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Programs are strange
When you're a code
Syntax looks ugly
You're all alone
Apparently someone gave the wrong man, or in this case script language, a ride.
I had forgotten all about DOORS until now. I remember the horrors of generating Word documents. And having to tweak the export scripts after your job failed 2 hours in. And the fact that you couldn't safely use your computer for anything else while it was running because it used the copy/paste buffer.
TRWTF is incorrect hyphenation in the phrase "it's infinite wisdom"
DOORS was around well before the days of Word documents being XML based, so using COM was better than the only other possible option - reverse engineering the .DOC format
I liked the requirements management part of Doors. The rest of this software can go take a shitting fuck, for what I care.
From my experience, the minute you need some database for requirements you fail the N in INVEST.
I get the feeling I'm missing a lot of puns in this article due to not knowing the Doors and their back catalogue
When DOORS was owned by Telelogic twenty years ago, it had a proper document generator that worked with Word templates. It was flexible and worked pretty well. When IBM bought the product, they quickly killed it.
I still use DOORS every day at work. When the screens go white and your cursor is just spinning there, that's how you know it is working!
Extension framework developers: yes, we know that there are already 100 programming languages. we totally want to invent the 101.
also the same developers: why won't people use our language? and why everyone ask for proper documentation?
Hey Coverity, I'm looking at you.
To be fair, building your own language and compiler and everything is fun.
Like, if I had infinite money and time and could do just one dream project in my life it would be to build a universal pessimising compiler. That is a compiler that accepts all known languages and outputs the absolute worst possible, deliberately pessimised code for any input without introducing bugs. We are talking slowest execution, largest memory footprint, the works. And I would have a team of top notch CS experts working for me just to make sure no corner is left unturned in the quest for more pessimistic performance.
And once that is completed, I would die a happy man.
You know, I suppose nearly anyone could say to you "Why? they already created ____?" and fill in your most hated language. And, shmuel, when I created the "99 Bottles of Beer" site back in the 90s, I thought I was going to go into shock if the number of languages ever got to 99. The current maintainers now list over 1500 languages.
Yes indeed
Its like building your own CPU out of discrete logic gates.
You do not expect it to be used for anything serious, but seeing it run the Eostrathenes algorithm to find primes makes you happy and proud.
Even it finding those 40 odd primes (the ones below 256) has taken you a year and thausans of dollars and could have been done by pen and paper in a few minutes.
I feel like this task is unbounded...
You have this code in your language c = a + b
It translates it to mov reg1 0 add reg1 a add reg1 b
Now you can have a slower computation by adding a nop in front of it... Can you make it slower? Yes, by adding a nop in front of it... can you make it slower, yes by adding a nop in front of it... can you make it slower? ...
Hence there is no slowest.... For every arbitrary rate of slowness, there is an amount of nops that are slower.
I'd prefer to write a compiler that produced technically (according to the spec) correct that completely broke any unjustifiable assumptions the user had made about how the compiler would behave. Things like size and alignment of words, and anything in the C++ sec that says 'undefined' or 'implementation defined'.
Given the average developer is male, that is quite a shocking effect!
I had to do some custom reporting, mainly cross-referencing and traceability stuff, from DOORS a while back.
I looked at DXL. I (figuratively) barfed.
I wound up exporting the whole thing to a set of delimited files, massiging those with some C code, then hacking a bunch of Common LISP to do the heavy lifting.
Even better, break them inconsistently.
Just have a bank of random implentations that are swapped in and out at runtime just to make sure no one uses any undefined behaviour.
Best of all would be compiler that simply errors out when you try to use undefined behavior. Or if the UB is only detectable at run-time, crashes the program (with a relevant error message) when it happens. The latter, alas, might involve performance penalties; a lot of UB exists because it's been considered too costly to do something actually sane.
Can it be? The old Rational Software requirements product from the turn of the millenium? The thing that ingested Word docs looking for "shall" and giving BOM-style numbers.
I wonder if this relates to the difficulty of creating scalable systems funded by US government contracts?
Check out Jennifer Pahlka's book Recoding America. New York: Holt 2023 https://www.worldcat.org/title/1338301096
Can it be? The old Rational Software requirements product from the turn of the millenium? The thing that ingested Word docs looking for "shall" and giving BOM-style numbers.
I wonder if this relates to the difficulty of creating scalable systems funded by US government contracts?
Check out Jennifer Pahlka's book Recoding America. New York: Holt 2023 https://www.worldcat.org/title/1338301096
All you need to know is that, like a great many other highly successful, straightforward, and easy-to-use IT things, DOORS was created by a European academic.
If you're not already running by now, why not?
It sounds like DOORS was written without a well-vetted requirements document. If only there had been some tool they could have used to generate it…
Oooooh, AWK's string concatenation by juxtaposition lives! (String concatenation by juxtaposition, for string literals, is also a thing in Python and I think C…)
@Yazeran You my man understand me.
@TrayKnots That's cheating though. The point isn't to just pad the code the easy way. It's to use scientific knowledge of computer science to make the most pessimal version of the code that is technically correct. Basically the reverse of what an optimizing compiler does.
Like for example automatically promoting all variables to the largest possible data type (float to double, short to long) to waste memory space, deliberately fragmenting the code in memory to maximize the number of segmentation faults, peephole pessimisation, reverse loop optimizations etc.
You know, the actual stuff that might interest a CS guy like my self.
@thosrtanner Oh yes! Absolutely!
Like I would include a whole team whose job would be to analyze UB and common assumptions like that and figure out the most harmful way to implement them.
In fact, if possible I would go further and have the compiler use some form of intelligent code analysis so as to make sure UB pessimization is applied on a case by case basis (going so far to have the same UB work differently in different parts of the same code) to make sure the code is as pessimal and infuriating as possible.
Every little trick to make this as malicious as possible in the quest to use computer science to its utmost to create the most perverse result.
And I would call the project The Nightmare Compiler.
One simple case of runtime-only UB in C/C++ is signed integer overflow problems. On x86-32, the compiler could, if it wanted to be obnoxious, insert an
instruction (interrupt on signed overflow) after every signedADD
instruction to cause real fun, although sadly (?) this doesn't work on x64.The way I heard it, yes. If the language constrains code structure X to have defined behaviour, the compiler has to have strict rules about exact execution order and suchlike, and cannot take advantage of shortcuts it could otherwise take. The concept of UB allows the compiler to take those shortcuts, thereby producing better-performing code.
The time to copy/paste is through.
The clipboard has to be acquired.
We have to run the script we use
To document what we require.
antivert oral http://meclizinex.com/# antivert order
Why is .RTF never considered as an option? It would have been much easier to produce.