• Gamer (unregistered) in reply to Hirvox

    I'd think so too, but wouldn't they sometimes reuse some code (like a physics engine) from one project to the next, and continually evolve it?

    Physics engines are actually outsourced nowadays. Does Havok ring a bell? Even the whole game engine is often licensed from an another developer. ID Software (Quakes & Dooms) & Epic (Unreal series) are currently the most popular game engine developers. While this does free up a lot of resources that can be used to develop the actual content, it also does set constraints for the developers.

    There's still room for innovation, though. For example, the fabled physics engine of Half-Life 2 (Havok) was also used in Max Payne 2. However, while the physics was mainly used for eye candy in the latter, the former integrated it into an essential part of the gameplay.

    We use game engines, it's also fairly common to just lift a great chunk of code and data from an

    earlier, similar, game, and throw that in so you can show a "working" level early in the process.

    There's also a lot of stuff outside the engine that's still similar from game to game, so that evolves over



    I've got a few good gaming WTFs stored away, but too many cow-orkers read here, and would

    recognise them no matter how I anonymised them. Maybe in a year or two when the pain has

    died down.


  • Tbee (unregistered) in reply to Gamer

    Ok, this does remind me of a client I had; they provide -how do I call it- old day's savings? Pensions?

    Anyway, they had an old system in Cobol but felt like it needed replacing since all the developers were long gone. They spent two years trying to figure out how to implement the new system and considered SAP (turned out way to expensive) and BizTalk (don't know why this didn't make it ;-)  And ended up on a half / half approach using some XML based library of financial components.

    The project manager told me the concept was great: all data was stored in XML in an RDBMS (read: CLOB) and changes to the account where new XML entries, so you could follow what had happened to an account exactly.

    Thinking about it for a second, I asked if  the "current" situation of an account was determined by taking the starting situation and then applying all change records. The answer was "yes". The next question of course was how the current monthly invoice run compared to the old one.

    He said they needed to work on that.

    The old one ran within 2 hours, the new one took two days.

    Consider that instead of doing some selects, the new system needs to fetch CLOBs, XML parse them and then combine all that into the current situation and finally generate more XML to represent the invoice and store it as more CLOBs.

    And that is against a farily "virgin" database, since the system has not collected much history. I'd guess we'll see a hardware-against-XML-growth situation here: can newer and faster hardware keep up with the slowing of the process?

    Once again: XML is NOT for storing, it is for exchanging.

  • (cs) in reply to jspenguin

    This seems like a good time to unlurk (especially now that the board software is apparently less a WTF).

    how about stupid process in game development?
     got any good game code that need's to be laughed at?
    Download LABFLSRC.ZIP. Guranteed at least one WTF every line.

    Come on, JS. You know as well as I do that the real WTF was my decision to do a 3D accelerated Unix/Win32 port of Ken's Labyrinth. Cleaning up all those cut-and-pasted gratitious 8086 assembly snippets all over the code and figuring out the multi-thousand-line <font face="Courier New">main</font> function must be considered a serious threat to any man's sanity.

    Besides, you shouldn't be too hard on Ken. He was, after all, only 17 at the time he wrote Ken's Labyrinth. Also, the game runs quite well (apart from a few small bugs); the programming style is just a bit... crude. And WTFy. A sidebar discussion may be in order.

  • Laurent (unregistered)

    "Second System Syndrom". For sure.

  • IngramJames (unregistered) in reply to jspenguin
    how about stupid process in game development?
     got any good game code that need's to be laughed at?
    Download LABFLSRC.ZIP. Guranteed at least one WTF every line.

                    case 1: case 18:
                    case 2: case 19:
                    case 3: case 20:
                        k = bul3fly+animate2+2;
                        j = (1024+bulang[i]-ang)&2047;
                        if (j < 960)
                            k -= 2;
                        if (j > 1088)
                            k += 2;
                    case 4: case 21:

    Plus realms of uncommented assembler...

    It's like a WTF-Wonderland..
  • (cs) in reply to James Brantly
    James Brantly:

    Fancyness has its place, but functionality is king. If it works well, people will call it "simple and elegant" if it is the most boring thing on the planet. If it works poorly, it doesn't matter how cool it looks, it's still crap.

