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You forgot, "consumption encourages production". Even if there's no direct profit from it (i.e. they're not selling it for money), there are a number of reasons that it can still be considered profitable to the offender.
Does "trade" equate to "profit"? Maybe I'm not distributing it for money, but if I give you one pic in exchange for another, it has the same snowballing effect as doing it for profit.
Some people just want to be notorious. Yes, if you could download it completely anonymously those guys wouldn't be a factor, but if this dude's getting caught by his co-workers, he's probably nor being all that discreet about it.
I won't get into the issue of CP as enough has been said, thank you. What I do find appalling is that you suggest that people should watch more scripted, fictional "law-related" drama. For what? It's completely made up, has mostly zero basis in legal reality, and juries and even military interrogators (WTF? but true!) have been found wrongly swayed/erring due to watching this crap. Please don't fall for it. If you want people to understand law, tell them to talk to a good law teacher, or to go to law school. Not to watch Hollywood-made propaganda.
bwahahahaha! Very clbutty!
It wasn't even porn, I bet
Law and Order, not Boston Legal. Oh and get over yourself already. It's sarcasm. Go watch your star trek.
The wonders of the English language. Is a "Large animal hospital" a large hospital for animals, or a hospital for large animals.
Is kiddy porn;
Porn made starring children Porn made for children Porn made by children
In sweden 15 year olds are legal to have sex with, but to participate in any kind of porn (or any kind of other entertainment) they need their parents consent. We actually had a teen pop band in sweden a few years ago with 2 girls in it that modeled for a soft core magazine called Slitz. With their parens consent. Apparently, some sleezeball at the record studio had put it in the deal for publishing the music that when they were 16 or something they were supposed to pose for said magazine. And the parents agreed to it, not only when they signed the contract, but before the pictures were taken as well.
I think the joint operations of the Bush administration & FOX news can be called just that.
first. without any doubt. and without any warning.
Consuming porn made by destroying kids childhood isn't just sick, it comes close to committing it yourself. I recommend removing the balls.
captcha: ideo
But THE LAW does draw a line. I believe in most countries CP involving the slightly underage is treated just the same as CP involving babies. The police, prosecutors, and judges may cause sentencing to be different, but the statutes always have to draw a sharp line.
So yeah, the employee was probably viewing 'jailbait', mixed in with slightly OVERage stuff('barely legal'). The sort of thing he could come across browsing some imageboards.
1) People of that age are considered old enough to consent, but still young enough to be too vulnerable to commercial exploitation. The law can't actually include a commercial purposes requirement because there'd be too many ways to get round it. And for viewers, it's the 'market' arguement.Even though CP is not usually sold, it's often traded in groups where in order to download existing material you must upload new material. People are thus soon driven to actual abuse to obtain more material for viewing.
CAPTCHA: bene. Twice, since I tried to post without a name the first time. Same word but different graphic. How does TDWTF's CAPTCHA work?
So far, this is correct. But if you shouted at me when I have done nothing at all, you may well expect such a stupid answer from my side. And in the end he is right. If she sees this as un unhealthy amount she should also say what a healthy amount is. In my opinion she should have said this cannot be tolerated at all and not just that this is way more than the company allows. I find his reply quite sensible. Not to forget that it was the THIRD time. It should be seen as a major thing already the first time.
I don't think the question is if it's legal or not. IMO it could be "fucking" legal. It still is unacceptable to "use" the weak against their will.
CAPTCHA: conventio - sure, if everybody agrees it should be OK.
Seriously. HR should have been the second entity to be notified, even if it was the police that tipped them off first. I've heard of people getting fired from their jobs for things that happened elsewhere; this guy should have been formally fired immediately after he plead guilty or was convicted, whatever works. Sad.
And you were watching that??? You pervert.
Hey! My lazy egotism is incredibly well thought-out, you insensible clod.
Or think of Mormones having sex with their own children...
What the hell is wrong with the place you work at? For a start viewing legal porn at work would surely be gross misconduct and a sackable offence. But illegal pornography and they only had a talk with him? Can you tell me where this place is, I'd like to use the resources to run my illegal warez enterprise.
TRWTF is that child porn is so difficult to find.
Different from. Learn English.
Hmmm, you see it was for free on the internetz.
So what does The Daily WTF consider to be a healthy amount of comments?
