• TheCPUWizard (unregistered)

    Yes, setting to null (when about to go out of scope) does tend to indicate misunderstanding of the GC process.. OTOH, having the Close then Null in the main body and then the null check with the insurance close in the finally DOES have some use in traceability [a break point can be set when the close is in the finally, and the result set will still be open and accessible]

  • (nodebb)

    Arbitrary is not 4000, that would be MSSQL'sNVARCHAR(MAX) or whatever is the Oracle equivalent.

    But more importantly, why is column resizing done in code? Do they expand the columns basing on user input? What if 2 threads are processing user input at the same time? What if the size parameter is greater than 4000? WTF, man

  • Yazeran (unregistered) in reply to Mr. TA

    Yea, second this.

    Allowing changes to the table definitions from user code (even if this is an administrator interface) is not a good idea.....

    Better to do it from psql or whatever your DB-engine has for command line access and with a transaction encapsulation so you can rollback if something goes haywire

  • Sauron (unregistered)

    WTF haiku of the day:

    Broken database.

    For weeping developers,

    Disaster awaits!

  • John (unregistered) in reply to Yazeran

    My guess would be that it's part of some kind of setup/update program.

  • (nodebb) in reply to John

    I really hope what you said is true. If this code is not, we have bigger a much bigger WTF.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Mr. TA

    VARCHAR2(4000) is Oracle's VARCHAR(max), or you could use CLOB

    There is a setting to make it bigger, but I doubt many people would change that setting anyway.

  • Yazeran (unregistered) in reply to John

    But why would it then use string concatenation to do the changes/updates? If it is part of an update script, would all SQL commands not be fixed strings crafted to the specific update from version x.y.z to x1.y1.z1?

  • (nodebb) in reply to Yazeran

    The only acceptable scenario would be a "user defined field" management system, typically as part of a business application. But I somehow very much doubt that that's what's going on here.

  • (nodebb) in reply to miquelfire

    It looks like Oracle's VARCHAR2(4000) is the equivalent of MSSQL's VARCHAR(4000), whereas MSSQL VARCHAR(MAX) doesn't have a direct counterpart in Oracle. Oracle's CLOB is similar to MSSQL TEXT type; it looks like the 2 vendors went in different directions - Oracle chose to invest in making CLOB perform as good as possible, and MSSQL chose to create VARCHAR(MAX) which performs better, and to soft-obsolete TEXT.

    Addendum 2024-04-30 08:50: PS. The NULL treatment of VARCHAR2 in Oracle notwithstanding, of course.

  • Duston (unregistered) in reply to Yazeran

    "But why would it then use string concatenation to do the changes/updates?" Because if it's Enterprise-y enough, the update parameters will be in an XML file somewhere. That way you can reuse the update code, and code re-use is the bomb, right?

  • (nodebb)

    First off, there's today no reason to use ADO.net directly. In fact since EFcore supports batch operations, there's little reason why even use Dapper anymore beside some where edgy perf use cases.

    if(null == _connection) return;

    This is already a bad sign; connections in ADO.net are pooled - in fact because Oracle is a mess, it's vital to use pooling and always dispose connections ASAP and let the pool handle connection reuse.

    Interestingly the reader dispose pattern is correctly implemented - which is rare. While Roslyn these days can handle nesting with using decently, it's still better to use a try-catch-finally if you want to have logic in catch or finally. The reason is that exceptions scopes are not free, in fact they are handled by using operating system mechanics even if no exception is ever thrown (see performance difference for vs foreach).


    Now I think it doesn't have to be mentioned, but don't use Debug.Write*. It's the old .net 1.0 way of logging which is long outclassed in any way by more modern logging frameworks like Serilog, Microsoft.Extension.Logging and even in the old days by NLog and log4net. Honestly I'm surprised that Microsoft hasn't simply made them all obsolete with core. So if you don't want your applications to be nearly as slow as a Java application, you should avoid them.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Mr. TA


    VARCHAR(MAX) and NVARCHAR(MAX) are the same as NTEXT/TEXT (Oracle: CLOB) and have nothing to do with VARCHAR/NVARCHAR. It's just the SQL standard way to describe a "unlimited" text column. I think in MSSQL the limit is 4 billion characters, not 4000.

    VARCHAR and NVARCHAR had previously a limit of 4000 characters, I think by now it's 8000.

    Addendum 2024-04-30 11:37: Oh BTW, VARCHAR(4000) is the same as VARCHAR(4000 CHAR) in Oracle. I know. If you don't actually use the CHAR modifier, Oracle uses bytes and depending on the encoding this can be as much like 6 bytes (UTF-8). To make matters worst, old versions of Oracle limited VARCHAR to 4000 bytes; so depending on what character encodings you were using, you had less characters available (including wasted bytes if you divided correctly).

    And finally while TEXT and CLOB started out similar as automatically encoded BLOBs, MS improved TEXT hugely and put it over time on feature parity with VARCHAR while CLOB basically stayed the same. So yeah, Oracle is with good reasons the worst relational DB these days.

  • (nodebb) in reply to John

    My guess would be that it's part of some kind of setup/update program.

