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The real WTF is that it got passed through so many people.
I'd be a long-time contributor too if any of my stuff ever got posted.
"high productivity"... ha!
Finally, months of reading thedailyWTF, and now we get to bash cars. I just love the 'sport' models of various cars. Take the Dodge Caravan Sport--that'll impress the other soccer moms. You don't even hafta change anything...just apply the chrome badges and add $1800 to the pricing sheet.
I once worked at a reasonably large foreign bank. A general manager 4 levels up had hired this former employee to come back as a consultant to custom build a new transaction system. The consultant came back, spent months and months (2+years) writing up spec docs, and canned demos (no server behind them, just output in the required sequence). We kept trying to raise the red flag, but we were told that this was the GM's baby, and to keep our mouthes shut. After almost 3 years of interminable delays and cost overruns, the GM had no choice but to demand delivery (his boss wanted to see something). They delivered the canned demo.
When the GM + GM's boss watched the demo (I was there as their representative), everything seemed to work, and they were pleased. They asked me if I was satisfied. I told them to try entering different amounts, different types of transactions, etc. Of course, the print statements still printed out the canned results, and the Emperor's new clothes were exposed.
During the post-mortem, the GM and boss cornered me in his office. I admitted we knew about the problem 2.5 years earlier, but were told to keep our mouthes shut. They wanted to know by whom. Nothing happened to me and my peers, but the in-between managers were tossed.
Not to sound too perverted, but if you're gonna get the sports model of something, it should be a hooker!
I would love to find another Chevette. I miss mine. Too bad they were biodegradable
Isn't that a good thing? It means they're not taking up space in junkyards.
The real WTF is that people still love Diesel Chevettes.
Is there any programmer from that era who hasn't played with Logo? I remember seeing a tiny Logo interpreter in about 1 kilobyte of Z-80 machine code, and I wrote one in TRS-80 BASIC. It's a good example of how small a usable language (Brainfuck doesn't count as "usable") can be, but it couldn't compete with BASIC.
I rented a Chevette once, because they were new and I didn't know better. Pointed the thing up a Los Angeles freeway ramp, went to full throttle, and got frantic buzzing noises from under the hood, with moped-class acceleration. I nearly got rear-ended three times before I got to the next exit. That shitbox made the original Beetle feel like a Porsche.
Always enjoy a good story from G.R.G, thanks Alex (and G.R.G).
Here's a WTF ...
"A few weeks later, having mostly finished my part ..."
"I continued to meet with Greg month after month ..."
"Another month passed and my code was finally ready ..."
Poor Greg ... GRG spent a few weeks hacking together some spaghetti code, then months and months trying to make it stable. No wonder Greg had difficulty writing the tutorial.
...oh, wait, internet. damnit. ah well. i only came on here to order pizza, anyway.
...pizza... man, i'm hungry.
Perhaps I'm just missing something, but it doesn't look like "Zac" was ever identified by name anywhere in the story. It's an amusing story, but still...
Note from Alex: My bad. "Greg" and "Arthur" were not the "programmers'" real names, so I thought I'd replace Greg with Zac and end up with a fun title. Just kinda forgot to do the first part...
You gave him your address?!
Logo is a Lisp dialect.
The original Beetle was a Porsche.
I am working on an application right now that provides a client interface to Microsoft Exchange. It runs on Apple IIe, but the requirements are a little steep. You need ProDos in order to run it. Also, the token ring network adapter is proving to be a challenge, but other than that it is an excellent system! Should have code complete by December and then to market we go.
I'm still trying to work out if that is a parody site or not.
pretty lame wtf if you ask me
I was expecting some kind of punchline and all I got was a car make. What does that have to do with anything?
How in the name of the Everlovin' Zarquod is this a "Curious Perversion in Information Technology"? Just because GRG wrote the damn thing doesn't mean its worthy of publication! If this is the best we can do, maybe its time to return to the Daily WTF format.
Now THIS (emphasized part) is the Real WTF(TM). Aren't all the stories told, embellished, and retold here supposed to end in sacking (or resignation) of the good guys, while the evil PHB's reap all the benefits?
Hah, for all you know the so called 'Manager' was actually paid to produce it for someone else, who was working for yet another person...
I know you are being sarcastic, but I will answer anyway.
"My code" in the last sentence you quoted doesn't refer to the same code he wrote in the first weeks, mentioned in the first sentence.
He spent a few weeks hacking the interpreter code, kept meeting with Greg during the next months (while his code was already finished), and in the last month he wrote the skeleton of the online tutorial that Greg was supposed to write.
Your story was better then the one in this article. I would like to be there to see the keep-your-mouth-shut managers being tossed out. It must have been really fun!
I'm not sure if this is a strange joke or if you're seriously misinformed...
Now I get it. You seem to think that anything vaguely related in some respect can be considered equivalent...
ducks & runs
A real programmer would have built the logo interpreter on top of javascript. Hmm, I sense an opening in the market.
You all are obviously to young to remember this. It is a reference to a LEGO commercial, starring "Zac, the LEGO maniac." he could build anything out of LEGO's.
Actually no, it wasn't a porsche any more then a toyota prius is a toyota tundra.
But you could take a classic 1973 VW Super Beetle and fit a Porsch 911 engine in the back if you didn't mind removing the engine cover. The engine just hung over the back edge by about three inches. Oh and you had to change out the gearbox too, the standard one would burn up with that much torque.
Chevy Chevette - it will drive you happy!
Goddamned kids.
You're just missing something ;)
I think it's alluding to an 80s "Lego's" commercial featuring "Zack the Lego Maniac."
"Never underestimate the bandwidth of a Chevette full of floppy disks."
He even built the Chevette out of Legos.
You can't shift gears in a Chevette without getting your face slapped.
Bah... I drove a Chevette in high school. They weren't that bad. Okay, it had a tendency to flood on cold mornings, but that was really the only problem it had. I bought it 10 years used for $800 and it got me where I needed to go for 3 more years before I sold it on.
Thanks for the reminder of just how unbelievably fucking ugly cars were in the late 70s and early 80s. The horror!
You laugh at sporty Dodge Caravans, but check out this guys page some time. He races corvettes with his '89 caravan!
Porsche and Hitler. The Type 1 (Beetle) was the original Volkswagen (people's car in German), and it was part of Hitler's plan for industrializing Germany after their defeat in WW-I. Hitler didn't invent the Type 1 like the Al Gore/Internet story, but he did help in the way that Gore was trying to say - they were the point man, tried to get a general idea out and move obstacles out of the way.