• Darren (unregistered)

    I do like the O365 quarantine. It'll just occasionally go rogue and just start blocking all the Microsoft message - but won't actually give any reasons why it's blocking them. I reckon it's just spiteful banter between the different internal teams.

    It'll also just decide that it's going to quarantine a load of email that was delivered to mailboxes several days previously. I can see the rationale behind doing so but it's always a bit confusing when the quarantine screen suddenly has loads of old emails suddenly appear. It's especially confusing for the end users who suddenly can't find their emails.

  • (nodebb)

    Maybe only the County part is optional? Though how would you know to put in your province before seeing the error message?

  • (nodebb)

    I wonder what that County/State one would do if I selected "France", since France has neither counties nor states.

  • Rob (unregistered) in reply to Steve_The_Cynic

    France does have départments, which are pretty similar to counties. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Departments_of_France

  • (nodebb)

    At almost a kg per cc, AlexMetall's test material is 434x denser than osmium. They must be working on something very special!

  • (nodebb)

    Have you tried filling in the text "optional" in the "County / state (optional)" field?

  • Conradus (unregistered) in reply to Steve_The_Cynic

    France does have departments, but it's not usual to put those in the mailing address; it's just city/town and postal code.

  • (nodebb)

    I don't understand the Microsoft quarantine one at all. Given how easy it is to spoof the sender of an email, I have no way of determining from the screenshot whether the message is genuinely from Microsoft or a phishing attempt on someone who has publicly mentioned using Azure.

  • (nodebb)

    Clearly the "Optional" one means to stay that the county/state is optional for certain countries...which some sites handle a bit more elegantly.

    But of course the state in this case is "New York" and the city should be "Schenectady". Having a cool zip code is one of the few benefits to Schenectady, NY.

    Addendum 2024-09-20 11:19: s/ to / to living in /

  • (nodebb) in reply to Conradus

    France does have departments, but it's not usual to put those in the mailing address; it's just city/town and postal code.

    Yes, I know. I've been doing exactly that for the last fifteen years, seeing as how I (...) live in France. In fact, I'm sure I've mentioned that many, many times on this site and its forums.

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