• foo (unregistered)

    CommenFrist has expired.

  • Capitalist (unregistered)

    $13000 taxes for a bag of Belly Flops. Better get used to it! Under this communist government this will be the new normal.

  • (cs) in reply to foo
    CommenFrist has expired.
    Funny thing is, "frist" means deadline in norwegian.
  • fjf (unregistered)

    #4 is obviously copying the disk from #3. But don't worry, it's a time machine, so you can just travel back with the backup.

  • Sam (unregistered)

    Sorry, if you read closely, you only get that incredible disk capacity when it is unformatted. Format, and you're stuck with a measly 2TB like the rest of us.

  • eVil (unregistered) in reply to Capitalist
    ...this communist government...

    For very small values of communist, right?

  • ¯\(°_o)/¯ I DUNNO LOL (unregistered)

    Damn. I was only looking for 3.141592653589732 acres.

    Yes, that was from memory. But I checked afterwards to be sure.

  • iogy (unregistered)
    "144.12 petabytes on a 3.5" Seagate Barracuda? Sign. Me. Up.", Brad H. writes.

    Vatsan wrote, "It turns out I have to wait for 'About 140 years' for Time Machine to backup to my USB drive."

    The upside and downside of big storage right in the same article.

  • ¯\(°_o)/¯ I DUNNO LOL (unregistered) in reply to ¯\(°_o)/¯ I DUNNO LOL
    ¯\(°_o)/¯ I DUNNO LOL:
    Damn. I was only looking for 3.141592653589732 acres.
    ...897932, dammit. It can be hard to check stuff like that in the morning before your eyes wake up fully.
  • Jack (unregistered) in reply to eVil
    ...this communist government...
    For very small values of communist, right?
    At combined tax rates approaching 50% (higher for some) we're halfway there. What are you spenders going to do when taxes exceed 100%? No one will be able to afford to work!

    Monday and Friday of every week, the money you earn is not yours to keep. 40% tax. Not that much different from 40% slavery.

    By the way, steal every last cent from the rich and you still won't have enough to pay all the U.S. government's future promises.

  • Bring Back Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to ¯\(°_o)/¯ I DUNNO LOL
    ¯\(°_o)/¯ I DUNNO LOL:
    ¯\(°_o)/¯ I DUNNO LOL:
    Damn. I was only looking for 3.141592653589732 acres.
    ...897932, dammit. It can be hard to check stuff like that in the morning before your eyes wake up fully.
    Who cares?
  • Rodnas (unregistered) in reply to Capitalist
    $13000 taxes for a bag of Belly Flops. Better get used to it! Under this communist government this will be the new normal.

    It is probably misspelled. That would be $13000 taxes for a bag of Peta flops. Which sounds about right.

  • commoveo (unregistered) in reply to Capitalist
    $13000 taxes for a bag of Belly Flops. Better get used to it! Under this communist government this will be the new normal.

    You're under a fascist government. Learn some politics.

  • Foo Bar (unregistered)

    Anyone know why the string "Unused Plural Form" is a repeated span tag in Google+?

  • Meep (unregistered) in reply to commoveo
    $13000 taxes for a bag of Belly Flops. Better get used to it! Under this communist government this will be the new normal.

    You're under a fascist government. Learn some politics.

    Yes, national socialism instead of international socialism. I know it's hard to believe, but most of us don't care about the left's endless infighting.

  • Meep (unregistered) in reply to eVil
    ...this communist government...
    For very small values of communist, right?
    Of course we're not proper communists. If we were true communists, unlike Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin who didn't butcher quite enough people to make it actually work, then we'd all be in a workers' paradise.
  • qazwsx (unregistered)

    But what good is all that storage if it's on a Seagate drive?

  • petervaz (unregistered)
    "It turns out I have to wait for 'About 140 years' for Time Machine to backup to my USB drive."
    And by then, you will be IN THE FUTURE!
  • (cs)

    Short passwords are very secure. Consider a 1 character password. As soon as a second character is entered it's already wrong. It doesn't get more secure than that !

  • zolf (unregistered)
    It turns out I have to wait for 'About 140 years' for Time Machine to backup to my USB drive.
    This Time Machine goes only forward.
  • (cs)

    So, how much is 21,58,391?

  • Bring Back Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to renewest
    Short passwords are very secure. Consider a 1 character password. As soon as a second character is entered it's already wrong. It doesn't get more secure than that !
    In that case, zero-length passwords are even better!
  • (cs)

    I'm just adding a comment for the <a rel="nofollow" href="http://forums.thedailywtf.com/forums/p/27000/310977.aspx"" target="_blank" title="http://forums.thedailywtf.com/forums/p/27000/310977.aspx"">guy who counts comments.

  • Pi (unregistered) in reply to Hantas
    So, how much is 21,58,391?

    It's not a value, it's a coordinate.

