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Does it rankle anyone else that the term "regular expression" has been appropriated for things that aren't? :smile:
(I actually use "regular expression" for things that are actually regular expressions, and "regex" for things that are similar, but I'm probably bonkers. I wish they had been called "pattern expressions" instead or something.)
I believe the idea behind calling them 'regular expressions' was because they're expressions written in a regular language. Whatever that means.
It's more like grunting at Apache, hoping it understands what you want to do.
1 You need a context-free language to define regular expression syntax, i.e. what is a legal regex and what isn't.
Actually, it will work if you escape the first dash "-" inside the first set of square brackets: https://www.debuggex.com/r/5WlQHU11ys7nognU
It seems that the slightly tweaked syntax does not includes the concept of character ranges. Or case insensitivity.
Looks like a program written in Ook. An esoteric language designed to be readable to orang-utans.
I think it won't survive the head bang against it afterwards... :P
You have a problem. You use a slightly tweaked regex to solve it. Now you have 28 problems.
is not "most keyboards". It's a mechanically sophisticated thing of beauty made with actual switches. I would not ever put a Model M through a dishwasher, because a Model M will never fail in a way requiring more than a good blowing out with compressed air.
Most keyboards are cheap pieces of shit with a single PCB onto which the keytops directly press little blobs of conductive rubber, and leaving them tilted up on one corner in an airy sunny spot for a week is generally enough to dry them out even if you can't be arsed taking them apart.
Mechanical keyboards are godlike. You just don't realize how awesome they are until you actually start using one.
Au contraire. You don't realize how awesome they are until you notice that every keyboard you've touched in the past twenty years, apart from the Model M you've owned yourself for all that time, has been complete and utter crap.
Edit: I take that back. I have touched my Apple ][+ keyboard within the last twenty years. It feels nice. I think I'll go and fondle it some more right now.
Worst keyboards I have ever used: a tie between the original square-buttons Commodore PET one and the horrible chiclet thing on the IBM PC Jr., with honorable mentions to the Sinclair ZX81 and Spectrum.
http://www.vintage-computer.com/images/pet2001front.jpg http://images.pcworld.com/reviews/graphics/139100-ibmPCjr.jpg
ZX81 and Spectrum aren't the worst? Wow…
Have you never used either of my nominated two Worst Keyboards Ever? The Sinclair keyboards are merely cheap and nasty, as befits the machines they came on; the two leaders were complete fucking disasters.
The PET keyboard was built out of calculator-style dome switches - really, really, cheap ones - and after about two months of use the keys would begin to stick very, very badly. Even when you provided enough pressure to ram those sticky keys home, you'd still have to kind of twirl your fingertip around at the bottom of the stroke to make the dome switch make contact - and sometimes you'd need to do a bit more twirling to get the key to come back up again. The two-key-wide space bar, naturally, went out before any of the others (just as well PET BASIC was completely insensitive to whitespace). But even before it wore out, the weird square layout made it damn near impossible to touch type on.
The feel of the IBM PC Jr's hideous chiclet keyboard made a Sinclair toy keyboard feel like a Model M by comparison. The keys were loose and sloppy but even so they tended to jam. And it was a wireless keyboard with a highly directional TV-remote-grade IR link to the system box: sit the keyboard in your lap and the IR got blocked. Even when it had line of sight it was unreliable. It was really common for key-up codes to go missing, leaving whatever key you'd pressed most recently on endless repeat until you pressed it again. Horrible, horrible keyboard.
Edit: the PC Jr's IR keyboard receiver was also wired to the 8088 CPU's Non-Maskable Interrupt line in order for the 8088 to deserialize keycodes in software. That meant that anything time-critical was liable to be horribly disrupted any time you pressed a key. Assuming the IR link actually worked, of course.
Thanks for that, pal. I now have a useless MacBook Pro, and my company wants me to buy a new one out of my own pocket...
There, there. At least fast-charging the iPhones in the microwave still hasn't been patched.
I wish there were mechanical-key split keyboards that weren't a significant redesign (which excludes the Kinesis, ErgoDox, and a couple others) and mimiced the "ergonomic" keyboards like the MS Natural line... but I don't know of any. And don't anticipate using a mechanical keyboard for typing typing until there is one.
1 I think the Sculpt has better finger feel, but the function keys are kind of crappy and I don't like the disconnected numpad or the fact that it's only available in wireless. It's still my current favorite, but it seems keyboards are a game of tradeoffs.
Now I understand. Turing machine code, sort of. Conclusion: there are people out there who have much too much time on their hands. The difficulty is that while the language might be readable by Pratchett-type orang-utans, I can imagine that they would all find that they had much better things to do than bother.
No, I have no sense of humour.
It's true! I got one because I'd heard people say this, but you don't realize until you actually start using it.
Better yet, I got my company to pay for it!
You're supposed to remove the keyboard part first, and only wash it.
Well, that's because you got blues and probably have been driven insane from the noise. Shoulda got browns instead.
I actually was surprised at how little I was annoyed by the blues' noise. I suspect a lot has to do with the fact that I was using it and not some other asshole, but I bought the keyboard for gaming, thoroughly expecting to be annoyed by the noise if I were to use it for typing and was pleasantly surprised that it took basically no time to get used to. (It's also still noticeably quieter than the Model M.)
I've used Model Ms back in the day and always found the noise obnoxious.
The last thing we want is a possibility for the Librarian to tamper with Hex...
Well there's the problem. They should have implemented a Non-Maskable Interrupt Mask like we had in one project. Basically an external AND1 gate placed before the NMI pin that keeps the interrupt signal from ever getting to the processor unless a certain bit in an I/O register was also high. "Non-Maskable"? Ha!
But I call shenanigans on flabdablet. Who ever did anything time-critical on a PCjr?
1 Okay, there was a latch in there as well, and the logic levels may have been inverted so it needed a NOR gate instead, but you get the idea.
Anybody who attempted to run a serial terminal on it at 2400 bps or over.
The include of cornify completely breaks the homepage from loading anything past this article since cornify.com is down.