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see the author
TRWTF is measuring your ambient temperatures in Fahrenheit when the civilised world uses Celsius.
"I couldn't find anything else to whinge about for this article"
It's 15 Celsius here which the internet tells me is 59 Fahrenheit. I can't even imagine "Oh God I Want to Die" degrees Fahrenheit.
Around 100+ degrees F (~38+ degrees C) would qualify.
If you can't see your breath, it's too damn hot.
If you cant see your breath it is because your eyes have frozen shut
A server is nodding off to sleep because of the heat...
...when suddenly - is it a dream? - he starts seeing rows upon rows of stormtrooper breasts coming his way!
I know you've probably extrapolated that the sign in the stairwell reads, "WET PAINT," but I like to think that all the letters are visible and it's a cry for help from the abused equipment. WE PAIN
What's wrong with the last one? It's been fixed in place safely out of reach of fingers and the cables are vaguely secured which is more than a lot of places manage. It's a bit scruffy but this isn't a show home. Fitting a rackmount cabinet for one switch would seem like overkill.
We actually had to run a similar setup one - on the winter ( -20° ) as the summer weather would not had provided sufficient coller power - but had to hire a security gard to site close all night.
Addendum 2017-06-12 11:22: Damnit. I read that original comment wrong.
DId a gig with a health care company a while ago. with lots of customers in the USA. Health care IT LOVES fax. It's considered secure, unlike email, because you, umm, need a warrant to wiretap a POTS phone line. (I know, I know, big black buildings in DC suburbs surrounded by guards and parking lots. I wrote "considered secure", not "secure.")
Developed a whole mess of performance metrics for fax transmission associated with fax directory numbers (telephone numbers).
Noticed an interesting trend. In January, everything worked great. By March, many machines' performance deteriorated for a month or two.
Turned out it was related to outside temperature at the customer site. January: everything frozen. March: thaw. Frozen water inflitrating phone lines, it seems, doesn't mess up transmission as much as liquid water. Duh.
It's a rare hospital telecom guy who can persuade his telco to fix water-soaked lines. A few of them can, but the rest, no.
I wish I could have had pictures of the equipment vaults full of water.
Oh neat! PHP has taken physical form.
Not sure "civilized" is the right term for Celsius users. The use a temperature scale based on the boiling and freezing point of WATER to measure ambient AIR temperatures. We use a scale based on average air temperatures, with a wider scale in degrees to more accurately describe air temperatures. Of course, we then use that scale to apply to everything else, including water so...
TRWTF with the switch jacked on its side to the wall: it's a metal shop. Open air ports + metal filings = the switch equivalent to 4th of July.
You don't need a full rack for a single switch (although this is common, 5U enclosed wallmounts exist), but you do need an industrial switch. Or, you know, at least a sleeve to keep shavings from falling in or flying up into the unit.
Real men use Kelvins. Crap, it's 275 out there!
at least the soakednfax connection was properly connected to the metal bar labelled 'ground'
Using anything but 0° for freezing seems nuts to me, but I live in an area with an annual minimum of about 3°C, so I see the freezing point as a natural place for the bottom of the scale (offset from absolute zero).
I do think that a °C is a bit too large though.
You mean it's time for diet celsius, now with 25% less calories?
It's always the same with telcos. I bet they've never checked that in the first place, or have the technician give a swift glance at best. Their general train of thoughts is: "If we don't have anything to gain from this, and they can't prove it's our fault, why should we pay a couple of hours from this contractor technician?"
Yeah, they're this filthy, but they keep on doing that just because we can't do without their service.
Since you also use inches, which are wide af, I think you should just avoid to say anything about Celsius degrees. You all should switch to the metric system because the rest of the world is using it, period.
If you aren't getting enough calories, you need to RakeIn the BTUS.
Or what was occasionally called 98-98 in Massachusetts (Boston end) in the late 80s. 98 degF (37 degC) and 98% relative humidity.
That's nasty.
Encountered 100-100 in New Orleans, late June, summer of 1973.
Electric companies are the same way. Worked property management for a bank that owned a mid-sized office building that was the first building connected to the power line coming from the power plant.
Every time they switched anything in the power plant, a power surge went through the building. After about a month's worth of surges, one or more of the then-$5000 each capacitors powering an elevator would fry. Elevators would then do things like suddenly drop 3-6 ft. Or stop halfway between floors.
We knew what was causing it, but the electric company insisted we had to install a power logger where the mains entered the building, log the power for a year, then give them the log. They would compare it to their power log, and if the logs matched up, the electric company would reimburse the bank for the capacitors.
I've not visited that building since. Kind of traumatic dealing with people injured or panicked by sudden elevator drops.
Even "wood" is a generous term for what looks like laminated particle board.
Experienced 40-100 once or twice when in a gig in the Middle East. (That's 40 Celsius, natch.) Such conditions often extended well into the evening. Wasn't often, and fortunately AC handled the task of maintaining the day-to-day office job. But walking around outside made you feel as if even your eyeballs were sweating. Your fingernails, even -- although the latter proved to be condensation onto the relatively cooler human body as it emerged from an air-conditioned room. Fun times. Goodness me, I really miss the warm weather.
Only three (3) countries in the world don't use the metric system: Liberia, Myanmar and of course the USA.
3 and a half. In the UK we use a weird hybrid system; metric for most things but i) roads are signposted (a) badly and (b) in miles ii) beer in pubs and bars is sold in pints
It's getting to be "I want to die" degrees Fahrenheit here in Phoenix. Idk if that's where the Daily WTF is based out of but it'd be fitting in a way; the majority of our software industry is one giant WTF.
this reminds me of a picture i saw somewhere: something was plugged into an adapter, which was plugged into another adapter, which was plugged into ANOTHER adapter, ten or twelve adapters altogether! the silliest part is that simply plugging the original gadget into a different slot ONE INCH TO THE SIDE would make all of that completely unnecessary!