I can't confirm that. Here (Belgium, did I hear somebody giggle?) I don't think they tie a rope around your neck at the very first moment. Are you living in the Middle Ages. How many fake "witches" have you burned already? You shouldn't forget that this kind of stuff could also come by spam mail or whatever. Having that stuff on the screen must not necessarily mean that it's that person's fault. Hence, firing, killing, burning, lynching somebody just because you see something on his screen is insane, too, and a WTF in itself.
CAPTCHA: aptent - WTF?
Count the blue ones.
(Just in case you had forgotten it)
Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing is frowned upon... you know, cause I've worked in a lot of offices, and I tell you, people do that all the time.
These comments are more "Daily Mail" than "Daily WTF"
It's a reference to a particularly stupid crime committed a few years ago, during a bout of tabloid-fuelled anti-paedophile hysteria: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/901723.stm
What's interesting/depressing is that this whole thread went off on a hair-up-your-ass tangent (and I'm not excluding myself) that ignored all of them.
You don't have to buy the fact that excessive indulgence in chocolate leads to diabetes. The statistics tend to show that both are true, though.
Well, up to three spelling mistakes and counting.I've lost count of the logical fallacies and ad-hominem accusations.
For what it's worth, I would like the legal system to deal with people who download kiddie porn (and I do so love abbreviations like "kp", as though it's something that army recruits do ... though, now, come to think of it) as follows: (1) Put the little bastards on some sort of Sexual Offenders Register. (2) Get a court order to confiscate their computers and analyse them for possible links to child porn rings. They can have the computers back afterwards. (3) Fine them to give them a slap on the wrist, and give them a suspended jail sentence of three months or so to put the frighteners up them. (4) Offer them counselling.
No, I don't want them torn apart by wild beasts in prison. Yes, I do think they should be punished.
No, this is not a knee-jerk reaction.
No, I would rather the police catch the actual producers/perpetrators. Unlike you and many others, I believe that the two go hand in hand.
Yes, my outrage at this entire thread did start with a bunch of moral relativist tit-heads begging questions they have no answer for.
If this is the application of intelligent discussion, then there is very little hope for the Enlightenment.
Given that argument, and given that the RIAA says that downloading songs without permission harms the market for their product, wouldn't that make downloading pirated kiddy porn commendable? :P
FYI: "aptent:" Third person present plural of the verb "aptare," meaning "adapt, fit, apply, adjust, accommodate; put on, fasten; prepare, furnish."
Have you Bathed in the Blood of the Lamb?
Do you feel Cleansed now?
Praise The Lord!
Perhaps you should actually educate yourself instead of making random shit up in a failed attempt to sound like you know what you're talking about.
And you thought we had it bad...
But I see your ability to follow an argument -- let alone read through the rest of this interminable thread -- is limited. So I'll swap to defending myself against your ludicrous accusations, for no very good reason.
(1) If you can explain the difference between "Objectivism" and "Moral Relativism," I'd really love to hear it. Plz send teh postcardz. (Alex will no doubt reward you with a free sticker. It'll be fun for all of us.) (2) I may well need to educate myself. Don't we all? (Mentioning no names in particular.) And who really does know what they're talking about, at least insofar as I understand Ludwig Wittgenstein? (3) Is "random shit" better or worse than "a Poincare series of the local ring?"
I think we should be told.
Logical argument? I just raise the finger and say we don't need no Inquisition. Passing by a computer with a child on the screen that is shown in a offending (whatever that is IS in the eye of the beholder) situation can become overkill. My grandma had certainly another view of what is offending than I have. Should one always call the police? Are we the ones who know what is good and what is bad? And aqgain, what about the Mormones? They seem to have a certain right to have sex with minor family members. How shall we react? Burn them right away? Where is the limit to all that? Not to forget that kid porn is not the only crime in the world. Shall we have Inquisition just for this case or should we not extend it to, say, everything that offends us?
BTW: you seem to be quite good in languages. Nice to see.
Yeah, this story isn't very cool, and there must be a misunderstanding with 'kiddie porn'. How would this guy not be arrested within minutes. I know I would have reported him to the cops and skipped HR.
Christ where do you live? I would call the police immediately. I wouldn't even go back to my desk. I would call from my cell phone and then go straight to my boss's office and tell him as well. It's seriously illegal -- at least in the US. I wouldn't want to be anywhere close to abetting a child pornographer. Your employer was doing exactly that if they were providing him internet access even though they knew what he was doing with it. Extremely illegal.