    The article says it's ETL, so it's more likely that they want the destination to match the source and they have no idea (or no care) how/when/why the source schema gets changed. They were charged with copying the data, so they'll copy to a place that will hold the data.

  • (nodebb) in reply to MaxiTB

    Hate to have to correct this point but no, TEXT and VARCHAR(MAX) are NOT the same. In fact, VARCHAR(MAX) has a lot to do with VARCHAR(N). Both VARCHAR and NVARCHAR have a limit of 8000 bytes, which is 8000 chars for VARCHAR and 4000 chars for NVARCHAR.


    Regarding MSSQL TEXT vs Oracle CLOB, again, you're incorrect about their comparison. In Oracle, CLOB behaves more like MSSQL's VARCHAR(MAX) - it automatically tries to store it in the row page if it's 8000 bytes or less, and moves to LOB if more than 8000 bytes. Whereas MSSQL TEXT continues the legacy behavior of always storing in LOB regardless of size. So, it's exactly the opposite of what you wrote.

    Still, Oracle is a terrible company and I wouldn't use any of their stuff even if they had some advantages over MSSQL in some respects. (It's possible I'd go with a free DB like PostgreSQL or MySQL if there was a client/hosting/etc. requirement or monetary considerations instead of MSSQL. But 0.000001% chance I would use Oracle.)

  • (nodebb) in reply to MaxiTB

    EFcore - no no no. Never use EF or EFCore, or NHibernate. Just don't.

    Regarding the reader closing, no, it's not done correctly. Not only setting it to null is useless in the finally block, but disposing it in the try block while there is already a disposal in the finally is unneeded.

  • (nodebb)

    I think what's going on here is that this code is intended to deal with databases in an old format. Yeah, a security issue to run such stuff under user control but in the absence of a formal process for database management it's not insane. Most of this code appears to be set up to make do with flawed inputs.

    As for the setting to null--I think I understand that one. It is ensuring that the reader never appears valid when it is not and while I do not think this is the right answer neither do I consider it bad. Having an object that doesn't work isn't a good thing, but the right answer is a using statement. It's only exists in the scope where it's valid and the cleanup is dealt with automatically.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Mr. TA

    Hate to have to correct this point but no, TEXT and VARCHAR(MAX) are NOT the same. In fact, VARCHAR(MAX) has a lot to do with VARCHAR(N).

    A VARCHAR(MAX) in MSSQL is nothing else than a TEXT with optional IN_ROW space reserved for smaller strings. Because can end up as a LOB it has similar limitations (index) and that's by the way also the reason why a full page is reserved even tho this causes with the overhead search indexes not to work in a similar way even though it's IN_ROW. In other words it's a 1:1 replacement functionally, with slight performance gains for short strings in certain scenarios hence TEXT is also obsolete for years now. So again, there is not limit, I was just off, because the limit is int64.MaxValue instead of uint.MaxValue.

    But you are 100% correct with the 4000 byte-pairs, always mix them up in my head.


    • https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/data-types/nchar-and-nvarchar-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver16
    • https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/data-types/ntext-text-and-image-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver16

    When it comes to the new CLOB behavior, do your recall when they changed it because in the past CLOBs and BLOBs were stored purely as reference in the table and you even had to stream them to the client - I still have found memories of them using the awful C++ Oracle APIs.

    Addendum 2024-04-30 17:40: What did just happen here with the formatting? :-)

  • (nodebb) in reply to Mr. TA

    NHibernate was never good - all people that are using it are just doing it because migrating would be a ton of effort and by that point you can rewrite everything anyway. EF6 was better but still a coin toss situation (migrations via XML were a pain, also dealing with defaults and n:n navigation scenarios urgh) however EFcore has nothing to do with previous versions, it was build from the ground up - so all those shortcomings I hated before are gone.

    And as I said before, for high performance situations it might be better to go deeper, but for most business cases it doesn't matter (f.e. in my last real-life web service efcore used up less than 0.1% of the total costs of most web api calls, going deeper would be overkill).

    When it comes to setting the instance to null after a Dispose, that's defensive programming. For example in modern .net you would get a warning if you try to use the reference by the compiler. So if someone puts a code afterwards, it wouldn't result in a runtime crash. Personally I'm not doing it, but I have worked at clients where this was mandated even long before we had non-nullable reference types.

    The dispose in the try block is useless; I didn't notice that one before.

  • (nodebb)

    this is, by the by, an Oracle database

    Ah, I can your WTF right there. Not sure what all the other stuff was.

  • TheCPUWizard (unregistered) in reply to MaxiTB

    " EFcore supports batch operations" -- except it is broken in a few (near edge, but not uncommon) cases and may fall back to individual commands [Had a system roll over last month, a batch operation that typically ran in under 1 minute did not complete overnight).

  • (nodebb)

    Forgot to mention--you don't let the garbage collector clean up things that refer to any sort of external resource.

  • Duke of New York (unregistered)
    Comment held for moderation.
  • Wim de Lange (unregistered) in reply to Yazeran
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  • Craig (unregistered) in reply to MaxiTB
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