• Anon (unregistered)

    First...and some of these don't make sense to me ?

    CAPTCHA: validus ... but I'm only one valid person...

  • Anonymous (unregistered)

    "Division St" is a common name. TRWTF is this being on TDWTF.

    Also, does YumYum make any deviled eggs?

  • No Name (unregistered)

    The Google one looks fake. I don't understand the one about Division St. The gargoyle is climbing a rope, not a rock.

  • Guy Dude (unregistered) in reply to No Name
    No Name:
    The Google one looks fake. I don't understand the one about Division St. The gargoyle is climbing a rope, not a rock.

    The gargoyle has wings, which should obviate the need for rock climbing equipment.

  • (cs)

    I guess I'm neither a moron nor a nerd. What is funny or interesting about the name "Division Street"?

    It doesn't strike me as a particularly unusual name for a street. There are, for instance, two of them in downtown Buffalo.

    If we're saying that it's funny that a highway with a prime number is called "Division", that's...pretty weak.

  • MC (unregistered) in reply to Someone You Know
    It doesn't strike me as a particularly unusual name for a street. There are, for instance, two of them in downtown Buffalo.

    Did there used to be only one?

  • No Name (unregistered) in reply to Guy Dude

    It's still a typo unless we are supposed to assume the rope was attached to a rock. But you can hitch a rope to many things, and there is no rock in the picture.

  • !? (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    "Division St" is a common name. TRWTF is this being on TDWTF.

    What does a street name have to do with Wan Thai Foods?

  • Steve (unregistered) in reply to Someone You Know
    Someone You Know:
    I guess I'm neither a moron nor a nerd. What is funny or interesting about the name "Division Street"?

    It doesn't strike me as a particularly unusual name for a street. There are, for instance, two of them in downtown Buffalo.

    If we're saying that it's funny that a highway with a prime number is called "Division", that's...pretty weak.

    PRIME example... division... ha ha..

  • Filo Pastry (unregistered)

    "I guess I'm neither a moron nor a nerd. What is funny or interesting about the name "Division Street"?"

    I think they art eluding to the fact that 41 is a prime number and hence has no divisors except itself and 1

    Not so much of a rib tickler!

  • eh? (unregistered)

    what's wrong with the photo price list?

  • OutlawProgrammer (unregistered) in reply to Guy Dude
    Guy Dude:
    No Name:
    The Google one looks fake. I don't understand the one about Division St. The gargoyle is climbing a rope, not a rock.

    The gargoyle has wings, which should obviate the need for rock climbing equipment.

    Yeah, but as per the TV show, they can only glide from high areas, not flap their wings and fly around like birds. Duh.

  • Steve (unregistered) in reply to eh?
    what's wrong with the photo price list?

    I guess it's kind of ugly and hard to read. And their prices weren't on their website?

    This was kind of a weak update.

  • DrSolar (unregistered)

    It's been a while since I saw Gargoyles but could they actually fly with them or jyst glide?

  • anon (unregistered) in reply to Steve
    what's wrong with the photo price list?

    I guess it's kind of ugly and hard to read. And their prices weren't on their website?

    This was kind of a weak update.

    And that fax must have taken forever...

  • Filo Pastry (unregistered)

    Perhaps Google are trying to get a share of the Apple market.

  • Anonymous (unregistered) in reply to eh?
    what's wrong with the photo price list?
    White text on black background = a lot of toner was wasted in receiving that fax
  • Cidolfas (unregistered) in reply to Filo Pastry

    The show is very clear that gargoyles can only glide, not fly. The other WTF, though, is that they are always shown climbing up cliffs and buildings by sinking their claws into them, which can break stone. They've never used ropes.

    And I also fail to see what's so strange about "Division St.".

  • highphilosopher (unregistered) in reply to OutlawProgrammer
    Guy Dude:
    No Name:
    The Google one looks fake. I don't understand the one about Division St. The gargoyle is climbing a rope, not a rock.

    The gargoyle has wings, which should obviate the need for rock climbing equipment.

    Yeah, but as per the TV show, they can only glide from high areas, not flap their wings and fly around like birds. Duh.

    OMG are you really going to go there? Here? Really? Really. Really?

    So TRWTF is that he has badly functioning wings? Is that it then? Just looking for the point, and it's friday. That always helps.