  • (cs)
    Stefan Sundin got this dialog while using Google Music.
    Well OKs then.
  • Bring Back TopCod3r (unregistered) in reply to Bring Back Nagesh
    Bring Back Nagesh:
    ¯\(°_o)/¯ I DUNNO LOL:
    ¯\(°_o)/¯ I DUNNO LOL:
    Damn. I was only looking for 3.141592653589732 acres.
    ...897932, dammit. It can be hard to check stuff like that in the morning before your eyes wake up fully.
    Who cares?

    If you want to ask for a troll to return, at least choose a good one.

  • Steenbergh (unregistered)

    It turns out I have to wait for 'About 140 years' for Time Machine to backup to my USB drive."

    That's what I call a Time machine!

  • Anon') or 1=1 (unregistered)

    TRWTF: 21,58,391 files

  • 144 petabytes (unregistered)

    Isn't it odd that ~144.12 petabytes (or whatever that byte amount is,) is actually 128 pebibytes.

    Captcha: aguae (like agua. I'm in chem and have Spanish next)

  • Valued Service (unregistered) in reply to Meep
    $13000 taxes for a bag of Belly Flops. Better get used to it! Under this communist government this will be the new normal.

    You're under a fascist government. Learn some politics.

    Yes, national socialism instead of international socialism. I know it's hard to believe, but most of us don't care about the left's endless infighting.

    Remember when $42,000 a year was rich, 4 years ago, during someone's first campaign for President. No one thought much about it, but if you take that into the international, that's about the line where you are considered internationally to be at the top 1%.

    Seems like someone wants international socialism. Not only do we take from the rich to hand-out to the poor in our own country. We take from our rich to hand-out to the countries that can't manage their own people.

    Something like funneling the fuel from the engine to the tires. Those poor tires. Too bad there isn't any work anymore, cause the engine can't move.

  • (cs) in reply to Hantas
    So, how much is 21,58,391?
    A little over 21,58,390.

    Also, I hope Roman has sent ChangeDetection.com a nice little email telling them there is no good reason for there being a limit on password length, and how he suspects their database is insecure.

  • SP (unregistered) in reply to Bring Back Nagesh

    I find this interesting in many many ways!

  • PseudoBovine (unregistered) in reply to Jack
    Monday and Friday of every week, the money you earn is not yours to keep. 40% tax. Not that much different from 40% slavery.

    All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

    Yes, you might pay ~40% of your income to the Government. Have you ever actually tallied up how much you'd pay if you weren't paying the government for them? And I mean an honest calculation, not some vague "the free market would make it better" guestimate. Combine all the money you'd pay to access private roads, the extra you'd pay to be sure your milk's not just chalk and water, that private militia you'll need to keep the Canadians from stealing your maple syrup, etc. and I'm not sure you're coming out ahead. But hey, it'd be "voluntary", so that makes all the difference.

  • damnum (unregistered) in reply to PseudoBovine


  • (cs)

    This is getting kinda old, really. The time estimate is based on the last transfer volume/elapsed time; there's always a very high estimate when the transfer starts, due to setup overhead. The next estimate is always much more accurate. Compare this (since the pic is OSX) with Windows completion estimates that invariably grow just when you're getting past 95% complete.

  • Richard (unregistered)

    OK, $13K tax is obviously a mistake; but $31.67 shipping for an $8.99 order?! That's TRWTF.

  • Hogan (unregistered) in reply to damnum
    You must be communism supporter...
  • Paul Neumann (unregistered) in reply to Hogan
    You must be communism supporter...
    Not everyone can be an athlete, but we can all be athletic supporters.
  • Valued Service (unregistered) in reply to PseudoBovine
    Monday and Friday of every week, the money you earn is not yours to keep. 40% tax. Not that much different from 40% slavery.

    All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

    Yes, you might pay ~40% of your income to the Government. Have you ever actually tallied up how much you'd pay if you weren't paying the government for them? And I mean an honest calculation, not some vague "the free market would make it better" guestimate. Combine all the money you'd pay to access private roads, the extra you'd pay to be sure your milk's not just chalk and water, that private militia you'll need to keep the Canadians from stealing your maple syrup, etc. and I'm not sure you're coming out ahead. But hey, it'd be "voluntary", so that makes all the difference.

    This argument is dishonest.

    We say that the taxes is too high because the Government is doing too much.

    Then you pick out the basic necessities of Government for your idea of what it would be like if the Government does less.

    No one said make roads, FDA, and military private. Matter of fact, military is one of the things the liberals target when they want to reduce spending, so that's double dishonesty on your part.

    The basic necessities are covered in the Constitution, so the Government has to provide that.

    However, some of the excess needs to be trimmed off, and a lot of that is due to the baby boom, so in the next 40 years we'll see a little dip in the costs.

