• (nodebb)

    I could make a cross-lingual joke about PUE and say that it stinks...

  • (nodebb)

    Given that the only intelligible name is "stripmagic" maybe we're all better off not knowing what the abbreviations stand for...

  • (nodebb)

    I remember in my first job in the early 1980s there was a contractor who used butterfly names for variables (I don't recall the language).

  • Jaloopa (unregistered) in reply to mynameishidden

    Probably Latin if they were using the scientific names

  • (nodebb)

    My guess given the context: PHSC may do a little something else as well, but is a wrapper around htmlspecialchars

  • (nodebb)

    There are no backreferences in the regexp PVSE. $(?=\n) is a lookahead. I think it matches a line containing only whitespace characters, and replaces it with a line containing <:vspace>.

    Maybe Remy was thinking of PUE. It uses the e modifier that allows expressions to be used in the replacement string. This modifier is obsolete, its functionality is now in the preg_replace_callback() function. PUE looks like it's essentially doing the same thing as urlencode().

  • (author) in reply to Barry Margolin

    I meant lookahead, but forgot that word and used backreference instead. Oops.

  • Maxim (unregistered)

    That’s PmWiki.

    https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/Functions https://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/FunctionList

  • Miniragnarok (unregistered)
    Comment held for moderation.
  • (nodebb)

    What is wrong with people?

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