• Registered (unregistered)

    I've seen the double posting also. One common cause is when pressing the Submit button the frist time without checking "I'm not a robot". So after being chastised for not claiming to be cyber-bot free, checking the Robot box the second time succeeds. But both posts are sent to the comments list.

  • DeeKay (unregistered)

    All this duplication is obviously an SQL query where one table was joined with another (or the same) without a proper additional where clause added. Winky face.

  • Fardaw (unregistered)

    Orion S. is just an error code from Akamai, nothing to do with the application, really. They either got blocked by some bot management/waf policy or got sent somewhere where he shouldn't be.

  • Neveranull (unregistered)

    We recommend that you do not accept this comment.

  • (nodebb) in reply to Fardaw

    Fair enough, but whatever the source of the ominous hex code (the one that includes the word "dead"), it's still ominous.

  • (nodebb)

    How did they know that 4213 is my special secret number?

  • Fardaw (unregistered) in reply to jkshapiro

    It is ominous lol! TBH I had totally missed it, since I am so used to seeing these errors because of my worl.

  • Fardaw (unregistered) in reply to jkshapiro

    It is ominous lol! TBH I had totally missed it, since I am so used to seeing these errors because of my work.

  • (nodebb)

    I think Orion S. was planned on a Boeing Max 9 flight...

  • Q (unregistered)

    I don't understand double posts. I solved that problem with an input type=hidden and a session variable about 25 years ago for a personal project.

  • (nodebb)

    On that last one, how does "not accepting the calendar invite" have anything to do with helping finding the email later? That's TRWTF.

  • Hampus (unregistered) in reply to Ralf

    When you accept a calendar invite in outlook the default action is to remove the email and add it as a calendar booking. I assume that a lot of people don't actually use their outlook calendar that much and just tries to find the deleted email to no avail and gets upset or misses their appointment.

  • (nodebb)

    It has just occurred to me that I ay have maligned the site. The first comment may not be a double post but two attempts to get the same post past the content moderation system.

  • Sauron (unregistered)

    Wait, does the double posting really happen?

  • Sauron #2 (unregistered)
    Comment held for moderation.

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