• Federico (unregistered)

    I love the double nesting with the same condition, but wouldn't it be great if there were two entirely different else-blocks accompanying them?

    Brownie points for not breaking the loop at the first invalid character (we wouldn't want to overoptimise!), refusing to acknowledge the existence of regular expressions, and using explode() instead of the trivial str_split().

  • Hanzito (unregistered)

    It's like that slightly weird sorting algorithm that was recently proven to be correct. It always runs in n^2 steps, and does a lot of unnecessary comparison, but it's short and easy to copy/paste.

  • Hans (unregistered)

    I assume the shareholders blamed the successor CEO for the bankruptcy that followed?

  • (nodebb)

    As always, the real WTF is upper management

  • Trolly (unregistered)

    CEO sounds like Elon Musk.

  • Rob (unregistered) in reply to Trolly

    This is basically what Musk is trying to do to the federal government right now. So, yeah, very similar.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Rob

    Except the government has been stealing our tax dollars and spending it on bullshit that nobody wants.

  • Hasseman (unregistered)

    ooh, this is nowadays a political forum?

  • Jonathan (unregistered)

    Oh god the Elon defenders are in here.

  • Naomi (unregistered) in reply to Hasseman

    "Nazis are bad" is not political.

  • TechHound (unregistered) in reply to DocMonster

    And just as predicted, the flood gates have been opened, allowing all the low-info types to come in and regurgitate the misinformation they keep hearing from people with a vested interest to preventing anything to be done about corruption and waste, all thanks to Remy's article from a little over a week ago showing that it is ok to mix in politics into places that people go to avoid it. Congratulations.

    Oh god the Elon defenders are in here.

    It is not about defending Elon. It could be anyone who wants to take an initiative to finally do something about out of control spending and blatant misuse of tax-payer funds as well as the rampant corruption. It really is mind blowing that anyone would actually be against all this. Seriously, stop listening to people who helped create the problem in the first place, and do some actual research of your own.

  • Adolph McDonald (unregistered) in reply to Naomi

    Way to prove Hasseman's point!

  • matt (unregistered)

    WARNING: UNMATCHED - The half-spaced hyphen dash is bad enough, but could you at least not skip the closing dash (after copy/pasted), so the sentence is correct and reads clearly??

  • (nodebb)

    I think it's important for us to know the name of the company, just so that we can avoid it

  • Pabz (unregistered)

    People disagree with having a department that attempts to stop the government from spending tax on complete rubbish? I'm in the UK and we could do with that here!

  • Naomi (unregistered) in reply to TechHound

    Well, since you've clearly done the research, why don't you share some of it? What exactly has Elongate Muskrat accomplished, and why is it good? How do you answer the common criticism (you must know what it is, since you've done the research)? How do you reconcile "fighting corruption" with illegally laying off government employees and replacing them with his own companies? If you've done the research, none of those questions should be hard for you, so let's hear it.

  • Naomi (unregistered) in reply to Pabz

    It isn't about stopping the government from spending tax money inefficiently; it's about curtailing oversight of Musk and Trump, weakening protections for marginalized people, and funneling money to Musk's companies. It's also blatantly illegal, especially around Social Security (Social Security payments aren't government funds in the first place, so it's literally theft).

  • Lurk (unregistered)

    DocMonster > "...stealing our tax dollars ..."

    Wow! And I thought education in the UK was getting bad. Sorry chum, the tax dollars are the government's to do with as it decides. You may not like what the government does with your taxes, I get pretty ticked of with some of the uses HMG puts the tax money to, but they didn't steal it. However, if someone from the IRS (or HMRC) was to lurk on a street corner and cosh you from behind before emptying your wallet, now that's stealing.

    techhound> "...all thanks to Remy's article from a little over a week ago..." Remy's site, Remy's rules. Don't like it? There's the door over there. Oh, and before you go, how much were you paying to view the content on this site?

  • Argle (unregistered) in reply to Naomi

    "Nazis are bad" is not political.

    No, but labeling political opponents Nazis IS.

  • t (unregistered) in reply to Argle

    What about political opponents that happen to do Nazi salutes on stage?

  • t (unregistered) in reply to TechHound

    A gov department named after a meme, that can't get it straight who actually runs it, and have access to quite sensitive info to people that shouldn't have that access (i.e. the guy previously fired for selling sensitive company data) Background checks exist for a reason. But hey, given his looks guess at least he wasn't a DEI hire? :p

  • Naomi (unregistered) in reply to Argle

    Look, I know Python isn't the most popular language around here, but if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and salutes on live TV like a duck, it's a duck.

