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best story ever
I chuckled. =)
His paragraphs suck.
Pretty obvious, isn't it?
I think you'll agree.
If you use all 10 numbers, you can do it in just three digits. If you add the latin alphabet, two.
Yeah, next time show your work for partial credit. 0 -- Fail
I'm pretty sure that this should be in "Best of the Sidebar", with a credit...
Unless the OP sent it to Alex a year earlier and gave up on waiting.
"The effect of drinking a Pan Galactic Gargle Pussy is like having your brains smashed out with a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick."
Should have simply used NATO alphabet (even if it gets a bit long)
However, TRWTF is the clients. Come on, there are customers whose surnames literally mean Fornication, Cat's Elbow, Golden Stone, Cat, Accident, Executioner, and more funny names I can't think of right now. Not to mention all those Dicks in America. Some of those even use to read in book of Moroni. Yeah, very funny, hahahaha. But fukumaku URLs is bad?
This guy actually knows what he's talking about. That's TRWTF!
There are no "offensive" words (in the blanch-and-lose-consciousness-at-poppycock tradition, not in the "we will invade at midnight" military sense), there are only readers with such a weak internal sensitivity that it cannot sustain biological references (which are really passé for an 8 year old), and to which THEY choose to take offense. Let's not confuse misplaced puritanism with intrinsic value.
Captcha: "eros"... oh, you didn't ? You can tell me about guns and violence all day, but not that, ewwww, gross "bedroom" stuff ! How could you ? I'm gonna call the FCC. My intellectual stability depends on me not hearing about things that surround the hips.
This is the first time in a while that I've actually burst out laughing at a Daily WTF. Well done.
CAPTCHA: tation - tater nation?
It was just as horrible as it sounds.
Tell that to the imdb.com forums.
Maybe fukudome -> "fuck you dummy"?
Not here on TDWTF, but Facebook once gave me a captcha of "joder". "Joder" is Spanish for "fuck".
Fuck You, Do Me.
Couldn't they have just added a client entered text based identifier unique per client?
They could then be pulled up with either the normal ID or a client ID and friendly string, more work for the client, but if that's what they want they enter it, they assume any responsibility for easily guessed identifiers AND using any bad words that could make baby Jesus cry.
If you have a client so stupid that they can be offended by randomly generated strings that are never seen by the public all you can do is shift the burden to them - you can NEVER make them happy with something generated by code.
Long strings of digits are difficult to remember and easy to mess up when copying. Which do you find easier to remember: Your friends' and coworkers' names? Or their phone numbers? I've had plenty of times that someone tried to relate some long id number to me while I wrote it down and I've had to ask, "Wait, was that 4-7 or 7-4", etc.
The basic idea of having pronounceable words sounds like a good one to me. Acknowledging the sort of problem brought up in this story.
Then again, caca may be offensive to a spanish speaking person.
So you wouldn't mind if it generated racial epithets, then? Life if one day it churned out "wetback" or "n----r"? Or what if it produced a word offensive to homosexuals, like "sodomite"? Maybe you wouldn't mind those either, but I find that people who think it's absurd to be offended by vulgar references to sex or urination often go through the roof at other types of offensive language. Indeed, what if one day it simply generated the word "nazi"? Would you want an advertisement for your company to have the word "nazi" displayed above it?
Personally I'd object to either set of words. I'm not going to fall on the floor gasping for breath, but I'd rather not hear them. Words have meaning, and if you don't believe that, then what have you been typing in your posts? I object to the name of this web site, though obviously from that fact that I'm posting here, it doesn't disturb me enough to refrain from visiting it.
So apparently end users can see these words. Even if you think that your customers are morons for objecting to certain words, one dollar from a moron is just as good as one dollar from a genius. Do you insist that you will only accept money from people who share your social views?
Oh, god, "The Mythical Man Month"... I remember that from software engineering class. My brain always put the hyphen in the wrong place, so instead of Mythical Man-Month, it was Mythical-Man Month. Like Black History Month but for Hercules and the like. Minor chuckles at that were pretty much my entire takeaway from that class....
captcha "ullamcorper"....interesting! One who works for Ullam Corp?
Years ago a co-worker told me of a similar problem: The company generated product IDs using one of those schemes where the first letter identifies the product category, the second letter identifies the factory where it is made, etc., with a letter or two tacked on the end to make it unique. And they ran into the same sort of problem where one of the generated codes -- printed on the product label -- was a vulgar word. Their solution was simpler than Barry & Brian's: make a list of offensive words, and then bounce any code against this list. And so, he said, he was given the job of typing into the computer all the obscene and vulgar words that he could think of. How do you put that on a resume?
Cool idea. I wonder if we could get it designated an official federal holiday?
