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Well, do you have a position available for a software developer?
I need a job with such a good job security!
"Son, I've raised you using the shittiest methods posible, but it's time for you to get a job, I've heard Oracle is hiring developers for a Java 8 rewrite"
…and TRWTF™ is not using the “™” character. That's what it's there for!
Slaps Frist with a smelly wet trout - deserved!
It was a bit of a commonplace read. TRWTF is that it is still Wednesday!
Cape, from the latin caput (meaning head).
Caper, from the latin capreolus, via the italian capriolare (meaning to jump in the air).
The real WTF is Lotus Notes...is anyone still using that? Most broken office software I ever used.
I would probably have updated my cv after two weeks of that and gone on active job search because a) if you are an Agile developer, the temptation of banging your head on the table would be too large and there is only so much pain one can stand and b) if you are not yet an Agile developer, with that team in that company you will probably never become one.
User stories normaly are to be supplied by the users; since in this case they are done retrospectively to dscribe an existing system, it would be the product owner, perhaps in collaboration with the tester, who should provide them.
Same goes for the story boards which are basically nothing more than related user stories chained together.
To get people started it would be enough to give them a few simple, fundamental user stories like "the user has to log in before he/she can do anything" and "the user can choose his/her actions from a menu". Then, while they're at it, you churn out more special user stories.
Once you have a solid set of finished simple user stories you can look at stories and write story boards, identifying missing user stories as part of that process.
I hope the .Net team at least wasn't rewarded with donuts on the company's expense for their "effort".
the people who have the responsibility for buying it don't use computers. RIM were also beneficiaries of this fact.
I would seriously hope that OP meant 'production code', not just code in general. I would hope that some work had gone into building a framework or prototyping.
Causing dispair? Really?
It's not that bad for office software but it's the worst email client I've ever used. Yes, I have to use it for email.
The piece would have read better starting with "Derek E. works for..." and skipping the self-promotion. Also, no need to state that Notes isn't relational twice.
We have a department that today will be coding new features for our flagship products in COBOL.
My department does stuff in C++. We have no plans to port the COBOL stuff to any other language. We have a small library that handles whatever interfacing goes on between the C++ and COBOL stuff. The user cannot tell what language we develop in.
The WTFeries in the code I work with are all due to the initial decisions made during the design process, which would have resulted in WTFeries no matter what technology we used for implementation.
If we were starting some of our new apps today, we would do them differently, but nothing gets ported here unless it's already going to be refactored for other reason.
It's very bad for email and pretty bad for everything else. We still use it here for some crap and the version we're using is 6. Yes, we're currently using version 6.
I would love the chance to rewrite the junk we have in forms into nearly any other medium.
Captcha - haero: If I got rid of Lotus Notes, I'd be a haero.
Also read this in Edna's voice
Unfortunatly And we're even using a oooooooold version (6.5)
Version 6! If you were still using Windows 98, you'd say that sucked too. And you probably have developers still writing like version 6, since that's what they're stuck with. No wonder it sucks. You've missed 13 years of upgrades. I feel sorry for you.
No quack. Lotus Notes BE THAT.
Here Here!!! If code was not being produced by the start of the second iteration/sprint (typically one month) then something was seriously wrong and should have been being addressed. By many standards (including mine) even that is late.
I recommend http://www.amazon.com/Software-30-Days-Customers-Competitors/dp/1118206665
(*) No, this is not the WTF you might think it is. She was (and still might be for all I know) the chef for the employee canteen. IT-wise inept, but skilled at producing tasty food in an industrial-scale kitchen.
Actually, yes... Lotus Notes is a powerful tool. The problem with powerful tools is that someone opens up a quick study guide or a how-to manual and proceeds to build applications with it without having the "other" knowledge needed. I've come in MANY times and rewritten applications written by someone who thought they knew what they were doing because they read a "program this in 30 days" book.
IBM Notes' biggest failure is not in its design or architecture, but in the IBM itself for not marketing it properly.
Indeed. And once you did leave, along with everybody else who had any clue of what they were doing and why it was all wrong, who would be left on the team?
The kind of people who sit around a table talking about user stories as a career. They spend a week or so every month working on progress reports, then reorganizing and re-prioritizing for another week followed by five days of arranging schedules, inviting all of the required parties and making sure that all the correct meeting rooms are booked. On average there are four days lost every month because at least one of the committee members is out of the office, so that leaves the third Tuesday afternoon for productive work.
Unless there's a company BBQ that day. Or if it's Rosh Hashanah, Groundhog Day, Veterans' Day, Memorial Day or Remembrance Day. Then the whole agenda needs to be postponed until next month and a whole lot of pre-meeting work will need to be done to ensure that the agenda is correct, the correct blends of coffee are prepared and the conference table is the right shape for all of the attendees.
This "Agile" thing isn't nearly as easy as it looks, you know.
Oh dear, people who use terms like "sprints" and "stories" without even the slightest hint of sarcasm.
But what would you expect, IBM and proper marketing are mutually exclusive.
But that's the whole point! Because Lotus Notes isn't relational, the data isn't normalized, and thus many facts must be stated twice.
I have trouble taking any methodology seriously when it is obvious that the inventors spent the bulk of their time thinking up cute names for things. Especially when they are cute new names for ideas that have been around for ages. We used to call "user stories" "functional requirements". But now that we have a cute new name, we can be so much more productive.
Well, yes, versioning is a ... caper. Then the story took a left turn at Albuquerque and slewed into something else entirely.
Something so horrible it gave me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it.
But Agile being not as easy as it looks is not an excuse for doing nothing for a whole year.
I would not leave a company because some colleagues are not good at Agile or prefer sitting around a big table eating donuts to actual work, but I would leave a company where management would let the .Net team mentioned get away with it.
