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Has trolling this much affected your real life? Like, do you want to make fake typos on your tax returns and act like an indian at the grocery store checkout line?
ps - what did I copy? My comment is the first that has anything to do with the version number.
Amusingly enough, wikipedia has an actual article on fake security cameras. That's pretty great.
TRWTF is why an office where "no one actually printed color documents at work" even had color printers in the first place.
Is this your first time on the internet or something?
Also, where'd all the bacon posts go?
Or does the article not make much sense?
I think the image in the article is just poorly conceived -- the real "test" page likely didn't have Cyan, Magenta or Yellow. The idea is that a color printer mixes it's base colors to get the proper color. If one of the inks is out, the resulting color will be wrong.
For example, to get green you'd mix cyan (blueish) and yellow but if the test page had "Green" in Cyan the user would assume the yellow was out.
Did this article get edited to be clearer, or do this site's readers have the collective IQ of a grapefruit? The version I read at least was pretty clear. Managers print a faulty test page, see that the colours are all wrong, and assume the ink cartridge is faulty. They keep trying this and never do find one that prints correctly, because the test page itself is wrong. They never realize this because the error is on page 2 of the document and they don't scroll down to see it on the screen. So they assume every printer cartridge is bad and buy their own.
It's more like the way the human mind works - the colors aren't noticed' You see all the words and the colors and the human mind makes the assumption that they match. It actually takes a lot more time to process the fact that the colors don't match (Stroop Effect). Given that most people have skimmed the article, it's perfectly natural to have missed the fact that the color of the text and the text doesn't match. Perhaps had Alex decided to make the image super big so you had to scroll through it to continue would it be more noticable.
Heck, if it said "Green" in black followed by a square of the "test color", then it'll be less likely to be overlooked.
Even if the managers glanced at the 2nd page of the doc they would've missed it unless they looked closely.
And those Mavica cameras rocked - when buying an 8MB card cost $50 or so, you could pick up one of these cameras, and just use a box of discs that cost $10. And if you were super rich you bought a 32MB card for $200. That was one of the reasons people bought them - you were spending $500 on a camera anyways, do you want one using $100 cards or $1 ones? Plus, with most card readers using serial or parallel ports (really lucky guys had USB1.1 cameras) which required complex software to use properly, it was easier to just pop the disk out of the camera and into the PC and copy it using Explorer.
Obviously, it's because the managers demanded them. How else would they get colour cartridges to steal.
stealing paper is a little different than stealing very expensive ink cartridges
If I was to see a test page that printed red where it should print cyan, I would'nt assume that the cartridge is faulty, I would assume that the printer is faulty. It would also not take very long before I realised that a printer prints 2 pages when I was expecting 1.
I don't think that such a scheme would hold very long in real life, hence I don't think that what you understand is the explanation of the WTF. But then, I don't see what is. Either this story is a poorly built fiction, or it's a "wtf" in that the person thinking has owned it's managers got owned himself by his stupidity. Anyway, it falls flat.
OK, Let me explain for those of you who don't understand. Taking a random color word + a random color + a random missing ink = Totally confused managers for weeks. Most importantly he can't call you a complete b*****d for messing him about as he is trying to hide the missing ink in the first place. They learn't their lessons.
Why does Firefox 4.0.1 think thedailywtf.com is a JPEG image? The Content-Type is clearly text/html.
I'm wondering how in the 1990s printers managed to order things through a company discount program. Were managers able to buy self-aware printers back then? What happened?
What people are missing is that it didn't work. The stealing stopped when they stopped sharing pictures.
They didn't look at the second page on the computer, only at the printout.
Thread summary:
Aye, that's the real WTF.
Both of you underestimate the power of what being a cheap bastard can drive a person to do (i.e. learn to change an ink cartridge).
A broken behavior plus another broken behavior equals good behavior??!?
Yeah, but he said it in English...