I was expecting that they'd just remove the vowels - that's what happened when I heard this story about a high school.
You are funny
Slighty relevent - one time long ago, the server guys were explaining how they were going to name the file servers throughout Florida (each location only needed one back in those days).
Jacksonville would be jaxis, and Tampa would be tamis, Miami would be miais
and the clever guy asked, "what about Pensacola?"
TRWTF is the guy's hand.
Since '96 actually. Do you think regression testing was just invented?
<slurp> mmmm, that's some good Gargle Pussy!
"When talking by phone with people in different offices, they have to read the IDs to each other to be able to identify which accounts they are talking about."
This has got to be one of the stupidest customer requirements I ever heard (and I have been in the custom software business since long before 1999).
Home office clerk on phone: "Friedman."
Branch office clerk on phone: "Just a sec." (types) freedman "Nope." (types) freedmann "Nope." (types) freidman "Nope." (types) freidmann "Nope." (types) fredemann "Nope." (types) freedemann "Nope." (types) frehdman "Nope." (into phone) "I've tried everything. We just don't have it."
Home office clerk on phone: "Dammit. Okay, next: bloogarue..."
Wot, no SOUNDEX?
really, in your mind "sh*t" which is something you do hopefully at least once a day is in the same realm as "nazi" but "gun" is not ? And you do not require therapy ?
Captcha: damnum. That's right.
This is the country where the personalized license ILUVTOFU by a vegan was nixed by a bunch of bureaucrats. Given the spelling capacity of most modern American executives these days, however, I'd even question the whole premise of this idea.
TRWTF is that no pussy got gargled.
But not so as well known as "Never get involved in a land war in Asia", or the slightly lesser known "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line".
Not true, just ask yo mama about last night!
Of course, this is probably some sort of heresy, and some jerk will make erroneous assumptions about the size and content of the word/number set to call me an idiot in the comments, but that's the internet for you.
Well, my boss' name is indian and sort of hard to pronounce. We have some others in the area with 5 syllable names, and I'm pretty sure that blowing it out to 10 syllables would be just as bad as numbers. Just split the number into blocks with dashes and add some check digits: aaaac-bbbbc-ddddc-eeeec, that way you can tell which block has the bad number.
This could all have been avoided if he had just filled it with the Klingon Hamlet in the first place.
Ahh mah lunch!
People are trying to find meaning (or humour) in the captchas (mine's iusto, by the way). Recaptcha's are best for this. They give two English words, and if I get one of them completely wrong, no-one cares.
I wrote a small program. Pulls a fuckton of recaptchas, asks the user to fill them properly, then guesses which to replace with penis. Pollutes their database.
I can believe this -- twice I've had the same issue. We did, a long time ago, send data via Teletext on broadcast TV. We had a private page, not in any directory, and we got about 500 bytes of useful data transferred every 30 seconds or so. The TV station required that NO obscenities (with a very broad definition) were ever transmitted. The data was binary and encrypted. The very first test page sent had 'duck' in it. Sigh. Remove all vowels. A few days later there was one complaint -- 'shyt'. Remove the 'y'. Ran for quite a time without further complaint.
We also had to implement a 'grubby' word filter for a public information display. I spent a few days trawling porn sites and getting paid for it, and lifted all the meta tags. From the 500,000 tags collected, in the end we found ~1400 words or bases of words that might cause offense, of course in English only. Did it work -- of course not, but it kept the client happy.
I've people say this occasionally and I never really understood why. It's a decent enough way to start, Japanese is completely unambiguous in its pronunciation so provided you remember the rules (which isn't exactly difficult) then the only thing you're missing out on by using romaji is hiragana reading practice (which you get plenty of later on). It's not like it teaches you bad habits that you have to later unlearn.
CAPTCHA: genitus. I don't normally post my captcha but this one seems pretty appropriate to the article subject matter.
Sure, the pronunciation is mostly unambiguous (trailing vowel sounds are often unvoiced), but the syllable emphasis screws up a bunch of americans - japanese is very flat, while english likes to emphasize syllable 1 or 2. Makes for confusing listening.
I understand that people work with what they have lying around, but the first examples of bad words seems easily avoidable... clear your cache and surf non-porn sites before using it as a corpus for your markov chains.
I admit, generated words would have sounded fine to me as well, had I not run into this sort of problem before.
A better plan from 1995 - if only Brian had known.
The S/KEY system is designed to facilitate this manual entry without impeding automatic methods. The one-time password is therefore converted to, and accepted as, a sequence of six short (1 to 4 letter) English words. Each word is chosen from a dictionary of 2048 words;
Dictionary for Converting Between S/KEY 6-Word and Binary Formats
{ "A", "ABE", "ACE", ....."YELL", "YOGA", "YOKE" };