  • reiner (unregistered)

    I believe they could climb stonework with only their claws as well. Excellent, work, toy marketers. Off to the bar for a round of shots after a hard day's work.

  • Dividius (unregistered) in reply to Filo Pastry
    Filo Pastry:
    Perhaps Google are trying to get a share of the Apple market.

    Hey! That's funnier than anything in the update.

  • (cs)

    Um, the carnival one isn't a WTF either. The no smoking/drinking simply refers to the PARENTS of these 9-11 year olds.

  • (cs) in reply to Flatline
    Um, the carnival one isn't a WTF either. The no smoking/drinking simply refers to the PARENTS of these 9-11 year olds.

    Yes. I believe it's what those in the comedy business call a joke. More quiet chuckle than belly laugh, admittedly (and possibly more FAIL Blog than TDWTF) but a joke nonetheless.

  • Lurker101 (unregistered) in reply to Filo Pastry
    Filo Pastry:
    Perhaps Google are trying to get a share of the Apple market.

    LMAO - this is the funniest comment I've read in a while...

    Gives new meaning to "Google Apps"

  • SCB (unregistered) in reply to OutlawProgrammer
    Guy Dude:
    No Name:
    The Google one looks fake. I don't understand the one about Division St. The gargoyle is climbing a rope, not a rock.

    The gargoyle has wings, which should obviate the need for rock climbing equipment.

    Yeah, but as per the TV show, they can only glide from high areas, not flap their wings and fly around like birds. Duh.

    Um, they're not real, you know?

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to Filo Pastry
    Filo Pastry:
    Perhaps Google are trying to get a share of the Apple market.


  • (cs)

    I find the name unix ware very appropriate. It's written on the box that even FAT pollution is washed off very easily.

  • (cs)

    I'm kind of horrified with yumyumfoods.com though. Not only is it under construction, but the image there is of a featureless "flesh toned" (caucasian) construction worker. I haven't decided if it's naked or not.

  • gargoyle (unregistered)

    gargoyles must be related to balrogs. their wings of shadow and fire are useless.

    also: black faxing is bad


  • anon (unregistered)

    Some people might given those boxes the /boot, but I'd /opt for them. They'd find a place in my /home, maybe in the /lib-rary. I know if my /sys saw them she'd /bin them, but she always is /var-y mean.

    I could /root around for some more puns, /etc /etc, but I think I'll halt there.

  • (cs) in reply to Filo Pastry
    Filo Pastry:
    Perhaps Google are trying to get a share of the Apple market.

    Well done!

  • (cs) in reply to MC
    It doesn't strike me as a particularly unusual name for a street. There are, for instance, two of them in downtown Buffalo.

    Did there used to be only one?

    Actually, that joke can be taken even further, since there are arguably actually four Division Streets.

    North Division Street and South Division Street are one-way streets running parallel in opposite directions. But North Division Street is discontinuous; it's already been divided into three segments due to things like a park and a hospital being built in the way.

  • mr noo (unregistered)

    "the Byporten Shopping in Oslo did asked for feedback."

    did asked?

    "but what was surprising was when I that Google is selling fruits and vegetables"


  • @Deprecated (unregistered) in reply to Guy Dude
    Guy Dude:
    No Name:
    The Google one looks fake. I don't understand the one about Division St. The gargoyle is climbing a rope, not a rock.

    The gargoyle has wings, which should obviate the need for rock climbing equipment.

    Well, you see, the wings are there only in case the gargoyle, which has claws that can dig into rock, happens to accidentally sever the rope it is climbing.

  • (cs) in reply to Filo Pastry
    Filo Pastry:
    Perhaps Google are trying to get a share of the Apple market.


  • (cs) in reply to anon
    Some people might given those boxes the /boot, but I'd /opt for them. They'd find a place in my /home, maybe in the /lib-rary. I know if my /sys saw them she'd /bin them, but she always is /var-y mean.

    I could /root around for some more puns, /etc /etc, but I think I'll halt there.

    Great! Why did you stop the /proc-ess?

  • Anomynous Coward (unregistered) in reply to Filo Pastry
    It doesn't strike me as a particularly unusual name for a street. There are, for instance, two of them in downtown Buffalo.

    Did there used to be only one?

    Filo Pastry:
    Perhaps Google are trying to get a share of the Apple market.

    QF being funnier than the original article. Yeah, feels like Friday here too.