    Amen, Brother!  Preach it!  Preach it!  I'm seeing Digg and Slashdot links now that are for improving the accessability of Ajazified apps.  I haven't spent much time reading, but I can say for sure that if you are shooting for WAI level 2 or 3 complance, AJAX is not going to fly, because you have to provide the exact same data (not functionality, but data), in scripting vs. non scripting environments.

    It's actually very doable, and not that hard to do. It's at the heart of the "Progressive Enhancement" and "Graceful Degradation" philosophies: add fancy stuff on a solid, working, deeply rooted in the basic (read: standard, clear, rock-solid raw HTML), layer your application, with each upper layer depending upon the lower ones, but the lower ones being fully independant of the upper ones so that the application/website will still work flawlessly if an upper layer fails or isn't available (with less bells and whistle, less buzzwords, less graphics, but it'll still work), layer your CSS on top of a working and usable HTML base, layer your javascript on top of your working HTML+CSS base, layer some more CSS on top of it, sprinkle with fancier JS and remote calls (e.g. AJAXy stuff). And ALWAYS have a fully working application if a layer fails (at least if the upper layers fail from top to bottom, the best designers/coders can create applications that will still be usable whatever layer fails unless it's the HTML).

    I haven't heard of any non-JS AJAX, but maybe there is some.
    AJAX is a buzzword. Not a philosophy, not a technology, nothing but a buzzword. And if you haven't heard about "non-AJAX js" then maybe you'd need to get out more.

    I'm pretty sure it was "non-JS AJAX", not "non-AJAX js"

    Your're perfectly right and I apologize. As for "non-JS AJAX", there is Flash. In fact the current JS-AJAX guys are reinventing the wheel and re-discovering techniques the Flash guys invented years ago to solve their problems (such as re-enabling the back and forward buttons in an "ajaxy" environement)

    James Brantly:
    AJAX might be a buzzword, but there are certain technologies, ideas, rules, and expectations involved with AJAX. In other words, it is a little bit more than just a buzzword.

    It sadly isn't. It could have been, I was excited when I read Garrett's article which coined the term a bit more than a year ago, it was merely re-discovering 5 years old technologies but the web was ready, the standards were gaining steam, some people had finally found out that you could actually use JS to create clean and powerful programs instead of hasty hacks.

    Then the Big Business took hold of the acronym, the java guys discovered that they could build desktop-like interfaces (they knew about desktop-like interfaces) and everything went downhill from there, out with accessibility, out with graceful degradation, out with CSS and HTML, the new wave didn't want to learn how to work on the web, they wanted to ajaxify things and create a new web desktop from the original incomplete desktop metaphor. They didn't want to research that 5 years old new fangled thing, they just wanted to slap AJAX everywhere in big blinking lights 1995-style.

    And thus was AJAX emptied of everything it could have been and became few more than "OMG SHINIES".

    And we started seeing the great comeback of user agent checks and the "I don't want to bother with this cross-browser compatibility stuff so i'll just forbid anyone that doesn't have firefox or IE to enter this website". Hell, some people are even more retarded and only ever allow firefox...

    James Brantly:
    Since the "J" in AJAX stands for Javascript, there is no AJAX without JS. You could maybe do some AJAX-like stuff with fancy uses of frames or iframes and so forth, but AJAX implies the use of Javascript, or of at least some interactive layer supported by the browser (XUL). Strangely, it does not imply the use of XML (check out JSON).

    Which means that it does not imply the use of Javascript either (AJAX originally means Asynchroneous Javascript and XML), AJAX is merely an acronym for asynchroneous remote scripting, and you can perfectly do that with flash (or even use both Flash and JS).

  • (cs)

    Shouldn't it be BuzzTalk instead of BizTalk?

  • TheDoom (unregistered) in reply to Bus Raker
    Bus Raker:


    can I request some good c++ or heck even some vb or c# or.. java.
     anything else please.

    There has been a trend of decision making / management WTFs and no good 'in the code trenches' ones in a while.  It's like the difference between hearing someone talk about a nasty car wreck or actually getting to see pictures of the wreck.

    We need some shock value!

