• (cs)

    FRIST !!! But can you expect to win more than 64K Czech crowns ?

  • (cs)

    Wow, where can I find this casino? I wanna win over 131 million dollars!

  • MMSS (unregistered)

    I don't see the issue... what happens when they click their finger over the link?

  • Charlie (unregistered) in reply to MMSS

    They go to page number 404!

  • (cs)

    I can just imagine the average Mac user tapping the paper with their finger repeatedly and then still saying their system is better.

  • PACE (unregistered) in reply to dtech
    Wow, where can I find this casino? I wanna win over 131 million dollars!
    Sorry, no LongInt ;-)
  • (cs) in reply to PACE
    Wow, where can I find this casino? I wanna win over 131 million dollars!
    Sorry, no LongInt ;-)
    The overflow point might be 100,000,000 - as per old 8-digit calculators, lacking scientific notation, which just displayed 'Error' at you when numbers contained more digits than they could display. "Int" could easily mean "internal" rather than "integer". So that's still over $6 million or £3 million.
  • (cs)
    1. Surely no one will ever need more than 640K czech crowns.
    2. You sure it isn't a haunted house called "In Terror"?
    3. More jokes like this
    4. ...
    5. Profit!
  • DJ Beret (unregistered)

    The display has 8 digit spaces, so it should be able to display a 24-bit (or even a 26-bit) integer, right? Or does the "Int" stand for "Internal" Error?

  • BlueEagle (unregistered)

    Click here to read this comment

  • (cs)

    I want to know what happens when you type in "FileNotFound" into that confirm box.

    Does it come back with a cryptic message about Paula?

    The secret of eternal life?

    A clever haiku?

    ... probably it just crashes, but it's worth finding out.

  • progrmmerrr (unregistered) in reply to Mateo_LeFou
    1. This
    2. Is
    3. Not
    4. ...
    5. Slashdot !
  • (cs) in reply to dtech
    Wow, where can I find this casino? I wanna win over 131 million dollars!

    Unfortunately it's in Zimbabwe dollars.

    The new 10 million Zimbabwe dollar note is currently worth about £2.

  • cyborg (unregistered) in reply to progrmmerrr
    progrmmerrr :
    1. This 2. Is 3. Not 4. ... 5. Slashdot !

    I for one welcome our new Slashdot overlords.

  • (cs) in reply to cyborg
    cyborg +1 Funny:
    progrmmerrr -1 Redundant:
    1. This 2. Is 3. Not 4. ... 5. Slashdot !

    I for one welcome our new Slashdot overlords.

  • I walked the dinosaur (unregistered) in reply to cyborg

    I see what you did there.

  • doozer (unregistered) in reply to PhillS
    I want to know what happens when you type in "FileNotFound" into that confirm box.

    Does it come back with a cryptic message about Paula?

    The secret of eternal life?

    A clever haiku?

    ... probably it just crashes, but it's worth finding out.

    Since I can provide the answer, what happens if I enter 42? Will the question change?

  • dkf (unregistered)


  • Gio (unregistered) in reply to dtech
    Wow, where can I find this casino? I wanna win over 131 million dollars!
    How do you know he's not using a 16 bit machine?
  • Jim (unregistered) in reply to cyborg
    progrmmerrr :
    1. This 2. Is 3. Not 4. ... 5. Slashdot !

    I for one welcome our new Slashdot overlords.

    Imagine a Beowulf cluster of slashdot overlords. The real question is - does it run Linux?

  • notme (unregistered) in reply to progrmmerrr
    1. This 2. Is 3. Not 4. ... 5. Slashdot !
    1. This
    2. Is
    3. Sparta!
  • (cs) in reply to MMSS
    I don't see the issue... what happens when they click their finger over the link?

    Click here to find out

  • (cs)

    Would be interesting to see the validation code for that confirmation box. What happens when you type "Yes" and hit Cancel?

    These are all pretty good. Possible reason is Success

  • (cs)

    {@SomeNameGoesHere} is how Crystal Reports refers to functions defined within the .RPT file. I have to assume that some moron typed that into a text box, rather than actually inserting a reference to the function.

  • Mizchief (unregistered) in reply to MMSS

    #2 reminds me of my first computer a Tandy 286. Whenever I shut down though the command prompt it would as me "Do you want to quit?" and as long as the first charater was a 'y' I could saythings like. "Yes Shut down you old ass piece of shit" or "Yea baby yea!"

    /good times

  • GF (unregistered) in reply to NaN
    cyborg +1 Funny:
    progrmmerrr -1 Redundant:
    1. This 2. Is 3. Not 4. ... 5. Slashdot !

    I for one welcome our new Slashdot overlords.

    In Soviet Russia, the WTF dailies you.