    Does anyone else the feeling that sometimes there are verbs omitted from the articles on purpose? I can't think of any other explanation for why it happens almost every day.

  • West Texas Geek (unregistered)

    I was in Slaton just last weekend, and every time I see the Division street sign, I think of Pink Floyd.

  • Club (unregistered)

    I'm a prepress operator and I have seen the problem like on that ad many times. It happens because a company creates their ad and sends a PDF to the newspaper, the subeditor at the newspaper is a clueless idiot and doesn't know how to use InDesign, so when they place the ad and export the PDF of the page, they ignore the "OMG LINKS ARE MISSING" warning and save it anyway. InDesign "cleverly" uses its cache of the image in place of the missing link. It's cache just happens to be low quality and have no fonts embedded so the result is a Courier font-face in the default font-size which usually means it overflows the box it's in and the text is cut off.

    TRWTF here is: the clueless subeditor, whoever proofed the page, the prepress operator for being blind and not seeing it while printing the film/plates and the printers for not seeing it while it was on the press.

    The design company are most probably innocent victims (although "design companies" tend to try and be too clever and end up creating ads with broken image paths and other WTFs but I digress ...)

  • (cs) in reply to Maxx Delusional
    Maxx Delusional:
    Filo Pastry:
    Perhaps Google are trying to get a share of the Apple market.



  • (cs) in reply to Federico
    Some people might given those boxes the /boot, but I'd /opt for them. They'd find a place in my /home, maybe in the /lib-rary. I know if my /sys saw them she'd /bin them, but she always is /var-y mean.

    I could /root around for some more puns, /etc /etc, but I think I'll halt there.

    Great! Why did you stop the /proc-ess?

    At the prices they're charging, it's clearly a case of /usr-y.

  • Emperor Obvious (unregistered) in reply to Guy Dude
    Guy Dude:
    The gargoyle has *wings*, which should obviate the need for rock climbing equipment.

    Boy, do I feel stupid.

  • (cs)

    If this update only had the first one and the newspaper ad shown, which I actually burst out laughing at, it would have been better than all the rest of the fluff.

    Didn't we already to an "UnTrust" WTF in the past? Even if it was missing letters from another bank, it's still the same fricken joke.

  • computerfreaker (unregistered)

    Don't get the "Please give us feedback" one... looks like a normal enough feedback system to me... ?!?

    and btw, did anybody notice the fax page numbering? "PAGE 1/2" is on the first one, and "PAGE 2/3" is on the second... I don't know much about faxing, but that could be a WTF in itself...

  • A. Nonymous (unregistered)

    TRWTF is that yum yum beef noodles are 100 times better than the duck flavored ones.

  • (cs)

    I think its time for a Namechange again of TheDailyWtf

    I would appreaciate it to be named "Wan Thai Foods"

    may be showing primarily asian meals in advertises .. or beanbag-girl (she is always welcome)

  • Todd Lewis (unregistered) in reply to Someone You Know
    Someone You Know:
    It doesn't strike me as a particularly unusual name for a street. There are, for instance, two of them in downtown Buffalo.

    I was visiting in Fairbanks Alaska a couple of summers ago, and we needed to deliver some paperwork to a local with a small office at the intersection of 9th and Smythe. So we get there and don't see the sign she said was in the front yard. I call her on my cell phone; she's looking out her window at the intersection but doesn't see me. I'm standing on top of a huge red pickup in the middle of the intersection with a cell phone up beside my head. WTF? How could she not see me?

    Turns out 9th and Smythe intersect at two places 4 blocks apart. The local didn't know this, and I was, as you might imagine, from out of town.

    I don't know. Seemed relevant when I started typing. Go figure.

  • (cs)

    Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?

    As for the camp sign, if you haven't worked with kids these days... that sign is wholly appropriate (and necessary).

  • (cs) in reply to RobFreundlich
    Some people might given those boxes the /boot, but I'd /opt for them. They'd find a place in my /home, maybe in the /lib-rary. I know if my /sys saw them she'd /bin them, but she always is /var-y mean.

    I could /root around for some more puns, /etc /etc, but I think I'll halt there.

    Great! Why did you stop the /proc-ess?

    At the prices they're charging, it's clearly a case of /usr-y.


  • noob (unregistered) in reply to eh?
    what's wrong with the photo price list?

    Maybe the real WTF is that he's looking for a grad photo of his sister-in-law. Hubba hubba.

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