    I personally have been waiting for a bizrtalk one for ages, this provides insight into  what it actually does. And there I was thinking it was an over elaborate XSLT writer.
  • Snoopy (unregistered) in reply to James Schend
    BS.  Bungie managed to get Halo 2 out the door with only a small delay, and it's one of the greatest (if not the greatest) FPS games of all time.

    As defined by a handful of 13-year-old fanboys.  Most adults regard it as scarcely worth playing.  The multiplayer apparently has a handful of redeeming features, but the game itself is unbelievably repetitive, tedious to the point of mind-numbing, and blatantly unfinished.  Six months or so delay could only have improved it.
  • Anonymous (unregistered) in reply to Alex Papadimoulis

    You've obviously been playing BF2 with the latest patch then.  It's quite clear the original developers have left the building and taken their understanding of the mess with them.

  • TheDoom (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous

    Yanks eh?

  • (cs) in reply to Ford351-4V
    The architect's name was Rube Goldberg?


    Mod +3

    er... Oops! wrong forum.

  • Anthony (unregistered) in reply to VGR

    Actually, Duke Nukem Forever is the opposite of that.  While other publishers are happy to dump a barely-out-of-beta turd on the shelves and release patches for the next year and a half, 3D Realms is sitting on their product until they're satisfied it's truly done.  For that they have my admiration.

    BS. A game that looks like it was the perfect 3d shooter nine years ago would tank now. Graphics moves on quickly. Doom 1 was brilliant, but you coun't sell it now.
  • (cs)

    I was half way through Alex's post before I realized that BizTalk is an actual tool you can buy. At first I thought it was IT slang for corporate Newspeak, an Orwellian effort to distort and restrict information from ordinary people.

    Wait a minute. Maybe that's exactly what it is.


  • BruteForce (unregistered) in reply to Anthony

    I have a comment or two on the game dev.

    First, BF2, yep. Since EA games bought DICE they have made the old guys that actually were DICE leave the company, and nowadays they have the same employee statistics as every other EA firm. Roughly half the staff quits during a year.

    Then 3D realms. They changed engines 3 times because the current couldnt do what they wanted it to do. And they have rather few guys working on it. And I know I'm gonna buy the game. Because, the graphics of DN3D wasnt all that great compared to the competition. They had something else that appealed to me.

    captcha: wtf... Hehe

  • (cs) in reply to Rank Amateur
    Rank Amateur:

    I was half way through Alex's post before I realized that BizTalk is an actual tool you can buy. At first I thought it was IT slang for corporate Newspeak, an Orwellian effort to distort and restrict information from ordinary people.

    Wait a minute. Maybe that's exactly what it is.


    From what I have seen, it's a powerful tool that lets relatively clueless users draw mighty diagrams to define the flow of information from one system to another; in other words, it no longer takes a programmer to spend 30 minutes to write a little script, just spend two weeks or three to draw that mighty diagrams and you're done.
  • Mark Lindell (unregistered) in reply to Bus Raker

    <font color="#ff0000">YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING.  BIZTALK NOT USE XML?</font>

    I don't believe there's a Microsoft Product that doesn't leverage XML to a silly level.  Biztalk would not exist without XML!

    IMHO... :-)

  • (cs)

    Further proof that the amount of intelligence in the IT industry is a fixed constant, the issue being there are more and more people in it...

  • (cs) in reply to Snoopy
    BS.  Bungie managed to get Halo 2 out the door with only a small delay, and it's one of the greatest (if not the greatest) FPS games of all time.

    As defined by a handful of 13-year-old fanboys.  Most adults regard it as scarcely worth playing.  The multiplayer apparently has a handful of redeeming features, but the game itself is unbelievably repetitive, tedious to the point of mind-numbing, and blatantly unfinished.  Six months or so delay could only have improved it.

    I do not own Halo 1 or 2 but I felt your comment needed a reply. When your argument has to rely on citing the number of people who agree with you and assumes everyone agrees that their opinion is more worthwhile than anyone else's, I think you're in trouble.

    First of all - your statement of how most adults regard Halo is without any backing. How do you know the opinion of most adults on this matter? Have you done a survey? Are you including adults who regard all video games as scarcely worth playing? Are you including adults in developing nations where electricity is a scarcity, to say nothing of an XBox or PC to play Halo? Pretty shaky ground with that statement.

