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You mean to tell me the Highly Reliable Times is not a real newspaper? Great, now I have to find a new source of "highly reliable" news.
Here's the true truth people: http://www.venganza.org/
To become a pastafarian changed my life.
It's talk like that that will make the Great Zeus smite thee with lightningbolts. The oracle advises sacrificing three week-old lambs to appease the Great God.
... and the Earth is flat ...
/catcha: craaazy, yes it is ...
I had a dog named Xenix. I miss him. :(
On that current conditions display...
Is the morning high tide value of -999. in feet or meters?
Actually, that still does NOT disprove my point. Nowhere in this definition does psychiatry acknowledge (or disavow for that matter) the human spirit - it is ignored - and my point does imply the particular view of psychiatry you did acknowledge. Christianity does view man as a spirit (or at least that he HAS one), therefore the oxymoron fits more than it doesn't.
Now for the scary part: I followed the link (http://www.mslinux.org/) a previous user posted, knowing it was a parody of some kind, but by the end it was so good I thought about writing to MS about it. :0
My company is considering switching from Novell to MS - given the above, I think it's starting to get to me. Pray for me! :0
Computer boots up. Check Has a GUI. Check Able to read WTF in a web browser. Check Can check email. Check Has MSN client. Check Has ICQ client. Check Wordprocessor, spreadsheet, "database". Check Boot screen/about dialogs say "Copyright Microsoft"... Fail.
Seems I'm doing all the normal things people do on a computer within Linux. My work PC hasn't booted Windows since about a year ago, and now doesn't even have it installed. My home PC has been exclusively Linux for about 1 month, with the TV tuner (thanks Philips Semi) and some games being the only reason Windows is on there still.
Oh, you're one of those people... I tried if for 10 seconds, couldn't find how to <insert simple thing here>, gave up and declared the software as the problem not the user.
Also, using Sony Vegas as a reason is like saying, "microwaves are all crap because they don't bake cakes right... BTW, I'm a baker".
flash ads?
Stay classy, thedailywtf^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hworsethanfailure
My captcha is aptly "cognac".
A bit of graffiti I once saw on a bridge: Hey Doap, Cant yu spel?
I think NaN propagates, so NaNF would be NaNC.
And, no doubt real mathemeticians will disagree with me, but 0/0 is not NaN, it's egN (every goddamned number).
Take 1/0. What number when multiplied by 0, gives 1? No number, hence NaN.
With 0/0, what number when multiplied by 0, gives 0? Every number. See.
Aren't you just in awe of my reasoning powers? :-).
Captha: slashbot: is this a derogatory term for slashdotters who blindly follow the links?
I originally thought that was the WTF: who'd believe that the "Highly Reliable Times" existed?
'Twasn't 'til I got into the comments that I noticed "Microsoft Linux". Boy, do I feel stupid...
No way - I call shennanigans!
Hang on, capthca is 'tastey' - is that spelt right???
This site has ads?
I have to say this: microwaves are all crap because they don't bake cakes right... BTW, I'm a baker. You use microwaves if you want to... why the hell not?
Sorry pal, Linux is fun, but can't put that system in production: the producers, happy with the possibility of a Linux migration (they really loved the idea), says all its multimedia production software have nothing to do in front of the ones Windows has. I'm not a multimedia guy, but a programmer; they were the judges of that, people with tons of experience in that field. Cinelerra, Kino, LVE... i don't remember how much video editing software did we tried; it was about 15. The more proffesional three required triple or quadruple more work to get the same result. Tried 10 linux distros (ubuntu being the slowest; ubuntu studio is nasty as a Windows XP; dyne:bolic was very well received around here BTW). Sound edition software was pretty much OK, but it didn't showed the huge plugin database windows's tools does have, or the same automation tools. I mean... have nothing against linux. I like the guy. But the people i'm talking about is not in a hobbie, free-time enviroment or some kind of challenge against Windows; is working, against a clock, and can't do its job with Linux's tools. You fix that, and i put linux in the office.
