• (nodebb)

    What happens when another David joins the team? Why is David spelled out (instead of Dave) but short Lisa is used (instead of Elizabeth)?

    Ok jokes aside, it could also be Ruby, generating JSON into a global variable.

  • Industrial Automation Engineer (unregistered) in reply to Mr. TA

    it can't be Ruby. That hame is already taken by Rubinho.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Mr. TA

    Why is David spelled out (instead of Dave) but short Lisa is used (instead of Elizabeth)?

    Because David prefers being David, while Lisa is actually Lisa and not Elizabeth? (Maybe you were thinking of Liza or Eliza???)

  • (nodebb)

    The developers responsible simply didn't know how to handle JSON in JavaScript.

    I think you should have written this instead:

    The developers responsible simply didn't know how to handle JavaScript Object Notation in JavaScript.

  • (nodebb)

    all of the JavaScript files were named things like david.js and lisa.js --- each developer got their own JS file to work on, so they didn't conflict with anyone else.

    I admit that this particular horror is new to me. At least the usual "final.js" and "final-final.js" and "really-final-3.js" nomenclature gives the appearance of a temporary stopgap that would be resolved on some grand (but never reached) End Day . . . whereas this reeks of being a permanent development policy.

    I'm going to go wash my hands now.

  • Jonathan (unregistered)

    So is "$" a valid character to start a variable name in JavaScript? I would have guessed not, but what do I know?

  • (nodebb) in reply to Jonathan

    Not only is $ a valid character to start a variable with, it's actually not that unusual for $ itself to be a variable that's used. jQuery is the main use I know if, but I think there are others. (The jQuery library isn't doing anything special for its usual syntax, it just defines $ to be a function.)

  • (nodebb)

    If they ever get a programmer named "Jason"... <FWOOF head asplode>

  • (nodebb) in reply to dpm

    I once saw an entire database for an HR/time tracking system named after Min, a Korean developer on the team. The database was named MinTest and until I met her, I thought it stood for something like "minimum test". 🤦‍♂️

  • Duke of New York (unregistered)

    Missed opportunity for an "Argh-onauts" pun

  • Jonathan (unregistered) in reply to pcooper

    Good lord, I've written jQuery and used that syntax! Why have I forgotten that but still remember 6502 assembly codes?

  • (nodebb) in reply to Jonathan

    I mean, it's real easy to learn and use jQuery without thinking hard about how what it's doing is defining $ as a function/object, and that really anyone could just define the symbol that way. They even support renaming it if needed, just in case you're using another library (or your own code) that uses $ for something else: https://learn.jquery.com/using-jquery-core/avoid-conflicts-other-libraries/

    It's probably for the best that you've forgotten it though. :)

  • (nodebb) in reply to dpm
    Comment held for moderation.
  • (nodebb) in reply to dpm

    In case the above reply never gets out of moderation, here it is without the link:

    At least the usual "final.js" and "final-final.js" and "really-final-3.js" nomenclature gives the appearance of a temporary stopgap

    Today I learned that the Tesla "get your car to drive to you in a car park used to be called "Smart Summon". There's now a new version called "Actually Smart Summon".

    NHTSA's ODI says it has received one complaint of a crash using "Actually Smart Summon" and has reviewed reports of at least three more cases. In all four incidents, the Teslas being remotely operated failed to detect the parked cars or bollards they crashed into. Another 12 complaints concern "Smart Summon," a less-advanced version of the same system.

    From Ars Technica, 7th January 2025

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