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Maybe the overseas developers needed more Lunch & Learn. Or would that be a Curry & Consult?
I think stereotypes hurt on both sides, and that's an excellent example...
Sure, there's plenty of individual cases to point to - Americans being assholes, and folks elsewhere writing bad code... But there's plenty of counter-examples, as well.
I feel privileged to be involved in a particular open source game that originated in Germany, but has a global community. Interacting with people from all around the world humanizes them, and it's a situation I wish more of us - all around the world - would find ourselves in.
The enemy of stereotypes and prejudice is familiarity and friendship.
We won't, but certain configurations of Websence will.
I, for one, welcome our spooneristic profanity uttering overlords.
Really? Almost all of the previous stories are of coding horrors produced inhouse. Then one story appears of a coding horror produced offshore. Therefore, you conclude that offshoring is bad.
How about bad programmers do bad programming? What does location have anything to do with it?
Congrats. You are an asshole. Who are you to apologize for the actions of others? You arrogant, self-righteous asshole.
Please don't. Just clean up your image, you guys are off to a good start now.
"inaccurate reporting that lead -> led some banks to think their tellers were robbing them blind"
And another.
Hmm, perhaps I should have added a "winky-face" so you knew I was laughing as I typed that.
Big ego or not, just appologize for yourself. I make no apology. I am an asshole afterall. Whether I owe one or not could be debated, but since I'm not going to it would be a waste. (asshole, remember)
Looks like a typical management mistake. Offshore-outsourcing without QA at home. It should not be the first time, somebody responsible actually sees the code.
Adults are why kids think this is a bad word to use. Damn the the dict-supremacists!
My apology was sincere, though. I'm thoroughly ashamed of what the Bush administration has done, and of the perception of Americans in general by the rest of the world as arrogant, isolated in their views and out of touch.
Yeah, strict typing is for the birds! Developers need room to breaaaathe. Type checking inputs is for those stuffed shirts from the 50's.
is that something like like
Will: "You cheated!" Cpt Jack: "Pirate!"
Now look what you've done, you've created an infinite loop.
NO, bad, non-developer.
I'll give you a simple example of why that is bad.
You have a program that does X. It needs to read input from various sources and then process Y. The output will be the same for all input.
So you create Object A that does all the processing. It connects to Interface B which handles all of the input.
Interface B is just the API/Parent Class/Interface for several pieces of code. Each Instance of B handles different input, such as user input from the command line, input from a file, input from an XML file, input from a data stream.
A and B only need to talk to each other on a hand full of methods and DON'T need to care about what each other actually do, just that they hand a couple bits back and forth.
This is the situation described at the top of the article. It is also the entire heart of OO/Modular programing.
Yes and I want to apologize for the Obama administration for giving away region encoded DVDs of American films to our friends across the pond. How arrogant to think they would work and that anyone with taste would even want to watch that drek.
This, multiplied by 1,024.
I've worked with offshore developers a few times. You let them run around getting requirements and prototypes all they want, but once they start producing actual code, you get that shit sent to you for review. And if they get squingy about sending you source, you tell them that you're going to find another group who won't be worried about showing you what you are paying for -- at regular intervals!
You also have to make sure your contract is good enough such that you can bail out if you discover newly-promoted VB coders are working on your Java app.
Very similar, but I've been an asshole and used that excuse longer than that movie has been around.
What do you think happened right at the end, after the ellipsis? Clue: go back to beginning and locate pattern match.
Sheesh, Bowytz finally shows off his Mad Fine Writing Skillz, and all you guys can do is complain.
Definitely American and proud of it. I even used to answer American when people asked my nationality pre 9-11, even though I knew they really wanted to know my ancestor's nationality.
I still don't think you need to apologize for Bush's actions. Unless you voted for him, but even then, he didn't do exactly what he campained on did he?
I agree it is a shame the rest of the world feels that way about all 300+ million of us but it's what people do. People rarely think well of their betters when they are simply jealous. In the sense that America is a young country and still optimistic and (based on the few dozen I have worked with) foreigners are more pessimistic by nature.
We work for quarterly-profit-driven, "overhead"-averse, short-sighted dingbats in suits. These people blindly hire all the offshore "talent" they can find. And because they're suits, they hire the BO (Big Offies) -- Infosys and the like. All the companies you refused to go near when you graduated from B.I.T. or wherever. (Or Cambridge, or Stanford; yes, I know.)
Consequently, nearly 100% of our off-shore universe is demented and damaging flotsam like the above.
There's nothing wrong in theory with off-shore development. There's nothing wrong in theory with getting an infinite number of monkeys to recreate Shakespeare, either, as long as you can solve the Halting problem.
Funniest. Comment. Ever.
Allow me not to correct your lack of correction to your original post, which was not incorrect.
Unless Robert Lowth has mysteriously resurfaced from the eighteenth century, there aren't any of us Gramma Nazis out here who would object.
Yes, my paternal grandmother was indeed blonde and blue-eyed, since you ask. (And check out the link -- it's an excellent blog.)
So you end up in a situation where you can't do a rewrite, not even bit by bit! Obviously nobody had the guys to tell their boss that they had inherrited a lemon and that it could not be fixed, using phrases such as "You can't polish a turd" etc. As long as you are convincing enough that it really is a turd, then you'd be surprised how much push there can be behind a rewrite.
If America is such a sucky place, how come the lines at the U.S. Embassy H-1 visa window in [insert your non-American country here] are around the block? Whereas the line at the H-1 visa window in your Embassy here in bad old America is of exactly zero length?