Yeah, i know about OpenOffice; but you're not considering the humongous ammount of software developed for MS Office, already in production. It's not about just double-clicking an excel file or a word document. Changing one for another is traumatic; a migration is not a game, and it's not always possible. There are even annoying tools for Outlook.
I always try to work with free and open tools every time i have the chance. I don't have the chance every time. Please, stop trying to make of Linux the panacea it's not. It's just a good OS, and better than Windoze in a lot of scenarios. But not every scenario. I hate windows. But Linux still don't have what it takes (even if it's technically supposed to have it). Its community is full of highly skilled developers, but software for Linux is not yet as mature as Windows counterpart. Just not yet. I hope the time comes, but the day is not today.
Replies welcome people.
I'm so sick of people bashing windows over linux and vice versa. Seriously, it all depends on application. Is your application stable on windows, or do you have a bunch of jr. programmers on linux? Which one would you pick? Seriously people - think of the practicalities of business.
Could somebody explain the wtf with the chevrolet ad?
Prefering NLE's on Windows because you can't find them on Linux? Most good NLE's started their life on Mac!
I miss editing on Avid MediaComposer... :)
A good carpenter does not blame his tools. Any IT person worth their salt makes do with what they are given, and not always what they want.
I thought microsoft did made it's own version of linux starting this year.
The real WTF is that neither Chet nor Jake Vinson nor lots of other people here gets that the first one is a parody taken out of context and not a WTF at all.
Congratulations for spotting it.
The "am" implies it could well be in hours.
So, i encourage you to go with your client and tell him something like: "dear sir, the campaign you're asking for will not be possible in that time, because i'm a good carpenter". Please, define "good".
Also, i want to see you talking like that when facing a nasty, never fixed, mythological, phantasmagoric, microsoft bug. "Don't blame the tools". Yeah, right: assembler, basic, and java, are the same if you're a good carpenter, and you always have all the time in the world and know everything.
Oh... you can also change what other people do with the good carpenter's argument. Just go to production, install good carpenter's software to that people's terminals, and tell them to be happy.
"Any IT person worth their salt makes do with what they are given". Any IT person are supposed to know something, not everything, and capable of that, not capable of absolutely everything else out there. Were you being sarcastic or something with such a brute comment? Or just tried to sound like some bible guy? "A good carpenter doesn't blame his tools". Very nice. You must be such a cool guy. Was that on a fortune cookie?
When the big norwegian national tv-channel Nrk (funded by taxes!) was developing their net-tv video-on-demand thing they considered a lot of media servers, and decided on using Windows Media Server, as it was most reliable.
The last image reminds me of Idiocracy (http://imdb.com/title/tt0387808/) because great technology (LCD or plasma screen) is being used while being complete overkill for a totally uninteresting feature.
And although the screen itself was designed correctly by skilled people, the programmer that put the screen to use was almost completely unable to put sensible information on that screen.
It's scary how technology and society seem to get better and dumber at the same time.
For those of you who haven't seen the movie: it's a must see. I'd rate it an 8.6 out of 10.
My WTF was how long I stared at the ConsumerReports add at the bottom looking for the WTF
I think you might have something. Maybe the question was probing how people felt about a Microsoft Linux distro...
Is that a reasoned and coherent argument? In this forum? In the middle of an OS flame war? This is madness!
Good points though. I almost exclusively use Linux (home and work), but I also know that not everyone can.
If you limit sanity to relying only upon reason, leaving no room for the addition of faith, then Christians are indeed insane.
Religious faith cannot be added to reason - religious faith is ANTI-reason.
Maybe you are a programmer, but no more comprehensible than your English is, I definitely wouldn't trust your perl or C.
Errm, I don't normally post here but I can't resist. You've completely missed the point of the "only a poor workman blames his tools" idiom. It means that a good workman makes sure that he's using good tools as that's part of being a good workman.
Absolutely. I was just going to post this. Without a functioning hammer, how is a carpenter going to pound nails? With his foot?