    Here's a hint: when Roger Ebert reviews a movie, he typically does so BEFORE it's been released to a wider audience. Thus, he is without the benefit of being able to cite the number of people who went to see the film to prove how good it is. He's been able to make a pretty good career using this method so I'd suggest that in your future critiques of entertainment mediums, you consider that saying, "Lots of people in this group disliked X (without any proof that the group holds this opinion) so X must be crap." isn't a very intelligent approach to criticism.

    You know, more adults visit Slashdot than visit the Daily WTF (using your method of assuming statistics without any statistics). By your logic, Slashdot is better than the Daily WTF. That's a very weak argument.

    Richard Nixon
  • Anonymous (unregistered) in reply to Tbee

    The project manager told me the concept was great: all data was stored in XML in an RDBMS (read: CLOB) and changes to the account where new XML entries, so you could follow what had happened to an account exactly.


    Once again: XML is NOT for storing, it is for exchanging.

    Amen to that!  We have inherited a database that does exactly that.  It stores the interesting data as XML in CLOBs.  Whenever we want to query our own data, we have to select all the XML, write some scripts to run through it all, then assemble it into some kind of report.  Mostly we don't bother and only use the reports they hard coded into their J2EE application. 

    It gets worse.  In order to "optimise" the application (read: get past the absolutely dreadful performance caused by doing this) they proudly state that such important data we know ahead of time we might like to be able to search on will be "denormalised".  Yes.  They pull out bits of data and stick them into normal columns, as well as in the original XML.  Now those bits can be indexed.  Of course, we can't do any updates easily either - the data is now in two places - once in a table column and once in a bit of XML which may be in that table or in another.   Only their application knows all the little relationships between the data.

    They keep telling us we have marvellous flexibility (just put different XML in the fields.... and recode the application so it knows what to do with it).  They keep proudly going on about their insanely clever denormalisation strategy.  We've told them we don't like it.  We've told them that denormalisation is a dirty word in data design.... but it just doesn't get through to them. 

    Anyway, they just lost an important contract to do another database with us.  Partly based on cost factors, but frankly they lost out big time on the appalling solution they were pushing (to get the best performance, we will denormalise some of your data if you choose us!), and also on the fact that they just didn't seem to listen at all.  They all have PhDs and are very clever people.  Just not PhDs in software engineering, which they seem to think any averagely clever person can just hack together.

    So I agree - XML is for exchange, not storage. (It's also quite nice to use for digital preservation - which can be understood as exchanging information over time rather than directly between systems).

    I would also add that the customer has to own their own data.  The original application  will probably not be the only thing that needs to use it.

  • (cs) in reply to jspenguin
    how about stupid process in game development?
     got any good game code that need's to be laughed at?
    Download LABFLSRC.ZIP. Guranteed at least one WTF every line.
    Is it C? Is it Assembly? Nobody knows! :-)
  • (cs) in reply to Keith Gaughan

    Keith Gaughan:
    how about stupid process in game development?
     got any good game code that need's to be laughed at?
    Download LABFLSRC.ZIP. Guranteed at least one WTF every line.
    Is it C? Is it Assembly? Nobody knows! :-)


    Remember how cool games like this used to appear to be? How spoiled have we all become with today's graphics, etc.. Hell, I used to think Pong was amazing.


  • OverloadedOperator (unregistered) in reply to sinistral

    >I haven't heard of any non-JS AJAX, but maybe there is some.

    The J in AJAX stands for JavaScript. A good example of adapting  AJAX to non-AJAX friendly browsers is Gmail. It does its AJAX thing with JavaScript-enabled browsers and comes up with an excellent alternative when JavaScript is disabled.

    A good rule is to not use a technology just because its new nor avoid it for the same reason.

  • OverloadedOperator (unregistered) in reply to masklinn

    Look. AJAX is no more and no less than the use of JavaScript to make HTTP requests to web services or XML documents in order to modify portions of a web page without reloading the whole document.

    That's the widely accepted definition. It is simply another web related technology like CSS, RSS or streaming media. You use it if you  need it; you leave alone if you don't.

