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Oooh, 8-character limit: helpful in case we want to store the tables as files on a DOS-based system.
The 'crazy idea' is worth filing away though; never know when you might need that. ;)
So wait, doesn't WTF mean "Worse Than Failure" now?
"One question, however, remained: Worse Than Failure was with that table?"
Not sure that makes any sense.
I can't feel my legs.
(Just to let you know your humor wasn't missed)
That is an awesome first day/week at any job. I have come to realize that if you're working at a place that has bad things going on, you'll become intimately aware of WTF'ness in a very short period of time. This would definitely qualify! I imagine that this is just the beginning of issues at "ISC"...
And poof... He was gone.
I knew that last name seemed oddly familiar. Sadly, I have yet to see that movie in its entirety. I always manage to catch the beginning 15 minutes or the last 5.
For the uninitiated, I'll be adding "The Usual Suspects" to my Netflix queue.
That's it if you guys persist in telling these lies about me I'll just leave. lmao. I find it hard to believe a guy who had been in the business that long would just have a fit and quit though.
So what do you do when this kind of thing is reversed? Your the one guy wanting things like relations, source control, primary keys and so on....
They shot the devil in the back and didn't miss.
"Nick immediately followed Dave to the server rom. " Are you sure this was not a 'Server RAM'?
You update your resume.
We try this technique of removing our highly valued "experts" all the time.
It rarely works :(
I always find convenient ways to expose exactly why this is a problem. Usually by causing a spectacular production issue
I worked in a shop that had a similar "legacy" left behind from such an "expert." We referred to it as "Rob Code" until it was finally refactored away.
In spite of his claims to success, he was still brought down easily enough. None of the other developers would accept the tickets to fix bugs found in his code. Being an "expert" it was easy to get him to accept that no one else was capable of understanding his code. Of course, being someone more interested in "getting it done" than in "getting it right," every time he fixed one bug five more were introduced. Eventually, even the management was forced to recognize that he was generating more heat than light and forced him out. Of course, it also helped that his thirty-six hour coding frenzies were drug-fueled.
I'm Kyle Söze and I am now a consultant and earning 3 times what I did when I worked at that company.
I want my S36 back. Years of RPG programming has some long lasting side effects on your view of databases.
What a cry-baby. I would expect this from a 7 year old but this guy is at least in his late 30s.
I'm sure he probably picked up on the sentiment around the office and this was just the tipping point but still, have at least a little bit of class. If nothing else then maybe some self respect?
I can't believe that worked! :-D
I'm Kyle Söze's right lung and I'm bigger than you left lung!
wigwam? Hate it!
Could you explain it to me? Sorry, I'm slow today...
I'm not Kyle Söze!
And on the page, it talks about some character not being able to feel one of his legs and arms, or something. I haven't seen the movie, nor did I read the Wikipedia page all the way through.
I have huge freakin' balls
For this to work, wouldn't the New Guy really be Kyle Soze?
I started a new job many years ago.. 2 weeks settling into the role of *NIX destkop/small-server sysadming we all got hurried into a meeting. One of the other sysadmins had just thrown his pager and keys at the manager and left. I ended up taking over his job, and we hired another guy to replace my role.
I guess in the end it worked out well for me.
Yeah, I often wonder if I should look for a new job. But, with my 9th grade education, bad attitude, and all that....
Being a highly valued expert I often wonder how in the fucking hell I can know more about a lot of things than most well educated guys I happen to work with... wait that is right I just think I do
No I'm Kyle Söze and so's my wife.
Kind of like stomping out of your job because the new guys want to do things differently.
I'm Kyle Söze and so's my wife.
I'm Kyle Söze, and I play a fife.
I'm Kyle Söze, and I'm full of life
I'm Kyle Söze, and I've got a knife!
I'm Kyle Soze, and the job's full of strife.
Yeah .. democracy only works if the majority is rational.
Doesn't the majority decide what is rational, even if you disagree? That hurts my brain.
The sad thing about the "Kyles" of this world is that they start working at a company when it is small and build their legend up over time. When the company grows and the development team grows, no one can unseat Kyle. His code "works". It just happens to be a terrible, unmaintainable patchwork of garbage.
But later on the column is ABCROWID...
Could we be talking about abcshipping.com?
Oh wait, wrong argument. Sorry about that.
I am Kyle Söze's medulla oblongata.
Why not? I'm dealing with one of those now. We're basically just retiring the whole platform to get away from the 5000+ line functions, with 5 new bugs introduced for every one fixed.
He's quit a couple of times already, and now just waiting for the final death rattle so I can get back to doing my job.
While I can understand this attitude, I cannot understand throwing a tantrum.
We're in the process of retiring a platform that I designed and implemented here at my work. The platform needs to be either retired or seriously upgraded. So we're going with the retire and replace approach.
The problem is, the new version is much, much worse in a lot of areas. I can understand feeling frustrated with having a code base retired when the replacement is obviously much worse. Therefore, I can understand the feelings of these individuals, Kyle Söze included.
That doesn't mean I think they are right though :) Kyle Söze's code and fight to keep his standards around are still a giant WTF.
They took his pride and turned it against him, simple.
The mind boggles.