I've encountered managers who have this idea that they can 'package up some requirements' and toss them over the ocean to the lowest bidder and expect to get something other than drek in return. I wonder if they were going to remodel their own home would they approach the bid process the same way?
Note: I've worked in two multinational companies involving developers from all over the world. In both cases the projects functioned smoothly, the teams worked well together, and no one country had a monopoly on talent. There's nothing wrong with having a multinational development team, the management is worthy of the name.
Can I have my H-1 now? Pretty please? Seriously?
Incidentally, do you want to guess who're the second-largest possessors of working visas in the UK? (I'm quoting from memory: it might be third or fourth, or it might even be first.)
Merchant Bankers, dontcha love 'em. They're practically the only Americans who bother to acquire a passport, and renowned the world over for their special understanding of Culture and Good Breeding. Much good such Culture and Good Breeding has done the world recently.
(No, dummy: "Merchant Bankers" is not the answer. It's not even a nationality, unless you count Dante's Seventh Circle. But it is a fairly obvious clue.)
I read it as "yours, truly unexcluded."
Which, given my original comment, would be a very subtle compliment. Now I'm just confused.
Sadly, I recognise many of the 'features' quoted here in some software that's still under development by my own project team, including:
It happened on my watch. We failed to meet wildly optimistic deadlines, so management quadrupled the team using anyone who might be free. I failed miserably to maintain the code quality in the face of 6 developers pulling in different directions, and now large parts of the code-base are an unmaintainable mess.
God help whoever inherits the project -- I'm really not proud of my first real failed development, but I'm damn well not going to stick around to try to add another chunk of functionality for next year.
A client of mine, also a Canadian from India, gave a project for development to India. They did nary a thing for three months. He then gave a different project to me even though I charge three times what that Indian company charges per hour. I produced tremendous output in 10 days. Seeing this, the Indian company got alarmed and made incredible progress on the project they previously didn't have time for.
So now both projects are running smoothly.
I guess the moral of the story is that management needs to be as good as the managee.
I've worked on both sides of the out-sourcing equation, and in every single project I worked on, the company paying for the out-sourcing owned the source code, reviewed the source code, and QA'ed and ran acceptance testing on the source code.
Crappily written code was indeed accepted in every case, but it was usually barely acceptable crap and just how crap it was didn't come as a surprise.
Unless I've managed to avoid meeting this only by some strange quirk of physics, Infotech deserves to go out of business if this is how it does things.
Two from India One from Pakistan One from China One from Germany One from Korea One from Vietnam One from Cuba
We get along very well together, everyone does his/her share, and we consistently produce professional, high-quality product.
Does that link include Smalltalk? Perl? Python? (Shudder) Javascript? Standard container "types" are only loosely connected to "type checking." For more details, see the endless discussion on Java generics.
Meanwhile, if you're going to decorate your post with ludicrously obvious links to Wikipedia, try this one. Ayn Rand, dontcha love her?
OMgosh no way dude that is WAY cool!
RT www.privacy.pro.tc
I agree. The US developers I work with are rubbish, never listen, care more about politics than understanding the problem domain and focusing on their job: provide solutions to the business.
Their arrogance is what gets me. 3 weeks ago I wrote a process in 6 hours, then some politics happened and basically they said what I had done was crap. I said, like, whatever, and they threw 5 developers at it. Yesterday they came to my end of process data and asked if they could source it as the base-line for their re-write. I tried to explain to them it was about the most arse-about-face thing I have ever come across and now I'm loosing the political battle because I'm not being a 'team player'.
I know for a fact they will screw it up, they always do. I know they may come back in a years time (after the political dust has settled and they have rearranged their kingdoms) that they will come back and say - hey, that data you produce looks just the ticket - how long have you had this/can we knowledge share what you did blah blah (corporate speak)blah... If they don't it is a fairly safe bet that there will be 'know flaws' fixed with manual processes and 2 admin staff tasked with looking after it.
Sure, I work for a large corporation and there are a LOT of muppets, by the US guys take the prize for largest muppet to competence ratio, and they simply cannot see how THEY are (more often than not) the problem, not everyone else.
OK, rant over, and sorry to any decent US developers out there - I'd really really like to know where you're all hiding, because you sure aren't working at my company.
The question I have, which I know the answer to since this is one giant WTF, is if the US 'analysts' were fired when the outsourcing was stopped. You just DONT get a monstrosity like they got unless the 'analysts' were completely ignoring their jobs. Too much early work would have come back for their review with obvious problems.
I've had to work with outsourced 'help', and they'll usually give you exactly what you ask for. Not what you need, not what you want, but what you ask for - even if parts of the typically under-specific 'spec' are contradictory. They wont think about how stupid your spec is, they'll just give you what you spec out and take your money. I'm not knocking them for that, as ultimately they may not even know what the program they are making does if they dont have the big picture.
I apologize. It was early in the morning and apparently I'm an American asshole.
also my captcha is jumentum. I'm going to count it as a new vocabulary word: jumentum - what a jew (yo) possesses when he enters the "code zone"
Hey! I found the real WTF!
"The developers complied, but nothing could have prepared Steve, the CEO, or anyone else for what they were about to inherit."
So, they had a contract with another company where that company would produce executables - but hold on to the source code?
I don't care if you have the Indian CEO's retarded 10 year old nephew or a hand-picked team of the best of the best of the best westerners at a thousand dollars a minute - if you don't review their code, you're doing it wrong.
If they had done it right, they'ld have reviewed the code weekly - and known well before the first release that the subcontrators were incompetent. And then they could have found different subcontractors.
The problem with outsourcing isn't the lack of quality. Its the lack of quality control.