• v (unregistered) in reply to Bob
    The real WTF is that the Managers were the only ones that were trying to steal office supplies, and no "non-managers" would be possibly doing that. rigghhhhhhttt....
    the story:
    Not wanting to face the wrath of the accountants themselves, John in the IT Support group came up with a slightly different solution: ...

    Sure sounds like he was trying to eliminate the competition here. ;-)

  • Earp (unregistered)

    The real WTF seems to be that the business is using inkjet for their printing needs...?

  • Someone who can't be bothered to login from work (unregistered) in reply to st0815
    My parents had one of these up until late last year and swore up and down it was just fine. I kept reminding them that the quality of this pics are horrible but they wouldn't listen to their techy son. It wasn't until they were made fun of from it with their peers down in FL at gatherings that they finally spent the $200 on a nice camera of current technology.
    Shouldn't the techy son have bought them a new camera before that?

    That would have involved techy son spending his own money.

  • MrBob (unregistered)

    Ok, I'll bite. If, as the article states, "no one ever printed color" at the office, why not just stop buying color cartridges?

    The real WTF is buying 10 or more desktop inkjets to support an office.

  • Hello (unregistered)

    It's not that complicated, really.

    1. Managers want ink
    2. To hide ink stealing, they replace full cartridges in printers with almost-empty cartridges of a different color
    3. This causes coordination problems with people stealing what they think is a full red but is really an almost empty cyan
    4. IT guy finds "solution" - makes a test page with the wrong colors
    5. Managers use it and think someone has screwed with the ink cartridges, leaving them alone.
    6. ???
    7. Prophet!
  • eric bloedow (unregistered)

    it used to be possible to re-fill the ink cartridges, but they added extra "security" to prevent that... i also remember a story where a company decided they had too many printers, so they removed most of them-and a crazy woman CALLED THE POLICE because a tech "stole HER printer"!

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