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Just when I was sure that I was the only person on Earth subjected to the things. ;-)
Another cute feature was the variable-length character encoding (12 bit characters instead of six). Or maybe it was a choice of two fixed-length character encodings determined by the first character on the line. I can't remember any more. It was the only way to get the extended character set (known to the rest of us as "lower case ASCII and control characters") out of the machine.
Hmm, not looking good. I am a firm believer that there are no beautiful women engineers and I have also asked if people are on crack several times. I don't recall ever bringing up the Vanna White comment but who knows...
Being the only person in a computer tech/management orientated university with any clue about how either computer technology or management systems actually work besides one or two of the lecturers (hooray for higher education), I often ended up the de facto tutor/repairing of horribly broken PCs.
One person in question was frantic. "My printer doesn't work! I think it's broken! I've already had five experts look at it and they can't fix it! Help!"
I examined the long-weathered laptop for 3 seconds and noticed that she'd plugged her printer's USB cable into her laptop's LAN port, which I swapped into an actual USB port immediately. Experts indeed.
Secondly, I had to tutor about ten students in a web design / web programming class..... how to write HTML code. Apparently, the class lecturer was of the opinion that everyone knew HTML code from birth.
And as an establishmentary WTF, one of my electronic commerce management classes included this gem in one of the assignments....
"For the webpages you will be creating for this assignment, we recommend you use Microsoft Frontpage XP, which is available from some bittorrent websites on the internet. Frontpage is a high-quality HTML generator that lets you generate professional-quality webpages in just a few clicks."
Mhr, it's so very wrong in so many ways.
Of course they have to rewrite the data when it's read, otherwise the centrifugal force will fragment it too much. If you leave it too long the data will be pushed off the edge of the platters and then you're in real trouble, with all those bytes lying around, how do you know what order to put them back in? I thought everyone knew that.
Our DBA:
"SQL Database MUST be in a LIKE STATE before Replication can begin!!! We have to go up to the colo at 3AM, shut down the webfarm database SQL instance, back up the database to a USB drive, bring the database back here, restore it, then start both SQL instances at the exact same moment!!"
> "What's CSV?".
Um, CSV is an incredibly lame format. 20 years of programming without encountering it is not only quite possible, but enviable.
You can put the version number in it, then use Reflection to get at it, so you can use it in more than one place (Help About, a label on a form somewhere, etc) and be certain it's always going to be consistent. And having it in there makes it easy to check it quickly.
Reading data from a magnetic hard drive does in fact reinforce the magnetic integrity of the data itself. Note that this is different from actually rewriting the data.
México uses them too... but only in money...
No, it's MS being too stupid to understand locales properly and to export in a common locale that can then be reimported without such dumb problems. Recently, Oblivion (a game for those who don't know) had a similar problem with being unable to properly save settings in non-English versions of the game because of a similar problem.
Nationalism has nothing to do with it, it's just a bug, and a pretty stupid one too. It's pretty trivial to separate numbers and their representation.
A former team member, whom we refered to as 'Snoop-Dog', once asked how he could dump out the contents of an object the application log:
DM: Did you implement toString() ?
Snoop: toString ?
DM: Yes.....toString
Snoop: You mean 't', 'o', 'String' ?
DM: Yes....toString
Snoop: I've never heard of that - what does it do ?
At this point the guy had been employed as a Java developer for around 5 years. Everybody on the team knew he was f***ing useless, but someone he held on to his job year after year. We finally made an effort to force him out of our team, he's now working in sales - where knowledge of toString is not mandatory.
Sorry, I'm with the user on this one. Intermittent problems are the hardest to solve because of the difficulty in reproducing them consistently, so she was absolutely right in wanting you to see it while it was occurring.
[quote user=Anonymous] ... We were doing this in pascal. ... At the time, I was regularly involved in the demo scene and was pretty adept at x86 ASM. .... My pascal code was pretty clean, lots of comments and decent style - typical suck-up code written by someone trying to impress....[/quote]
[quote user="Scottford"] I would have given you an F. You're writing a business app, not a graphical demo. Ease of maintenance is paramount. Assembly code is totally unnecessary and hard to maintain. For exactly the reasons that the graders pointed out (even if only by coincidence). [/quote]
So for these, who still did not get it.
The program was writeen in PASCAL and documented. The only "joke" was using as a counter variable called "cx" instead of "i". And using variables named "ax" and "bx" for coordinates... Which both give a lot of sence to anyone who is used to ASM for graphics. And which is totally legal to use in PASCAL application too, if properly commented. Maybe not in commercial grade application, but in school work for sure. I would not drop the ranking for such evident joke, as long as other variables will be named correctly. Would I will not be familiar with ASM, I would at least ask student first, why such convention and then decide on th answer, if it has some meaning or not.
/CAPTCHA: ewww ... I think the same about rating something F just for ignorance of the teacher.
NOT over fixed-length record files:
fixed-length record files can have no buffer overflows, required no delimiters to be defined and are the easiest and fastest to parse with no need to quote or escape characters.
Have a seperate file that defines the width of each field.
Total the widths and allocate a buffer of that size.
Read n bytes and chop it up as per the field widths.
Strange: Britain does practically everything in metric now except drinking, driving, and both, and even then sometimes they use "yards" as a shorthand for "metres". Also, straight from the manual, automobile and other road vehicle dimensions are given in metres even in Britain. For something related to the rest of the thread, if not the article, I remember a programming class where a fellow student had used escaped literal commas as thousands seperators in a CSV: The teacher had... words... with him, to the effect that not only is, for example, 300,000km/s bad CSV-filing, it is not even valid metric, and instead either 300000 km/s or 300 000 kms[sup]-1[/sup] (superscripted -1 in case the BBCode fails), where spaces can be read either as normal spaces or ctrl-shift-space characters to allow wrapping as a single word. Do not even ask about the person who wrote k(m[sup]3[/sup]).
No, it's a novella about why that opinion would wreak havoc and destruction if it was put into practice in that situation, not because it's irrelevant, but because it's just plain dangerous. And to take the meta/high-road approach, you have to intentionally misunderstand what you're criticizing, which just makes you look like the idiot instead of him.
It's a powerful weapon, but only if it's wielded wisely and sparingly. Used improperly, it can make you into an absolute twit, because you don't have a real argument, you just want to sound like you do... the consequence of this is that the point you're trying to make is flimsier than a chair made of carefully balanced toothpicks, and will fall apart under the slightest scrutiny.
During a test in my first programming class(c++) I wrote the modular arithmatic function "%" from scratch. I lost points on the test for not knowing that it already existed. C'mon, that was my first programming class ever!
Resource limits - use them to limit the number of processes a user can start.
RLIMIT_NPROC The maximum number of threads that can be created for the real user ID of the calling process. Upon encountering this limit, fork() fails with the error EAGAIN.
From 'man ulimit' - -u or --process-count The maximum number of processes available to a single user