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So you could say… the code needs more polish?
Thanks to Google search, I've found this:
Looks like my boss' coding style. Not kidding.
Oh. This again.
I put on my robe and tinfoil hat!
Took a look at the full code; felt like this: [image]
The :wtf: is strong with whoever wrote that abomination…
<!-- Emoji'd by MobileEmoji 0.2.0-->Admin
Out of the many gems contained in this file, I felt this part was particularly heartwarming:
But hey, at least the indentation was pretty swell.
With code as Swede as this, there is Norway it needs more Polish.
I just checked my records - my last box of floppies (quantity 40) was purchased in 2008 and I only have 6 left. But I'll admit that they probably didn't use many of the 130,000 floppies.
Not going to try to defend the code quality though. There's nothing worth defending.
The dots on the other hand... Those should be real.
Remember folks, if a private company is hired to write code for a government project, and the code is terrible that's because governments are incompetent.
Sure some of it is the fault of the spec document (it always is) and some in the tendering process (it always is), but this is private company incompetence that's produced non-functioning code. I kind of doubt "Include the PDB files so anyone can trivially reverse engineer it" was part of the spec.
He was clearly being sarcastic, but he's still right.
They picked the contractor. Then they muffed their oversight and acceptance. Obviously it's not all their fault, but they're not blameless, either.
TRWTF is knowing how much this thing costed to the government and much the developers got paid. That should be a nice gap.
ALL their fault. There is a policy in polish government that you always choose the cheapest contractor. ALWAYS. If not - expect to do some serious explanations to your boss and press.
Here I was expecting to see things like:
string1 string2 +;
No that's Reverse Polish. It should be
;+ 2gnirts 1gnirts
Almost sounds legit enough to pass for genuine Polish, at least to my ears.
I was confused by the big table of strings like
At frist I thought it was file corruption, but I couldn't figure out how just certain double-quoted strings got corrupted. Then I thought maybe it was clever anonymization, but who would need to anonymize the error messages? So I figure these are just "lorem ipsum" placeholders for when they actually figure out what they want to say.
Shame on them for the rookie mistake of leaving placeholders in production code! This, clearly, is TRWTF.
Are you sure? Google says it translates to roughly
Did not fill in a field "Name"
. In other words, you didn't fill out your name.Filed under: Did I just whoosh?
I found this string test interesting.
if (this.additionaContent[i] == '<') { isMeta = true; } if (this.additionaContent[i] == '>') { isMeta = false; }
Yes, I think you did. Flagged.
Poland cannot into space, nor into computers it seems.
Someone up there greenlighted it without even consulting a reasonable third party. Nor doing any UATs, it seems, because the thing crashed and burned after the elections (yep, there's a bug in this code, cookie for you if you can find it).
What's not true is that they picked the cheapest bidder (or at least not because it was the cheapest bidder). What you do in Poland is to pick subjective criteria until they total at least 51 percent of the final rating - so you can have the product you've picked before the bid win even if it's the worst and most expensive PoS.
These are not the election results you're looking for...
No, seriously, these are not the election results you're looking for!
That's odd. When I think of Poland, I think of the contributions they made to cryptography during World War II. And also to them standing up to the Soviet Union in addition to the Polish jokes.
Sod Poland, the talent today is in Romania.
Atleast it isn't
+ 1cup 2girls
I didn't read the rest of the code, but is it not entirely possible that the output of this program is consumed by another, which is then subsequently fed back into this program?
I find it likely!
•taking StringBuilders to be too 2000’s and using good old performance-murdering string concatenation
Actually this point is not exactly as bad as it seems to be. C# compiler since .NET v2 knows to convert string concatenation to StringBuilder.Append() if more than 3 concatenate operation is seen to the variable.
Oh, I'm so gonna use
as a variable name in my next project!Admin
You should use
as a variable name in your next project!Admin
Isn't that the Bash way of doing double quotes?
There is no place for gut feelings in government.
The trouble is that while a good manager could choose the right contractor based on various subtle red flags, for the others there is no way to distinguish between the official selecting the non-cheapest offer because the cheaper ones are suspect or because they awarded the contract to their friends in exchange for some other services a.k.a bribe.
And corruption is a serious problem here in Eastern Europe. The communist regime was practically based on corruption, at all levels, so everybody knows how to do it and many consider it normal.
I am not sure whether it is as bad in Poland as here across the border in Czech(ia|land| republic)…
But it looks like it is. That's the typical method here too.
So there are strict rules and government execs cunning enough to work around them and not really caring for the end result anyway.
GNIRTS definitely sounds like open source software, most likely GNU license.
They did UATs, which failed miserably. Then they decided to lie to the public that tests went fine and fix the software in two weeks remaining to elections. This ingenious plan didn't work, obviously.
There was only one bidder. (So yeah, they picked the most expensive one)
No one wants to buy POS, that's not why they do it.
Then how do you explain politicians?
They don't follow their gut. They follow their dick.
Their dick is a dowsing rod?
Ok, who changed the title? I thought it's an unwritten rule we don't do that to threads in the
@lolwhat, behave please.
Why is the unwritten rule, well, unwritten?
I've written it down now.
Aren't gnirts something you eat in the southern US? Hominy gnirts ;-)