It is management's job to see that things get done, and if management doesn't understand the methology used, then management should either read up or hire competence.
I do not know what size the .Net team had, but with 5 being quite a good number for a scrum team (2 + 2 + tester), we are talking serious money here. Definitely a middle-range six-digit number in wages alone, for what? Just a few story boards?
I know that some companies just have money to burn by the truckload but for your average company such a waste should trigger alarms. It certainly does for me and I prefer leaving myself to being made redundant once the bean-counters try to stop the company making a loss.
They acheive the same goal, but "user stories" and the definition/format of them are easier to explain to and understand by businessey people than "functional requirements".
Which is the entire point.
I joined a job a few years ago where just this sort of shit happened. We had scrums, they consisted of standing around saying things like, "I talked about the wireframes with Coddlebutt again, tried to come to a consensus." And: "We're approaching an agreement on when to hold the next progress meeting." And: "The architecture document version 99.8 is almost ready, but they've decided that since we've got a new version of Java released since we started, we're going to have to go through the authorisation process again so as to get upper management to accept this change to the top-level requirements."
Fuck, that was one shit job. We finally got down to working on it and we were just starting to get somewhere when the company was bought out by someone else and they decided to do it in-house instead. The good news is that they paid us for the 18 months of our time that they'd squandered.
Lotus Notes is still better than SharePoint.
I always knew that Notes wasn't bad, just ahead of it's time and misunderstood.
The bank was actually right. Notes has everything required built-in. If the data already exists in Notes documents, it's the work of a few minutes to set up a LotusScript that'll handle it and pass it on to the right place in the right format.
So yes, TRWTF is that the OP is pissing on the suggestion to use Notes despite not having a clue about what Notes is capable of. Whoever didn't realise this was a half-hour project using a tool already on every user's desktop fucked up monumentally. They've not only insisted on reinventing the wheel, but on hand-crafting their wheel whilst sitting on the steps of a wheel-factory - and then criticising the person who told them to just buy a goddamn wheel in the first place.
My office has spent the past year attempting to salvage last year's failed online e-learning project. Management gave it a shiny new name to appeal to the budget big-wigs, but it's still the same old turd. The big selling point is converting existing Flash templates to cross-browser HTML5, because it's the new hotness.
We're not redesigning anything or validating its usefulness, mind you - just converting the same Flash functionality based on ancient PPT specs. We've never spoken to an end user in the past 3 years, so nobody knows why we're building this or what they actually need/want. Every request to determine customer needs is met with supervisory derision. The only feedback from an SME was "nobody wants this."
Now 10 months in, we have a mountain of creative content no customer has ever seen, w/no working framework to put it in for testing. 90% of our creative team will be laid off this month due to budget cuts, so they're rushing to finish...
We have ~50 half-tested, desktop-only HTML5 prototype templates (no time to discuss or design a mobile UI!). No customer will see anything until product launch. Of course, it will magically fit/work on an iPad and the end-users will love it, because it's the new hotness.
As a backend for our shiny new HTML5 creation, the process for creating the data model and layout for each of the ~500 individual activities still goes: Individual Word Doc -> manual input to clunky XML generator -> XML production code. ... What's a database? That sounds hard.
This particular monstrosity is actually a much-improved rehash of a 2-yr project that went live & was immediately taken down due to errors & typos. 1000s of man-hours and at least $1M tossed on a "big bang"/waterfall solution in search of a problem.
The cobbled-together Flash templates we're now retrofitting were hijacked from another prior project, which has been Frankensteined into at least 3 other spinoffs with their own catchy names and identical crappy functionality.
As for the cross-browser HTML5 approach that was the ONLY clear requirement, management & the head of programming decided last week (w/o telling anybody) that it's too hard to change the old XML generator so we're only going to support MP4 videos. For my 8th attempt at explaining why this makes no sense, I'm thinking of enlisting sock puppets.
Captcha: causa ... Causa needa paycheck & can't quit juuust yet.
My personal Frist post. Trying to learn as much as I can ;)
All the projects that are still supported at my work are cobbled-together POS that was started by some intern years back. Some team inherited it, keep it going, then it became mission-critical and our techops manage the machine running.
We spend years with some project plan to unify them to be supported by all the teams. The plan ends up with hundreds of pages of functional specs. Funding for the project never really appears, but the POS above has already been deprecated (no one maintains the code, just techops keeps it running). We end up spending millions on some closed-source Windows-only crap from some big company that doesn't meet any of the requirements, doesn't have any API. Turns out a couple VPs between the companies are buddies, so they don't really care about the details but just scratching each-others backs.
Ugh. Time to write another pile of steam and lob it over.
I like MP4 videos and HTML5. It works for my iPad, so I support their decision. VLC seems to work well with MP4 videos as well although Chrome doesn't... Oh well, at least I have my iPad. Good luck with the sock puppets.
Normally I don't mention captchas, because it is kind of stupid. But I got the same captcha as you. I think there are only like 10 in TDWTF's database (or xml file).
Sorry I fell asleep. How did the article end?
Guys, as the most illuminated of us know very well, the main goal of IT is to give a (good) income to IT people. This require constantly running huge projects that have to fails, require reinventing the wheel, require inventing new programming languages and fancy methodologies and so on ....
This story is a success story, not a WTF.
When all fails just say these words: "The user's will refuse to use it unless we do X."
If that doesn't help, then do the aforementioned captcha and punch that clock like a good little code monkey. There's no help for people who ignore those words.
Those who claim VB is the real WTF are those who have yet to encounter Notes.
Lotus Visual Basic (I forget what it's called) is just like the Microsoft one, except where it isn't.
Why license VBA when you can write a crappy clone...