  • Bigfish (unregistered) in reply to VGR

    Not trying to start a quibble war, but...

    KISS really stands for "Keep It Stupid Simple", the kind of simple thats just so simple, its stupid.  So simple, that even a stupid person can use it.  Now, now, I know some will quibble with the notion that "Build a system that even a stupid person can use, then only stupid people will use it", but just ask yourselves:  what kind of people do you work for/with anyway?  See?  Case in point!

  • john (unregistered) in reply to Ballmer

    What usually happens is that sometimes MS "consultant" advises the customer that Biztalk should be a part of the solution.

    What they forget that biztalk is not really useful as long you actually have 2 independant systems instead of one.

    The best way to use it is to install it on the server and forget about it.

  • Dale Williams (unregistered) in reply to Fregas

    In the voice of Buffalo Bill:

    "It queries the data from the database.  It binds to a data grid!  It does as its told!"

    You forgot "or the developer it gets the hose again."
  • Krenn (unregistered) in reply to Alex Papadimoulis
    Alex Papadimoulis:

    how about stupid process in game development?
     got any good game code that need's to be laughed at?

    If you have a game-dev story, by all means feel free to submit it.

    As far as game code, I doubt I'd post something from a game. Video games are designed to be one-time products with no future maintenance needed. As long as it works once it's out the door and the original developers understand the mess, who cares?

    Now there's a WTF... the attitude that a game is done once it's shipped.

    Somebody should tell the Cornered Rats that they can stop working on the next patch then, since World War II Online shipped in 2001.  Blizzard should let all those developers go that are working on the next WoW patch.  Etc.
  • Zlodo (unregistered) in reply to Alex Papadimoulis
    As far as game code, I doubt I'd post something from a game. Video games are designed to be one-time products with no future maintenance needed.

    Except when companies realize that their next project share a lot of the same requirements, both in the engine and in the tools, and decide to reuse the crap from the previous game.

    Usually, it's those same people who agreed to ridiculously low budgets and development time in the first game and indirectly caused the code to be a vast pile of crap who then agrees to ridiculously low budget and development time for the next game on the ground that "we don't need to build the tech this time, we can reuse it from the last game".

    And also, you have MMORPGs, which are meant to be maintained and expanded for years.

    And finally, you have combination of both: companies that make and maintain a MMORPG whose code is a giant WTF, and then decide to reuse it as a starting point to develop the next one...
  • (cs) in reply to he-she

    Keith Gaughan:
    how about stupid process in game development?
     got any good game code that need's to be laughed at?
    Download LABFLSRC.ZIP. Guranteed at least one WTF every line.
    Is it C? Is it Assembly? Nobody knows! :-)


    Remember how cool games like this used to appear to be? How spoiled have we all become with today's graphics, etc.. Hell, I used to think Pong was amazing.


    Yup. I've still got my C-64 and I'm still amazed by what some of the programmers managed to squeeze out of it. Cf. the likes of Creatures, Mayhem in Monsterland, Turrican (I and II), and so on.
  • Tei (unregistered) in reply to Keith Gaughan

    Keith Gaughan:

    Remember how cool games like this used to appear to be? How spoiled have we all become with today's graphics, etc.. Hell, I used to think Pong was amazing.


    Yup. I've still got my C-64 and I'm still amazed by what some of the programmers managed to squeeze out of it. Cf. the likes of Creatures, Mayhem in Monsterland, Turrican (I and II), and so on.

    - Turrican 1 its waaaay better than the Turrican 2 thing.
    - Nowdays graphics mean "brush painting" while old graphics mean "pixel painting".  Pixel painting is very abstract and line-oriented. While brush is somewhat about shadows and colours. Different cerebral stuff.
    - Who cares RAM?.. I can use PCX and tile based graphics, but I have enough ram for RGBA TGA files and whatever. You can code a tetris on 6502 with 2K, but will be boring! RAM unused = RAM wasted!.
    -  DEEP,  nowdays  games have deep, emotional atachements becuase FIRST PERSON is much more powerfull than THIRD PERSON.

    My C64 computer is on the trash. If I really want to play M.U.L.E, Saucer Attack or DICTATOR, I can use a emulator.