    Making health INSURANCE public (which is not health care, but a big economic band-aid that lets the disease fester and grow underneath until we'll have to amputate health care altogether), is not the answer.

    Making welfare into a racial-guilt and class warfare tool is costing us way too much.

    All the pig fart research and stuff, we can go without.

  • Ozz (unregistered) in reply to Meep
    Of course we're not proper communists. If we were true communists, unlike Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin who didn't butcher quite enough people to make it actually work, then we'd all be in a workers' paradise.
    They can't butcher the people due to the 2nd Amendment. Now, if only they could figure out a way to ban guns...
  • (cs) in reply to Ozz
    Of course we're not proper communists. If we were true communists, unlike Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin who didn't butcher quite enough people to make it actually work, then we'd all be in a workers' paradise.
    They can't butcher the people due to the 2nd Amendment. Now, if only they could figure out a way to ban guns...

    Yea, your gun is what stops the government from killing you. Are gun people truly that delusional?

  • jay (unregistered) in reply to PseudoBovine
    Yes, you might pay ~40% of your income to the Government. Have you ever actually tallied up how much you'd pay if you weren't paying the government for them? And I mean an honest calculation, not some vague "the free market would make it better" guestimate.

    Well, of course we could debate endlessly what something might cost under hypothetical circumstances that have never actually existed.

    Combine all the money you'd pay to access private roads,

    Actually I strongly suspect I'd pay zero in direct costs. The transaction cost to charge people a toll every time they got on a road would be very high, so that's an unlikely market plan. No, more likely if our roads were all privately run, the people who ran them would make their money by selling advertising space for billboards.

    I once read that when radio was first invented, people said that of course this would have to be run by the government because there would be no practical way to charge people to listen to the radio, as anyone who could buy or build a radio could listen in and how would you know? But then the problem was solved by charging advertisers rather than listeners. By the way, this is a good case study of why so many socialist arguments for why something just MUST be done by the government fail: They all start with the assumption that because the speaker can't think of a way to solve a problem, that that must mean that there is no way to solve the problem.

    the extra you'd pay to be sure your milk's not just chalk and water,

    Yes, if we assume that everyone who is not a government bureaucrat is a moron who cannot run his own life, then it follows that we need the government to protect us from all sorts of potential dangers.

    In real life, if I buy a gallon of milk from Bob's Grocery Store I will presumably discover the first time I try to drink it that it is, in fact, chalk and water. And then -- and here's the beauty of capitalism -- I don't buy from that grocery store any more. I go somewhere else that provides a decent product. As it is likely that 99% of consumers will figure out within three seconds that there is something wrong with this milk, Bob's Grocery store will be out of business within days.

    You see, the whole idea of a free market is that the consumer decides who is giving him good products and services for his money and who isn't, and then he only buys from those who give decent service. I know this is a hard idea for socialists to understand, as they are always saying that consumers have no choice but to do whatever big business tells them to. But big business can only force you to do something when it has the government to back it up. Monopolies only exist when the government passes laws to keep out competition. For example, the only reason why I have to buy my electricity from one specified power company is because the government has declared it illegal for anyone else to sell electricity in my area. Capitalism only takes away my choices when it is not capitalism at all but socialism.

    that private militia you'll need to keep the Canadians from stealing your maple syrup, etc.

    I readily concede that military defense is an appropriate function of government.

    and I'm not sure you're coming out ahead.

    Exactly what do I get for what I pay in taxes? Let's just take the Federal level to simplify the matter -- that's where most of my tax money goes anyway.

    I get military protection. Okay, I'll accept that. Let's even accept that the amount spent is reasonable. That's now less than 20% of the Federal budget.

    When I was a kid I got a government-subsidized student loan. That saved me several hundred dollars in interest. I'm now able to take a tax credit for a portion of my kids' college tuition. That saves me $2,000 per year for 8 years (between my child who is now going to college and the one who probably will when he graduates high school).

    I benefitted from the FHA loan guarantees that let me buy a house with 5% down. Without that I would probably have had to pay higher interest or delay buying a house until I could save more. Hard to say the exact value, but likely several thousand dollars.

    What else? I'm hard pressed to think of other government programs that benefit me.

    Government subsidies to big business, like the Export-Import Bank, take money from me and give it to rich corporations. I don't see how I benefit from that.

    I am forced to participate in Social Security, a retirement plan that will pay me back less money than I paid into it. I woudl be better off if I had instead stuffed that money in a box and collected 0% interest. So I'm losing money on that.

    Government "price supports" on various products take my tax money and use it to make the price of things I buy more expensive. The stated goal of these programs is to make me pay more at the store.

    Various regulations increase the cost of everything I buy while taking away my choices. I have to pay higher taxes so the government can both take away my choices and make me pay higher prices. I lose on both ends.