Also, Fahrenheit temperature scale is not hard to use if you think of it as a percentage of hotness as related to "human comfortability". Aim for about 65-75% and it's nice. 90-100% is uncomfortably hot. 30% is just too cold (ice cold). 10% and below starts to get deadly without layers.
Windows is more stable than Linux. The Windows bugs are reproducible. Since Windows 95.
Unfortunately, Real/True Christianity suffers from the same definition problems as True scotsmen.
Your logic makes no sense. If I have absolutely no reason to believe something, why would I even believe it? Faith and reason are perfect counterparts, regardless of your particular religious views. When reason and faith diverge, THERE enters extremism and madness.
That may be true of the staus quo. But you suggested that this would never change. What if one or more of the vendors of the applications you described made a Linux version? What if WINE or Crossover gets a new enhancement that allows you to use the Windows version of the tool on Linux? What if the vendor considers a true port too expensive but cooperates with Crossover to resolve existing problems with this platform? All of this has happened in the past and for many applications. If you can tell that all this will never be the case for the video editing tools in question, then your crystal ball must be vastly superior to mine.
The guy is called Linus.
My employer uses a Subversion HTTPS server that authenticates and authorizes users against a central directory system. It's a CRUX Linux system configured and maintained by yours truly. It's not a hobby of mine and I actually charge money for it. Can you believe it? We have some other Linux servers as well. One has been in use for many years.
Microsoft Office works fine using Crossover Linux. Whether OpenOffice offers bug for bug compatibility with MS Office, or will ever do so, is thus completely irrelevant to your "Linux can't do it" claim. OpenOffice is not "Linux", after all.
That's something else entirely than claiming it will never happen. GNU/Linux already offers everything that a large and growing number of users ever need. Maybe it will never be all things to all people. So what? Windows has never been either.
Perhaps I'm missing a sarcasm flag, but the 'highly reliable times' was an actual ad copy produced by Microsoft and made it's way into several publications.
As with all ads, studies are done to gauge effectiveness, the humor (as I see it) is that the research agency was profoundly (and entertainingly) clueless about their customer's product.
Not really a reflection one way or the other on MS, but a profoundly unprofessional research group.
A key difference between Christianity and other religions is that it holds that you can't earn your way into heaven.
Christianity doesn't suffer from definition problems, it suffers from redefinition problems by those who want to create a God of their own liking.
Note that all but one of the apostles died as martyrs because they continued to preach and teach. Not wimpy at all.
Psychology is focused on self and contains the implicit assumption that God isn't capable of taking care of you. Then there's Jung's spirit guide, "Philemon the demon", and his automatic writing.
Flame away...
Helloooo? Ever heard of Martin Luther? (Salvation by Works. There's apparently a Moslem equivalent, btw, although a google search would be too exhausting for me at the moment, because I have little enough patience for ninnies at the best of times. Let alone religious bigot ninnies.)
This time in either English, or perl, or C.
One would assume that he is precisely as comprehensible as "his English is." That would sort of be the point of writing in English. It's a little difficult to be either more or less comprehensible...
Although, if he can manage that feat, I don't quite see what relevance it has to his C or perl (assuming he programs in either, which is pretty much a long-shot, these days).
[original post omitted for brevity]
Not a flame (I think), but ...
Helloooo? Ever heard of Martin Luther? (Salvation by Works. There's apparently a Moslem equivalent, btw, although a google search would be too exhausting for me at the moment, because I have little enough patience for ninnies at the best of times. Let alone religious bigot ninnies.)[/quote]
Martin Luther, as you know, initiated the Protestant Reformation.
I refer you to the Five Solas of the Reformation, specifically "Solo Gratia", or in English, "[salvation] by grace alone".
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_solas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther
Re m$ linux - I really am going to be sick.
Oh! Is there a reliable version of Windows now? One safe enough to trust major financial batch transactions on? Wow..... How did they do THAT!!??
Oh, its a joke, Ok.
AFAIK Linspire is sponsored by MS