  • (cs) in reply to Tei

    There are plenty of other forums here where you can create a topic to discuss video games.   Just go to "Side-bar WTF", create a new topic (e.g., "video game WTF's" or something like that), and off you go.

    I have definitely hijacked some threads in my day (identity primary keys, anyone?) but at least they were somewhat relevant to the original post ...

  • Ken (unregistered) in reply to IngramJames

    how about stupid process in game development?
     got any good game code that need's to be laughed at?
    Download LABFLSRC.ZIP. Guranteed at least one WTF every line.

                    case 1: case 18:
                    case 2: case 19:
                    case 3: case 20:
                        k = bul3fly+animate2+2;
                        j = (1024+bulang[i]-ang)&2047;
                        if (j < 960)
                            k -= 2;
                        if (j > 1088)
                            k += 2;
                    case 4: case 21:

    Plus realms of uncommented assembler...

    It's like a WTF-Wonderland..

    Oh yeah?  I dare you to rewrite it and have it still work.  Admit it, this is one of the greatest engineering feats ever accomplished.  You're just pissed because you don't understand 80x86 assembly.


  • better than you (unregistered) in reply to James Brantly

    Since the "J" in AJAX stands for Javascript, there is no AJAX without JS. You could maybe do some AJAX-like stuff with fancy uses of frames or iframes and so forth, but AJAX implies the use of Javascript, or of at least some interactive layer supported by the browser (XUL). Strangely, it does not imply the use of XML (check out JSON). Anyways, if you're interested in learning about alternatives to the "normal" AJAX style (ala, JS with XMLHttpRequest), or better ways to incorporate AJAX with usability in mind, such as masklinn aluded to, check out http://ajaxpatterns.org. Great site for learning lots of down and dirty things, and certainly one of the most complete I've come across for advanced AJAX/AJAX-like topics.

    Well you could probably do something AJAX-esque with ActiveX, altho it would be MS-specific.
  • (cs) in reply to Bigfish
    Not trying to start a quibble war, but...

    KISS really stands for "Keep It Stupid Simple", the kind of simple thats just so simple, its stupid.  So simple, that even a stupid person can use it.  Now, now, I know some will quibble with the notion that "Build a system that even a stupid person can use, then only stupid people will use it", but just ask yourselves:  what kind of people do you work for/with anyway?  See?  Case in point!

    No, it stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid, it's aim is to remind the stupid programmer (or whatever, it was already in use during the Apollo project) that overly complex designs are bad and that simplicity usually works much better.

    The point of the expression is not that whatever you're building should be so simple it's stupid, it's that you're always stupid and should be reminded to keep things simple.

    Another interresting mantra is "YAGNI": You Aren't Gonna Need It.

  • IRbaboon (unregistered)

    Don't you get it? He doesn't use the stack AND doesn't need memory for an iterator variable. Fast code like this is what you snobby programmers should write!

  • (cs) in reply to Tei

    Keith Gaughan:

    Remember how cool games like this used to appear to be? How spoiled have we all become with today's graphics, etc.. Hell, I used to think Pong was amazing.


    Yup. I've still got my C-64 and I'm still amazed by what some of the programmers managed to squeeze out of it. Cf. the likes of Creatures, Mayhem in Monsterland, Turrican (I and II), and so on.

    - Turrican 1 its waaaay better than the Turrican 2 thing.

    But Turrican 2 was technically far more accomplished, which is what I as talking about. Just consider the degree of programming skill that went into creating the two shoot-em-up levels.
    - Who cares RAM?.. I can use PCX and tile based graphics, but I have enough ram for RGBA TGA files and whatever. You can code a tetris on 6502 with 2K, but will be boring! RAM unused = RAM wasted!.

    Why? I thought it was the game that made the game interesting rather than the size of the executable. Is a 512MB version of Tetris more interesting than the 2kB one?
    -  DEEP,  nowdays  games have deep, emotional atachements becuase FIRST PERSON is much more powerfull than THIRD PERSON.

    First-person perspective a good game does not make. Good level design and intelligently designed NPC behaviour are far more important. If a platformer gives me that and Doom 3 can't, the platformer's the better game.
    My C64 computer is on the trash. If I really want to play M.U.L.E, Saucer Attack or DICTATOR, I can use a emulator.