  • (cs)

    I wonder what kinds of torture they put your feedback through if it fails to improve the system.

  • Graham (unregistered) in reply to tin

    No, the mac user will click once and expect it to work.

    The Windows user will repeatedly click, but they will expect it NOT to work.

    Linux users will click once and expect to be told what they need to install to get it to work.

    It's what the system trains you for ...

  • Phil (unregistered) in reply to Mizchief

    slighty off-topic, but the automated phone payment system for my old ISP never seemed to understand the word 'yes' when I wanted to confirm my payment. It did however accept pretty much anything else I said, like Yo, hell yeah, fo' shizzle.

  • Phil (unregistered) in reply to Mizchief
    #2 reminds me of my first computer a Tandy 286. Whenever I shut down though the command prompt it would as me "Do you want to quit?" and as long as the first charater was a 'y' I could saythings like. "Yes Shut down you old ass piece of shit" or "Yea baby yea!"

    /good times

    and yeah, i was supposed to quote the above

  • I walked the dinosaur (unregistered) in reply to GF

    I'd hit that.

  • (cs)

    I was trying to come up with something witty to say to compete with everyone who has already posted above, but just couldn't.

    Sadly, I have successed.

  • (cs)

    Bonus points to Ethan T for submitting on a wood background.

    No prize for Nela.

  • Charlie (unregistered)

    The real WTF is that the receipt is photographed on a wooden table.

  • (cs) in reply to Jim
    Imagine a Beowulf cluster of slashdot overlords. The real question is - does it run Linux?

    No. Most slashdotters talk about Linux all the time, but don't actually use it or know what they are talking about.

    But since most of them run Windows, I can't imaging a Beowulf cluster of them either.

  • Ron Jeremy (unregistered) in reply to Mateo_LeFou


  • NaN Dollars In The Jackpot (unregistered) in reply to DJ Beret
    DJ Beret:
    Or does the "Int" stand for "Internal" Error?
    If the developers had any decent sense of humor, it might stand for "Interesting" Error.
  • Possible Reason for Success (unregistered)

    Please keep commenting on the stories posted on WorseThanFailure.com. Your feedback WILL improve the Web site!

  • AdT (unregistered)

    The link is printed on iPaper, you PC-using fools!

  • The $2,000,000 Question (unregistered) in reply to doozer
    ... probably it just crashes, but it's worth finding out.
    Since I can provide the answer, what happens if I enter 42? Will the question change?
    Yes, it will. APPARENTLY it will just crash, but what it means (and what you couldn't possibly know) is that you would need to buy an E10K (see Out of Balance) to compute the new and improved question.
  • MMSS (unregistered) in reply to MMSS
    I don't see the issue... what happens when they click their finger over the link?

    My first featured comment!!

  • RH (unregistered)
    1. Make a comment with a numbered list
    2. The list must end in '...' or '???' followed by 'Profit!'
    3. ...
    4. Featured Comment!
  • user (unregistered)

    I like the text on the Message Box... "The possible reason is Success"

    That's philosophy!

  • Lafcadio (unregistered) in reply to BlueEagle
    Click here to read this comment

    You got me. I admit it.

  • IntError (unregistered)


  • Filip (unregistered)


    I shot this in Slovakia during summer 2007 ... also a casino, sadly I don't have image where you see that

  • orbital (unregistered) in reply to MMSS

    That's a piece of paper at the top, not a screenshot.

  • (cs) in reply to Mizchief
    #2 reminds me of my first computer a Tandy 286. Whenever I shut down though the command prompt it would as me "Do you want to quit?" and as long as the first charater was a 'y' I could saythings like. "Yes Shut down you old ass piece of shit" or "Yea baby yea!"
    Or "you, don't quit, please!", or "y r u shuttin down? stop! XD".
  • (cs) in reply to DJ Beret
    DJ Beret:
    The display has 8 digit spaces, so it should be able to display a 24-bit (or even a 26-bit) integer, right? Or does the "Int" stand for "Internal" Error?

    Why does the size of the display have to have anything to do with what kind of numbers the system is handling?

    My screen has 4800 sub-pixels by 1200 pixels. Therefore, assuming a character takes up a 5x5 area, it should be able to handle numbers with 230400 digits natively. The windows calculator won't even calculate numbers that large. 10^230400 = "invalid input for function"

    The first rule you'll need to learn in the business world: What would seem to make sense is meaningless to PHBs.

  • (cs) in reply to rbonvall
    #2 reminds me of my first computer a Tandy 286. Whenever I shut down though the command prompt it would as me "Do you want to quit?" and as long as the first charater was a 'y' I could saythings like. "Yes Shut down you old ass piece of shit" or "Yea baby yea!"
    Or "you, don't quit, please!", or "y r u shuttin down? stop! XD".

    That made my day.

    Thank you.

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