    Elongate Muskrat is a Nazi. He said so, three times, with each of his Nazi salutes during that abomination of an inauguration. There is no legitimate controversy about this.

  • (nodebb)

    Looks like TDWTF comments are going to be best avoided for a bit. I'll still come around for the articles.

  • NobodySpecific (unregistered) in reply to t

    You mean these? https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/992/268/a7d.png

    Or those don't count because those gestures are being made by Kamala, Hillary and Obama?

    To be fair, I don't think any of those gestures (including Musk's) were meant to express "nazi" ideology. But if you accuse Musk you should judge the politicians from your favored party with the same weight. To do any less would make you an hypocrite.

  • HalfCenturyDem (unregistered) in reply to t

    What about political opponents that happen to do Nazi salutes on stage?

    You cannot seriously be swallowing this story based entirely on a random freeze-frame, which could be, and has been, done with anyone who swings an arm outward? This has been debunked already several times over. It is frankly a great marvel to see how little people think for themselves, but instead allow people with nefarious agendas to do it for them.

    Speaking as a nearly 50 year Democrat, from a long line of such hide hards, MSNBC and largely CNN and the various legacy broadcast news wings have lost a huge amount of credibility, reflected by their public viewership ratings, by running false stories like this, only for the woefully among us here to repeat it.

    No, but labeling political opponents Nazis IS.

    I am older enough to remember Godwin's doctrine of that being a discussion-ending event.

    It isn't about stopping the government from spending tax money inefficiently;

    Actually it is exactly what it is about. Again, I am speaking as someone who has been a life-long Democrat for nearly half a century, and I can say straight on that this is a massive problem that the Democrats largely own. Of course you won't get genuine information about it from media personalities and politicians that have huge interest in preventing anything from being done.

    But by all means, if lettering other people do your thinking for you makes life easier for you, then by all means, don't change a thing. Just stop spreading false information that you have made zero effort to verify.

    ===== Pease just stop brining politics here. =====

  • t (unregistered)

    Kinda funny there's two comments up there

    The first posts freeze frames of other leaders supposedly doing the same gesture. Then the second goes "you're just swallowing that story based on a freeze frame"

    No, I saw the video, the positioning of the hands, the way he throws it, the exertion put into it. All contribute you know :)

  • Lion (unregistered)

    This place needs HN's dang to moderate, apparently

  • Neveranull (unregistered)

    OK, got it. Keeping people from dying of measles is waste and abuse. Keeping national parks open and hiking trails safe enough to remain open is stealing the taxpayers money. Stopping Ebola is corruption if it’s done to help out another country.

  • TechHound (unregistered) in reply to t

    No, I saw the video, the positioning of the hands, the way he throws it, the exertion put into it.

    Just stop. You clearly watched something edited down if you truly think it was anything like an actual Nazi salute. Go watch how Nazis actually did it.


    Pure nonsense. No one from trying to shut those things down or defund them. Try using news sources that do not actively lie to your face.

  • t (unregistered) in reply to TechHound

    Funny how the arguments against it being one seem to boil down to "it was a freeze frame" or "it was edited down"

    You know the edited down version? The one on Fox News that cut it out entirely. Hmm Sus

    Anyway the gesture, movement of it, and how the fingers are oriented is very nazi salute. Now I'm not even saying he really intended to do it. Imo best explanation is he learned it at some point. And his general awkwardness, combined with stage excitement and ketamine made him do it.

    Be at it may not like you need to call him a nazi. He's someone with inherited money, hanging out on twitter all day while trying to also look like he's busy running his companies. Trying to give the impression of being very involved in the development of things in those companies. Oh and lying about being good at games for some reason

  • (nodebb) in reply to TechHound

    Austrian here. So, we kinda invented it but managed to blame it mostly on Germany.

    If it wasn't a literal Nazi salute, then it was so close that nobody can distinguish it, and I doubt it wasn't intentional.

    It's not like the Nazi salute was always done in EXACTLY the same way. And we get that "just because it looked Nazi doesn't mean it was Nazi" nonsense a lot from our own modern day Nazis.

  • Missing Semicolon (unregistered) in reply to Naomi

    "xxx is a Nazi" is.

  • TechHound (unregistered) in reply to t

    You know the edited down version? The one on Fox News that cut it out entirely. Hmm Sus

    I have objectively actually looked at all the sources, not being concerned where it came from but rather how complete it is shown, and actually it was fox that had the least edited version that showed the full movement, which started with a fist at the heart and then swung outward, slightly elevated, still mostly keeping a fist, in what is commonly known as a "peace/love to you brother" as well as other variations; I remember seeing people doing that sort of thing on occasion when I was in highschool, and has about as much common with Nazi gestures as hand shake.

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