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Ok, a fairly definitive answer to the whole F# thing: Bach uses modal mixture a lot (D major chords and scales in D minor pieces for instance), so an F# wouldn't be that surprising. Ligiti being a modern composer would use them all over the place.
Not to mention one of the Characters is named "Clitoria" or something like that.
was in response to
Nigga, you bes learn to respeck ma main man JS Bach or I'm gonna go all baroque on yo ass!
What I always wonder is why the curved openings on violins are called f-holes when they're shaped like an S.
Am I the only one that noticed the performer is Michael Rappaport? He probably cusses like he's got Tourettes the whole time.
I never knew Emily Litella was on the advisory board.
Frank did that himself, on purpose, as a form of protest against what he saw as institutionalized censorship.
You don't say... if I'd noticed this before I saw the genie I wouldn't be stuck with a 12-inch pianist.
Aren't we being just a bit NAIVE?
It's classical, you assume harmonic minor unless melodic minor is stated, natural minor is rarly used.
I'll refresh everyone, you, you big douche bag.
It sounds like Australian Parliament. Mark Latham once referred to Prime Minister John Howard as an "arselicker", and to the Liberal Party front bench as a "conga line of suckholes"
SINCE WHEN DID "GIFT" BECOME A VERB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For God's sake, doesn't anyone speak English good any more??????????? Warts harpening tu are languishing????
I always felt the Classical section of the music shelves had way, way, way too much Sax and Violins.
What's the betting that every listing in the database has its track total listed as the number of "songs"? That would be a real wtf - an ill-thought-out data model - and not just a metadata-QC error.
Keep minors out of this, you perverts!
Dontcha folks know that everything mentioning tit(s) gets rated automatically? As in Antoine Tamestit :)
You would actually wonder how many of the classical masterpieces have lyrics, er, pardon, librettos, which are quite explicit by today's American standards.
But Morgano does know his music -
The d minor Chaconne in question has a large D major middle section with a metric shedload of F sharps.
Regarding the Parental Advisory, I wonder whether whatever bot dishes these things out may have a rule somewhere in there that knows that Ligeti also wrote an opera called 'Le Grand Macabre' in which two of the principal characters (in the original version at any rate) are called Clitoria and Spermando.
And no, the handle notwithstanding, I am not a violinist. I am a cellist, an altogether superior breed.
Some people think you need magical powers To play all this classical music for hours But I think composers are illiterate posers Who couldn't as words to their tunes.
Meant to type "Who couldn't add words to their tunes"
Sorry, my fingers were all of a quaver
Guy walks into a bar carrying a wood box about 12" on each side. He puts the box on the bar and opens it. Inside the box is a small piano and a 12" tall man who begins to play. The pianist's skill is flawless and his repetoire is vast. He fills the bar with great music for the whole evening, and the owner is rewarded with free drinks as a result.
At closing time the bartender says "that was amazing - where did you find this piano player?" The guy says I was travelling through the desert one day, and came across an old worn lamp. In trying to clean the lamp I rubbed it, and a Genie appeared. The Genie said "for rubbing the magic lamp I shall grant you a wish". My wish was for a 12" penis.
Captcha: ewww
Rest assured that my posting is not a cold-blooded water-dwelling vertebrate.
Not if it only uses the ascending melodic minor scale. Biaattchhh!!!
All of a quaver, or just a hemidemisemiquaver?
Ending a minor mode piece with a major triad is called a "tierce de Picardie" -- the Picardy third.
Or if you're feeling Star Trek-y, (Jean-Luc) Picard's third.
There, I'm done.
PS: mmm ... tacos ... too bad they give me heartburn.
No, it's Baroque, and melody played a much more important role.
As I singer with rather more experience with Baroque (and older) music than I should acknowledge, I assure you that Herr Kapellmeister Bach's voice leading practically demands a melodic minor -- it's much easier to sing, and it just "makes more sense" for music from that period -- till 1750 (not coincidentally the year that Old Bach died).
And regrettably, everything seems to spark a dull 'Real WTF' or 'No U Suck At Grammar KTHXBYE' discussion.
Captcha: [image]
Can anonymous not post images?
Captcha: http://captcha.istheshit.net/
Beautiful. That without question is Michael Rappaport. I also hope Michael Rappaport dies in some kind of fire/explosion soon.
I like this better.
I wonder if maybe they have a column in the database for the advisory, if any, to show, with a value that indicates "none" (not NULL, though), and they only have it populated for the more mainstream items, like pop, rock, and rap. And then, someone asked, "What if we don't have a value telling us what advisory warning to show?" and management said, "Well, we should err on the safe side...."
This is a popular misconception. While it's true that Ligeti did use F# a great deal, Bach mostly used IronPython.
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The music must have contained a lot of tritones, aka the Devil's interval.