• Jonathan (unregistered)

    For the first item, when you're looking at your itinerary you pretty much always want to know what time it is where you're landing (for arrivals) or what time it is where you're taking off from (for departures) or otherwise you're going to find yourself trying to calculate time zones when you're in an unfamiliar airport and possibly trying to connect flights while likely sleep deprived.

    So it seems correct to me that it's showing the arrival time in the time zone of the destination, which is 90 minutes ahead of the departure time zone and as the flight took less than 90 minutes, it is seemingly in the past.

    I suppose it might be nice if it also showed times based on ultimate destination and departure point, but that might confuse more people than it helps, adding UTC offset in brackets next to each time would be fine.

  • David-T (unregistered) in reply to Jonathan

    I'm not quite sure what point you're trying to make, but the wtf is the "overnight flight" tag, not the local times of departure/arrival.

  • (nodebb)

    Rule 34, eh?

  • (nodebb)

    I think it's one of the rules of TDWTF that for every article there will always be at least one response which indicates the writer did not read in detail nor understand clearly, before writing something. And often it's in the first few posts where folks don't have the benefit of reading others' analyses before commenting.

    Everybody here is a dev whose professional job is to read in detail and understand fully before writing anything.

    Of course sometimes the goofy post is after 20 or 50 other posts, which just proves they didn't read (or understand) those either.

    We have met TRWTF and it is us.

  • (author) in reply to WTFGuy

    And sometimes the goof is the contributor or the (ahem) editor. All in good fun; it's not like we're building radiotherapy machines or anything.

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