    I'm never throwing out my C-64. While I sometimes play my old games on VICE, there are times when you just need the genuine experience.
  • (cs) in reply to Alex Papadimoulis
    Alex Papadimoulis:

    how about stupid process in game development?
     got any good game code that need's to be laughed at?

    If you have a game-dev story, by all means feel free to submit it.

    As far as game code, I doubt I'd post something from a game. Video games are designed to be one-time products with no future maintenance needed. As long as it works once it's out the door and the original developers understand the mess, who cares?

    Good point Alex, I doubt many game companies would ever release a sequel to a game, or a patch, or release part of their product as an engine. I mean why reuse code when you can rewrite it from scratch?

  • anonymous (unregistered) in reply to ParkinT

    You're aware that serialization and deserialization implies that you're serializing TO and deserializing FROM XML ?

  • Mat (unregistered) in reply to Bigfish

    OMGWTFBBQ... QUAYMU (quit using acronyms you make up)... that's the answer to your "simply... stupid", "stupid simple", "simple, ->stupid" problems.  Maybe acronyms themselves actually speak alot about simplicity?

    Seriously, though, don't joke around with the KISS thing... or don't even use it for that matter.  Half the people posting will be joking around and the other half will think they are in an argument or whatever.

  • NancyBoy (unregistered) in reply to masklinn
    As for "non-JS AJAX", there is Flash.

    Please, don't remind me.  Flash WTFs justify a spin-off site.  It is fine when used for cheesy little games or movie sites, but as applied to garden variety business web pages Flash is often the dumbest way of doing the simplest things.  I especially like it when dumbasses use Flash to provide content that is mostly text.  They think this guarantees that everyone has the same experience--yeah, the same crappy experience involving reading tiny, badly-aliased text that can't be selected on a page that can't be bookmarked.  Oh, and we all love watching the "Loading..." bar for pages that standard HTML would render instantly...BUT BY GOD YOU HAVE GOTTA SEE THIS CONTENT WITH OUR CUTE BUT UNREADABLE FONT!!!

  • (cs) in reply to NancyBoy
    As for "non-JS AJAX", there is Flash.

    Please, don't remind me.  Flash WTFs justify a spin-off site.  It is fine when used for cheesy little games or movie sites, but as applied to garden variety business web pages Flash is often the dumbest way of doing the simplest things.  I especially like it when dumbasses use Flash to provide content that is mostly text.  They think this guarantees that everyone has the same experience--yeah, the same crappy experience involving reading tiny, badly-aliased text that can't be selected on a page that can't be bookmarked.  Oh, and we all love watching the "Loading..." bar for pages that standard HTML would render instantly...BUT BY GOD YOU HAVE GOTTA SEE THIS CONTENT WITH OUR CUTE BUT UNREADABLE FONT!!!

    You forgot the main advantage of Flash: It's invisible for search engines, so probably less people will be confronted with that bad design.
  • (cs) in reply to captcha = perfection
    Sounds like job security to me. What was the line from Jurassic Park; "they were so busy figuring out if they could that they didn't consider if they should".

    Do we never learn from history?

    You are aware that Jurassic Park is fiction, right?  It didn't actually happen.

    Yes, I know, I know.  Michael Crichton is a crafty one, isn't he?  And shame on Steven Spielberg, too...

  • mathew (unregistered)

    Reminds me of my J2EE in a nutshell posting...

  • Brian (unregistered) in reply to Alex Papadimoulis
    Alex Papadimoulis:

    how about stupid process in game development?
     got any good game code that need's to be laughed at?

    If you have a game-dev story, by all means feel free to submit it.

    As far as game code, I doubt I'd post something from a game. Video games are designed to be one-time products with no future maintenance needed. As long as it works once it's out the door and the original developers understand the mess, who cares?

    No offense Alex, but with the rise of MMOs this is hardly the case anymore.  Perhaps this mentality is what is wrong with games like Star Wars Galaxies...

  • Doof (unregistered) in reply to Ballmer

    Seriously?  Dude, give up on the nonsensical conspiracy theories... Sometimes a moon landing is really a moon landing...

    Boo!  Scurry away...

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