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bad company is bad?
i mean inittech's hiring practices are bad but this really reads as "company redefined the position during the interview process (not unheard of) and candidate got shafted after recruiter told her she was all but in."
it's a crappy position, but.... either the WTF got lost in editing or i'm just not seeing it.
I think you accurately described the WTF.
What tripped me up in this story though was the names and gender pronouns in the first paragraph. "Morgan" is some unisex name, "Ki" is something I've never heard before.
I thought the three week gaps between talking to the same people again was pretty WTFy. Then more weeks to dick around before someone decided to dumb down the job or whatever.
well I had rather assumed that Ki had more hooks in the water and was actively working them in those weeks.
if she didn't then that would be :wtf:
Ki's outside actions neither add nor take away from Initech's WTFery.
Well, it's a Brand New Ki
hmm.... maybe. I had read the gaps to be just normal big company bullshit
Two months? This is quite normal. Hell, I've been called for a first interview after six months.
I smell nepotism on the part of somebody in HR. My guess as to the discussions of what was going on behind the scenes was a debate between HR and the tech team, where the tech team was trying to hire her, and HR was trying to find an excuse for why Ki was a bad choice and whoever the HR manager had already promised the job to (we'll call him "Bob") was good enough.
When whoever it was in HR couldn't find a real flaw in Ki's presentation, s/he simply changed the rules of the game by modifying the requirements so that Bob fit the bill and Ki no longer did.
And of course, various kinds of graft may have been involved.
Let me show you the WTF in this one:
Hiring isn't hard. Well, OK, yes, it is, but it isn't that particular kind of hard. Any company that can't get its shit together enough to make a final decision within a couple of weeks, or even to make a "let's have the next interview" decision in that time is TRWTF.There is no (none, zero, not even that much) excuse for leaving a candidate hanging for nearly two months. It shows a lack of respect for the candidate, and it also gives the candidate two months to find a position elsewhere because that other company was able to make a decision in less time than that. My longest ever job hunt was less than two months from sending the first CV to accepting an offer. On two memorable occasions I had a decision before I left the building at the end of the first and only on-site interview (one yes, one (mutually) no), and on another occasion the interviewer didn't as such offer a position, but did ask me how much he'd have to offer to pay me to get me to accept one.
I had to read that sentence several times to get it straight.
In other words, Ki had to admit Morgan left every other recruiter Ki had dealt with in the dust.
(By the way, go to youtube and watch "Video Game High School" (VGHS). One of the main characters' name is Ki.)
I know of a fictional Ki: http://www.gpf-comics.com/wiki/Ki
I don't know how people these companies think.
In my previous two jobs, I finished the interview in the morning, and in the afternoon I'm hired, and have to refuse two or three other jobs in that afternoon. I assume all other people with adequately good-looking portfolio also get their work similarly. If Ki was just the exact fit they're looking for, how dare would they allow her to left waiting on the job market for such a long time?
No matter how high the unemployment rate is, it only affect those who are below average. Those people who are above average are not affected.
Ki is a common feminine name in Chinese.
This story is WTF, but I heard in Taiwan, lots of companies still want their HR staffs to interview people even if they're in "hiring freeze" condition. Their ordinary wisdom is the interviewee should neglect what the interviewer said regarding you're perfect fit or have high hope to be hired until you got a paper form offer.
:wtf: The companies want HR to actively source and interview new candidates, even though there are no actual jobs available at the companies? Do they discuss potential salaries and benefits in these 'interviews'?! Are they looking for particular skills that would be useful if the jobs actually existed?
Those companies mandates "performance assessment" for all staffs in the company. One of the item to be assessed for HR staff is the average interviews conducted per month. That's why they keep sending interview invitations even if no job is available. Some even go as far as to invite interviewee (I won't say candidates as they're not) to do second interview with another HR staff, just because it's hard to invite after the "hiring freeze" news spreads. They "share the interviewees" in order for everyone to meet the target.
And yes, all such interviews are conducted in normal manner, with written tests and so on. And for "salary and benefits" they'll tell you to discuss with your "to be" supervisor when that part of interview comes (They do so even when they have actual posts, because budgets are controlled by individual departments. Same title, but in different department, you get different salary). The only way to know whether you're attending a fake one is to notice on internet forums for rants about HR telling the poster they're on hiring freeze so cannot hire them, but this kind of calls are usually made a few weeks after the hiring freeze begins. You gotta lost lots of travelling fee if you were looking for jobs at different area than where you live. (This is common on Taiwan because the average salary doubles when you compare same post in southern Taiwan to those in Northern Taiwan)
So the head of HR was just another nancy boy?
In Spain's IT sector there's a similar behavior from consulting firms. They open job offers for 10 Java developers and do a lot of interviews when there are no open positions. They only want to have a batch of resources ready to be hired in case a project opens in the future. That's how you can get a call after six months.
Nearly 20 years ago, I hit a similar situation. Interviewing with a company that was known for many years to make high end workstation and had a sparky reputation. Interview after interview, finally they said they just needed to do a formal background check (not surprised due to the nature of the position)...but...but....but.. Their HR department was relocating and it would be 3 Months before that could be done!!!!
I thanked them (don't burn bridges), made two calls, and had a new contract in place by the end of the week with a different firm. FOUR months later they called and said they had just completed the background check [I had told the "manager" I was going to seek other opportunities, but not HR...apparently he did not tell them either] and could I come in (2 hour flight) for another "final" interview.....
"Shoe-in"? Did Ki have her foot in the door?
It's "shoo-in," people. SHOO-in!