Yup. reminds me of a story (which I sahall now relate): Lots of accidents on some road (I think in America). Authorities had brainwave to reduce speed limit. 1 year later stats showed that accidents significantly reduced, and local Authorities claimed it was down to the speed reduction. Some years later it was realised same stretch of road had high crash rate Closer investigation revealed fuel shortage at about the time speed limit was reduced - proabably meaning fewer cars on the road. Everyone lived happily ever after The end.
To everyone who said "I dont get it!" it is quite clever actually. The IT guy created that page so that when any manager printed it out, without seeing the digital document, whether it was printed from a full cartridge or a low one, the manager would think the cartridge colors are down, because of the mismatched word colors.
What happened to my comment? It was fairly lengthy, fairly witty and in no way insulting or anything. Why was it deleted?
Because it was in no way insulting.....
I think most of comments get it wrong:
John was helping the stealing manager(s). (hey, that's what hierarchy is made for: get support from your base)
It was on the second page because the spooler could keep an electronic version of the first page (and it only kept the first page due to disk restriction, or may be a bit of privacy ?) for investigation by the accounting staff and the big boss: If manager A was printing "Gone with the winds", the cover would give him away. (spooler keep first page & user/computer info).
The name not matching the colour is irrelevant: if a raiding manager was to see the seven colour, the printer was raidable. At best, if a colour was missing, the mismatch made it less obvious for the unsuspecting manager (and version 42b gives it some "old standard" look, old enough that a manager does not want to engage in a comittee process to reform the enterprise-wide page 2: that would seem a waste of time, as he might find in the end that there was a real rational for such page, and therefore his comittee has wasted a lot of time (= money) on his budget for nothing)
"If you cannot get ride of them, embrass them", might have been the survival rule of John.
I wonder about the people complaining about managers on this page.
Aren't you capable of finding a job where fewer thieves with more smarts work?
I have been. It wasn't hard. It did require that I actually give a crap about my job and the people I worked with.
As for the WTF - not really seeing any WTF about it. Seeing "person thinks they outsmarted some people they don't like." Not seeing "left the job for another with better people, have better quality of life. Did not pwn myself on the daily wtf years later."
Since when do managers read words on paper?
The resl trick is much more subtle - they want the managers to steal the empty cartridges. Imagine printing the page on a printer which has no (eg. cyan). What words will you see and in what colors?
Of course it wont work because: a) Managers can't follow techie instructions b) After a couple of failures they'll go back to the old system of stealing randomly.
I'm still curious about the "It's 1998 and only nerds used email" comment. My mom had email in 1995. Most students at my local state university used email for classes in 1995. 1998 was when AOL was getting into full swing for the majority of people - they used email. The nerds were staying way far away from AOL and using local ISP, playing with IRC - using it to steal music, and setting up quake servers that ran team fortress or whatever.
1993 makes you an early adopter? Only if you mean you signed up for AOL early in the morning.
It appears you don't do Dilbert.
No, I always figured someone adopting a mature, stable, widely-available, and widely-used technology was something other than an "early adopter".
What do I win?
There once was consensus on such uses of radon
I didn't see the bacon post that was referenced. Are we censoring bacon? Second on bringing back MFD.
You spelled all the words correctly and used proper grammer. You must be new here.
captcha:jumentum 'Israel refuses to dismantled settlements on the West Bank, citing increased jumentum.'
'You spelled all the words correctly and used proper grammer. You must be new here.'
Oops. I hit Reply instead of Quote. Managerial skillz ftw!1!
Holy crap am I stupid. If only there was a 'preview' button...
Oh my goodness, you're all fucking idiots. In future, if you don't understand something, keep your dumb fucking mouth shut.
It's mentally distressing watching you all pawing around trying to work this out, like a group of bears who just found a digital camera.
The real WTF is that the Managers were the only ones that were trying to steal office supplies, and no "non-managers" would be possibly doing that. rigghhhhhhttt....