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It's possible that Firefox put a swear word in there because it learned it from him, like a child who learns bad words from TV or buckinghamshire .... oh, it shows up for me, too. Never mind, carry on...
Nah, FF didn't learn it from him... I just tested on this textfield and was able to reproduce it ;-)
The Internet is busy? Maybe that's why Microsoft Update took hours last night. Oh well, I kept working on my Mac (which updated the night before at my full DSL speed of over 300KB/sec - yes, I do get 300 K BYTES/sec, but only on a few sites)
notes nobody has a phat dsl
DSL sucks. With my cable connection deal I get 1.1MB/s. (Yeah, capital B).
With my ADSL2 I get at least double that. 2.3MB/s
My e-penis is so huge I don't have to extoll its virtues.
Do you have unlimited download from your ISP? With that kind of speed I guess you can fill up a 160GB disk in a single day.
It's possible that Firefox put a swear word in there because it learned it from him, like a child who learns bad words from TV or motherfucking .... oh, it shows up for me, too. Never mind, carry on...
Damn, I wouldn't believe if I hadn't seen it.
My Internet is bigger than your Internet.
I get about 11 mbps. http://www.dslreports.com/im/33195845/7665.png
Maybe if I stop downloading porn, the internet wouldn't be so busy. :)
I don't get that suggestion, though right now I'm using the current nightly of Firefox 3.
That's too bad. It's a fun feature, and I wish they'd keep it in the newer versions.
"The Internet is busy" seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to tell a non-technical user assuming a small handful of other relatively easy to understand errors are also checked (e.g. "No Internet connection", "The service is down").
Telling them that Foo() returned error 3418 certainly isn't going to help them.
It would rock if there was an English town called Motherfuckinghamshire.
"Hey Beavis, let's pretend we're dead." "Yeah, eh heh heh, that would be cool." Beavis & Butthead
Actually the town is Motherfuckingham, but it is located in Motherfuckinghamshire, not too far from Cuntingdon.
Verified. It is in the Firefox spellcheck by default. OMG.
I'm sick and tired of these mutherfucking blobs on this busy internet!
Guess you're not using Firefox then, are you?
buckinghamshire hehe
A quick Google of the text in the "Internet is busy" box revealed it's part of IE4's installer. So much for the "Windows Vista™ tone".
What's a packinghouse?
I don't get that in my spell checker (Firefox, I wonder if he was using the American spell checker dictionary instead of the English one.
I really don't give a shit how fast your buckinghamshire internet connection is.
I don't know what the bigger WTF is. The fact that it says motherfucking, or that motherfucking isn't a real word?
Ahhh that firefox one is classic, and the fact that I could try it out myself is always a plus.
The series of tubes is clogged again. Somebody alert Senator Ted Stephens, but not by email.
Doesn't work for me, but I have the UK English dictionary installed; chances are that includes the names of counties.
The whole thing reminds me of the time that the local council of the town of Scunthorpe installed an obscenity filter on all their public terminals, and were surprised when it took a dislike to their own web page. Something about the name of the town, apparently...
And funny how ever since the big WTF name change the site has gotten even more crude. What happened to Alex's grandmother? Is she downloading porn now? Because we all know that it only takes about six weeks for new netizens to find porn and become permanently hooked on it.
motherfucking is a nice place to live.
Only happens on the United States dictionary, not the UK dictionary. The UK dictionary puts a space between mother and fucking, which kind of adds more emphasis to the words ... MOTHER FUCKING ... Where's a snake when you need one?
Oh, didn't this site rename itself because of the swear word - and now it features this!
Makes me wonder what kind of algorithm FireFox uses for that. It certainly isn't edit distance because 'buckinghamshire' and 'motherfucking' are 14 edits away from each other :)
Quick! Shut down those P2P networks!
Captcha: pirates (OCR readable for some reason)
I find it amusing that you misspell Firefox's name in a post about its spellchecking abilities. Capitalizing the second F is one of the most annoying, but sadly also one of the most common mistakes. Next to calling it FoxFire, for some reason.
You are far too thinskinned if you find capitalizing it as FireFox annoying. Spelling it as two words must send you up the wall.
I would imagine it was added by some developer as some sort of easter egg.
My internet connection "Cannot display this web page." I knew no good would come from that AT&T / Bellsouth buyout. There are probably just too many government wiretaps on the line slowing down the bit rate.
I couldn't see from the RSS feed what was so funny. Perhaps I was missing a graphic. So, click the link, and..
Error! Could not connect to remote server. You tried to access the address http://worsethanfailure.com/Articles/The-Internet-is-ing-Busy.aspx, which is currently unavailable.
You see, this is why Firefox is superior! With it, now those eight year olds will learn to spell their swears properly!
Just be careful you don't click the wrong thing when writing a note to grandma about your recent trip, though...
Apparently none of you are from Austria:
"Fucking's most famous feature is a traffic sign with its name on it, beside which English-speaking tourists often stop to have their photograph taken. It is a commonly stolen street sign.[5] Significant amounts of public funds are spent on replacing the stolen signs. In 2004, due to the stolen signs and embarrassment over the name, a vote was held on changing the village's name, but the residents voted against doing so."
Who can blame them? I like Fucking too!!
CAPTCHA: sanitarium..... how'd they know where I work?
buckinghamshire - motherfucking shouldn't that be "motherbakingham" at least?
Seems to be a case of split personality disorder.
This is inacceptable. If foreigners steal the signs, then the foreigners should pay for the signs, too. There has to be a Fucking tax.
PS: I just saw a Google ad right here for Nigerian keyboards. I clicked the link and they say it contains all the symbols for English, French and Nigerian. AND I THUOGHT THAT EVRY TEXT WRITTEN ON THIS KEEBOARD WOULD BE ALL UPPER CAS. PLEAS SEND $10,000 TO AGELE MUMBINIBASI AND YOU SHEL BE RICH LEE REWARDED.
Hell yeah, it's a real word, you motherfucking dipshit! It's the adjective form.
[Firefox wants "dipshit" to be "dip shit" or "dips hit" - whatever that is.]
Many years ago, there was a program called Leading Edge Word Processor. If you typed "motherfucker" its spell checker proposed "Netherlander". Needless to say, we used that as a substitute in "polite" company thereafter.
Yes, M, you Netherlander! I'm talkin' to you!
Frankly, I don't quite understand why some spell checks do not include swear words. Maybe "motherfucking" is a bit extreme, but stuff like "ass" or "cock" should always be included. Not only in spell check libraries, but also (and especially) in Scrabble games.
Hoho - these comments are meatier than a Buckinghamshire packinghouse!
I hate bakers
Yeah, i do have the US dictionary installed. I work for an American company so to improve relations i write in their language...
Now funny you should mention Scunthorpe... i was born there. Yeah, the council had troubles and no one could sign up for aol in the early days - i guess that could only be a good thing though.