; } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>else</i></span> { img.width = size; img.height = img.naturalHeight / img.naturalWidth * size; }</p> <pre><code><span style="color:#008000;">//create a square canvas & center image on it</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> canvas = document.createElement(<span style="color:#808080;">"canvas"</span>); canvas.width = Math.min(img.width, img.height); canvas.height = Math.min(img.width, img.height); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> context = canvas.getContext(<span style="color:#808080;">"2d"</span>); context.drawImage(img, img.width > img.height ? (img.height - img.width) / <span style="color:red;">2</span> : <span style="color:red;">0</span>, img.height > img.width ? (img.width - img.height) / <span style="color:red;">2</span> : <span style="color:red;">0</span>, img.width, img.height); <span style="color:#008000;">//this canvas will hold a single piece of the image, again 4x larger than necessary</span> <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> canvas2 = document.createElement(<span style="color:#808080;">"canvas"</span>); canvas2.width = <span style="color:red;">120</span>; canvas2.height = <span style="color:red;">120</span>; <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> context2 = canvas2.getContext(<span style="color:#808080;">"2d"</span>); <span style="color:#000080;"><i>for</i></span> (<span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> sq, i = <span style="color:red;">0</span>; i < <span style="color:red;">8</span>; ++ i) { sq = context.getImageData( <span style="color:red;">16</span> + i % <span style="color:red;">3</span> * <span style="color:red;">144</span>, <span style="color:red;">16</span> + (i - i % <span style="color:red;">3</span>) * <span style="color:red;">48</span>, <span style="color:red;">120</span>, <span style="color:red;">120</span>); context.clearRect( <span style="color:red;">8</span> + i % <span style="color:red;">3</span> * <span style="color:red;">144</span>, <span style="color:red;">8</span> + (i - i % <span style="color:red;">3</span>) * <span style="color:red;">48</span>, <span style="color:red;">136</span>, <span style="color:red;">136</span>); context2.putImageData(sq, <span style="color:red;">0</span>, <span style="color:red;">0</span>); sq = document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"sq"</span> + (i + <span style="color:red;">1</span>)); dataURL = canvas2.toDataURL(<span style="color:#808080;">"image/png"</span>); sq.style.backgroundImage = <span style="color:#808080;">"url(\""</span> + dataURL + <span style="color:#808080;">"\")"</span>; sq.style.backgroundSize = <span style="color:#808080;">"cover"</span>; sq.style.backgroundPosition = <span style="color:#808080;">""</span>; sq.innerHTML = <span style="color:#808080;">""</span>; } <span style="color:#000080;"><i>var</i></span> dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(<span style="color:#808080;">"image/png"</span>); document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"rect"</span>).style.backgroundImage = <span style="color:#808080;">"url(\""</span> + dataURL + <span style="color:#808080;">"\")"</span>; document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"rect"</span>).style.backgroundSize = <span style="color:#808080;">"cover"</span>; document.getElementById(<span style="color:#808080;">"rect"</span>).style.backgroundPosition = <span style="color:#808080;">""</span>; setTimeout(compute, <span style="color:red;">1</span>); </code></pre> <p>} <span style="color:blue;"></script></p> </head> <p><body</span> <span style="color:red;">onload</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"setup();"</span> <span style="color:red;">ondragover</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"allowDrop(event);"</span> <span style="color:red;">ondrop</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"drop(event);"</span><span style="color:blue;">> <div</span> <span style="color:red;">id</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"rect"</span><span style="color:blue;">><span</span> <span style="color:red;">id</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"move"</span><span style="color:blue;">> <div</span> <span style="color:red;">class</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"sq"</span>>1<span style="color:blue;"></div> <div</span> <span style="color:red;">class</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"sq"</span>>2<span style="color:blue;"></div> <div</span> <span style="color:red;">class</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"sq"</span>>3<span style="color:blue;"></div> <div</span> <span style="color:red;">class</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"sq"</span>>4<span style="color:blue;"></div> <div</span> <span style="color:red;">class</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"sq"</span>>5<span style="color:blue;"></div> <div</span> <span style="color:red;">class</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"sq"</span>>6<span style="color:blue;"></div> <div</span> <span style="color:red;">class</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"sq"</span>>7<span style="color:blue;"></div> <div</span> <span style="color:red;">class</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"sq"</span>>8<span style="color:blue;"></div> </span></div> <br</span> <span style="color:red;">clear</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"both"</span><span style="color:blue;">/></p> <form> <input</span> <span style="color:red;">type</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"button"</span> <span style="color:red;">value</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"Scramble"</span> <span style="color:red;">onclick</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"scramble();"</span><span style="color:blue;">/> <input</span> <span style="color:red;">type</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"button"</span> <span style="color:red;">value</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"Set..."</span> <span style="color:red;">onclick</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"moveAll(prompt('Enter #s (the solved state is 123456780)',getList().join('')));"</span><span style="color:blue;">/> <input</span> <span style="color:red;">type</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"button"</span> <span style="color:red;">value</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"Solve"</span> <span style="color:red;">onclick</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"solve();"</span><span style="color:blue;">/> <br/> <textarea</span> <span style="color:red;">name</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"output"</span> <span style="color:red;">rows</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"7"</span> <span style="color:red;">style</span>=<span style="color:#8000ff;">"width:100%;"</span> <span style="color:red;">readonly</span><span style="color:blue;">></textarea> </form> </body> </html></span></pre> </textarea></form>

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