Haven't you guys ever taken an ethics course? Morality IS relative and determined by the people. Ethics however is concrete.
Killing Jews was the "right" thing to do for the Nazis (in their eyes). To themselves they were being moral. However, they were not being ethical. Ethics has no basis in societal contexts.
That "fake witches" thing, amongst all the rest, suggests that your ability to put logical arguments in prose is weak. (I'm not suggesting that you can't argue logically. Christ knows, just look at the rest of this thread.)
I know Germans don't follow irony very well (I've got a choice between der Sarkasmus, die Ironie, and der Spott here, so forgive me if I go for what sounds like a more natural Spott). Trust me. That was meant to be irony. In this thread, you've just stepped into a snake-pit, where your natural good nature is going to have to face up to a bunch of really, really, badly expressed arguments.
None of which (I hope) is meant to sound like a defence of child pornography.
Most of which (through sheer stupidity, I hope) sound like defences of child pornography. But only in acceptable circumstances, of course.
Scroll back a page or two, and do us all a favour by picking your favourite idiot and tearing them apart.
(I don't mind if it's me.)
I contend that the only person who would, was someone with a prediliction to do so prior to seeing the video, which was kinda my whole point in the first place.
Why on the Internet is it always "Paint By Numbers" or someone gets lost?
Look again.
No concept of history. No ability to see that "morals" and "ethics" are two sides of the same coin. Hey, it's nominalist! They're spelled different than eachother, right?
Taking a "course" in this sort of thing just proves that your high school, with all the well-meant "civic studies" stuff that you have to force yourself through, didn't tell you jack-squat about philosopy (even moral philosopy, which I would personally class as a degenerate version of same).
My personal belief is that every American child should forego "Civics" and be exposed to "critical thinking" instead. This thread bears that belief out. (I also think that every British child should do the same thing, but that's an even sadder condemnation of our educational establishment.)
I'm so sick and tired of this that I'm just going to mention Abu Ghraib.
What's that? Morals? Ethics? A wholesale failure of the political military-economic compex (copyright D. D. Eisenhower)?
Did somebody just mention Nazis?
OK, game over.
I was going to make the exact same post, for exactly the same reason.
If you can't at least try to argue straight (and I'm sure I've got a heap of logical inconsistencies above, but at least I'm trying), then what the hell is the point?
This is a glaring logical inconsistency.
If you can't see that, then you're just not trying hard enough.
No soup for you.
I say BS. Every company would him imediatley
What does BS taste like, anyhow?
(I suspect you mean "immediately." Quite impressive in an eight-word comment, what with the red-lining and all.)
I've got some awesome pictures of children having their toes sucked by the ex-Duchess of York ... Want me to share them with you? Discreet email only, please.
Thanks for making the exact point.
Somebody had to.
You're right, I'm bad in prose. I'm a scientist, not an artist.
I tend to be sarcastic, not ironic.
Hell, no. I have a 10 year old. It was meant to protect the innocent. I shouldn't have said "fake witch" but rather "false positive". Once you have been accused of child pornography you have enormous problems to get rid of it. Nobody will believe you anymore, even when proven unguilty. You can destroy a man's life by doing the wrong thing and over-reacting.
Well, I don't really see what are acceptable circumstances. OK, sex is the nicest "secondary matter" (translation by babelfish) of the world. But everybody involved should have fun doing it. What is the right age? I leave it open for discussion. My first girl friend was 15 and we had tremendous fun. It was tolerated by the parents, just to say.
And the post just above your answer mentions killing Jews was the right thing to do. We shouldn't forget that during this period children could simply call the police and say their parents know Jews or sell/buy to/from them or whatever. Those parents then had the same destiny as the Jewish. It's that "shoot first, ask later" attitude (or what I call "Pax Americana") that frightens me.
Didn't find a favorite one. And I should better have re-read the OP before posting my previous one. I had already forgotten that HR was, in fact, informed. I remember that somebody was fired on the spot at one of my previous employers for sending the picture of a dollar bill with a naked woman in the pyramid. It was an American company. Tja, don't click on "Reply To All", heehee, when Corporate sends you a mail. But then, OTOH, there were two female employees who put their pictures when posing naked on the server of the same company. Well, I never told management but find it a bit stupid to do so, I mean putting sexy pictures (not really porn) of oneself on the corporate server.