    The Food & Drug Administration delays life-saving drugs from reaching the market, and increases the cost of those that do. In many cases they keep drugs off the market because they conclude that the bad side effects are not worth the benefit. So instead of me deciding -- presumably with my doctor's advice -- what risks I am willing to take for a given benefit, the government decides for me. If I don't agree with their risk/benefit analysis ... too bad. Bureaucrats in Washington who have never met me and never even looked at my medical records presume that they know better than my doctor and I what medicenes I should take. Even when they ultimately approve a drug, thousands of people die while they go through their long bureaucratic process, even though the medicene that would save their lives is sitting right there on the shelf.


    But hey, it'd be "voluntary", so that makes all the difference.

    Yes, it does. When I can decide what products and services I want to buy, I get the ones that suit me. When the government decides what I have to buy, or uses my taxes to buy products on my behalf, then their choices might match what I want or need, or they may not. In many cases I am forced to pay for products that I don't want. In some cases I may even be forced to pay for products that I find morally repugnant. Like Catholics are being forced to pay for birth control, vegetarians are forced to pay for subsidies to hamburger chains, etc.

  • jay (unregistered)

    RE password length: I don't see the WTF here. Surely there must be SOME limit on password length for programming practicality, storage considerations, etc. Is there really a need to allow for passwords to be 10,000 characters long? If their limit is, say, 3 characters, okay, that's a little crazy. But I would think that 20 or so would be plenty.

  • jay (unregistered) in reply to darkmattar
    Of course we're not proper communists. If we were true communists, unlike Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin who didn't butcher quite enough people to make it actually work, then we'd all be in a workers' paradise.
    They can't butcher the people due to the 2nd Amendment. Now, if only they could figure out a way to ban guns...

    Yea, your gun is what stops the government from killing you. Are gun people truly that delusional?

    Yeah! Because even though they weren't allowed to have guns, the people in Stalin's Soviet Union -- the example acutally given here -- certainly had nothing to fear from their own government!

  • C-Derb (unregistered) in reply to PseudoBovine
    Yes, you might pay 30% of your taxable income that exceeds $388,350 to the Government.

    This is the part of the conversation that is being left out of the tax debate. We're not talking about income, we're talking about taxable income, or the amount of income after you've applied deductions (standard or itemized, you choose). After deductions for 2011, my taxable income was only about 52% of my gross income.

    Also, it is important to understand the concept of tax brackets. The highest tax bracket for 2012 is 35%. But that is only applied to the amount of taxable income above $388,350. For example, the first $8,700 (individual income bracket, married is different) is only taxed at 10%, for everyone.

    Lots of people think that if you have $500,000 in taxable income, you'd have to pay $175,000 in federal income tax, but you'd really pay $151,762 (~30%).

  • (cs) in reply to ¯\(°_o)/¯ I DUNNO LOL
    ¯\(°_o)/¯ I DUNNO LOL:
    ¯\(°_o)/¯ I DUNNO LOL:
    Damn. I was only looking for 3.141592653589732 acres.
    ...897932, dammit. It can be hard to check stuff like that in the morning before your eyes wake up fully.

    Would you be interested in a property with 3.141592663587932 acres? Or would that extra 0.062714724 of a square inch put you off?

  • C-Derb (unregistered) in reply to jay
    So instead of me deciding -- presumably with my doctor's advice -- what risks I am willing to take for a given benefit, the government decides for me. If I don't agree with their risk/benefit analysis ... too bad. Bureaucrats in Washington who have never met me and never even looked at my medical records presume that they know better than my doctor and I what medicenes I should take.
    And what happens when unknown/unforeseen side effects adversely impact my quality of life? I will lawyer up and sue the hell out of someone, anyone. Because the one thing we have learned about capitalism is that I am responsible for my own success, but I'll be damned if I'm taking responsibility for my failure.
  • Ben (unregistered) in reply to damnum

    Isn't it interesting how we get a liberal point of view shoved down our throats all day long on TV entertainment shows, talk shows, 'mainstream' news media, at the office-- and yes, even on "coding sites"-- but as soon as somebody voices an opposing view, the side of "diversity" is the first to shout it down.

    Captcha: ideo. Half an ideology, without the thinking

  • (cs) in reply to jay

    Papa Bear's password was too long, so next Goldilocks tried Mama Bear's password. But it was too short! She was about to try Baby Bear's password, but suddenly stopped and said to herself, "screw this, I'm going to go see what they've got in the liquor cabinet."

  • damnum (unregistered) in reply to Ben

    Isn't it interesting how we get a liberal point of view shoved down our throats all day long on TV entertainment shows, talk shows, 'mainstream' news media, at the office-- and yes, even on "coding sites"-- but as soon as somebody voices an opposing view, the side of "diversity" is the first to shout it down.

    Captcha: ideo. Half an ideology, without the thinking

    I don't even know if you're being serious here.

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