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I don't see anything wrong with Garrett's obviously brillant reasoning. Garrett is obviously just a misunderstood genius.
I've seen the fnords!
The email WAS filtered into spam in the first place. I don't see a problem, everything is working as intended.
Content-type: frist/alternative; boundary=bac0n
Let's see (Baconian cypher + 1):
5 + 13 + 1 + 9 + 12 = 40 40 happens to be 32 in octal, simply the reverse of "23"! – Now, whom do you want to fool by this? This is clear evidence that the egyptian pyramids were built by no other than Abraham Lincoln! (Please mind the 1s in binary notation representing a realistic depiction of Lincoln's left ear, and, if we would add a "4" for the sum of "1" and" "3" in "13" – what a simple deception is this? –, the digits arranged properly are giving Pi to the 7th fraction.)
If a good/useful/important message goes in the spam folder just once a week, that's not an aggressive setting.
Especially when the message is "important" rather than important.
Just FYI, my private key contains the lat/long values of 21 cities scrambled with ROT12, multiplied by a prime (42) and then encrypted with Baconian cipher.
Rot12, really? – Oh you son of a Bilderberger!
17+14+19+19+22+4+11+21+4 = 131 – Just posting "23" wasn't easy enough? Digit sum 50, just to make this even a bit more obvious? Now, what are you and your Illuminati comrades are after in those 21 cities?
There are a lot of security idiots running around. Here's my example:
I was working on a project that required client-side TLS authentication with certificates. We were stalled waiting for our client-side certs.
Idiot: We could make our own certs.
Me: We can't use a self-signed cert. It has to be signed by the CA. We don't have the CA's private keys, obviously.
Idiot: We could get them. There's a hacker tool called OpenSSL that can extract the keys from any site.
Me: Um, it can get the public keys, and it's not a hacker tool.
Idiot: Oh, it is a hacker tool. I put it on my Windows box and the anti-virus kept trying to remove it.
Baffled, I Google "openssl virus" and discovered that at some point, someone had bundled malware with an OpenSSL distribution for Windows. His anti-virus was trying to remove the package because it was infected.
Google+ is malware.
Well I guess I gotta say putting something less than random but apparently random to the observer like a coded messages as the boundary is a kinda interesting idea from an egress filter evasion standpoint.
Of course anyone's outbound mail scrubbing data leak protection thing-a-ma-jab certainly could rebuild the message before relaying, but probably does not do so because that would break client generated SMIME signatures.
That said, Jerry probably should contact the relevant authorities about having Garrett committed.
Just found out some on your ROT12 plans:
131 read as octal is decimal "89", clearly an instruction to skip the 7th letter (just before). Now look at the encoded image, isn't this the sign for Mercury?
What do you mean by "Mercury" right at the anniversary of the Apollo landing? Is this further evidence for the Mercury missions being the last true ones and all the others being just a fake? (Please mind the obvious allusion of the skipped 7th letter to "Friendship 7" as the only ones not being a fake.)
I guess we should call this one... "An ugly mind."
This is another one of those 75% made-up "true stories", isn't it.
To prepare a defense against the Great Illuminati Bacon Conspiracy see second verse of Weird Al's latest video
Mmmmmmm. bacon.... <drools>
Crap, beat me to it.
I've found that the best policy is to avoid anyone having an email they can use to send you spam in the first place. I give most external parties Spamgourmet (or similar throw-away) addresses. I get very little spam.
In fact, I get more spam from inside my employer's company (lousy gift shop ads) than I do from the rest of the world.
I love conspiracy theorists, it's so cute watching them find the most banal and ridiculous convolutions of logic to make their pet theory work.
Did no-one else notice the encoded message at the beginning of the story?
a I in st uc ag
I... I think we've found the private SSL keys to the Discourse installation box. Someone confirm!
I noticed it but didn't come back to reply to the post after some time had elapsed by which time I'd forgotten about it.
Some Chinese companies send me lots of spam. I assume they bought customer lists from eBay sellers where I bought some stuff.
Last week one of their spams said bikinis were 30% off.
If they want my attention they'd better take 100% off.
TRWTF is a 1MB image of bacon.
I'll have a nibble.