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Most of them seem to be multiple addresses shoved into one field, or address + description ("Greg Smith - Company Name Redacted [email protected]"), though the winner is actually a 26-character long valid email address with 74 spaces in front of it (guess how long our email field is).
Once I filtered those out, the longest remaining were a few that looked like someone mangled two email addresses together in such a way that it could technically be a valid email address, but pretty certainly isn't (e.g. "[email protected]").
But the longest email address in there that seemed to be an actually valid, pure email address - was 52 characters. And there were three more at 51 characters. So I'm glad we didn't take your advice. Four customers may not be many, but why should we make it harder to market to them?
Of course, if we'd set it at 30 characters we would have missed a much larger number - a quick look says probably around 55,000. That would have been TRWTF.
(At 50 characters I spotted "[email protected]", but I am not counting that as a likely valid email address...)
Somebody should have pointed out that time^2 isn't a meaningful dimension for a programming task.
As I said, people with such e-mail addresses are walking WTFs themselves.
My bank's website once told me my email address is not valid, despite already using it for 2 of my 3 accounts. When I asked what the deal was, I was told that it's not valid due to a hyphen. Funnily enough, they managed to send the reply to that supposedly invalid address.
That's the sort of email address I often put for websites with questionable motives... Normally I use better grammar in my email address, but sometimes I'm too annoyed to care :pAdmin
admin@llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.co.uk might disagree with you.
Or we happily run UTF16? Cobol is updated slowly. But you won't break code from 85 without enormous good reason.
How many languages can still compile and run code written 25 years ago?
You're TRWTF here.
I once had to deal with someone with an email address like John.O'[email protected]. I wonder how many other sites he has issues with? It originally didn't occur to me to allow apostrophes in the email address.
The first 40 bytes were the client first name, the next 30 the last name, etc.
Ms Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele does not approve!
Long-named US woman celebrates government climb-down
And let's hope this isn't spam now by adding this line.
Well... UTF-7 converts to 7-bit ASCII
But there's actually UTF-EBCDIC. Sort of like UTF-8 but with 160 one-byte-characters at the position EBCDIC expects them. All others unicode chars are generally longer than UTF-8 (1 to 5 bytes instead of 1 to 4 for UTF-8)
Yes, some sort of WTF in itself, but at least you can use Unicode there. "Just" add a transformation layer before displaying.
Conversion never dies. When your clients have all been forced to deal with the server's limitations and the server now gets replaced it just means that the old bugs and limits must now be BUILT INTO THE NEW SYSTEM as the clients all depend on them.
The maximum email address length is, by RFC 5321, 254 characters. Since that's not by any means impossible to store or process, your code should be written to accomodate it.
This is one of the reasons I really dislike how relational databases have been created - having to define the type of data and the length of it seems just as bad.
Really ? never work with anyone for India ? Our longest is 36. We routinely ask my boss to test because his is 32, which is our limit.
I'm not a COBOLer, but I'll argue pretty strongly that you are wrong on all counts. It's useful to regard the times, as core memory finally dropped below $.01 per bit - $10,000 per megabyte in the early 1970s, CPU cycles were in kilohertz, and hard drives had seek times on the order of 0.25 second. Virtual memory, timesharing and multiprocessing were bleeding edge.
At that time, almost any reasonably large program was likely to require overlays - part of the program was run, then swapped out while another part was run. The standard bank's mainframe in 1969, the 360-20, was pretty similar in capacity and performance to the PC-AT of the late 1980s.
Almost no 'business' program written in LISP would have been able to run on those machines at all, much less in any performant way. Those were times when programmers wrote self-modifying code and re-entrant routines with multiple entries and exits, to save a few bytes and cycles. It was HARD to fit a full high speed transaction processing system into one of those machines. And input was mostly via punch cards - no interactive editing here!
I was surprised to learn, from a co-worker in 1980, that COBOL on a DEC-10 could call assembler directly and had access to fast sorting methods (written in assembler) and hardware interfaces on the machine. It was substantially faster than C or any other language.
COBOL was if nothing else, an effective early tool that greatly broadened the field of people who could produce useful work on a computer, cleverly using terms that business and accounting people were familiar with and limiting the visibility of the essential simplicity of the compiler's ability to parse language. Admiral Grace Hopper, the primary inventor of COBOL, is a person worth learning something about.
With two bytes with 8 bits you can cover 65536 years - even with 7bits-per-byte it's 16384 years - more than the usual 4-digit-format can represent!
So much for effective and memory-saving tools!
So why is it that I not only work with variable length records that are 8000+ characters long, but email addresses that can be up to 1000 characters? I'm still working mainframe COBOL that way just fine. When we pass stuff the the network it is automatically converted to ASCII as part of the download (IND$FILE does the conversion too, if that's what you want to use).
Trying to look into management's mind here:
This: --> cross-platform COBOL web service specification <--
looks like every new web service should be written according to the spec.
As in: When a C# app publishes an interface to a Java app, it still has to follow the spec. After all, Cobol might join the interface party at some future time.
I was a COBOL programmer in the 1970's and early 1980's.
COBOL always supported variable length records and variable length fields in records. It would also handle record lengths far in excess of 2k bytes. The practical record limit on IBM systems was about 32k bytes.
IBM's first SQL implementations used COBOL in SYSTEM R* and later DB2. There was no problem handling all the fixed and variable length data formats that SQL allowed.
Boy these guys are backwards...I'd at least accept the 2000 character string in ASCII. [roll eyes]
Ah, FORTRAN. I first learned to program in FORTRAN. In 2010.
Since they mention ebcdic - that implies MVS / OS390 / zOS. Unless they are doing web services from a never ending batch job, they run COBOL in CICS - the app server of the COBOL world.
CICS TS supports Web Services and has for a long time now. Remember, CICS was released the same year as Unix. It's evolved over time. CICS Gateway is actually written in Java. They have mainframe commands written by the JES (Job Entry System) team that converts native CICS threads into Websphere's J9 JVM threads and back.
You want WTF - I know a night who was writing dynamic web pages in REXX just two years ago.
In one case you simply take a (packed) BCD and paint it to the screen, in the other case you have to add a value to a starting year, transform to decimal characters (some divisions involved), perhaps cut to two digits, etc.
If you never expect your program to still run in thirty years, which would you use in, say, 1969?
Very Nice article will definitely improve our knowledge... Being a Web Designing and Development company ourselves, we also provide some attractive,innovative websites You can view a few of our Web Services Here
You know what's the biggest catch in all of this? COBOL can be reasonably easily ported to oftentimes better performing C++. Easily, you ask? Easily as in machine-ported. I've helped with a project like that, and man, modern C++ compilers beat the crap out of legacy COBOL compilers.
[email protected] clocks in at 53 characters and is a perfectly valid example and not even particularly outrageous example of a professional email. Now imagine someone with a hyphenated last name. Or a slightly longer domain name.
The point here is that capping the length of a character field for arbitrary reasons is bad. It's acceptably bad for extreme lengths, or for fields that are almost certain not to approach that length. Capping at 50 characters for either a name or email address is not acceptable.